Demoness, Where Are You Fleeing To?

Chapter 368 Zhang Peng’s clever plan to calm the world

About a moment later, Zhang Yue, who finally stopped laughing, came up with a bad idea while looking at the map: "What did you say? I think Qianzhi, you might as well break your own legs and just say that you are seriously injured and can't go to the appointment."

"Nonsense! Even if Qian Zhi's boat capsizes, he will at most end up with broken arms and legs and serious injuries. How can they still kill him?

Now that we are all determined to break our legs, why not try one or two before the boat capsizes? How can we give up before fighting? "

Peng Fulai also looked at the map very seriously: "What I'm most afraid of is that if these heavenly positions and quasi-celestial positions fight, the whole capital will suffer. So we still have to keep the appointment. I feel that if we can prevent this fight, it will be Infinite merit."

When Li Xuan heard this, his face turned green.

"He calls it self-inflicted." Zhang Yue sneered, and gave Li Xuan another idea: "How about Li Xuan, how about you learn the Taoist magical power of 'One Qi Transforms Three Purities'? Wouldn't this problem be easily solved?

If one person is divided into three incarnations, not to mention four boats, ten boats can be arranged properly. "

"I have thought about this method." Li Xuan touched his chin with his hand and discussed the feasibility of this method with Zhang Xuan seriously: "The method of transforming three pure states in one breath can be found in the library of Qinglong Hall. The one in my hand His merits are enough.

The only question now is whether I can perform a miracle and learn this incredible magical power in two days. "

After hearing this, Peng Fulai couldn't help but feel happy: "As far as I know, the seventh-generation Heavenly Master Zhang Wuji mastered the 'One Qi Transformation of Three Purities' after the throne of heaven, right? That's what Longhu Mountain claims to be closest to Zhang Daoling. figure.

Also, I remember that one must master the three arts of wind, earth, and wood to transform the three pure states with one breath, and you, Li Xuan, don't know how to do it. "

Li Xuan sighed, looking melancholy.

He was wondering how he got to this point?

Obviously when he traveled to this world, he wanted to be a dedicated man and show the appearance of a modern man to the women of this era.

But somehow, I ended up on the road of no return—the harem—

That's all for the harem. The key is that none of the women in the harem can be defeated by him, and none of them can be subdued by him.

Li Xuan thought about it in various ways, and finally came to the conclusion that "the times forced it". He didn't want to be a scumbag from the beginning.

It's all about time, momentum, and fate. There is an invisible hand controlling him - yes, that's it!

"But other than that, there is no solution at all!" Zhang Yue scratched his head and said: "There is no way we can change it for two or three more hours? Also, the Taiqing Palace in Paozihe is in the southeast corner of the capital, Shichahai It is in the northwest corner of the capital. The straight-line distance between the two sides is thirty miles, and there is an imperial palace across it. It will take Li Xuan a lot of time just to travel."

At this time, Peng Fulai suddenly felt a slight movement in his mind: "Change two or three more hours? Now I have an immature idea, maybe it will work. But -"

His eyes looked at the corner of the room with a hint of meaning: "Before we discuss the plan, we must first eliminate the mole."

"The mole?"

Li Xuan followed Peng Fulai's line of sight in confusion, and then spotted the divine-blooded Qingluan Cowherd standing on the screen.

Shenxue Qingluan's eyes were confused, thinking to himself, why am I the traitor? Does what you are talking about have anything to do with me?

Li Xuan thought for a moment and then grabbed the Qingluan Cowherd who was trying to escape with one hand, then tied it up and plugged its ears.

"Okay!" Li Xuan threw the tied Cowherd aside and clapped his hands at the same time: "Lao Peng, what do you think? Tell me?"

"The key is to conjure time!"

A flash of light flashed in Peng Fulai's eyes: "I just thought of the 'Fire Trees and Silver Flowers Never Sleep', which usually starts at the end of Youshi and lasts for a whole hour.

Can we move the fireworks display earlier? Advance to six quarters, or four quarters? Doesn't this add half an hour?

Following this idea, we should have a way to solve this problem. "

"What a great idea!" Li Xuan's eyes lit up and he patted Peng Fulai heavily on the shoulder: "As expected of you! Old Peng Zhenwu's good friend."

"But Princess Changle will definitely not let Li Xuan out of the palace before the palace is locked at eight o'clock in the morning."

Zhang Yue is not very optimistic about this plan: "Yu Hongshang has a deep affection for Li Xuan, and you have also seen her temperament and skills. Unless the time of locking up in the palace can be advanced, there is a possibility of her being released. Not very sexual either,"

Li Xuan and Peng Fulai couldn't help but look at each other, and then Li Xuan sighed: "Taishan is also my good friend!"

Zhang Yue's eyes were confused for a while. He thought he didn't say anything just now, right?

But he was very happy to be able to help Li Xuan.

"I should have a solution over at Taiqing Palace. The problem is Miyagi. How can I get them to lock up in advance?"

Peng Fulai rubbed his chin with his hand and fell into deep thought: "And Xue Yunrou, no matter how early the time for 'Fireworks Never Night' is pushed forward, it will still have to be postponed to 4:40 (eight o'clock in the evening). We can't let people set off fireworks in broad daylight." ?

And after watching the fireworks, Li Xuan couldn't just leave, right? At least I have to be gentle and send him back to Jing'an Bo Mansion. "

Zhang Yue sneered: "This is even more impossible, unless Xue Yunrou gets the time wrong."

When Li Xuan and Peng Fu heard this, their eyes lit up.

Li Xuan couldn't help but sigh again: "This method is a wonderful idea. Taishan, you are really as wise as a fool."

"What a wonderful idea!" Peng Fulai also sighed: "Maybe he is the smartest one among us."

Zhang Yue scratched his head for a while, thinking what on earth were these two people talking about?

※※ ※※

The ancients said that 'three benefits will defeat Zhuge', which is indeed true. The early morning 'combat meeting' came to a successful conclusion after lasting for an hour.

Not only did Li Xuan feel refreshed and his previous depression was gone, he also personally escorted Peng Fulai, Zhang Yue and the others out of the house with an attentive look.

This was because of the shipwreck battle two days later. He had to rely on the help of these two people and had to show more respect.

However, after sending the two of them out, Li Xuan found that there were already people in the Jiang's Medical Center next to them.

Li Xuan just wanted to find Jiang Yunqi and thank him personally for his help, so he came to the door with a lot of gifts extorted from Sun Jizong.

As expected, the Jiangnan miracle doctor was in the medical clinic. His expression was desolate. Even Li Xuan's arrival did not make him happy.

When Li Xuan asked when the medical clinic would open, Jiang Yunqi looked at him with a more complicated expression.

"It's too late this year, so I have to prepare first. I'm scheduled to start treating patients on the eighth day of next year, and then I'll have to stay in this hospital for three months."

He thought it was this little bastard who caused him to go to Beijing during the Chinese New Year. At this time, my wife and daughter are not around, so this New Year is a bit miserable.

"So, uncle will be alone on New Year's Eve?"

Li Xuan could only shake his head, looking incomprehensible: "Uncle, it's true, you can't open before the New Year anyway, and there's nothing wrong with delaying it for another ten days and a half, so why do you have to enter Beijing at this time?"

Speaking of this, Li Xuan also felt a little guilty. He originally wanted to hold a small birthday party and invite Jiang Yunqi to attend and spend the New Year's Eve together.

But then he thought that Jiang Yunqi would be even more annoyed if he saw the table full of girls. Jiang Yunqi probably didn't like this kind of young people's situation, so he gave up.

Now that his time on New Year's Eve has been split between his confidantes, it's even more impossible.

Jiang Yunqi thought to himself, isn't it because of you, a little bastard, that I have such a clean New Year?

Judging from the results of his entry into Beijing, his wife's worries were indeed unfounded.

"What do we, the cultivators, care about about New Year's Eve and New Year?"

Jiang Yunqi waved his hand as if he didn't care: "Your aunt and Hanyun said they would come to Beijing to accompany me, but I refused. With disciples like me accompanying you, you won't be lonely."

When Li Xuan heard the first sentence he said, his heart skipped a beat. His time on New Year's Eve could not be divided any further!

He was relieved when he heard Jiang Yunqi say that Mrs. Jiang and Jiang Hanyun were not coming.

Li Xuan then chatted with Jiang Yunqi for a long time, discussing some medical and spiritual issues, and then left.

But not long after Li Xuan turned around and went out, Jiang Yunqi's expression moved slightly and he looked into the void.

The next moment, a golden letter talisman came through the air and landed in front of Jiang Yunqi.

※※ ※※

Li Xuan did not go to Liudaosi after leaving the medical center. He returned to Jing'an Bo Mansion first and continued to practice the 'Dayan Aegis'.

There is no way, this is his last trump card on New Year's Eve. He thought that if it didn't work, he would let Yu Hongshang and the others give him a good beating to relieve his anger, so he had to give this device some snacks.

In fact, Li Xuan started the ritual last night, but he couldn't finish it until early morning.

Dayan Aegis is not a complete shield, it is composed of fifty palm-sized metal pieces. Forty-nine of them are entities, and one is hidden in nothingness without any trace.

This is in line with the essence of "Book of Changes. Xici Zhuan": "The number of Dayan is fifty, and nine of its uses are forty, and one of them can be escaped."

These fifty metal pieces are usually scattered around Li Xuan's body, spontaneously resisting any external attack.

However, its defensive ability alone can only reach the strength of a high-grade magic weapon. In order for the 'Dayan Aegis' to achieve higher defense strength, an organic combination of six pieces and six pieces is needed, UU Reading www. makes their addition value reach one hundred and forty-four, two hundred and sixteen, and three hundred and sixty, or the product reaches eleven thousand five hundred and twenty.

In the Book of Changes, "Qian's strategy has six out of two hundred and ten, Kun's strategy has four out of one hundred and forty, and Fan's three hundred has sixty, on the current day." The statement of "Two articles of strategy, there are one thousand five hundred and twenty, when it is the number of all things" is appropriate.

All in all, this is a very interesting magic weapon. In the hands of someone who is proficient in mathematics, its defensive capabilities are almost as good as those of fairy treasures.

Li Xuan spent most of the day refining the magical weapon, and then took out a pill from the Xiao Xumi Ring.

This is the elixir "White Tiger Cleansing Yuan Dan" that he exchanged from Liudaosi with his feat of capturing the Demon Qilin.

As Li Xuan swallowed the elixir, in less than twenty breaths, his whole body made a 'bang bang' sound, as if soybeans were constantly exploding in his body.

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