Demoness, Where Are You Fleeing To?

Chapter 259 Immeasurable merit

Li Xuan also felt the ground shaking violently in Jiang Mansion. However, the buildings in Jiang Mansion are very strong, and even the walls have not collapsed.

However, nearby residences are not so lucky. When Li Xuan climbed to the heights, he found that a large area collapsed around him. Just after the earthquake subsided, Jiang's father and Jiang's mother came forward immediately and organized the surrounding residents to clean up the collapsed houses.

Their family is the chief of the neighborhood, and Jiang Yunqi is a well-known master and national player in the world. He is highly respected in Nanjing, so it is natural for him to organize disaster relief. Li Xuan also joined in with his 'Devil-Conquering King Kong', which is an enhanced version of the excavator and is extremely useful.

Fortunately, most civilians in Nanjing use wooden buildings, while brick-wood structures are mostly used by wealthy families. Therefore, although many houses collapsed around and many people were injured, few lost their lives.

About half an hour later, the forces of Liudaosi and the government began to intervene.

More than twenty demon-slayers and more than a hundred policemen, working with Li Xuan and others, used building materials from the ruins to build a temporary and crude house in a nearby open space for the victims who had lost their houses.

The government also sent an extra stone of grain to each household and provided many medicinal materials. It was said that it was the grace of the second prince that led the government to open the granary of the Nanjing Household Department. This caused all the people who were affected by the disaster to bow in the direction of the Forbidden City and express their gratitude.

It wasn't until evening that Li Xuan and the others settled all the victims.

At this time, the ground shook slightly again.

It should be an aftershock. Li Xuan only felt the ground shaking slightly. So although everyone was frightened for a while, in the end the damage was minor.

In the next two days, four such aftershocks occurred. It wasn't until three days before the day of the Xiaoling sacrifice that things calmed down completely.

At this time, Li Xuan also began to devote his efforts to the 'Queen-Severing King Kong'. It took him about three days to engrave the true meaning of his thunder method and Haoran's martial intention one by one.

Leng Yurou added a special magic circle inside the Demon-Suppressing King Kong, which could copy and simulate the true meaning of martial arts of the master Li Xuan.

This is another benefit after replacing the power generator. In the past, the Demon-Conquering King Kong did not have much energy to support this energy-consuming formation.

As we all know, the gap between martial arts cultivators with true intentions and martial arts cultivators without true intentions is more than ten times?

In this world, a person's own strength is like the water in a bucket, there is only so much in total. But the true meaning of martial arts can allow people to mobilize the surrounding streams, lakes, rivers and seas, and use the water in them for their own use.

The most intuitive comparison is that the previous Demon-Conquering King Kong could only survive ten rounds in front of Jiang Hanyun who was attacking with all his strength, but now thirty rounds is no problem.

Li Xuan's own martial arts cultivation has also made rapid progress in the past few days, and he has made rapid progress on the road to the true meaning of martial arts.

This was all due to the guidance of Jiang Yunqi, who had been waiting for the magical weapon refined by Le Huaiyuan and his wife to be used to break through to heaven. I usually have nothing to do, so I came to teach Li Xuan the art of sword and ice and thunder.

This person's accomplishments in the two techniques of ice and thunder are much better than Li Chengji, a whole level higher.

Li Xuan's understanding itself is very good, he is able to draw inferences from one instance, and he comes from modern times, so he knows the learning methods of derivation and summary. No matter what Jiang Yunqi teaches, he can quickly absorb it.

So a few days later, Jiang Yunqi sighed to Jiang's mother more than once: "Xiaoxuan's father, I really don't know what to say."

He thought that such a talented person had been buried under the dust for more than ten years.

What surprised Jiang Yunqi even more was that Li Xuan also had considerable talent in medicine.

Although he doesn't know the Yin and Yang syndrome, he understands the human body very well. Li Xuan can understand everything Jiang Yunqi says. Some of the insights the latter occasionally said made him feel frustrated.

"So, Xiaoxuan, do you think the reason why people cough, have fever, and get sick is mostly due to these so-called viruses and bacteria?"

Jiang Yunqi held Li Xuan's temporary 'microscope' made of two pieces of crystal, looked at the water in the bowl, and felt that his eyes were wide open.

The microscope built by Li Xuan using his soul sensing ability can only zoom 87 times, which is far from being able to see bacteria and viruses of 0.5-7m in size, as well as viruses that are much smaller in size.

But Jiang Yunqi's own powerful cultivation and amazing eyesight directly made up for the gap.

"Interesting, really interesting! Buddhists say that there are hundreds of thousands of insects in a bowl of water, and it actually makes sense. How did you find out, Xiaoxuan?"

Jiang Yunqi's eyes shone with wonder.

However, he was not surprised at all, because Jiang Yunqi, as a senior at the pinnacle of the fourth sect and a quasi-celestial master, had been vaguely aware of the microorganisms in his body over the years.

It's just that the monk's sensing ability cannot be as detailed as a microscope.

The so-called "meticulousness" is only relative to ordinary people.

"As you said, uncle, a bowl of water contains hundreds of thousands of insects when viewed by Buddha. I verified it when I was a child."

Li Xuan lied casually and handed over a wood chip taken from a mulberry tree: "It's not just bacteria and viruses. Uncle, if you look carefully at this wood chip, you can see many tiny holes. I named it cells. And It’s not just wood, it’s found in people and all living things.”

On the one hand, he hopes that modern medical theories can be disseminated through Jiang Yunqi, a leading figure in the world; on the other hand, he also hopes that Jiang Yunqi can make further progress in the skills of thunder method body training.

Recently, he discovered that the body-refining method inherited by Jiang Hanyun was actually quite rough and had not yet been refined to the cellular level.

Li Xuan must take the path of thunder method body training in the future, but instead of spending time studying on his own, it is better to rely on the power of Jiang Yunqi.

The latter's medical attainments and powerful sensory abilities were far beyond what he could compare with. Only in terms of the structure of the human body, it is slightly inferior due to the limitations of this era.

"It really is!"

Jiang Yunqi looked excited. He thought that if what Li Xuan said was true, then his medical skills would definitely make a huge breakthrough based on the current situation, and even benefit the entire world.

"Xiaoxuan, do you know that your words are of immeasurable merit and will save hundreds of millions of people in the future?"

At this moment, Jiang Yunqi felt an indescribable impulse.

He really wanted to take this child into his lap, teach him carefully, and pass on his legacy.

This is much happier than when he taught Jiang Hanyun in his early years. The latter's foundation was extraordinary and extraordinary, but his understanding was only average.

She was willing to use some skills in martial arts, but after studying medicine for nearly two years, she knew nothing about it and it was no fun to teach her.

The child Xiaoxuan is different. He understands everything he says once and for all, and he has an extraordinary understanding even without analyzing it.

It's a pity that he is young and does not know the joy of fishing, and his daughter is not strong enough. Otherwise, wouldn't it be wonderful for the father-in-law and his son-in-law to meet up and go fishing in the East China Sea together?

Li Xuan didn't notice the fiery look in Jiang Yunqi's eyes. He took out a few transparent glass pieces and prepared to use the 'mixed blood method' to popularize the knowledge of blood types to Jiang Yunqi.

But just when Li Xuan said 'then blood type', a servant from the Jiang Mansion hurried in from outside.

"Master, Young Master, my cousin and Miss Lejia are visiting together. Madam, please go there as soon as possible."

Jiang Yunqi couldn't help but feel a little surprised, thinking how could his wife be so generous this time and willing to let Xue Yunrou's child into the door?

Li Xuan had a stern look on his face, and immediately stepped forward and walked quickly to the main hall of Jiang Mansion.

In the past two days, he had actually been to Xue Mansion. On the one hand, he had a private meeting with Xue Yunrou, and on the other hand, he saw the progress of her cracking the magic circle.

Li Xuan remembered that when he returned yesterday, Xue Yunrou told him that it could take as long as three days or as fast as one day. Could it be possible to preliminarily deduce the function of this altar?

When Li Xuan hurried into the main hall, he saw Xue Yunrou and Le Qianqian sitting at the foot of Mrs. Jiang with solemn expressions.

After seeing Li Xuan's arrival, Xue Yunrou immediately stood up: "Xuan Lang, in addition to the function of worshiping evil corpses, the altar in Jiangjun Mountain can also extract the Nanjing dragon veins! And it also involves the 'Star Shift' and 'The Universe'. Invert' function."

"Dragon Veins?"

Li Xuan was startled and hurriedly took a few steps forward and took the formation map handed over by Xue Yunrou in his hand.

"Refining corpses means just refining corpses? Why does it involve dragon veins? What does 'the stars shift' and 'the universe reverses' mean?"

"Qianqian and I still don't understand this part. The magic circle is too incomplete and can only be restored to this point. We need more time to know their purpose. As for the dragon veins"

Xue Yunrou frowned: "It should be used to strengthen the evil corpse and reduce the difficulty of the evil corpse turning from yin to yang."

Li Xuan thought to himself, what does this altar that can extract dragon energy and sacrifice evil corpses have to do with Hong Yi?

"So theoretically speaking, this evil corpse has the blood of the royal family of the past dynasties, so it can carry the dragon energy, and the younger the age, the better. If this evil corpse comes from the Jin Dynasty, then any dragon child from within the third server Longsun and grandson are enough. For Qian Yuan and Qian Zhao, only princes and concubines from the direct lineage are required. Those before them need to have been canonized at the level of a county king or even a prince or above. And the age of death cannot be too long."

Le Qianqian whispered: "I think we have to go to Liudaosi to take a look at the evil corpse sealed in the Demon Suppressing Tower. Maybe it will be beneficial to the subsequent deduction. But neither Sister Xue nor I have this idea. Permissions.”

Li Xuan frowned, UU reading, and then asked Mrs. Jiang: "Auntie, the captain is not in the house?"

"She went to Xiaoling early in the morning."

Mrs. Jiang shook her head: "Xiaoxuan, have you forgotten? Today is the Xiaoling Festival. Mingyou is in charge of the inner palace of Xiaoling. Hanyun must move in in advance."

Li Xuan really forgot that he had been busy learning things from Jiang Yunqi these days, and also went to Xue Mansion to have a private meeting with Yun Rou, and he didn't pay much attention to the situation of Suzaku Hall.

"Then please ask Auntie to lend me a ground dragon."

When Li Xuan spoke, he released a flying talisman.

This was to contact Qiu Qianqiu. He originally wanted to call Jiang Hanyun. With the captain accompanying him, the procedures would be much simpler.

But since Jiang Hanyun was not here, he had to do it himself.

Fortunately, there was someone above him. By the time the three of them arrived at the Demon Suppression Tower, Qiu Qianqiu would have sent him the permission order.

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