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At the moment when Li Xuan was fighting fiercely with the White Lotus Virgin over the capital, in the Wenhua Hall of the Forbidden City, Yu Hongshang was sitting on the throne in the hall.

She holds a large seal in her hand, and a yin-yang fish picture appears around her body.

On the seal, there are only six words - 'Treasure of the Emperor of the Jin Dynasty'!

This is the seal of the Jin Dynasty and a symbol of the emperor's authority. It was originally cast during the reign of Emperor Taizu, but due to changes in Jingnan, the original 'Treasure of the Emperor of the Jin Dynasty' has disappeared with Emperor Jianling.

Now this one was made by Jin Taizong summoning several masters of weapon refining.

Before Emperor Jingtai went into seclusion, he specially gave this thing to her.

This was originally against the rules, but Emperor Jingtai undoubtedly trusted his eldest daughter. .

And only with this treasure in hand can Yu Hongshang be able to utilize the national luck and dragon energy protection to the greatest extent.

In addition, the throne under Yu Hongshang is also one of the formation centers of the 'Nine Cauldrons and Five Dragons Hunyuan Formation'.

The Wenhua Hall is where the prince watches the government, and the prince is the deputy king of the imperial court. Therefore, the "Nine Cauldrons and Five Dragons Hunyuan Formation" has a separate center in the Wenhua Hall.

When the main formation hub of the Qianqing Hall is not activated, this is the place that dominates the entire "Nine Cauldrons and Five Dragons Hunyuan Formation".

Yu Hongshang relied on this throne to exclude all ghosts, monsters, demons and ghosts from the capital, including the White Lotus Virgin.

At this time, her frown had gradually relaxed,

After Li Xuan appeared, he gathered the power of 70,000 Confucian scholars to suppress the Holy Mother of White Lotus with the power of glass, which made Yu Hongshang feel slightly relieved and secretly grateful.

Although the imperial court was not without the power to suppress Bai Lian, no matter which method was used, a high price had to be paid.

The last thing Yu Hongshang wants to see is that his father is forced to leave prison.

Now is undoubtedly the most ideal situation. The appearance of Li Xuan makes it difficult for the naturalized divine music to invade the capital.

She could also be distracted by this and direct the power of the 'Nine Cauldrons and Five Dragons Hunyuan Formation' to the Temple of Heaven and Earth to help Yu Shaobao defend against the enemy.

At this moment, Yu Hongshang's mind suddenly moved slightly, and she looked forward with a frown.

In front of her eyes, almost all the chamberlains and maids, including the eunuch Wang Chuanhua, the leader of the imperial eunuch, fell to the ground unconscious in an instant.

This situation also spread to the imperial guards ahead.

Outside the Wenhua Palace, hundreds of guards and imperial troops on duty fell forward one by one without warning.

At this time, two figures appeared at the entrance of the palace.

Yu Hongshang's face turned as cold as ice and she looked at the person walking at the front intently.

It was a man in his twenties, with a handsome face and long hair that fell over his shoulders. Wearing a wide robe and long sleeves, he walked with his hands behind his back, looking like a master.

The other person is also a young man in his twenties, dressed like a noble son. Although his facial features are quite handsome, his temperament is far worse than the one in front of him, and he looks smooth and smooth.

When this person came in, he was still full of anxiety, but when he saw Yu Hongshang, his eyes became hot.

Yu Hongshang couldn't help but look fiercely: "Are you the magician Ruyi? How did you get in?"

The core of the 'Nine Cauldrons and Five Dragons Hunyuan Formation' is the Forbidden City. The defensive capabilities of this palace are the strongest in Beijing.

Theoretically, no one could walk in front of her without being noticed by her.

There is only one explanation for this. There is someone inside the palace who can help these two people sneak into the Wenhua Palace without telling her.

Moreover, this person who responded had extremely high authority in the palace.

In Yu Hongshang's mind, the figure of Queen Mother Sun flashed across her mind.

At this time, several people in the palace, such as Queen Wang, Qian Long, the eunuch in charge of the ceremony, the commander of the embroidery guards, and the eunuch supervising the inner police factory also had such authority.

But Ruyi, the magician class, got involved with his uncle Sun Jizong when they were in Dali Temple.

"It's Ban."

The classmate Ruyi chuckled, walked to a position a hundred steps in front of Yu Hongshang.

It's not that he doesn't want to move forward, but at this time, Yu Hongshang has already mobilized part of the power of the "Nine Cauldrons and Five Dragons Hunyuan Formation" to crush them like a mountain.

Magician Ban Ruyi himself was fine. Gang Qi was swirling around him, and a bright red magic mirror appeared behind him, which absorbed the power that was coming to him like the spring breeze blowing on his face.

But the young man behind him couldn't help but show pain.

If the magician Ban Ruyi hadn't rescued him in time, Yu Hongshang could have crushed him into dust with one blow.

Ban Ruyi used her magic power to protect the young noble, while shaking her head: "Why is the princess so cruel to the consort?"

"Consort?" Yu Hongshang couldn't help but look confused and confused.

It should be noted that there were only nine princesses in total in the current dynasty. Since the palace held several family banquets every year, Yu Hongshang knew all the princes-in-law of these princesses, but there was no one of such high standing among them.

"His surname is Liang and his name is Long. He is the nephew of General Liang Heng. He is a member of the imperial guard. He is a good-looking man, young and promising. He is worthy of being your majesty's son-in-law."

Ban Ruyi looked at Yu Hongshang, with a hint of joking in her eyes: "Ban is here to do good things for Her Royal Highness Princess Yucheng and Liang's Consort."

"You are presumptuous!"

Yu Hongshang's pupils dilated. She stretched out her hand, kneaded the yin and yang power into a big hand that reached up to the sky, and grabbed Liang Long.

The sight of these two people in front of her made her extremely sick, and Yu Hongshang felt that looking at them for even a moment would stain her eyes.

The magician Ban Ruyi has several incarnations, which is more difficult to deal with.

But this Liang Long, she could kill him with one slap.

At the same time, Yu Hongshang was also secretly wondering, thinking, are these two people crazy? Suddenly he ran up to her and said that this man named Liang could be her consort? Is this not asking for death?

"I forgot to mention that this is also the intention of His Royal Highness Prince Zhengxiang. The list of consorts he drew up for His Highness the Princess, the first one on the list is Liang Qianhu."

While Ban Ruyi was talking, he actually took out a golden talisman.

When the talisman unfolded, an extremely strong void barrier formed around the two of them, temporarily resisting the impact of Yu Hongshang's power.

At this time, Ban Ruyi reached out again and took a pink ball in front of her: "Princess, does she know what this is?"

Yu Hongshang couldn't help but twist her eyebrows, feeling a little puzzled, and then he listened to Ban Ruyi and said leisurely: "This thing is called the Red Thread Lian. The name is very nice, but it is a pity that an evil person took the red pills of seventy-two girls. Her Highness the Princess will definitely look down on anything made by someone else. But——"

As a ball of magic fire appeared in Ban Ruyi's hand, the pink ball was instantly refined and turned into a wisp of pink smoke, drifting towards Yu Hongshang.

Yu Hongshang frowned, and immediately summoned the True Yang Flame to burn the light smoke into dust.

But she was shocked to find that her own extreme Yang True Flame and Extreme Ice power were unable to do anything with this object.

Even the layers of magic and restraints around Yu Hongshang's body originating from the 'Nine Cauldrons and Five Dragons Hunyuan Formation' were useless. The blood mist actually penetrated through, and treated her true energy as if it were nothing, and entered directly. into her body.

"This thing can make you, Princess, so passionate that you can't suppress it. Afterwards, you will be deeply in love with your husband and you can't extricate yourself."

Ban Ruyi put her hands behind her back and watched this scene with satisfaction.

"Your Highness, there is no need to be surprised. The spirit guide that made this 'Red Thread Pull' is your own essence and blood, Your Highness. The Princess may not know that when Monk Zhenru wanted to refine Your Highness the Princess into a Drought Demon, it was the magic that he took from me. Array drawings.

In order to make Her Royal Highness the Princess a perfect Drought Demon, Zhenru specially took your essence and blood and sent it to me so that I can design a tailor-made design for you——"

At this time, beside him, Liang Long's face was flushed, and his eyes showed strong excitement and anticipation.

But then, Magician Ban Ruyi was in a daze.

This is because the Yu Hongshang on the throne has no other changes except for the two pink flowers on her pretty face.

Her face was expressionless, but her eyes were as calm as ever, as wise as before, as cold as ice, and full of killing intent.

On the contrary, he was on the verge of reaching his limit when using this immortal talisman made by a supremely powerful person.

"Hey, have you said enough? You dare to take your ideas to me, you are so brave!"

At the moment when the void barrier failed, Yu Hongshang immediately punched away Ban Ruyi's protection and blasted Liang Long into flesh and blood.

"Immortal treasure yin and yang snake arms?" Magician Ban Ruyi was surprised and looked at the pair of arm armor on Yu Hongshang's arms, with a look of astonishment in his eyes.

He wondered when Yu Hongshang had an immortal treasure in her hands?

As far as he knew, although the Jin royal family had dozens of immortal artifacts at this time, none of them were suitable for Yu Hongshang.

This is also the reason why he dares to appear here today.

Yu Hongshang's extreme yin and yang powers are extremely powerful, and any one of them can fight across levels. But when these two forces are mixed together, the yin and yang they cause are in conflict, which is Yu Hongshang's biggest flaw.

But with this pair of yin and yang snake arms, Yu Hongshang's aura gave her the same feeling as a normal heavenly being.

Magician Ban Ruyi did not hesitate, and immediately transformed into a ball of black brilliance, intending to rush out of the palace.

But Yu Hongshang's face showed ridicule: "Can you leave? Who gave you the courage to enter the Wenhua Palace to provoke me?"


At this moment, five golden dragons appeared in the palace. They surrounded the magician Ban Ruyi, making him unable to move.

Next, UU Reading is Yu Hongshang's magnificent fist power. The extreme Yang true fire carried on the edge of the fist burned most of the magician Ban Ruyi's body in one punch.

And her second punch blasted the remaining part of Ban Ruyi's body into ice powder.

Yu Hongshang was not happy at all, but shook her head slightly, thinking that this was indeed a clone of Ban Ruyi.

Next, Yu Hongshang frowned, feeling an increasingly difficult to suppress heat in her chest and abdomen.

This made Yu Hongshang couldn't help but tighten her legs, and her breathing became hot.

She was able to temporarily suppress the power of the 'Red Thread Pull' just now, relying on the 'Bingdi Shenxin' that she and Li Xuan took together in the past. But this product can only delay the onset of 'red thread pull', but cannot eliminate it.

Yu Hongshang couldn't help but take a bite of Yin Yang. She raised her head with difficulty and looked far away in the direction of Li Xuan.


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