Demoness, Where Are You Fleeing To?

Chapter 180 I will have to die heroically sooner or later

When the boat arrived in Zhenjiang, Li Xuan did not approach rashly, but finally chose to watch the battle from a distance on a small hill not far from the battlefield.

"As expected of Lin Ziyang, Lord Feng." Jiang Hanyun looked from afar and spoke in a heavy voice: "He has been born from the wind, and his power is almost on par with the martial arts cultivator of Lei Fa. His martial spirit has also entered the soul, like this To be able to do this, even my father would have to spend some effort to solve it."

Li Xuan became worried again after what she said: "My brother and the others will be fine, right?"

"Fengjun Lin Ziyang is indeed very strong, but the problem shouldn't be big." Xue Yunrou shook her head and comforted: "The greatness of Chunyang Fairy Su Zhaojun lies not only in her thunder and fire method, but also in the skills she has acquired. 'Pure Yang Divine Body'. So although this person is only at the eighth level, his strength ranks first among the third sect.

In addition, as far as I know, the couple also has a very powerful combination attack technique. Once they join forces, many fourth gates are no match. The key is that this is Zhenjiang, an important place in southern Zhili. And the two of them joined forces to support him for half an hour. "

"And me too!" Jiang Hanyun held his fists in his hands, making bursts of "clicking and scratching" sounds: "He will never be allowed to commit crimes wantonly."

She rose into the air and was about to fly towards the battlefield, but then she seemed to remember something and turned to look at Xue Yunrou, who had raised the corners of her lips and looked happy: "Yunrou, come with me. ! Your spell cultivation is only a hair away from the third gate, so you can also help."

Xue Yunrou's face was slightly stiff, a little reluctant. But she finally followed Jiang Hanyun and left. But he was reluctant to leave when he left, looking back at Li Xuan three times every step.

However, when the two girls rushed over, the battle there was over. Feng Jun Lin Ziyang took the initiative to withdraw, leaving Li Yan and his wife with varying degrees of injuries.

Due to the close distance, Li Xuan also flew towards them with a thunderbolt shortly after.

Then he saw that a large area of ​​Li Yan's chest and armor were dyed red, and there were several deep invisible wounds on his body. His sister-in-law Su Zhaojun's arms and thighs were also red. This man went to Zhenjiang for treatment with a cold look in his eyes. So, looking in the direction of Dantu County.

"It's not that we forced Lin Ziyang to retreat, but that he retreated on his own initiative."

Li Yan had already swallowed the healing elixir, and while treating his own wounds, he said happily: "That old thief is so powerful even if he fights for his life. Even Zhaojun and I can't defeat him. If Without foreign aid, I will die in a matter of seconds at most. This is mainly due to me. My true energy has been depleted too much and I am too weak."

Li Xuan looked at him carefully, and then felt relieved. This man suffered mainly external injuries, and his lungs and five internal organs also suffered some shock damage. It will be fine with good elixirs and a little maintenance.

"But the next situation is the most difficult to deal with." Li Yan looked solemn: "Before, I not only had his warehouse and water camp outside the city burned down, but I also took advantage of the situation and ransacked Taichang Bank. Lao Xing just flew away Fu replied and they got Taichang Bank’s general ledger.”

Li Xuan knew that the Lao Xing he was talking about was one of the few guests enshrined in their Chengcheng Mansion, and he was also a master of the seventh-level tower who had opened the third gate.

"Taichangxing?" Jiang Hanyun groaned: "I remember that this seems to be Lin Ziyang's industry? What did they do?"

Li Yan sneered "hehe": "Tung oil, iron ingots, sulfur, and saltpeter are all military supplies collected from all over the north and south. They can be used to prove his accusation of rebellion."

Jiang Hanyun didn't react for a moment, but Xue Yunrou's expression immediately changed slightly: "What the prince means is that Lin Ziyang is likely to launch an army immediately?"

"If we don't fight now, he will be dead."

Li Yan was pouring a glass of strong wine onto his wound, which made his facial muscles twitch in pain: "If he doesn't resist, the Fifth Army Governor's Mansion and the Nanjing garrison eunuch can take him down today. Even if Nanjing uses a rat weapon, wait until the Fifth The military governor's office mobilized heavy troops around Zhenjiang, and he had no chance. Only at this moment——"

Li Yan paused and looked at both sides of the river: "Lin Ziyang has more than 10,000 elite soldiers and thousands of private troops he has raised. He can sweep thousands of official warehouses on both sides of the canal. With the government's food, there are dozens of Thousands of hungry people are feeding the enemy, which is enough to become a force. With the help of the Maitreya Cult, it will not be a problem for his troops to sweep across Jiangsu and Zhejiang, and he can even threaten Nanjing."

Jiang Hanyun and Li Xuan looked at each other with unusually solemn expressions: "I will inform the manager and Deputy Qiu as soon as possible."

"It will be too late by the time they arrive! Lin Ziyang is the second-grade chief soldier, which is beyond the responsibilities and authority of your Sixth Dao Division. By the time you complete the necessary procedures, Lin Ziyang will be ready."

Li Yan shook his head: "Lin Ziyang, who is sitting in the army, can't be compared to what he is now. With the help of an army of more than 100,000 people, his personal strength will be more than ten times stronger than now."

Li Xuan thought that this situation was really difficult to handle. Based on his understanding of martial arts in this world, Lin Ziyang, who had an army of tens of thousands, might be terrifyingly strong, and his overall strength would never be weaker than that of the 'Heavenly One'.

This involves the martial arts cultivators' use of 'power'. For skilled martial arts cultivators, the climate, geography, military power, etc. can all be used as a force and turn into their own power.

But how can the 'power' generated by the gathering of hundreds of thousands of troops be a trivial matter? As a master who has opened the fourth door, Lin Ziyang's use of momentum will definitely be outstanding.

Once he gains power and sweeps across both sides of the canal, the entire land of Jiangsu and Zhejiang will probably rot.

Then he felt that Li Yan's eyes were looking at him piercingly: "Brother, do you have the guts to fight with me?"

"Fight?" Li Xuan felt bad when he heard the word. He looked at Li Yan warily: "Li Yan, what do you want to do? Why fight?"

"Let's seize Beigu Mountain and Ganlu Port!"

Li Yan looked excited and his eyes were shining: "I now have eight hundred old troops from Shuiying, who were sent to Dongshuiguan on the canal by Lin Ziyang. Then I also have a close friend who is currently the commander of the Danyang Guard in Zhenjiang. I know him , that guy is definitely not willing to follow Lin Ziyang in rebellion. As long as I have a flying talisman, he can pull out at least two thousand people, and we can occupy Beigu Mountain first and make Lin Ziyang unable to advance or retreat."

Li Xuan thought about it carefully and then remembered where these two place names were.

Beigu Mountain and Ganlu Port are two adjacent places, both to the east of Dantu County and located at the mouth of the Jiangnan Canal. Among them, Beigu Mountain has a dangerous terrain and is surrounded by water on both sides.

The Iron Weng City located in the front mountain has excellent terrain, and the Ganlu Temple located in the back mountain is also a natural fortress.

Ganlu Port is located at the foot of Beigu Mountain and is the cargo distribution and transshipment center for the entire southern Zhili. And this river port with huge throughput is within the arrow range of the ‘Iron Urn City’.

This is all knowledge in Li Xuan's original memory. This guy was lazy in martial arts, but at some point in his life he dreamed of becoming a general and an "enemy of ten thousand people", so he worked hard on military geography.

Lee Seung-ki happened to be at home at that time and taught me very attentively.

In addition, Li Xuan also recalled the world he came from. Liu Bei and Sun Quan seemed to have formed an alliance here. Sun Quan once built a fortress-shaped royal city here to defend Cao Wei.

This royal city was originally called "Iron Urn City" and was later renamed Jingkou.

He realized the strategic value of Beigu Mountain in an instant. It would be the thorn in Lin Ziyang's back, the tip of the spear seven inches from his throat.

This place can threaten the flanks of Lin Ziyang's army and prevent them from moving at all. It is also possible to accept large armies from all over the Jianghuai River and land at Ganlu Port after the war breaks out.

Countless grain and supplies have been accumulated there, enough to support tens of thousands of troops and horses.

In short, before Lin Ziyang sends his troops south to sweep the canal, this is a disaster that he must solve no matter what.

Li Xuan was sweating on his forehead, thinking that this was really a fight.

Seizing Beigu Mountain means that they must defend the mountain with 3,000 troops and horses until the court decides to suppress the rebellion, to deal with Lin Ziyang's fierce attack by at least 20,000 troops.

Xue Yunrou instinctively felt the danger, and she was a little worried: "If you mobilize your troops privately, I'm afraid it will not comply with the court's laws. And I have visited the Iron Urn City. It has been in disrepair for a long time and is not strong enough to hold on."

Li Yan's face stiffened slightly, and then he curled up his lips: "What are you afraid of? Can you really sit back and watch the corruption in Jiangsu and Zhejiang? In fact, I have thought about it carefully. It is nothing more than being criticized by those civil servants. Afterwards, it is nothing more than merits and demerits. Or you may lose your official position. But as long as Yu Shaobao is still in office, he will give me an explanation sooner or later. I am still young and can afford to wait."

Li Xuan suddenly felt that the 'heroic sacrifice' suit all over his body was glowing. He couldn't help but think about who else could do such a feat? While cursing MMP, he will be tricked by this suit sooner or later. He thought for a while and then asked resignedly: "What are your plans? What do you need me to do? According to your plan, it seems that you can do it without me."

"Do you think Lin Ziyang has no defense on Beigu Mountain? He has two thousand elite soldiers stationed there. How can three thousand soldiers be enough?"

Li Yan said with a smile: "I need you to borrow Yangzhou Longjun's troops and horses. It's best to ask Longjun to do it himself. I don't have an official status now, so I can't borrow it. Don't worry, if the court wants to blame him later, I can just shoulder the responsibility."

"If that's the case, you don't need to take responsibility." Li Xuan took out something from his sleeve with a strange expression: "I happened to meet the second prince today, and he gave me this thing. Maybe I was investigating the theft of arms. We can act expeditiously during the case, and we can arbitrarily borrow no more than a thousand troops from the local area to assist in the investigation of the case."

Li Yan grabbed it, looked at it carefully, and then he was overjoyed: "The second prince's edict? It's interesting. It's also stamped with the seals of the Nanjing garrison eunuch and the Nanjing Ministry of War? That old eunuch Qin Mingyu actually agreed?"

His eyes were shining, and he said proudly: "With this thing, there won't even be any future troubles. You and I, brothers, are of the same mind, and we will do something big today, so that the thieves like Lin Ziyang can't take advantage of him!"

Li Xuan thought that after traveling through time, he became more and more courageous. Although he knew that there might be a risk of losing his head, he didn't feel much fluctuation in his heart, and he didn't have any fear.

He thought that he was probably influenced by the 'Heroic Sacrifice' suit, or he thought that he only had three months to live, so he was not afraid of wearing shoes when he was barefoot.

These thoughts only passed by in an instant. UU Reading Li Xuan nodded heavily without any hesitation on his face: "Okay, then it's settled!"

Li Xuan didn't know that Jiang Hanyun, who was behind him, was looking at him with a strange look in his beautiful eyes.

She felt a surge of breath in her chest and went straight to the top of her head, feeling irritated by Brother Li Xuan's words.

Jiang Hanyun thought that Li Xuan now, even if his cultivation level was still very weak, could be called a 'hero'.

"Is there anything I can't say until your injury is healed?"

At this time, Su Zhaojun had already bandaged his wound. Seeing that Li Yan was still bleeding, she couldn't help but frown slightly. She walked over and grabbed the medicine bottle from Li Yan's hand: "I'll do it!"

"My wife still loves me."

Li Yan replied with a smile, a look of happiness on his face, but then his expression became weird: "What kind of smell is this? It smells fishy, ​​so unpleasant. Ugh~"

Su Zhaojun's whole body froze completely, and his pretty face was as dark as the bottom of a pot.

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