The training is a gradual process.

Especially for the first day.

Ju Qingyan knew that he couldn't put too much burden on Kocho Shinobu at the beginning.

Therefore, he arranged a moderate amount of training.

Physical training in the morning, focusing on improving swordsmanship in the afternoon.

And Kocho Shinobu was free to do her own thing at night, so that she could study the toxins of wisteria flowers in depth.

As time passed to the afternoon, the weather gradually became sultry, but this did not weaken Kocho Shinobu's determination and perseverance to become stronger.

She finally found the right path, so she would not give up easily with a little difficulty.

On the training ground, the two stood in the sun and looked at each other.

Due to the influence of the breathing method, such a temperature was not unbearable for them.

Ju Qingyan held a wooden sword, with one side of the blade facing Kocho Ninja.

And Kocho Ninja held his Sunwheel Sword.

Although it was slightly heavier, its lethality far exceeded that of an ordinary wooden sword.

At this time, Ju Qingyan spoke.

"The training is divided into two stages. In the first stage, I will move freely during the sparring, either attacking or retreating, but the blade of the wooden sword in my hand will always face you. If I can stab you, the training is completed."

"In the second stage, I will immediately remove the force when you hit the blade. All you have to do is seize the opportunity at that moment to stab the sword forward. If you pierce the wooden sword, the training is completed."

Ju Qingyan described the ultimate goal of the training in detail.

Kocho Ninja nodded to show that she understood, and the two began immediately.

Ju Qingyan chose to take the initiative.

He was very fast, and the wooden sword in his hand slapped Kocho Ninja with the blade, but stopped when it was about to hit.

The latter's hand holding the knife was trembling a little, and he hesitated before choosing to draw the knife.

"Why don't you attack?"

Ju Qingyan stopped and asked in confusion.

"I'm afraid I can't stop my hand, what if I stab you."

Kouhou Shinobu said shyly.

Hearing this, Ju Qingyan had an idea in mind.

He pretended to smile with disdain, and his eyes were quite disgusted.

"Stinky sister, what are you dreaming about? If you can stab me today, you will be the Jiezhu."

Under the stimulation of such words, Kohou Shinobu also let go of her courage, and the Sun Wheel Sword in her hand stabbed out without hesitation.

However, Ju Qingyan kept changing his position and posture while moving.

Not to mention stabbing the blade, he couldn't even touch the corner of the other person's clothes.

Then, Kohou Shinobu calmed down, gradually slowed down the rhythm of the attack, and instead stared closely at Ju Qingyan's movements, trying to find a flaw.

This is simple to understand, but it is another matter in practice.

In battle, it is not only Ju Qingyan's movement that controls the position of the blade, but also his arms, wrists and even fingers.

Often a very subtle movement can adjust the position of the knife, which brings great challenges to Kocho Ren.

Although Ju Qingyan has released a whole sea, it is still a difficult consideration.

Under the premise that Kocho Ren has not opened the transparent world, Ju Qingyan estimates that this girl needs to accumulate at least half a month of training to touch the blade.

However, Kocho Ren did not give up.

She gritted her teeth, tried to adapt to Ju Qingyan's rhythm, and kept looking for opportunities. It seemed that only the wooden sword was left in her eyes.

Every time an attack failed, it was a learning experience. She gradually mastered some skills and was able to better predict some of Ju Qingyan's movements.

In fact, even if Ju Qingyan kept changing his position, the path of the knife in his hand was still limited.

It was like at a certain moment.

Take Ju Qingyan as the center.

Use the length of part of his body plus the length of the knife as the radius to draw a sphere.

However, the center of the sphere is quite wide.

As the saying goes, a single move affects the whole body.

The center of the sphere may be multiple parts of Tachibana Qingyan's feet, waist, shoulders, elbows, wrists, etc., or even several parts at the same time.

Therefore, Kocho Shinobu needs to have a deep understanding of this range and predict the movement trajectory of Tachibana Qingyan and his sword within this range.

Then, she launches an attack based on her judgment and strives to hit the target once.

Time flies, and the afternoon training finally comes to an end.

Unfortunately, Kocho Shinobu still failed to touch the corner of Tachibana Qingyan's clothes, let alone accurately stab the blade.

Throughout the training process, Tachibana Qingyan always cleverly keeps in touch with her.

Maintaining a subtle distance that is close yet far away.

As if close at hand, yet out of reach.

This made Kocho Shinobu mistakenly believe that it was just her own mistake.

In fact, all this was done intentionally by Tachibana Qingyan, who hoped to enhance Kocho Shinobu's self-confidence in this way.

"Oh my, someone almost ascended the throne of the Pillar of Robbery."

In terms of the degree of venomous tongue, Tachibana Qingyan is no less than that, otherwise the two would not have become a pair of living treasures who quarrel all day long.

After the training, he put away the wooden sword, raised his head leisurely, looked up at the sky at a 45-degree angle, and a smug smile appeared on his face.

"Hmph, stinky orange, don't think I'll make dinner for you tonight, I'll let you starve!"

Kocho Shinobu said coquettishly, her pink face was puffy with anger, which was very cute.

However, although he said so, his body was very honest.

Turned around and walked into the kitchen obediently, preparing dinner with his sister Kanae.

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