Demoness, Where Are You Fleeing To?

Chapter 258 Being stung by a bee

When Princess Changle returned to her phoenix chariot, she found that there was still a large red glow on Xue Yunrou's face, and her cherry lips were actually red and swollen. Her collar was sticking up, but there were still some faint red marks.

Princess Changle was surprised: "Why is your mouth swollen like this? What on earth did you do?"

She thought, what kind of lingering love would it take to leave such a mark?

Xue Yunrou's pretty face was filled with red clouds again: "Why do you care so much? Can I be stung by a bee?"

"Okay! Don't talk about bees, it's none of my business if you get bitten by Li Xuan."

Princess Changle said in a loud voice: "But I find that Yunrou, you have become less and less concerned about your reputation recently. You have never thought that your lover will betray you in the future."

"Xuan Lang is not such a person." Xue Yunrou interrupted Chang Le before he could finish his words. She calmly pointed to her clothes: "Look at what I'm wearing now."

Princess Changle looked at the Taoist robe Xue Yunrou was wearing, and her eyes couldn't help showing surprise: "Yunrou, are you really planning to become a nun?"

Only then did she remember that Xue Yunrou had always been dressed like this when she saw her recently.

"How could it be? Of course I hope to put on a wedding dress, a ten-mile red dress, and get married in a glorious manner. But what the world thinks of me is beyond my control, and Xuan Lang doesn't care either."

The corners of Xue Yunrou's lips raised slightly, and a touch of tenderness flashed in her eyes.

One thing she didn't say was that if Xuanlang didn't live to become a Yangshen, then this female crown would be her Weiyi choice.

As she said, even if the Taishan Mansion Lord Sacrifice is launched in the future, Xuan Lang must return to the world of the sun.

"You really are"

Princess Changle no longer knew what to say. She finally shook her head: "If someone had told me a year ago that you, Xue Yunrou, would become like this for a man, I would never believe it."

Xue Yunrou smiled and did not reply. At this time, Princess Changle also changed her voice: "By the way, I forgot to ask just now, how is Li Xuan's health now? I heard someone said that Liu Daosi gave him half a month's rest Fake?"

"Xuanlang's body? I don't know what to say. Even though he looks alive and kicking now, there are actually many hidden dangers."

There was a hint of worry in Xue Yunrou's eyes. She thought that what her uncle said that day was only a third of the truth at best.

But Xuanlang also said that he didn't have much life left. Fortunately, the battle with Li Zhetian had little impact on him.

Thinking of this, Xue Yunrou couldn't help but sigh: "Assuming that Aunt Liu invited him, I also told him that he must stay at home to recuperate for the past half month. But I don't know if he will be honest." obedient."

"In other words, he can't go to Xiaoling on the day of worship at Xiaoling? That's such a pity."

Chang Le shook his head regretfully: "Before, the second emperor brother and I hoped that he could go to the underground palace together to participate in the guard. Especially my second emperor brother, now the person he trusts the most in Liudaosi is Captain Li."

"Are you working hard for you?" Xue Yunrou snorted: "I hope that Xuanlang will quit his job in Liudaosi from now on. With his talent, which path can he take without reaching the top?"

Princess Changle couldn't help but laugh and said: "Is this 'repenting from teaching your husband and looking for a title of marquis'? The problem is that you, Yunrou, haven't married yet. And I think Li Xuan has a strong character and is upright, so I'm afraid he won't."

Her words stopped suddenly, because at this moment, the ground under their chariot suddenly shook violently. The car they were riding in was also shaking and bumping.

There were also bursts of piercing screams from all around.

"This is?"

Xue Yunrou opened the curtains with a stunned expression and looked outside. She immediately thought that there were masters from the fourth gate or above fighting nearby, causing an earthquake.

But when Xue Yunrou scanned the surroundings with her 'divine eye', she didn't find any unusual ideas around her.

"It's like an earth dragon turning over"

Princess Changle was looking out the window and found that houses were collapsing on both sides of the streets. She hurriedly ordered her followers: "What are you doing standing still? Why don't you go and help save people?"

At this time, the shaking of the earth not only did not subside, but became more violent.

Xue Yunrou couldn't help but feel strange that there were very few earthquakes in Nanjing. It has only happened a few times in history, and the intensity is extremely weak.

The biggest one was in the third year of Taiqing Dynasty. When the Southern Dynasty general Hou Dong rebelled, it was said that the city wall of Jiankang collapsed, but that was all many years ago.

But at this time, she had no time to think about it and immediately flew out of the chariot. Then, as soon as he raised his hand, a powerful mana emerged, sucking up a nearby collapsed house.

Fortunately, shortly after Xue Yunrou escaped from the chariot, the shaking on the ground gradually subsided.


Just as the earthquake subsided, in the East Palace in the Forbidden City, the second prince Yu Jianji quickly walked out of the wooden palace that was still creaking.

Behind him were ministers from the Sixth Ministries and the Fifth Army Governor's Office in Nanjing, as well as Qin Mingyu, the Nanjing garrison eunuch.

"Eunuch Qin, let someone go and see how many houses have collapsed in the city and how many casualties there are! Report to me as soon as possible."

Yu Jianji looked at the two people behind him again: "Please also ask Li Shangshu and He Dayin to go to the city as soon as possible to organize manpower, rescue them as soon as possible, and provide generous compensation."

The Shangshu Dayin he mentioned was the Shangshu of the Ministry of Household Affairs in Nanjing, and the Yingtian Prefecture. In ancient times, the Yingtian Prefecture who was in charge of the capital was equivalent to the status of Jing Zhaoyin.

Among the ministers, there were two middle-aged men in red robes who bowed and left in a hurry.

And everyone who stayed here showed admiration. UU reading

But at this time, Yu Jianji's eyes showed a bit of worry. He asked Qin Tianjian, who was standing on one side: "The Xiaoling sacrifice will be held in five days, and now there is an earthquake. Is this possible?" What bad omen?"

The prisoner was frowning. He looked at the sky and fell into deep contemplation. After a while, he shook his head slightly and said, "Although the earthquake was strong, it lasted only a short time. It should have been an earthquake somewhere else and affected Jinling. It was a 'celestial response' For me, as long as it is not within three days before and after the sacrifice, it doesn't matter. I observed the sky last night and found nothing unusual."

At this time, Xu Guogong among the ministers also clasped his fists and said: "Your Highness, don't worry, the Nanjing imperial camp's 20,000 troops have blocked the surrounding area of ​​Xiaoling. Eight people from the Six Daosi Division, as well as five internal police officers, have also settled in Xiaoling." . In addition, we also have the navy under the command of Lord Chengyi to provide support. I can guarantee that this sacrifice will be absolutely foolproof. No matter what the plans of the remaining Jianling people are, it will be difficult to achieve their wishes."

Only then did Yu Jianji feel relieved. He looked serious and bowed deeply to the ministers: "Then I'll leave it to you all for the next few days. The important matters of the country are sacrifices to the army. This time Jianji has the high hopes of his father to sacrifice to the emperor." Zu, I dare not let my father down no matter what."

All the ministers, including Qin Mingyu, also looked solemn at this time: "Your Highness's words are serious, how dare we not do our best?"

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