Demoness, Where Are You Fleeing To?

Chapter 61 I saw the truth

PS: Thanks to Xiong Rouge, the first ally in this book.


"The key is--"

Li Xuan pressed the deceased's abdomen: "The deceased's intestines and stomach are still moving. If you touch the deceased's eyes again, you will feel slight pressure."

This is a super life reaction. A few hours after death, the intestines are still moving, and the intestinal movement inside this corpse is particularly obvious.

Generally, the intraocular pressure of a normal person is between 14 and 21mmHg. It can be reduced to 10mmHg 10 minutes after death and to 7mmHg 20 minutes until it disappears completely.

"So I judge that his death time was probably within half an hour, or even shorter."

Li Xuan looked up at Xu Youjiu: "I guess Xu Youjiao didn't look at the body carefully just now."

Xu Gushan's face turned red: "Then what about this corpse stain? This spell has also been verified."

Li Xuan also found this incredible. He had never seen a similar case in a book in his previous life, let alone come into contact with it.

However, this world is a world where immortals and Buddhas appear, and it cannot be speculated by 'science'. Fortunately, he had carefully studied some of Liu Sanjie's notes in the past few days.

"Xu Youyou, I guess this was caused by some kind of strange poison that dissolved the blood in the deceased's body and destroyed most of the tiny meridians in the deceased's body."

These words are meant for people in this world.

The so-called hemolysis is actually the rupture and dissolution of red blood cells; and the micro meridians refer to the capillaries of the deceased. This will cause the blood of the deceased to spread outside the blood vessels in a very short period of time, making the corpse spots difficult to fade away.

In fact, besides this, there is more evidence to support his judgment, but it is difficult to explain.

"Speaking of which, I remember there was a strange poison that might have similar characteristics, and the bottom of the deceased's pupils -"

"It's the Blue Corpse Powder used for refining corpses! A very precious and extremely rare divine medicine for refining corpses." Xu Gushan interrupted before Li Xuan finished speaking. He looked towards Jiang Hanyun with a look of shame on his face. He bowed deeply and said, "My subordinate was not careful and made an oversight! If it was a medicine like Blue Corpse Powder, the death time of the deceased might indeed be within half an hour."

Zhang Yue couldn't help but open his mouth when he heard this, and touched Peng Fulai with his elbow: "Fu Lai, Qian Zhi, he has really been replaced, right?"

——This guy actually pushed back a real soul.

Peng Fulai's expression was quite calm. He had spent more time with Li Xuan these days and was exposed to more of Li Xuan's magic.

"Then why do they want to confuse the time of death of these people?" Ma Chenggong frowned, a little confused: "What good does this do to them?"

"This Blue Corpse Powder can't be hidden from the real clever souls." Si Qianhui held her chin with her hand and said thoughtfully: "But the person who poisoned it may have used the Blue Corpse Powder to confuse the public. It means. As far as I know, this medicine is extremely precious and worth tens of thousands of gold, much more expensive than ordinary poisons."

Li Xuan intervened here and pointed out a more critical point: "I just heard Captain Ma say that this Taoist temple has been cleaned up? Then I have reason to think that the murderer left Dushan Temple for a very short time. They It's probably not easy to clean up the entire Taoist temple in half an hour. In this case, even if the murderer walks far away, the smell will probably not be completely dissipated."

At this moment, everyone in front of the Sanqing Palace focused their attention on Li Xuan. Their expressions were different, including curiosity, excitement, surprise, and surprise.

At the same time, everyone secretly breathed a sigh of relief. Since the death time was within half an hour, it was unlikely that there was an insider, at least not within Mingyou City.

Jiang Hanyun's eyes also lit up, and she immediately waved her sleeves slightly: "Xiao Lei! Do you remember the smell here?"

Jiang Hanyun's spirit fox immediately came out of her sleeve. Li Xuan keenly noticed that this little fox actually had an extra tail.

It sniffed on the ground and nodded slightly towards Jiang Hanyun.

"Very good!" Jiang Hanyun threw a red pill directly into Linghu's mouth. "Be good! Go and search for me around here. Is there anyone with the same or similar smell to this place? Qianhui, take a few people with you and follow Xiao Lei."

She wasn't sure if it would be useful. After all, half a moment had passed since they arrived and when Li Xuan said these words.

In addition, although Dushan Temple is outside the city, it is actually surrounded by residential buildings, and the various smells are mixed, making it difficult for even her spirit fox to accurately identify it.

Just because monks can restrain their breath, the smell on their bodies is much lighter than that of ordinary people. Their speed is also as fast as a galloping horse. It is even more difficult to identify the scent and track them at a speed faster than that of a galloping horse.

After Jiang Hanyun gave the order, the four-tailed fox immediately turned into a white light and left, while Si Qianhui and a few people hurriedly followed.

At this time, Li Xuan raised his fist towards Jiang Hanyun again: "Sir, Colonel, I want to disembowel these corpses to see if I can find more clues."


Jiang Hanyun waved her hand without any scruples. When it came to such a shocking case as the Jiangjun Mountain Blood Sacrifice, it was no longer up to the family members of the corpse to make the decision.

"Xu Gushan, you go too, as fast as possible. I'll wait for your results."

Ma Chenggong next to him couldn't help but let out a 'tsk', his lips twitching slightly. Knowing that his boss clearly trusted Li Xuan more and more.

But this is reasonable. Since Jiang Hanyun took office, many elderly people in Mingyou City have performed mediocrely. On the contrary, Li Xuan, a playboy in the eyes of everyone, has repeatedly performed brilliantly, and is obviously more worthy of Jiang Hanyun's reliance.

Li Xuan didn't say anything, and immediately directed Peng Fulai and others to carry a corpse to an incense table nearby, and then use the tools in his craft box to disembowel the corpse.

Ma Chenggong was not idle either: "Sir, my subordinates will also search outside. I want to see if there is anything missing in this Taoist temple."

His on-site inspection of the Taoist temple just now was just a quick glance and not detailed.

Jiang Hanyun looked at Li Xuan who was dissecting the corpse with concentration, and nodded slightly: "Go and be careful. I estimate that people from the Fire Crow City will come later, so don't let them see the joke."

Considering the need to gain time, Li Xuan did not strictly follow the autopsy procedures. After breaking open the deceased's chest and removing the chest plate, he directly touched the deceased's heart. Then he raised his eyebrows slightly: "The myocardium is contracting, the left ventricle has sufficient blood, and the time of death is indeed within half an hour."

He could feel the rippling or peristaltic contractions of the deceased's atria, which was the myocardial contraction in the 'ultrasound reaction'. In addition, the deceased's myocardium did not show any myocardial tonicity, which usually occurs about an hour after death and gradually pushes out the blood in the heart chambers, especially the left ventricle.

Then, Li Xuan cut open the deceased's esophagus and stomach.

Peng Fulai and Zhang Yue subconsciously covered their mouths and noses at this moment, while Li Xuan watched intently.

"This smell is indeed Blue Corpse Powder. I suggest applying a talisman to purify it as soon as possible. These corpses are likely to undergo corpse transformation."

The words came from Xu Gushan, who was standing next to another incense table. He glanced at Li Xuan with complex eyes: "The food in the deceased's stomach remained intact, without any signs of digestion. It can be seen that the deceased died shortly after eating dinner. It could be within three moments.”

Jiang Hanyun found that Li Xuan frowned and looked at the stomach of the deceased with a steady expression. She couldn't help but feel a little excited, showing a sense of expectation: "Li Xuan, what did you find?"

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