The first time, the first time, was a long time ago.

Tokyo Prefecture, Asakusa.

In a villa, Muzan was reading a book in the study.

A breeze blew gently from the balcony into the study, ringing the wind chimes.

"Too slow, Shinya!" Muzan looked at the balcony and said.

At this time, Shinya had already appeared on the balcony with Akaza, Ryu and Kuhuotori.

The other three ghosts were kneeling, Ryu had no expression on his face, Akaza lowered his head and didn't know what he was thinking.

Kuhuotori was a little scared. The other three were upper strings, and generally Muzan would only scold them, and the worst case was just a punishment.

Her lower string was different, and she would be killed as long as she was unhappy.

Shinya walked into the study, picked up a book that Muzan had thrown on the ground at some point, dusted it off, and put it on the desk: "Are you looking for the record of the blue spider lily again?"

While saying this, he looked at the trashy boss.

Suit and leather shoes, not women's clothing, bad review.


Seeing a flash of disappointment in Shinya's eyes, the trashy boss instantly broke down and slammed the table in anger.

Fortunately, he still had reason and controlled the strength when slamming the table, so that the table was not broken.

"I'm very sorry, Lord Muzan, I can't help it." Shinya hurriedly bowed his head and apologized.

Muzan was so angry that he pointed to the corner: "Go over and stand."


Shinya stood in the corner like a student who made a mistake and was punished by the teacher.

The trashy boss slowly stood up and faced the kneeling three ghosts.

"Akuza, do you have anything to explain about what happened today?" The trashy boss asked.

Akaza's heart skipped a beat, and he said with a stiff face: "I'm very sorry, Master Muzan."

Muzan looked at Akaza and was very angry: "Do you know how much time and energy Shinya spent to obtain this information? Do you know what the descendants of the Initial Breathing Swordsman mean? The current Demon Slayer Corps are insects to us, but the bloodline of the Tsugikoku may not be. It is a threat and a target that must be eradicated."

"Akaza, when you faced that family, you felt reluctant in your heart, right? Why do you have such human emotions? Why do you have such unnecessary emotions for a demon?"

"Alas!" Shinya covered his face and sighed.

The scumbag boss started his deadly series of questions again.

But to be honest, the scumbag boss actually blamed Akaza for failing to live up to the fruits of his labor at the first time, and Shinya was actually a little moved.

But seeing Akaza kneeling on the ground, that little emotion disappeared.

The essence of the scumbag boss is still the same, but his attitude towards different employees is different.

People like Akaza, who work hard, are extremely loyal and have no complaints, will be subjected to all kinds of PUA by him, punished for making small mistakes, and crushed by him at any time.

On the contrary, Muzan will not punish perverts and cowards like Yuhu and Hantengou who are never satisfied with what they eat.

Of course, the most typical ones are Shinya and Douma in the past.

Shinya often fantasizes about the scum boss in his mind. Although the scum boss is angry, he has never punished him for this.

And Douma, when he was alive, he would often perform scenes such as digging out eyeballs for the scum boss, which made the scum boss call him a pervert.

But Douma was never punished.

On the contrary, it was Akaza, an honest man, who was persecuted by the scum boss every now and then.

A big injustice, a pure big injustice.

Looking at Akaza vomiting blood in front of Muzan, Shinya couldn't help but feel sympathy.

Moreover, as the only one among the upper rank who did not voluntarily become a demon like himself, Shin couldn't help but feel that he and he had some sympathy.

It's just that he was lucky, and his memories of the human period were still there, while Komaji was transformed into Akaza by having his brains dug out, and his memories were completely suppressed by Muzan's blood.

Fortunately, Muzan still liked Akaza very much and didn't kill him for this.

After just a little punishment, he began to suppress Komaji's consciousness, which had just awakened, and let Akaza's consciousness take the lead again.

Shin watched Muzan's actions, and he was not panicked at all.

The seeds have been planted, and cracks have appeared in the barriers built by Muzan. No matter how they are repaired, they cannot stop the growth of the seeds.

"Ryu!" Muzan set his eyes on Ryu.

Liu: "Here!"

Muzan smiled: "Shinya told me everything. You played a big role in finding the bloodline of Jiguo this time. It turned out that it was the right choice to agree to you taking over Douma's Paradise Cult. You did a great job."

"I am honored, sir.

"Ryu's voice was indifferent, as usual.

Muzan cut his palm and stretched it out: "Take it, this is what you deserve."

Ryu held his hands and caught the blood dripping from Muzan's palm, then drank it all.

Then, Muzan looked at Akaza with cold eyes: "If you continue to degenerate like this, you will be surpassed by Ryu sooner or later, and the best result is to be demoted to the fourth upper string."

Akaza gritted his teeth, as if he had suffered humiliation.

It's all because of the memory that suddenly appeared in his mind. How could he have such a memory?

If it weren't for these memories, he would never have been entangled with the monk like a dead end, and would have killed the target long ago.

"Guhuo Bird!" Muzan looked at the only lower string at the scene at this time.

Guhuo Bird trembled: "I am here, Lord Muzan."

Muzan had a blank expression: "I thought you had the potential to become an upper string like Ryu. Who would have thought that you can't even defeat one pillar? It seems that your limit is here. "

The bird was shocked when he heard this: "Wait, Master Muzan, I...I just...need...need more blood."

Muzan's face was furious: "You have done nothing, how dare you ask me for blood? I still have high hopes for you and asked you to assist Akaza, but I didn't expect you to be so useless."

As he said that, Muzan was about to kill the bird.

"Wait, Master Muzan." Shinya shouted.

Muzan turned his head and looked at Shinya: "Do you want to stop me from punishing my subordinates? Shinya."

Shinya bowed slightly and said: "Not really, it's just that the illusion-based blood demon art is rare. The next one of the lower strings may not have such a useful ability. "

The corners of Muzan's mouth rose slightly: "Shinya! Do you still have the mind to plead for others now? I haven't asked you yet, why didn't you kill everyone present? With your strength, you should be able to do it, right? The only threat at that time was the monk. You could have killed the target in front of him. "

Shinye looked at Muzan, his tone unchanged: "Your order to me was to bring back Akaza and Kuhuo Bird."

Shinye had long understood the character of the scum boss and knew how to make the scum boss not punish himself.

And Akaza, who was kneeling over there, obviously had not tried to figure out the scum boss's thoughts, so he did the most work and got the most beatings.

Muzan's face was furious: "I think it's because you saw the descendants of the old friend, so you wanted to hold back."

Shinye's expression did not change: "That's not the case, you are too worried. If you want, I can go back and kill them now. They shouldn't be far away in a short time."

After that, he walked towards the balcony.

"Are you stupid?" Muzan immediately cursed: "It will be dawn soon, do you want to die now? "

Finally, Wuzan calmed down and put the book in his hand back on the bookshelf: "Everyone, leave."

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