After leaving Muzan's residence, Guhuo Bird knelt down directly to Shinye.

"Thank you so much, Master Shinye. If you hadn't asked Master Muzan for mercy today, I..." Guhuo Bird cried.

Shinye waved his hand: "Don't worry."

Ryu said at this time: "Instead of thinking about these, why not think about how to repay Master Shinye."

Guhuo Bird answered repeatedly: "Yes, I will do my best to repay Master Shinye."

Shinye's mouth corners slightly raised: "You said that."

Guhuo Bird was stunned: "Huh?"

Shinye didn't give her a chance to react, and pointed in the air.


Blood spurted out of Guhuo Bird's collarbone, but the blood did not fall down, but formed a dark golden lightning mark on Guhuo Bird's collarbone.

"Go, I'll tell you when I need you." Shinye turned and walked into the forest.

"Yes! I obey your orders, Master Shinye." Guhuo Bird said excitedly.

She felt that after the lightning mark was formed, her strength seemed to be slightly enhanced.

"What's wrong? Looking at you like this, you shouldn't be depressed after being punished by Master Muzan once, right?" Shinye looked at Akaza who was silent and said.

Akaza looked at Shinye with complicated eyes: "Shinye, you should know something, right?"

Shinye was stunned: "What?"

Akaza said: "I can give everything for Master Muzan, this is the value of my existence. It was Master Muzan who gave me the power after losing my memory, and also gave me a new goal. I originally thought so, but today... when I was fighting with that monk, when my life was threatened, I saw the fragments of memory..."

Before he finished speaking, Akaza's face changed drastically.

Because the scene in front of him changed, it was no longer the forest just now, but a dark space.

Countless points of light floated in this space, and in front of Akaza, the trash boss was looking at him angrily.

"Master Muzan..." Akaza faced Muzan, and his brain crashed for a while.

"Akaza, you disappoint me so much, you..."

Before Muzan finished speaking, a hand was placed on his shoulder.

Muzan was stunned and turned his head to look: "You are..."

"Wind Stop Water Binding!"

"Ugh~! Ah~!"

Muzan screamed, and dark golden stripes appeared on his body, binding him.

After struggling several times, Muzan lost consciousness.

At the same time, Muzan's body in the villa suddenly shuddered.

"What's going on? Is it Akaza?" Boss Xia checked Akaza's brain and everything was normal: "Strange, too strange."

The last time I had this strange feeling, I was hiding for sixty years because I suspected that the Demon Slayer Corps had a spotted swordsman.

I checked the memory of the Twelve Kizuki, but still found no problem.

However, Muzan did not rest assured. No problem is the biggest problem.

He must admit that he panicked, but not as panicked as when he met Yoriichi.

At the same time, in Akaza's spiritual sea of ​​consciousness.



The fireworks that appeared out of thin air made Akaza a little absent-minded.

He seemed to have seen this scene somewhere, but he couldn't remember where.

"Akaza, do you remember what I said back then?" Shinya looked at Akaza and said, "Why are you so obsessed with becoming stronger? The reason why humans are different from beasts is because of the existence of memory. You said that only the chosen ones will become ghosts, so for ghosts, memory is also very important."

Akaza looked at Shinya: "What do I need to do?"

Shinya said: "That may be a painful memory, do you really want to get it back?"

Akaza's eyes became firm: "Whether it is painful or happy, it is my memory, something I once had. I want to know what kind of person I was before I met Master Muzan. ”

Shinya looked at Akaza and smiled knowingly: "Since you have decided, I will do my best to help you. My technique has suppressed Master Muzan's cells, and he will not hinder your memory search during this period. After I lift the technique, I will help you keep the recovered memories and will not be discovered and erased by Master Muzan. However, you only have half an hour in reality. If you exceed half an hour, I must lift the technique, otherwise Master Muzan's cells will wake up and directly wipe you out. And in this half hour, you can find

How many memories you can recover depends on yourself. "

"Thank you, Shinye!" Akaza looked at Shinye. This was the first time he expressed his sincere gratitude to Shinye.

A purple light burst out from under Shinye's feet, and then the light extended outward like fireworks, eventually forming a snowflake.

This was Akaza's blood demon art, destroying the pattern of the killing needle.

"Stand in the middle, this snowflake will take you back to the buried memories deep in your soul." Shinye slowly withdrew from the snowflake and said.

Looking at this very familiar snowflake, Akaza slowly walked to the center of the snowflake.

"The sky, the path of stars, the end of the night, pure white is the galaxy. The flower crown sheds silver light, looking up at the sky, and ending with it! "

As Shinya chanted, the snowflakes under Akaza's feet began to fall.

Suddenly, Akaza felt a sharp pain in his head, and then his eyes went black.

In the darkness, time was confused. It was unknown how long it took for Akaza to slowly regain consciousness and his body regained the ability to move.

When he opened his eyes again, he was already in the corridor of a courtyard.

"This is..." Akaza looked at the scene in front of him.

Somewhat familiar, and somewhat strange.

He was sure that there was no such place in his memory.

But he could clearly know every corner of this courtyard.

"Komaji, I'll leave Koiyuki to you."

A voice came from the front yard, a voice he had never heard before, but it was still very familiar.

"Komaji?" Akaza showed a puzzled look.

Who is Komaji? Who is he calling? Is he calling me?

"Father, come back soon! "This time it was a female voice, sounding young.

Akosa followed the voice into the room, and he could hear clearly that the voice just now was in this room.

When he opened the room, a pale and obviously weak girl was sitting on the couch.

"Eh? Komaji-nii?" The girl smiled when she saw Akaza.

"Who is she?" This was what Akaza was thinking at the moment.

He wanted to understand this girl, wanted to know everything about her.

"Hmm? What's wrong, Komaji-nii? Are you feeling uncomfortable?" The girl looked at Akaza, with a worried look on her face.


"Will it work?" In the forest, Ryu looked at Shinya and asked.

Shinya looked at Akaza, who had lost consciousness and was lying in the middle of the ritual, and said, "I don't know, it all depends on how much he wants to get back his past memories. It only took half an hour to get back all the memories of more than ten years. I didn't have much hope from the beginning. But as long as we can create a crack in Muzan's suppression, this technique will not be considered a failure."

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