Demoness, Where Are You Fleeing To?

Chapter 554 Yasheng Article

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When the golden pillar in the sky was confronting the white lotus that was ten thousand feet high.

The situation in the capital city below them has also undergone great changes.

Luo Erhe, a blacksmith living in Baotie Hutong, an armor factory in the east of the capital city, woke up to the sound of the first blue luan.

The moment he regained consciousness, Luo Erhe found that he was reciting scriptures of unknown origin.

"All sentient beings have the wisdom and virtue of the Tathagata, but they cannot achieve it because of delusion and persistence. I will follow the White Lotus Holy Way——"

Luo Erhe knelt on the ground and recited for a long time before he realized something was wrong.

When Luo Erhe recovered, he found that his mother and wife were also kneeling on the ground and reciting the White Lotus Sutra of Great Compassion.

"Mother! What are you doing?" Luo Erhe secretly felt strange and thought to himself, where did they learn this scripture?

But just after Luo Erhe asked this question, he found that his mother turned her head and glared at him: "Silence! You still don't listen to the teachings of the old mother Wu Sheng and recite the scriptures devoutly?

Nowadays, there are great evil spirits that are preventing the Inanimate Old Mother from achieving a vacuum home. We should give our full support to help the Inanimate Old Mother to get rid of the evil spirits. Only in this way can we enter the White Lotus Pure Land and escape the sea of ​​suffering forever. "

When Luo Erhe heard this sentence, he felt that his mother's words were very reasonable.

This evil evil is truly abominable.

Our Lady of the White Lotus wants to save the world from suffering, which is a good thing.

In the legendary Pure Land world, people can be carefree and do not need to worry about food and clothing. They can listen to fairy sounds every day and feel at ease.

Luo Erhe was also looking forward to it, wondering what kind of magical life it would be like there?

At this moment, Luo Erhe's expression suddenly changed slightly and he looked up at the sky.

He saw that the majestic and compassionate Buddha Mother was collapsing. Its golden shell and brilliant Buddhist spirit are falling off, just like the Bodhisattva in those temples whose paint is mottled due to disrepair.

As the collapse became faster and faster, an extremely ugly and unsightly Purgatory Blood Demon sat on the lotus platform high in the sky.

"What the hell is this?"

Luo Erhe was taken aback. He could not connect this thing with the White Lotus Virgin just now.

Is this Our Lady of White Lotus? Is this the 'Mother of the White Lotus' that I knelt on the ground just now and paid homage to?

Luo Erhe didn't look any further. He rushed directly to the hospital and vomited.

Just because the image of the purgatory blood demon is extremely distorted, it also possesses extremely evil power.

Luo Erhe vomited for a moment before he realized that he wanted to stop his wife and mother. But when he turned around, he found that his wife and mother were surrounded by bloody spiritual mist. . Their faces gradually turned pale, and their skin gradually turned gray.

"Shut up! Mother, listen to me, what you are worshiping is an evil demon."

Luo Erhe was taken aback and rushed over to try to stop it. But in the end, his wife waved him back a few steps away.

Luo Erhe is a blacksmith with great strength. But at this time, his wife actually surpassed him in strength.

His wife then looked at him with a cold look as if she were an enemy: "What are you doing? You also want to stop Wusheng Old Mother, right? Why do you want to stop me from ascending to bliss with my mother?"

Luo Erhe was furious: "What stupid things are you saying! What you are worshiping now is the devil, and any vacuum hometown is a lie."

He tried his best to stop him, but the two of them prostrated themselves on the ground as if they had taken root. They continued to chant sutras, and they couldn't stop no matter what. Luo Erhe tried to cover their mouths with his hands, but was bitten hard.

Luo Erhe watched as his wife and mother's faces became paler and paler, like dead people, their breath became weaker and weaker, and their faces gradually withered, as if they were dead.

"How could this happen?" Luo Erhe collapsed on the ground, feeling like crying but without tears.

He realized that if this situation continued, his mother and wife would surely die.

Luo Erhe couldn't help but raise his head again, looking into the sky with confusion, helplessness and hatred.

"Our Lady of White Lotus!"

At this time, Luo Erhe heard the second call of the luan and phoenix.

At this moment, Luo Erhe felt comfortable all over his body, and his consciousness seemed to become clearer.

What surprised Luo Erhe even more was that his wife and mother stopped chanting. They looked around in confusion, then their heads sank at the same time and fell into a coma.

Luo Erhe was overjoyed. Only then did he look at the glazed air pillar in the sky again, the huge green luan hovering in the sky, and the center of the glazed air pillar, the figure wearing six robes. The slender figure of the demon-suppressing armor.

Even if Luo Erhe thought with his heels, he knew that this man had saved their whole family. It was precisely because of the pressure of the glazed air pillar that the White Lotus Buddha Mother appeared in a round shape.

But who is this benefactor?

Luo Erhe couldn't help but have a look of contemplation in his eyes. He thought he must have heard of this person.

Wearing a six-path demon-suppressing armor and a bright yellow flying fish suit, he is using the awe-inspiring righteousness that only Confucians can display - he must have heard of this person, and he is like thunder.

Luo Erhe soon no longer had to think about it, because an extremely loud voice came from the yard of Lao Wang's house next door.

"Commander Wang Lian, I would like to thank the champion for saving my life!"

At this time, the hundreds of courtyards in this iron-clad alley all made a loud noise.

"That's the champion! The champion of our great promotion!"

"Champion Marquis? But the one who defeated the Mongols at Nankou Pass and saved the entire North Zhili?"

"Who else could it be if it wasn't him? Fortunately, the champion took action this time, otherwise my poor daughter would be dead."

"These evil spirits are really hard to guard against. My good-natured person was completely fascinated and started to recite the White Lotus Sutra of Great Compassion and Wonderful Dharma."

Luo Erhe couldn't help but take a long breath, straightened his clothes, and then worshiped devoutly in front of the threshold of his home.

At this time, he prayed sincerely in his heart. I just hope that the champion will slay this monster and let the common people like them regain peace.


But at this time, high in the sky, the situation of Our Lady of White Lotus was even more difficult.

The second sound of Qingluan's sound reduced her followers in the capital by nearly half, and the power of the sentient beings provided to her was getting less and less.

"Damn it!"

The face of the White Lotus Virgin has revealed traces of blood lines. These blood lines spread in all directions, covering her entire body.

——This is a sign that her power has been used to its extreme and is starting to damage her original essence.

If it weren't for the inside of the capital, all the major Buddhist temples would have restrained a lot of power. Our Lady of the White Lotus felt that she could no longer hold on, and her internal organs would be crushed one by one by the majestic energy.

But then, Our Lady of White Lotus saw Li Xuan writing something unknown on the 'Blue Sky Slip'. Then the Qingluan hovering on the glazed air column actually made a third crisp sound.

Not only that, the 'warning bell' rang the fifth huge bell that shocked the whole city, and just a moment later, the sixth bell also rang throughout the city.

"What the hell did you write down again?" The White Lotus Virgin's eyes widened with evil fire.

This is because the third sound of the blue luan once again awakened a large number of believers she had saved. Today, there are less than 50,000 people in the entire capital who are still reciting the "White Lotus Sutra".

To make matters worse, the 70,000 Confucian scholars in the capital were excited for some reason and worshiped with enthusiasm. This also made their aura flourish to the extreme. So much so that the Holy Mother White Lotus had to burn her life force to support the impact and oppression of the glazed air pillar.

At this time, in the Imperial College, the Imperial College sacrificial wine was muttering to himself.

"——Yao passed it down to Shun, Shun passed it down to Yu, Yu passed it down to Tang, Tang passed it down to Zhou Gong in civil and military affairs, Confucius in civil and military affairs passed down to Zhou Gong, and Meng Ke was passed down by Confucius. Ke's death should not be forgotten. Chuan Yan. Wonderful! Really wonderful!"

The Imperial Confucian priests couldn't help but blush with their faces as they clapped and exclaimed: "Good! Good! Good! This is our Confucian Taoism! My Confucian Taoism has been taught and passed down through three generations. This is the knowledge that people in the world should practice."

If he came from Li Xuan's world, he would use an idiom - the roots are right and the young are red!

Hu Ming, the Minister of Rites, was overjoyed: "The bell rang six or seven times. This is the Yasheng article! These Qingtian Slips will be preserved in the Confucian Temple afterwards. They are the eternal classics of our Confucian school."

He found that many Confucian scholars in the Imperial College were in a state of intoxication.

But at this time, in the sky, Li Xuan hesitated a little, but finally did not write down, "No blockage, no flow, no more than no good." A person is like a person, a book is like a fire, and a house is like a house."

This means that ‘if you don’t block the way of Buddha and Lao Tao, Confucianism and Taoism cannot be spread; if you don’t prohibit the way of Buddhism and Lao Tao, Confucianism and Taoism cannot be promoted. Monks and Taoist priests must be returned to secular life, Buddhist scriptures and Taoist books must be burned, and Buddhist temples and Taoist temples must be turned into civilian residences. ’

In this world, evil spirits are rampant and magical powers are manifest. Therefore, although several emperors in the previous dynasty advocated the extermination of Buddha, they were always wary and could not damage its roots.

Even Emperor Taizu of the Jin Dynasty, who was the most righteous person in the world, dealt a severe blow to Buddhism and Taoism that no previous generation had.

But now, three hundred years later, the Buddhist and Taoist families are still gradually recovering.

The prosperity of Buddhism and Taoism also directly affected Confucian learning.

Therefore, this article "Yuan Dao" is timely. The greatest value of Han Yu's article is to redefine the Confucian legal system and reject the orthodox doctrines of Buddhism and Laoism that influence Confucianism.

But in the current world, it is unreasonable for the court to force monks and Taoists to return to secular life and burn Buddhist scriptures and Taoist books.

The last sentence of the article was also changed by Li Xuan.

The original text was "The way of the former kings of the Ming Dynasty is to be followed", but it was changed by Li Xuan to "The way of fraternity, benevolence and righteousness is to be followed. The widowed, widowed, lonely and disabled people can be nourished, and they are also common people." ’

It's just because deep down, he doesn't agree with the way of the former king. The so-called times have changed, how can the principles of the predecessors be applied to the present?

At the moment he put pen to paper, the bells rang again in the direction of the Confucian Temple.

Just as Li Xuan put away his pen, the Holy Mother of White Lotus opposite was burning with blood and looked at him with a sneer: "Another bell rang, the seventh, right? Your article went straight after the saint. But so what?

After all, your cultivation level has not yet reached the heavenly level. Can your glazed aura kill me in half an hour? "

At this time, she gave up worrying about gains and losses, and just wanted to fight with Li Xuan until the end!

He believed that Yu Jie would never be able to last half an hour in front of that one-armed man in black!

Li Xuan laughed dumbly. He suddenly raised his hand and took out the original scroll of "Song of Hao Qi" from the Six Paths Demon-Conquering Armor Sutra Box.

With a wave of his hand, the scroll flew directly to the depths of the underworld and to the top of the underworld city.

The scroll of "Song of Power" then unfolded and revolved around Wen Zhong Lie Gong's divine body riddled with seven poisons.

The Holy Mother of White Lotus felt confused and confused at first, but then she felt something was wrong, and she also probed her consciousness deeper into the underworld.

Then she discovered that an extremely brilliant glazed aura was being exerted on Wen Zhongliegong's body.

At this time, there was even more endless black poisonous evil fire, forced out by the tyrannical aura of these 70,000 people.

The Holy Mother of White Lotus suddenly changed her color: "Are you removing the Seven Poisons from Lieutenant Wen Zhong?"

"I really can't kill you within half an hour, and there's no need to do it by force."

Li Xuan pressed his sword on his waist and looked at the other party with a slightly sarcastic expression: "As long as I restore Duke Wen Zhong's divine power, that devil's plan and your Buddhist kingdom will all be in vain. !”

The Holy Mother of White Lotus was suddenly frightened, and she felt as if her heart had been violently grabbed by someone.

But what Li Xuan didn't know in the sky at this time was that Meng Qingfan, who was also in the Imperial Academy, felt that the energy in his body was faintly about to move.

She couldn't help but open her pupils slightly, with a look of astonishment in her eyes.

Meng Qingfan is familiar with this feeling. This is the seed of the Yang God, the heavenly machine.

At this moment, all she needs is a thought, and her beast body can break through to heaven!

Meng Qingfan then lost interest and suppressed the surging vitality in his body.

She doesn't want to be so conspicuous now, and what if she breaks through to heaven? Champion Hou Lixuan’s heavenly mount?

At this time, Meng Qingfan felt something in his mind and looked to the east in astonishment.


She saw her master, the Lord of Tianshi Palace, Gong Nianci, looking at the sky with a cold expression, and at the same time, he threw a golden book in his hand towards Li Xuan.

"Be careful!" Meng Qingfan didn't think twice. She instinctively transformed into the passage of time and crashed into the golden book.

With the sound of the bell, Meng Qingfan coughed up blood, and less than half of his entire body was annihilated.

Fortunately, Ao Shuying also sensed the crisis and rushed to the scene almost immediately after her. This man punched the golden book, and then his whole body retreated a hundred feet, and one arm was turned into mince by the golden book.


Li Xuan couldn't help but glance sideways in surprise, looking in the direction of Ao Shuying and Yu Qilin. Then his eyes showed overwhelming anger. UU reading www. uukanshu. net


With a wave of his hand, a glass-colored mighty sky pillar struck directly above the head of Gong Nianci, the 'Master of Tianshi Palace' in the distance, causing the latter to let out a violent scream, with blood gushing out from all his orifices, and his flesh and blood rotting!

At the same time, Li Xuan made a move in the air and attracted the 'Huntian Zhenyuan Cauldron' on Dugu Biluo directly in front of him. When the golden book collided with the 'Huntian Zhenyuan Cauldron', there was a loud roar.

In the end, Li Xuan was unscathed, and the golden book began to revolve around Li Xuan.

Gong Nianci, the 'Master of Tianshi Palace' who was screaming, was in disbelief. Li Xuan's cauldron turned out to be a sacred treasure that could be used!

The copy of the Golden Que Heavenly Book in her hand is nothing more than a fake artifact, but Li Xuan's tripod is a divine treasure that has not yet been formed!

What made her even more shocked and frightened at this time was that Li Xuan's brilliant aura had completely destroyed her essence! Bringing her to the point of death in an instant.

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