Demoness, Where Are You Fleeing To?

Chapter 60 It’s time to show off your skills

The gathering speed in Ming Youdu was very fast. In less than half a moment, more than fifty people gathered. Under the leadership of the commander Jiang Hanyun, brightly dressed and angry horses galloped out of the Suzaku Hall.

At this time, Fire Crow Commander Lei Yun happened to be preparing to go out. He looked at this impressive group of people on the steps. He could not help but raise his sword eyebrows slightly and his eyes were stunned: "Where are you going with such a big fanfare? Do you know what happened? Something?"

He was asking his assistant, a woman in her twenties who was wearing silver armor. There was also a hint of confusion in her words: "I don't know, the security over there is very tight right now, and all of us fire crows have been captured." Everyone thinks of him as a thief. But I guess it has something to do with the Jiangjun Mountain Blood Sacrifice Case. After being ridiculed by you, the captain, it is unlikely that Jiang Hanyun would be interested in anything else except this matter."

She looked at her boss meaningfully, and said with a hint of ridicule: "Do you care? Do you want to go and have a look?"

"Those evil cultivators are almost about to be arrested. Why are you still going to see them now? Are you going to be laughed at by Jiang Hanyun in turn?"

Lei Yun burst into laughter and waved his sleeves carelessly: "I don't know about that woman Jiang Hanyun? The case is all handled by her fox. If she can find any useful clues this time, I will eat this stone lion in one bite." Lose!"

He pointed specifically at the stone lion that was one or two people tall next to him, with a confident look on his face.

At this moment, an old man wearing Taoist robes with pale eyes suddenly appeared at the door of Suzaku Hall: "Eat the stone lion in one bite? I am also interested in watching such a heroic eating method. The key is still the stone."

Lei Yun was stunned for a while, and then he quickly bowed and saluted the old man: "My subordinates, please see the manager!"

"Get up, no need to be polite!" The old man flicked his sleeves, and then asked: "Captain Lei, are you sure of today's actions?"

"We are 80% or 90% sure, they will definitely not be able to escape." Lei Yun looked confident: "The low-level people have been keeping an eye on them for a few days, and they will definitely be captured today."

"Then go ahead."

The old man looked into the distance, with expectation hidden in his eyebrows: "The Jiangjun Mountain case must be settled as soon as possible, and one of the three major cases in Nanjing City must be solved first. You Fire Crow City, please don't let me down."


Li Xuan followed Ming Youdu and his party for more than twenty miles, and finally stopped in front of a small hill.

"Dushan Temple!"

Li Xuan knew the name of this place without looking up the mountain. As a native of Nanjing, he was very familiar with this city. Due to its unique scenery, Dushan Temple was favored by the powerful scholar-bureaucrats in Nanjing. When Li Xuan was a child, he visited it twice with his elders.

And just when Ma Chenggong allocated manpower to seal off the inside and outside of the Taoist temple, Jiang Hanyun's eyes went straight to Li Xuan: "Li Xuan, you will bring people into the temple with me later!"

Behind Li Xuan, Peng Fulai and Zhang Yue couldn't help but look at each other, and they were both surprised by the importance the female devil paid to Li Xuan.

Naturally, Li Xuan's group was not the only one who followed Jiang Hanyun into the temple. A total of six groups of 24 people, including Si Qianhui, the captain of the Fumo Command, broke into the Taoist temple in two directions: front and rear.

But after entering, everyone's expressions were ashen.

"All dead?"

Peng Fulai looked at the dead bodies in front of the Sanqing Palace and couldn't help but look pale: "Which force is the blood sacrifice at Jiangjun Mountain? This is too cruel!"

In front of him, a total of twenty-five Taoists were sitting or lying on the futons in different postures.

Li Xuan didn't speak. He came to a corpse with eyes as deep as water. He first felt for the pulse, then looked at the man's eyes, and then there was a hint of confusion in his eyes.

He started with the deceased's hair again and observed carefully step by step.

But Li Xuan's inspection was only halfway through. In the distance, a young man wearing traveling clothes had already stood up from the pile of corpses: "Sir, Captain, the deceased had no external injuries, and there was cyanosis in the mouth and nose. He should have died of poisoning. Judging from the body spots, the time of death It was about three to four hours, or even longer. The only thing I'm not sure about is whether these deceased committed suicide or were poisoned."

The atmosphere in front of Sanqing Hall suddenly became colder, and everyone's breathing gradually became heavier.

Jiang Hanyun's aura also became particularly cold, and the color in his eyes changed.

"What's going on?" Zhang Yue looked around in confusion: "Why does it feel like the atmosphere has suddenly changed."

"you shut up!"

Peng Fulai whispered a lesson, and his expression became extremely serious: "Just watch from the side."

What concerned everyone at this time was no longer the murder case that occurred in Dushan Temple, but the time of death of these people.

Since it was within three to four hours, it meant that there was probably a traitor in their Mingyou Capital.

"Are you sure it's within four hours?" Jiang Hanyun looked at the soul with a wandering official position: "Has the spell been tested?"

"It has been tested!" The soul's expression was determined: "In addition, I have also used spiritualism, and I can only collect some soul fragments."

At this time, Ma Chenggong also came over: "Master Xiaowei, no bodies have been found elsewhere. Everyone in Dushan Temple is concentrated here. Our people are still searching to see if they can find any clues. But I don't think there is hope. Big, I've looked everywhere, and every room is very clean, and almost all the cabinets have signs of being turned over."

He looked very depressed. The clues he had finally discovered were now cut off.

Jiang Hanyun clenched her teeth and said nothing. Her eyes quickly focused on Li Xuan.

Seeing Li Xuan's focused and meticulous look, Jiang Hanyun's eyes couldn't help but shine with a hint of expectation: "Li Xuan, did you see anything from the corpse?"

"I'm not sure yet." Li Xuan said with some hesitation: "I don't know exactly how long the deceased died, but it was definitely not three to four hours ago. My current prediction is that it will be within half an hour, or maybe even Not that long ago.”

"How can it be?"

The soul with an official position couldn't help but laugh and said: "How did you learn the method of autopsy? Did Liu Sanjie teach you?"

Ma Chenggong and others also had doubts in their eyes.

This traveler's name is Xu Gushan, and he is currently the most useful spirit widow in Mingyou City.

Xu Gushan walked up to Li Xuan and looked at the corpse below: "Judging from the body spots of the deceased, the time of death was clearly around four hours. I pressed the spots on the body, which only faded slightly, and removed the corpse After flipping over, the corpse spots did not disappear quickly, and no new corpse spots were generated. I just cast the spell, and their blood was already stale, and this corpse must be no exception. In addition, the temperature of the corpse is similar to that of the outside world. ."

"Sir Xu, common sense is true, but there are many things wrong with this body."

Li Xuan shook his head. He knew that these were indeed the characteristics of corpse spots eight hours after death, but he had found nothing else during the inspection just now.

The phenomenon of corpse spots, UU Reading, can be divided into an accumulation period and a diffusion period in the early stage.

After death, blood sinks into the blood vessels in the lower parts of the body, causing the appearance of cadaveric spots. At this time, if you press the corpse spots with your fingers, the blood in the capillaries in the pressed area will flow to the surroundings, and the corpse spots will temporarily disappear; if you turn the corpse position, the original corpse spots will gradually become less obvious or even disappear, and when the corpse is new, New corpse spots reappeared in the lower parts of the body. This is the accumulation stage, which is usually the state of corpse stains within 2 to 4 hours after death.

The diffusion period is the state of corpse spots 8 to 10 hours after death. At this time, the person's blood will spread outside the blood vessels. Whether it is pressed with fingers or turned over, the original corpse spots are not easy to disappear, which is consistent with the situation. Characteristics of this corpse.

"The problem is that the color of the corpse spots is wrong. It is brighter." Li Xuan said while pointing to the back of the corpse: "The normal color is purple-red."

This is actually insufficient dissociation of oxyhemoglobin——

"rigor mortis has appeared, but the facial muscles, mandible, toe joints, etc. of the deceased have no stiffness and contraction, or are very slight."

Rigor mortis usually begins 10 minutes to 7 hours after death. Half of its development sequence is descending type and ascending type. The former starts from the masseter and cervical muscles, then the facial thighs, and then the trunk, upper and lower limbs; the latter starts from the lower limbs and gradually develops upward.

"The temperature of the corpses is actually not normal. If you look closely, you will find that the body temperature of these deceased people is actually lower than the outside world. The pupils are not completely dilated, and there is a blue sheen at the bottom. It is suspected to be the influence of some kind of toxin, and there is no expansion in the abdomen. ."

Generally, 4 to 5 hours after death in summer, the person's abdomen will swell with decay. Therefore, the time of death of this person does not match the body spots.

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