Demoness, Where Are You Fleeing To?

Chapter 614 Great increase in military power


At the same time, in Renshou Palace, the atmosphere here was extremely low and depressing.

The news that King Xiang had been sent to Xiuyiwei's prison had been reported here half a moment ago. But instead of getting better, the owner of this room became even more depressed and angry.

"Yu Qiyu!" Queen Mother Sun almost spat out her voice from between her teeth. Her breath even caused a layer of ice to form in the corners of the room.

"How dare he! How dare he? This is simply wanton and lawless! How dare Yu Qiyu make a concubine from a distant branch as the emperor's heir? He is still a posthumous son. Qi Zhen, you have so many children, which one is not better than that? Is the bastard strong on the road?

Don’t those officials, officials, and officials in the Han Dynasty know that this is against etiquette and law? Let a commoner from a distant branch become the grandson of the emperor. Have they read the book into the dog's belly? "

What made her shocked and angry was that Yu Qiyu would rather give the throne to an outsider than choose an heir from the legitimate emperor's sons.

Where does this put their mother and son?

The spirit of the Emperor Zhengtong appeared in front of the Empress Dowager Sun at this time. His expression was equally gloomy: "As my child said, Yu Qiyu is ambitious and harbors resentment towards my child and mother. He will definitely not give up the throne." It fell back into the hands of my department...

As for those officials, mother, there is no need to be too demanding. Now that King Xiang has fallen, there is another case of golden swords suppressing many virtuous people in the outer dynasty. Yu Qiyu had no constraints internally or externally, and with Yu Jie in the military department and Li Xuan, the commander-in-chief of the Fifth Army, as his wing, it was clear that the general trend was established and unstoppable. As he said, he can decide the matter of the crown prince with just one word. "

Queen Mother Sun looked livid and asked her uncle Sun Jizong next to her: "That little beast named Yu Youxun is now being raised by Concubine Hang?"

But Sun Jizong shook his head with a grimace: "I don't know what Emperor Jingtai had in mind, but he placed that little beast next to his daughter Yu Hongshang. In the past few months, I have tried to go to her 'Bubi Palace' There were people involved, but there was no progress.

When Yu Hongshang chose palace maids, she did not go through the channels of 'Shang Yi' at all. She directly selected people from outside and trained them herself. I tried to start with their families, but after a month of research, I still didn’t know where they were from. "

"Shangyi" is one of the twelve supervisors, four divisions and eight bureaus in the palace. It is also the name of the female officer who is responsible for teaching etiquette.

Theoretically, all the palace ladies in the Forbidden City need to be properly taught by ‘Shang Yi’ before being sent to various palaces.

"Also, her princess palace has gradually become a success. Emperor Jingtai gave her several palaces. She has an annual income of one million taels of silver. She is also a heavenly king, and she has been able to recruit many masters in the world."

Empress Dowager Sun held the handrail tightly, her face livid: "This is against the rules! How dare he be so presumptuous?"

Sun Jizong did not answer, but bowed indifferently.

This is certainly against the rules, but the current emperor is Yu Qiyu, and he holds great power, so there is no room for others to comment.

When there was no case of the Golden Knife, Empress Dowager Sun could still control her as a legitimate mother.

But now that Empress Dowager Sun was trapped in Renshou Palace and unable to move, Emperor Jingtai became even more unscrupulous.

Queen Mother Sun then looked at Sun Chuyun in the distance with cold eyes.

If she, the niece, took action, that little beast might not survive the night.

Sun Chuyun ignored him. She turned her head and looked outside the palace.

"ignore the general interest!"

Empress Dowager Sun couldn't help but widen her eyes and let out an angry snort.

Queen Mother Sun wanted to get angry and scold this unreasonable girl severely. But when she thought that she still needed to use Sun Chuyun to contact the inside and outside, she endured it again.

"Useless mother." Emperor Zhengtong guessed what his mother wanted to do, and he shook his head slightly: "That little beast is actually insignificant. Even if this child dies young, Yu Qiyu will have to raise another one when he is old. What harm will it do to him?

There are twenty-six sons of Taizu, four sons of Taizong, and nine sons of Renzong. With so many clans, can't they still find a child of the right age? Since he is determined and does not want me to regain the imperial throne, he has many ways to think of. So not only does this not help, it actually makes our situation more dangerous. Once clues are revealed, the consequences will be disastrous. "

"Qi Zhen, you are right, we cannot wait until a few years later. Although King Xiang has been eliminated now, the situation of you, my mother and my son is even worse."

Queen Mother Sun closed her eyes tightly and took a deep breath. When she opened her eyes again, her eyes were full of murderous intent: "What are the preparations for the Mongol people?"

The Zhengtong Emperor responded with a cold face: "Everything is ready, Wala is waiting for the oath of my heart. But once this oath is made, it will be an arrow on the string and must be fired."

"Go and contact them." Queen Mother Sun said as she fell into deep thought: "Also, there should be some movement in the outer court, and Yu Qiyu cannot be allowed to establish the emperor's heir smoothly.

Jizong, the officials and officials in our hands, as well as the clan, must be moved as much as possible, and don't be reluctant to give up money. This time, even if it can occupy one or two of Yu Qiyu's energy, it will be a good deal. "


Li Xuan stayed in the palace for more than an hour before walking out of the Meridian Gate.

This is because not long ago, he was summoned by the eunuch Wang Chuanhua, the leader of the Duzhi Prison, saying that he was summoned by the emperor.

Li Xuan originally thought that Emperor Jingtai called him over to review the subsequent cases of King Xiang.

In a major conspiracy like this, the evil must be eliminated. No matter how kind-hearted Emperor Jingtai was, he would be ruthless and kill Lian.

Therefore, King Xiang's imprisonment was only the beginning. They also had to torture this person's accomplices and arrest everyone involved in the case.

But the result was beyond Li Xuan's expectation. Emperor Jingtai had no intention of letting him get involved in King Xiang's case again.

After a follow-up trial, Emperor Jingtai was ready to hand it over to the Internal Police Department and the Embroidery Guard.

Li Xuan was so happy that he had little intention of continuing to participate in the case, just because the subsequent work was dirty and bloody. It's nothing more than torturing the lock and then killing him all over the house.

Although it has been more than a year since Li Xuan traveled to this world, his heart has not reached the point where he can kill people without blinking an eye and kill tens of thousands of women and children with just a raise of his hand.

Emperor Jingtai came to him for military affairs, and the emperor planned to hand over the right battalion of Shenji to him.

The Shenji Right Battalion has 11,000 personnel and is stationed in the northeastern suburbs of the capital. It was originally the most elite imperial army in the capital. However, due to the key members being transferred by Yu Jie to form the "Ten Regiment Battalion" thirteen years ago, the current situation is not as good as before, and it is considered to be the bottom of the Forbidden Army.

Emperor Jingtai hoped that Li Xuan could take charge of Shenji's right battalion and make the right battalion's combat power equal to that of Shenji's left battalion as soon as possible.

He also promised Li Xuan that he would purchase 12,000 'rune flintlock rifled guns', deploy Shenji Right Battalion, and increase the number of Shenji Right Battalion to 19,000 people.

Li Xuan was extremely surprised, and felt a little flattered by the emperor's trust in him.

He thought that Emperor Jingtai had no suspicion at all towards him?

If this divine machine left and right battalion is completed according to Emperor Jingtai's plan, it will become a large corps in the Beijing camp second only to the 'Ten Regiment Battalion'.

The "Ten Regiment Battalion", with a staff of 160,000, was built with great effort by Shaobao Yujie. It shined brilliantly in the battle with the Mongol people at the beginning of the 13th year of Jingtai, and was able to overwhelm the Xue army of Walaqie without falling behind.

But the future Shenji Left and Right Battalions will be far superior to the 'Tenth Regiment Battalion' in terms of equipment.

The power of the 'Rune Flintlock Rifled Gun' is like a middle-grade magical weapon. The effective killing range for the fourth-level martial arts cultivator is as high as 260 feet, which is far beyond the comparison of the archers trained by the 'Tenth Regiment Camp'.

And because the musket uses a rear-bored flintlock and fixed ammunition, it can be protected from rain to a large extent, which avoids the biggest drawback of the musket.

Although many senior generals in the Fifth Army Governor's Mansion, as well as many important officials in the Ministry of War, are questioning the combat effectiveness of this all-musketry unit, thinking that they are not useful.

But judging from the data on paper alone, the combat power of this divine machine's left and right battalions is very strong.

Emperor Jingtai not only handed over the forbidden army to him, but also did not impose any restrictions. He did not even send a supervisory army. He said that it was entrusted with "self-administration", which meant that Li Xuan made the final decision on all matters. .

Li Xuan was naturally happy to have more military power, but he questioned where the money for expanding the army and purchasing equipment would come from.

The Ministry of War is unwilling to allocate more funds to him no matter what, let alone the Ministry of Revenue.

After the court meeting just now, UU read a book www. uukanshu.nettXiao Ci, the Minister of Household Affairs, looked unhappy and walked away because he refused to let go of the Golden Knife Case.

As a result, Emperor Jingtai waved his hand and said that all expenses for the subsequent military expansion would be allocated from the internal treasury.

Li Xuan had nothing to say anymore. He knew that the royal treasury was very rich recently, and the case of King Xiang in the near future would bring in a lot of money.

But he will probably be busy next time. He hadn't fully completed the training of the left camp of the divine machine, and now there was an additional right camp. Li Xuan estimated that he would have to stay in the army for the next two months.

There are also officers, and qualified officers are hard to find. Not only must he be proficient in martial arts, but he must also be proficient in firearms and have certain management capabilities, so next he has to search for them from his uncles.

And just when Li Xuan said goodbye and left the palace, and walked out of Chengtian Gate, he saw Sun Chuyun.

The girl didn't know what she was thinking about. She looked confused and walked outside absentmindedly.

Li Xuan was slightly surprised when he saw her and rode over.

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