The next day, in the evening.

The world gradually fell into silence, and the evil spirits were about to appear.

Masahiro Kono led the rest of the mission team to the Butterfly House to report.

At this time, the training of the Butterfly Shinobu had just ended, and Ju Qingyan took a short rest before leading the team to set off.

From this moment on, he will live a life of supervising the training of the Butterfly Shinobu during the day and going out to catch ghosts at night.

In order to facilitate transportation, Ju Qingyan followed the principle of proximity and decided to catch evil spirits near Fujiki Mountain.

However, I don’t know whether it is lucky or unfortunate.

They wandered around for a long time, but didn’t even encounter a ghost.

Is the version updated? Is his thin blood not popular anymore?

Finally, Ju Qingyan couldn't hold back any longer and suggested, "How about we go fishing?"

"Fishing? What does that mean?"

In the eyes of everyone who was puzzled, the vice-captain, Kuang Ye Kuangjin, expressed everyone's doubts.

"I think you don't understand at all!"

Ju Qingyan raised his eyebrows and responded with a slightly teasing tone.

Hearing this, Kuang Ye Kuangjin suddenly felt a chill and his body took a step back involuntarily.

A voice in his mind told him that silence was the best answer now.

"Understand... what do you understand?"

A simple-minded team member behind him spoke.

"Why don't you be the bait?"

Ju Qingyan turned his head and looked at him with a smirk.

After hearing this, the team member's face suddenly changed.

After all, he was just a Gui-level swordsman, just a little stronger than ordinary people.

Moreover, facing things like ghosts, no one can completely guarantee that they can be safe and sound.

However, Ju Qingyan obviously did not give him any chance to refuse, and he was even interrupted when he was about to speak.

"Don't worry, I'm here, even if the lower string comes, you have to lie down obediently, just listen to my arrangements."

Ju Qingyan said confidently.

And threatened in an unquestionable tone, and said that he would protect his safety.

However, this promise did not make the other party feel at ease, but made him more nervous and afraid.

For a moment, he had an illusion that he followed the wrong person.

This Jiezhu seemed very unreliable.

Then, Ju Qingyan took out the Undying Slash without hesitation and gently scratched his finger.

Then he quickly wiped a little blood on the forehead of the team member, and signaled with his eyes that he could start the performance.

Blood alone is not enough, there must be movement.

For example, the cry for help of fear, helplessness and sadness.

However, as time passed, the team member just trembled and dared not to move at all.

Ju Qingyan frowned, grasped his shoulders tightly with both hands, and pushed him step by step into the empty moonlight.

Masahiro Nagano watched all this silently. Although he was a little worried, he did not stop it.

After all, as an experienced member of the Demon Slayer Corps, he knew the strength and judgment of the pillars.

Moreover, he also understood that Ju Qingyan did this to train newcomers and let them better adapt to the combat environment.

"Brother Jie, what are you doing..."

"Brother Jie, Brother Jie, don't do it! Brother Jie..."

The swordsman's request echoed in the air, but Ju Qingyan did not respond.

In the end, under the means of coercion, inducement and coercion, the team member had no choice but to act as bait with a reluctant expression on his face.

"Help... Is there anyone, who will save me..."

He shouted with a sad face, and his voice echoed in the silent woods, which made people feel pity.

It can be said that those who hear it are sad and those who listen to it cry.

On the other side, Ju Qingyan and other team members quietly hid in the bushes, waiting for the best opportunity.

The effect of super-thin blood was indeed extraordinary, and coupled with the realistic performance of the team members, it soon attracted an unlucky ghost.

"Roar, this blood smells so good..."

This ragged ghost slowly approached by crawling on all fours.

When it got closer, it couldn't take its eyes off the blood on the human's forehead, and its originally intoxicated expression instantly became crazy.

Without any extra consideration, he used all four limbs and ran towards the food in his eyes.

At this moment, Ju Qingyan, who was hiding in the dark, gave an order.

"This ghost has the right strength, catch it!"

"Brothers, rush up, swing the Sun Wheel Sword and chop hard, but be careful not to cut its neck off."

Although they were only Gui-level swordsmen, they also mustered up courage with the advantage of numbers.

As the saying goes, the more people, the less people, everyone dares to do it!

With Ju Qingyan's order, everyone rushed out like a wave, screaming excitedly and killing the ghost.

The Sun Wheel Sword in his hand was waving wildly, and in a moment, the ghost was almost chopped into meat paste.

Among them, the team member who was used as bait before was the most dedicated. At this time, he had forgotten his fear and his state of mind had also improved to a certain extent.

However, everyone still remembered Ju Qingyan's order and did not attack the ghost's neck.

Even so, the ghost with only his head left at this time was also desperate.

His eyes were quite confused, from the continuous screams at the beginning to the weak breath later.

In the end, he even gave up resistance.

He tilted his head and just gave up.

Come on, beasts.

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