"There is a discovery."

Li Xuan then walked to the body that Xu Gushan broke open and looked carefully at the man's stomach. Then he said thoughtfully: "The meat they eat doesn't look like fish, but more like a giant salamander or a snake? Let's go take a look at the kitchen."

He suddenly took a step forward and walked straight towards the kitchen of the Taoist temple. Coincidentally, Ma Chenggong is also here in the kitchen.

"You are here at the right time, Mr. Xiaowei. Look here. These kitchen utensils and stoves can handle at least a few hundred people. These offal should be used to make fires to feed the children. There is a lot of food prepared here. , several stoves have signs of recent use, and I suspect they still have some living children in their hands."

Li Xuan walked directly to the vat containing kitchen waste and kicked it down.

The disgusting and putrid smell suddenly filled the entire place, but Li Xuan had a magic spell to cover his mouth and nose, which was even more effective than a mask.

He bent down, picked out some strange bones inside, and then asked, "What kind of bones do you think these are? I've never seen them before."

Most people present were at a loss and looked at each other.

Only Peng Fulai spoke after hesitating for a while: "I recognize it. It should be a blood salamander, one of the young species of horned dragon. Don't you remember Qianzhi? We have eaten it several times."

Li Xuan's expression suddenly dawned: "No wonder he looks familiar."

"Blood salamander? How many times have you eaten it?" Ma Chenggong couldn't help but scolded: "You rich kids who deserve to be killed a thousand times!"

Xu Gushan fell into deep thought: "The key is that blood salamanders can only be found in underground rivers and caves with excellent water quality. I remember that blood salamanders are very expensive, right?"

"A blood salamander is worth more than five hundred taels, and all the major restaurants in the city are collecting it." Peng Fulai squinted and said, "Ordinary people will sell blood salamanders to restaurants if they catch them. They are very luxurious and eat them directly. It fell off. I see there are a lot of salamander bones here, at least seven or more."

"What if you can't sell it and don't dare to sell it? None of the Taoists who died here had any cultivation."

After Ma Chenggong said this, he raised his head excitedly and looked at everyone present: "As far as I know, there are only two underground rivers near Nanjing City, and there are only three caves, which can accommodate several people. There’s even less room for hundreds of people!”

The clues that were originally broken are now reconnected!

At this time, a demon-suppressing tour leader was a little surprised and said: "But we have investigated the two underground rivers and caves as soon as possible, and they are the top priority of our Six Daosi Division's search."

"But since they have so much energy, wouldn't it be easy for them to hide it from us? I remember that a few days ago, our Liudao Division assigned only 22 people to investigate the underground river. The rest were from Yingtianfu Yamen, Nanjing Criminal Department Borrowed from Beijing Yingzhong. How reliable can such investigation results be? Don’t forget that the previous murder cases between our Liudaosi Division and Jiangning County were caused by internal problems."

Ma Chenggong looked at Jiang Hanyun: "Master Xiaowei! I think you can give it a try."

"Of course we have to find out what happened."

Jiang Hanyun held the waist knife with cold eyes: "But the search cannot be carried out with great fanfare. In order to avoid disturbing the situation, you still have to rely on my little thunder. Ma Chenggong, please call everyone into the Taoist temple now. From now on, entry and exit are strictly prohibited. No communication with the outside world! You, Ma Chenggong, will be personally responsible for this matter and keep a close eye on everyone."

Li Xuan thought that it was not without reason that his boss could be promoted to the position of captain. His IQ was on the line at the critical moment.

The death time of these Taoist priests was certainly within half an hour. But this does not mean that all the people in Mingyou Capital are reliable and trustworthy.

What Jiang Hanyun is doing now is just in case.

As for the search for the underground river, it was a relatively simple matter for Jiang Hanyun's four-tailed spirit fox.

The food for the hundreds of people must be transported back and forth by someone, and there must be odors left along the way. The spirit fox only needs to follow the map to find it.

Just about a stick of incense later, Si Qianhui walked in holding Jiang Hanyun's spirit fox: "Master Xiaowei, I followed your Xiaolei and ran for about seven miles, all the way to the Great Baoen Temple. , Xiao Lei stopped. It stayed in place for a long time without moving, until the subordinate received your recall talisman."

Jiang Hanyun stretched out his hand and took the four-tailed fox. The latter let out a gentle cry, not knowing what he was talking about. Jiang Hanyun's willow eyebrows also frowned slightly.

"Lord Captain," Ma Chenggong asked curiously, "Did Linghu gain something?"

"No." Jiang Hanyun shook her head: "But it said it's not that it can't smell the smell, but that there are too many similar smells, and it's hard to distinguish them at the same time."

Too many similar smells?

Li Xuan couldn't help but look slightly moved. On the other side of the Great Baoen Temple, that is, on the Inner Qinhuai River, there were hundreds of brothels and brothels along the so-called Ten Miles of Qinhuai.

There are too many similar smells. Is she a brothel girl?

But the most urgent task right now is to find the caves and underground rivers where the evil cultivators hide.

Jiang Hanyun fed the spirit fox two more pills. When the spirit fox regained its energy, he sent the spirit fox away and turned into light again.

The waiting time this time was expected to be long. After Li Xuan carefully inspected the two corpses and found no more usable clues, he went to a room in the backyard of the Taoist temple alone and began to sit cross-legged in meditation while carrying Zhou Tian.

This was because he expected that he would not be able to return home today, so he simply completed the homework of the ‘Hunyuan Celestial Elephant Technique’ here.

After five rounds of Zhou Tian, ​​Li Xuan began to practice the family palm technique again.

He has been like this lately, taking advantage of every opportunity to practice and not letting go of any free time.

Li Xuan originally had a lot of debts, which could not be made up with just one attack from the ancestor possessed by the gods.

It wasn't until after midnight that someone called Li Xuan over. He found that the four-tailed fox had suddenly returned to Jiang Hanyun's arms. Ma Chenggong and Si Qianhui next to them both had happy faces.

"Master Captain?" Li Xuan's eyes lit up, UU reading www. uukanshu. net thought that this spirit fox must have gained something.

"Sit next to it." Ma Chenggong couldn't suppress his smile: "Just wait here, we can't take it down this time with the strength of Mingyou City alone."

Li Xuan immediately found a seat in the corner and sat down without saying a word.

He felt quite honored in his heart. There were only six people in Mingyou who were qualified to be called by Jiang Hanyun to wait in Sanqing Hall, including Ma Chenggong and Si Qianhui.

About half a quarter of an hour later, three figures walked in from the outside. Surprisingly, the guards outside had no idea of ​​their arrival.

Jiang Hanyun and others were not surprised at all. They immediately stood up and saluted in the direction of the three of them: "For those of low rank, please see the manager!"

Li Xuan saluted with everyone, stood up, and then looked at the three people in front of him.

He knew the two people behind them, Lei Yun, the commander of the Fire Crow Capital, and his subordinate Leng Shuangyun, the Demon-Suppressing Captain.

What concerned him was the leader of the three. He was an old man with white hair and a thin face. He was wearing a Taoist robe and looked like an immortal. But those eyes were pale, without pupils, and seemed to be blind.

Li Xuan was thinking that this was the demon-suppressing manager of their Suzaku Hall? Suddenly, he felt a powerful force of coldness entering his body. He looked back in shock and found that the female ghost in red had disappeared.

Is this female ghost hiding in his body?

The old man obviously didn't notice anything was wrong. His first words after arriving were: "Hanyun, is what you said true?"

"Absolutely true!"

Jiang Hanyun cupped her hands with an extremely solemn expression: "We, Ming Youdu, not only found those evil cultivators, but also found traces of Xue Wuya."

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