Demoness, Where Are You Fleeing To?

Chapter 59 How am I smiling?

Of course, it was impossible for Li Xuan to bring everyone back to Suzaku Hall. The key was that there were too many people and the cells of Suzaku Hall could not accommodate them.

However, a group of dandies led by Cui Hongan were all thrown in by Li Xuan. He had made up his mind, if these guys didn't shed their skin, they would never get out of the prison of Suzaku Hall.

Li Xuan thought that if he didn't beat these guys hard once and convinced them, he would probably be in trouble in the future.

After settling the second-generation officials and the second-generation rich, Li Xuan brought Peng Fulai and Zhang Yue to Jiang Hanyun.

"Sir, I'm here to report back to you! Both of my subordinates, Peng Fulai and Zhang Yue, have been brought back by me."

"Already seen it."

Jiang Hanyun calmly picked up an iron-wood stick as thick as an arm from the table, and then blew on the tip of the stick: "Get out! I have something to say to them. Remember to close the doors and windows outside tightly. , no one is allowed to enter the courtyard outside for the time being."

"I understand the humble position!"

Li Xuan cupped his hands and backed away from Jiang Hanyun's apartment expressionlessly. It wasn't until he stepped out of the door that he looked at his two best friends with extremely sympathetic eyes.

"I don't know how the two of them have angered you, but for the sake of this being their first offender, I ask the captain to show mercy."

"Where did you get angry? First offense?" Jiang Hanyun sneered, "Haha", and waved her hand impatiently: "Get out! There is no place for you to talk here."

At this moment, Peng Fulai and Zhang Yue were both as pale as paper. They could guess what would happen next even with their heels. This made their teeth chatter, their legs shaking like chaff, and their eyes looking at Li Xuan were full of begging.

But to the disappointment of the two, Li Xuan walked out ruthlessly, and then closed the door with a "Capone" sound.

Li Xuan, who walked out of the door, shook his head with his hands behind his back and sighed, silently mourning for his two best friends in his heart.

As brothers, I also want to help you, but I have no choice but to protect myself. There is nothing I can do. If I want to blame you, I can only blame you two for being too desperate.

As soon as he walked out of the courtyard, he heard a "canopy" sound inside, followed by Peng Fulai's scream like a pig being killed.

The level of misery made Li Xuan couldn't help but tremble, and then he raised the level of cruelty of the female boss to another level in his mind.

At this time, Le Qianqian happened to be walking towards him. She glanced at Li Xuan, then her body shrank slightly, her eyes frightened: "Master Youyou, can you, please stop smiling like that? It feels so scary!"

"Really?" Li Xuan wiped his face suspiciously: "How am I smiling?"

"Obviously, it looks very perceptive. The way you want to laugh but try to hold it back makes you look very twisted, like a villain who has succeeded in his conspiracy."

At this time, Zhang Yue's high-pitched screams rang out in the courtyard. Le Qianqian shuddered and suddenly realized: "I see, my lord, are you gloating?"

"No way? You must have read it wrong." Li Xuan looked slightly solemn and changed the subject directly: "Is there any progress in the inspection of the fishermen with the surname Nine?"

After he returned to Suzaku Hall just now, he noticed that everyone who stayed behind in Mingyoudu was obviously happy.

"Yes, there is still a lot of progress! The idea you provided is correct, sir." Le Qianqian's expression perked up, and she whispered in Li Xuan's ear: "So far, it has been found that the children of seven fishermen have been killed recently. He has been missing for several months and was taken away by monks. We are still looking for more clues."

"What's the situation like with these seven families?"

Just as Li Xuan was asking, the sound of "awning" came from the small courtyard again, and he saw Peng Fulai get out of the window from the corner of his eye. But as soon as his man came out halfway, he was pulled back again. He clung to the window sill desperately, his eyes full of despair, and his face was covered with snot and tears.

Li Xuan glanced at him, then turned to Le Qianqian with a normal expression: "Do you know the details? How long has it been since the child was taken away? And by whom?"

"I'm not sure." Le Qianqian pointed to the yard with a pale face: "Will they two be okay?"

After about a moment, the screams of Peng Fulai and Zhang Yue came to an end.

When Jiang Hanyun opened the door and walked out, she still looked as delicate and weak as usual, delicate and frail. But what she said made people shudder.

"I really can't even hold on to a stick of incense without being beaten."

After saying this, Jiang Hanyun glanced sideways at Li Xuan again: "Take your people away, and hope they can learn from it. The same goes for you, Li Xuan. If they dare to slack off in martial arts, what will happen to them?" It’s your tomorrow!”

"Your Majesty, please take note!" Li Xuan grunted, swallowed, and walked into Jiang Hanyun's apartment again.

Then he saw Peng Fulai and Zhang Yue lying on the ground, their eyes were dull, and they looked like their souls were gone.

But strangely enough, neither of them had any scars on their bodies, as if the previous screams and fights had never happened.

Li Xuan was even more horrified, knowing that this was a very clever technique. It can cause extreme pain without leaving any obvious scars on the surface.

This shows that if the female devil wants to beat him, she can do so in such a way that neither his parents can see a trace of it.

He shook his head, then held one in each hand and pulled them out like dead dogs.

It wasn't until Li Xuan took them to the stable and put the two of them on the back of Long Ju that Zhang Yue regained some consciousness. He twitched his body, and then murmured incoherently: "Devil, really a devil, that woman is a devil!"

"That bloody-hand massacre was the reincarnation of the devil in hell. Immortal Banban, this is the first time in my life that my old Peng has suffered so much." Peng Fulai also recovered his anger, and then expressed his sorrow and anger again. He looked at Li Xuan with his eyes: "You Li Qianzhi, you actually betrayed us!"

"How can you say that?" Li Xuan definitely couldn't admit this crime: "The captain only asked me to take you over, how did I know that the captain wanted to beat you? I have also spoken for you. UU read books wwww. uukanshu.nnet ”

Peng Fulai didn't believe Li Xuan's lies at all, not a single word: "Li Qianzhi, you can't guess it? Is it okay to remind me in advance?"

"This is a bit unreasonable!" Li Xuan looked at the two of them with the same eyes angrily: "I'm still surprised, what on earth did you do? To make the captain so angry, I also suffered. Don't tell me, it's just because you drank wine yesterday and you were detained at the Red Moon Boat?"

Peng Fulai suddenly looked embarrassed. Of course, the reason why Jiang Hanyun attacked them was not just this. The key was that they had been absent from work for the past two days.

Liudaosi adopts a rotating rest system, so when Li Xuan takes a bath, the two of them still have to be on duty.

But when Li Xuan was here, they still took care of Liu Daosi's errands out of consideration for their best friend. But after Li Xuan left, the two of them completely let themselves go.

Peng Fulai was helpless and unconvinced. There are several second-generation ancestors living in Mingyoudu. Why would Jiang Hanyun catch them and beat them?

Could it be that he didn’t send enough money to his superiors?

"I shouldn't have entered your Mingyou Capital."

Zhang Yue was also very angry and looked regretful. Then he looked around: "Where are you going? Are you going to patrol the streets again? It's almost night."

Li Xuan thought that of course he had to patrol the streets. They had been stopped for two days.

During this period, other groups have been doing the work for me. If this continues, my colleagues will have objections.

But before he could speak, Ma Chenggong hurried in riding a ground dragon: "You guys will follow me later, all put on the ground dragon, take action!"

He looked excited: "Finally found the whereabouts of those bastards."

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