Demoness, Where Are You Fleeing To?

Chapter 377 Will I capsize?

That day, Li Xuan and a group of bureaucrats drank until the evening and then dispersed. At this time, a group of people led by Wei Zhen, who was in charge of the official affairs, was also preparing to go to Bada Hutong for a party, but Li Xuan did not go.

He thought that this Uncle Wei Shi was really not particular. He was obviously the same generation as his father, Li Chengji, but he asked him to go to Bada Hutong with him. Is this appropriate?

When he came back, Li Xuan was already drunk.

With his current cultivation level, if he drinks ordinary wine, he can drink a thousand cups without getting drunk. After drinking it, use mana and real energy to force it to eliminate the influence of alcohol.

The problem is that there is no ordinary wine sold in Shanweilou. There are things like 'Qiongchi Green Ant', 'Kunlun Divine Liquid', and all kinds of wine.

But they don’t contain alcohol, so you can’t even push them out.

"——Life is only a few autumns, don't give up until you get drunk, my beauty in the east, the Yellow River in the west!"

Li Xuan hummed a song and returned to Jing'an Bo Mansion in a daze. Then he saw a beast and two people inside the door, both looking at him with a bit of resentment.

Humans are naturally Yu Luoyan and Le Qianqian, and animals are naturally Yu Qilin.

The latter's resentment was particularly deep, and his pure and holy aura almost turned him from a saint to a demon.

Li Xuan then remembered that he had missed his appointment. He originally said he would feed Yu Qilin in two hours at most, but it ended up being delayed until now.

Li Xuan felt guilty immediately. He hurriedly walked over, took out a lot of Yuhan candle shrimp from Xiao Xumijie, and placed it under Yu Qilin's mouth.

The latter lost his temper, snorted, and turned his head to the other side.

"You really don't want to eat? Then I really won't let you eat?"

Li Xuan stretched out his hand to smooth Yu Qilin's hair as a sign of comfort: "Good boy! I didn't expect that it was those guys who kept pestering me to propose a toast, and they just got away now. By the way, Yan'er, you didn't feed it anything. ?"

"It doesn't seem to eat what others feed it. I also took some shrimps, but it stopped eating after a few bites. It's so strange!"

Luo Yan glanced at the Qilin in a strange way, and then looked at Li Xuan: "Thank you very much this time. I'm talking about my father."

"It's okay." Li Xuan's head was still dizzy. He smiled stupidly and continued to caress Yu Qilin: "I have always kept this matter in mind. Don't worry, in another month, the New Year will be over. After that, Wei Shishu can be transferred to Zuo Qiandu as censor, and he will take over the case and get to the bottom of it."

The censor of Zuo Qiandu was a fourth-rank official, but this was a great joy for Wei Zhen.

Although those in the Sixth Division are relatively noble, their promotion route is often only through external transfer. With Wei Zhen's qualifications, he can be promoted from the third rank to participate in politics.

However, there is a saying in the Sixth Rank of Civil Affairs that "one's power will be greatly reduced if an official is promoted to seven levels." In the eyes of the official, those who participate in politics from the third rank are far less powerful than those in the Sixth Rank.

But the power and position of Zuo Qiandu's censor is comparable to that of his current officials and officials. The key is that the upward channels have been opened up.

The tip of Luo Yan's nose became sore again, and her heart surged in her chest. She held back the tears, "I was about to say this, about my father's case, Li Xuan, please don't force it now!"

At this time, her expression was extremely solemn: "There were many powerful people involved in this case. Li Xuan, if you feel embarrassed, you can leave it to the future. I can afford it."

Originally, she planned to solve the problem directly with a knife.

When one day he reaches the throne of heaven, he will go directly to the door and kill his enemies one by one.

The reason why she didn't take action now was because she felt that her own strength was not enough. She couldn't risk her life for revenge. She had to kill all her enemies and still be at ease. Only then could she be truly happy.

Luo Yan estimated that in ten days at most, her cultivation would be enough to enter the tenth floor. The time when he entered the throne of heaven was within the past five or six years.

She obtained a fate in the past that could greatly shorten the time it took for her to enter the heavenly realm.

But in recent days, she knew that there was still hope for clarification of her father's case and the possibility of clearing her father Xia Guangwei's innocence, but she became particularly concerned about it.

Instinctively, he hoped that Li Xuan would be more cautious and did not want to ruin this hope.

Luo Yan thought to herself that if her parents knew something about Quanxia, ​​they would definitely hope that they were innocent, right?

"Don't worry, I will do my best." Li Xuan waved his hand nonchalantly, and then asked curiously: "By the way, you and Qianqian are waiting here, do you have anything else to do?"

If it was just for Xia Guangwei's case, the two girls would not appear here together.

He just saw Le Qianqian looking at him and then at Luo Yan, looking shy and hesitant to speak, obviously she had something to say but couldn't say it.

"I want to ask you to watch the fireworks together on New Year's Eve."

Luo Yan crossed his arms and said generously: "On New Year's Eve, at the Taiqing Palace in Paozi River, the Tian family will take the lead and gather more than a hundred wealthy people from the city to collect money to set off fireworks. It is said that the scene is huge, and it is known as 'Fire Trees and Silver Flowers Never Night. sky'.

This is the biggest fireworks show of the year in Beijing. Qianqian and I both wanted to see it, so we booked a private room in a restaurant there. I wanted to ask Li Xuan, do you want to come? By the way, it's your birthday tonight? We are celebrating your birthday just in time. "

Li Xuan woke up more than half of his wine immediately, thinking to himself, what a coincidence?

He originally wanted to have a birthday party after New Year's Eve.

Li Xuan wanted to find an excuse to refuse, but he saw Le Qianqian holding the handkerchief in her hand and looking at him eagerly with her big bright eyes.

Although Luo Yan put on an expression that said, "Will you love me or not?", there was a hint of sympathy in her eyes.

Li Xuan could only swallow a mouthful of saliva, and he could only swallow back the words that came to his lips. His mouth was bitter: "Must it be on New Year's Eve?"

"What nonsense are you talking about? 'Fire Trees and Silver Flowers Never Night' only happens on New Year's Eve. Li Xuan, don't you want to come? Do you have an appointment with Yu Hongshang, Xue Yunrou and the others?"

Luo Yan glanced at Li Xuan suspiciously, then sneered and pulled Le Qianqian inside: "This is interesting. Fortunately, Qianqian and I have been busy with you these days and stayed up all night. As a result, everyone only thinks about you." Holding his two little girls——"

"Yan'er, what you said is really sad. I didn't say I couldn't go." Li Xuan hurriedly chased after them: "By the way, when is the 'Fire Trees and Silver Flowers Never Night' event?"

He thought that the current plan was to find a way to divert some time.

Le Qianqian was delighted when she heard this: "It's around You hour, right? It gets dark earlier in the capital than in Nanjing."

Li Xuan thought to himself: Why is it in Youshi again? At this moment, he felt like his head was about to explode with a headache.

Could it be that he is going to capsize this time?

※※ ※※

Almost at the same time, on Qionghua Island in Taiye Lake, Ao Shuying turned into a dragon shape and raised his head to look at the bright moon in the sky.

She occasionally flicked her tail out of boredom, causing the entire Taiye Pond to ripple.

At this time, Ao Gun was flying back from outside with a red face. He was a little surprised to see Ao Shuying's appearance.

"Second sister, why didn't you practice in Guanghan Hall and came here to be in a daze?"

"I'm a little bored and don't want to practice."

Ao Shuying sighed: "Looking at the people all over the country rejoicing and preparing for the New Year, I feel a little lonely and envious."

She had never felt lonely during the three hundred years of being sealed and imprisoned. At that time, she was practicing hard all day long. When she was tired from the hard work, she would sleep, and she would sleep for hundreds of days.

This is probably related to her unwillingness to fall asleep again. After finally regaining her freedom, she does not intend to sleep through the day during this period.

Ao Gong thought to himself that you don't want to do your job as a dragon, so it would be boring. How fulfilling is Ao Gon's life every day?

He then rolled his eyes: "Second sister, if you really feel bored and lonely, why not go find Li Xuan?"

Ao Shuying immediately said "Hey" and turned to look at her brother in confusion: "Why should I find Li Xuan?"

"He is your royal husband! Believe me, the reality of being a man and a woman is the most wonderful feeling in the world. Shuying, you have already tasted it once -"

Ao Gun noticed that Ao Shuying's gaze had become sharp, and his busy words changed: "If that doesn't work, why don't you go find him for a drink, talk, chat, etc., or ask him to accompany you to visit the Forbidden City?"

Ao Shuying couldn't help but fall into deep thought after hearing the words, and then flicked her tail: "Let's talk about it, I'll think about it."

"By the way!" Ao Gun remembered something again at this time: "I remember New Year's Eve, it should be his birthday. When Li Xuan was born, I gave them a gift."


There was a flash of strangeness in Ao Shuying's eyes, and then he half-submerged the faucet into the water, spitting bubbles out of his mouth.

※※ ※※

Early the next morning, Peng Fulai and Zhang Yue were invited to Li Xuan's room by Li Dalu, the steward of Jing'an Bo Mansion.

When the two of them saw Li Xuan, they were immediately startled. The two of them saw that Li Xuan was pale and stubbled, looking extremely decadent.

"What did you do last night?" Peng Fulai looked Li Xuan up and down: "You didn't go to Bada Hutong. How did you become like this?"

Zhang Yue empathized and said, "You don't understand this. Many times, it's the people at home who really knock the bones and suck out the marrow."

As he spoke, he looked at his body. In less than a month, he had already lost three kilograms.

"Stop talking nonsense!"

Li Xuan took out a map of Beijing City and spread it out in front of the three of them. At the same time, he cheered up and said, "Three cobblers are better than Zhuge Liang. UU Reading came to you this time to ask you to think about it. There’s a way.”

Peng Fulai looked serious when he saw this: "What kind of monster are you trying to catch? Are you doing this seriously?"

"It's to deal with the disaster of capsizing the ship!"

Li Xuan glanced at him: "On New Year's Eve, I have three dates. The first one is to meet Yu Hongshang in the palace, and the end time should be before the end of Youshi (7 p.m.);

The second scene was around Youshi. Luo Yan and Qianqian invited me to watch the fireworks at the Paozi River Taiqing Palace in the southeast of the city. It probably took two or three hours anyway;

The third scene was after Youshi. Xue Yunrou invited me to go to Shichahai to enjoy the scenery. He asked, how can I escape unharmed in this Shura field? "

Peng Fulai and Zhang Yue looked at each other, and then in unison, they rolled with laughter.

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