Demoness, Where Are You Fleeing To?

Chapter 181 My contribution is huge

The two brothers of the Li family are both decisive and decisive people. Li Yan took care of the wound and went directly to the canal.

Li Xuan directly used the water escape technique and dived underwater.

Of course, Lord Long's residence cannot be at the bottom of the river. Otherwise, the fierce water battles during the founding of the Jin Dynasty would have destroyed the palaces of these Dragon Lords.

As far as Li Xuan knows, most of these dragon kings built palaces in vast underwater caves, and then used the incense of the human world to transform them into an existence similar to an 'underworld', almost semi-independent of the world. outside.

However, the entrances to these dragon palaces are all underwater.

This is because the dragon cannot leave the water, otherwise its strength will be greatly reduced. The saying "A dragon swims in shallow water and is tricked by a shrimp" is not just a folk proverb.

Only those true dragons who have ascended to the heavenly throne can travel across the nine heavens.

Li Xuan followed the map according to the location in his memory and came to a ten-foot-high wordless stone tablet deep in the water. Then he clasped his fists and saluted: "Uncle Li Xuan of the Chengyi Mansion, come to pay homage to Lord Long! Please don't hesitate to give me your blessing." See."

But the first thing that poked out from the stone tablet was the head of a giant turtle.

"A person from Uncle Chengyi's Mansion?"

It glanced up and down at Li Xuan: "It's a face I've never seen before, but this aura and this bloodline are indeed the descendants of Li Lexing. You should be Li Xuan, the second son of Li Chengji, right? I've heard of you . Young man, what are you doing here? Mr. Long is busy with something. It’s not something urgent. You’d better not disturb him, just tell me.”

Li Xuan thought to himself that this was the so-called 'Prime Minister Turtle'. Sure enough, the folklore was not without reason.

"It's because Lin Ziyang, the commander-in-chief of Zhenjiang, is about to start a rebellion."

Li Xuan noticed that the pupils of the giant turtle suddenly shrank. His mind moved slightly, but he said calmly: "I have been ordered by the second prince of the current dynasty and the Nanjing Military Department to ask Lord Long for help."

The giant turtle sighed slightly: "Lin Ziyang? This day has come. Come in."

At this time, the stone tablet turned into a giant door.

Li Xuan didn't hesitate and stepped in directly. The scene that caught his eye was naturally very different from the Dragon Palace he saw in the TV series.

All the buildings here are large and majestic in style. It is worth noting that there are circular holes on the four walls of each temple, which look like snake holes.

The space inside is also very vast, and Li Xuan can't see the end at a glance anyway.

——Out of etiquette, he didn't dare to watch with his Heavenly Eyes.

The giant turtle now appeared in front of him with all its beards and tail: "Follow me! It's right in front."

Its body was as big as half an acre, and it swung its tail and swam toward a large hall ahead.

"It's a coincidence this time, descendant, I was planning to ask you for a favor for my descendants."

Li Xuan looked at this person suspiciously: "Where did Prime Minister Gui start talking about this? How can Li Xuan be so virtuous and capable? Why do we need you, Prime Minister, to intercede?"

"It's your father-in-law." The giant turtle sighed softly: "He is running around on this river now, looking for the 300-year-old golden turtle, as well as the tiger monster and dragon crocodile. It makes us turtle tribes tremble with fear. .”

Li Xuan was stunned for a moment before he realized who Prime Minister Gui was talking about. He couldn't help but shake his head: "Uncle Jiang is not my father-in-law, and he is fishing for Jin Ao. What does it have to do with you?"

"He said that if there is no Jin'ao, a 300-year-old Yuangui is also acceptable."

The giant turtle shuddered all over and looked shuddering: "I was lured by the bait he put down before. I heard him say this with my own ears. He also chanted your name several times. That is not your father-in-law. ? It’s so strange, why is he so nice to you? "

Li Xuan found it troublesome to explain, so he ended the topic directly: "I will talk to Uncle Jiang about this."

The giant turtle was very happy, and at this time it had brought Li Xuan to the huge hall. As the man stretched out a paw and knocked on the door, a man's voice came from inside, panting like an ox and full of impatience.

"What's the matter? Don't you know I'm busy?"

Whether it was an illusion or not, Li Xuan heard a few gasps and a rumbling rolling sound coming from inside.

"Your Highness, there are people from Chengyi's residence." The giant turtle said calmly: "According to the decree of the second prince of the current dynasty and the order of the Nanjing Ministry of War, we have come to borrow troops for the Pinglin Ziyang Rebellion."

"That guy Lin Ziyang finally rebelled?"

The man's voice suddenly rose an octave higher: "You guys wait a little longer until I finish this official business. I'm coming out soon, hey hey, hey hey - two quarters, three quarters, at least half an hour!"

As a result, half a moment later, the door of the palace opened.

A strange smell suddenly surged out from inside, forming a strong wind and blowing on Li Xuan's face. The familiar smell of milk made him feel messy in the wind.

Then he saw extremely huge snake marks in the hall. It should be caused by two extremely huge snake-like objects rolling and squeezing inside.

The key is that there is some suspicious white liquid in the hall——

Li Xuan's expression was extremely strange, but in the end he still focused his gaze on the middle-aged man with a beard wearing a five-piece robe above him.

"The Six Dao Si Fu Demons traveled to Li Xuan and met His Highness Long Jun."

The Dragon Lord coughed dryly and asked majestically: "You are here for Lin Ziyang in Zhenjiang, do you have any documents?"

Li Xuan took out the document from his sleeve and held it in front of him. The middle-aged man on the throne took it with one move.

"There is indeed the seal of the second prince, the imperial envoy patrolling the south of the Yangtze River under the emperor's order, and the seal of the Nanjing Ministry of War."

Long Jun quickly closed the document with a look of embarrassment on his face: "But this matter is very difficult to handle. This decree only allows you to do it easily when investigating the case. It can deploy thousands of elite soldiers from various health stations according to the situation, but it does not I clearly told you to borrow troops from me. If the court holds you accountable afterwards, your document may not be able to deny it."

“Submit authority when urgent matters arise.”

Li Xuan calmly clasped his fists: "Longjun, if Jiangsu and Zhejiang are corrupted, the trade in the north and south of the Yangtze River will probably be affected. Especially the water transportation, I am afraid that it will be completely cut off within one or two years. Please take care of Jiangsu and Zhejiang, Lord Long." Common people, for the sake of the livelihood of countless people on both sides of the canal, please help us!"

He squinted again and winked at the old turtle.

The latter's heart suddenly shivered: "Your Highness! Since we have the documents from the second prince, we can handle the matter. Once something happens in Zhenjiang, our Dragon Palace's income will probably drop by 90%. Lin Ziyang rebelled. Everyone else can sit back and watch, but you can't. Have you forgotten that that guy sent people disguised as bandits several times to rob the merchant ships protected by our Dragon Palace?"

The Dragon Lord couldn't help but glance at the giant turtle speechlessly, wondering what was going on with this old turtle. He was usually very steady and sophisticated, but why did his old background leak out so quickly today?

Fortunately, he still wanted to figure it out and ask for a favor from Uncle Chengcheng's house.

Having no choice but to sigh, Mr. Long could only sigh: "That's it! Your family, young and old, will always use justice to overwhelm others. Tell me, what do you want me to do? Well -"

At this time, the Dragon Lord suddenly changed his expression and his face changed slightly: "Wait a minute! Just stand there and don't move!"

His body unexpectedly changed, revealing a huge dragon body of one hundred and thirty feet, and he brought the huge dragon head to Li Xuan's side and sniffed it carefully.

Then, as if he saw something extremely terrifying, he quickly shrank his dragon body, his eyes showing horror: "Is it the smell of that woman? Have you been in contact with her? No, with this smell, she is about to come out? She Coming out soon!”

Li Xuan wondered which woman this was talking about? He crossed his fists and said, "Long Jun, may I ask?"

The giant dragon ignored him, and this man took the form of a middle-aged man again, circling anxiously on the imperial steps.

"What should I do? What should I do? She's coming out soon! How come she's coming out so fast? It was promised that she would be suppressed for five hundred years, but she's only reached Wu Jiazi."

Prime Minister Turtle didn't know why at first, but then he seemed to realize: "Are you talking about the one in Poyang Lake?"

It looked at Long Jun and became sympathetic: "Your Highness's cultivation has not improved at all for three hundred years, and your body is also very weak now. If that person sees it, he will definitely use his family's methods on you, Your Highness. These things I have advised you countless times to spend some time on business, but you never listen."

"Isn't having children a serious matter? I gave birth to seven dragons in three hundred years. UU Reading How much have I contributed to the prosperity of our Ao family? What do you, an old turtle, know? My ancestors all praised me, saying that I spread dragon seeds widely and am very capable of giving birth to children. If all the dragons in the world work as hard as I do, our Ao family won't have only a dozen real dragons."

Long Jun's voice suddenly rose, and then he banged his head against the wall in distress: "It's over! It's over! She won't reason with me, no, I have to retreat! There is still time, I can do it! I can do it."

After hearing this, Li Xuan couldn't help but interjected with a strange expression: "Your Highness, that Lin Ziyang is rebellious——"

"How can I still care about whether he rebels or not?"

Long Jun waved his sleeves impatiently, then paused: "No!"

He looked at Li Xuan with suspicious eyes: "How could that female dragon leave her divine mark on a mortal like you?"

As if he had thought of something, this man then put on a smiling face and looked at Li Xuan very kindly: "Li Xuanxian - virtuous brother! What do you need from Brother Yu? You just give me orders."

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