Demoness, Where Are You Fleeing To?

Chapter 615 Chengde Dragon Vein

When Li Xuancai came to Sun Chuyun, he followed her for about half a mile, and Sun Chuyun didn't notice his presence.

Li Xuan couldn't help but asked strangely: "Chu Yun, what are you thinking about? Why are you so distracted?"

While he was speaking, he glanced suspiciously at Miyagi behind him, wondering what Chuyun was doing here? Go to the palace? But Renshou Palace has been blocked.

"General Zhonglang?" Sun Chuyun was obviously surprised, and then said calmly: "I went to the stolen goods and punishment treasury. I have a case in hand and I need an evidence there."

There were two treasuries for punishment of stolen goods in the Jin Dynasty, both of which were located on the west bank of Taiye Pool in the palace city. The stolen silver, paintings and calligraphy confiscated by the court, various valuable utensils, etc. were all thrown in here.

Sun Chuyun did go to the stolen goods and punishment treasury just now and took something from it.

"That's it!" Li Xuan didn't seem to doubt him. He smiled slightly and said: "I heard that Chu Yun has been distracted while working on cases recently, as if he has lost his soul. I originally thought they were exaggerations, but I didn't expect them to be true. , Chuyun, what have you been worried about recently?"

Sun Chuyun glanced at Li Xuan firmly after hearing this. She looked hesitant, hesitated to speak, and finally turned away her eyes and shook her head slightly: "My subordinate is fine, but there was a very troublesome case recently, and I can't think clearly. "

Li Xuan's eyes flashed with strangeness, and then he stopped asking any more questions. He nodded slightly: "Then you should pay attention to your health and don't be too tired. Recently, Wuchang City's crime detection rate is very good, ranking second among the four cities of Divine Wings. You can be said to be the mainstay of our Shenyi Mansion, don’t let this momentum stop.”

The name "Impermanent City" comes from Sun Chuyun's name, which means "the clouds are impermanent and the wind has no phase".

She also deserves this honor. This was also created by Sun Chuyun, and it is full of Sun Chuyun's imprint from top to bottom.

"——Also, don't be distracted when riding a horse. This is dangerous driving. It would be bad if you hit someone."

After Li Xuan finished speaking, he patted Sun Chuyun heavily on the shoulder and rode his horse to the other side. However, he had just taken a few steps on horseback when Sun Chuyun suddenly shouted: "Li Xuan!"

Li Xuan couldn't help but look at Sun Chuyun with doubts in his eyes.

In recent months, Sun Chuyun had been calling him Zhonglang Jiang or Marquis, but this was the first time she called him Li Xuan.

Sun Chuyun said with a pale face: "Li Xuan, you have to be careful about the Queen Mother, the Emperor, and the Mongolian people recently. Especially, especially Chengde -"

She seemed to have used all her strength to say these words, and after finishing speaking, she galloped away on horseback.

Li Xuan's face was solemn, and he rode his horse and stood still on the spot, thoughtfully.

After a long time, Li Xuan continued to ride his horse forward.

Next, he would go to the Fifth Army Governor's Mansion to check the military attaché files of various military stations. .

Emperor Jingtai did not use the "big and small phase system" method of checks and balances in the Shenji Right Army, but handed over all matters of appointment and dismissal of officers to Li Xuan.

The emperor had only one request, which was for the Shenji Right Army to quickly form combat strength.

This was one of the reasons why Li Xuan was shocked. Emperor Jingtai's trust in him seemed to have no limit.

Li Xuan was kind and resolute. Since Emperor Jingtai treated him as a national scholar, he would repay him as a national scholar and would do his best to handle this matter well.

The first thing he has to do now is to enrich the skeleton of the Shenji Right Army and appoint some reliable mid-level and high-level generals.

In an army, the commander is like a person's head, and the middle and high-level generals are like a person's limbs and skeleton.

Li Xuan must use these generals to accurately implement his will at the grassroots level.

If the limbs and skeleton are not obedient and do not have enough strength, they will not be able to fight the enemy.

At this time, Shenji Youjun was undoubtedly unqualified at the general level.

Since the early years of Jingtai, although the Beijing camp has undergone several military reorganizations, Yu Jie mainly reorganized the "Tenth Regiment Camp".

Thirteen years ago, Yu Jie was not yet famous and could not poke this hornet's nest. So we simply started anew and prepared to build the "Ten Regiment Camp".

The 'Shenji Right Army' was forgotten in the corner. There were many people in it who were just passing by. Most of them were dandies who came from noble generals in various families and were sent to live in the Beijing camp.

Li Xuan's situation is different from that of Yu Jie. He is now the "Shaobao" of the current dynasty and has a high reputation. Moreover, he had already offended all those northern generals, and he no longer cared about them. The key was that he could not trust these people either.

Fortunately, the quality of the soldiers at the bottom of the Shenji Right Army was pretty good. Although these generals were lazy and incompetent, their servants had real abilities.

In addition, Shaobao Yu Jie conducts random inspections all year round. If the quality of the soldiers of the "Shenji Right Army" is not useful, then Yu Jie's temperament will not allow the Shenji Right Army to continue to be so bad under any circumstances.

The Shenji Right Army itself is a firearms battalion, and they will not have any difficulty in operating the 'rune flintlock rifles'.

Therefore, in Li Xuan's opinion, as long as the head of Shenji Right Army is replaced, its limbs and skeleton are replaced, and the new battle formation is skillfully practiced, the combat effectiveness of this army horse cannot be underestimated.

As for these mid-level and high-level generals, he planned to promote half from Shenji Zuoying and the other half from the Guard Army.

Although today's Guard Army is corrupt, there are many hereditary officers with outstanding abilities at the bottom of the Guard Army. They have a good family background and learned skills from their fathers, but they are limited by their environment and status and are not allowed to use them.

At this time, only one Bole is needed to push it to the right position, and then it can bloom.

There are also generals at the lower level of the Shenji Right Army. Li Xuan is also planning to replace most of them and transfer all the servants and servants of the northern generals to the Shenji Left Camp.

Li Xuan really couldn't rest assured about the northern generals. This was also the only way for the 'Shenji Right Army' to generate combat power as soon as possible.

Sun Chuyun's words before leaving gave Li Xuan a sense of urgency.

Since the matter involves Meng Wu and is related to the Empress Dowager and the Emperor, it is very likely that there will be another drastic change affecting the entire court, and the entire Jin Dynasty is brewing, and it may be a coup to seize the palace.

Li Xuan realized that before this big change came, he had to grasp the right army of the magic machine as soon as possible, and now there may not be much time left for him.

The Fifth Army Governor's Mansion is in front of Chengtian Gate, south of Waijinshui Bridge.

Li Xuan only walked for a while and arrived. He found that the place was deserted, without the bustle and bustle of people coming and going in the past.

The case of King Xiang's rebellion has also affected this area. From the officials to the civil servants, almost everyone is panic-stricken.

King Xiang Yu Zhanyi was good at dancing, and he had worked hard to make connections for decades. Naturally, he would not miss the Governor's Mansion of the Fifth Army, which was in charge of the military power of the Jin Guard.

Therefore, the Fifth Army Governor's Mansion was also the hardest-hit area implicated in King Xiang's rebellion. More than half of the people were still kneeling at the Jinshui Bridge, and the rest were also worried about being implicated by King Xiang.

But when Li Xuan arrived, the entire Fifth Army Commander's Mansion became excited again, and almost everyone began to circle around him.

When Li Xuan asked for something, all the officials here responded. Even those generals and nobles no longer have the same reserve as before.

With this help, it only took Li Xuan half a day to draw up a list and complete all relevant transfer procedures.

His job as the "Chinese Army Interrupter" this year was not for nothing. He was able to know who in the local area was capable and who was just dawdling, who was brave and unruly, and who had great ambitions.

At this time, Li Xuan received a letter.

The letter talisman came from Xue Yunrou, and at this time Xue Yunrou was going to Chengde Qianhu Office on his orders.

When Li Xuan sensed the contents of the letter talisman, his expression changed slightly and his eyes became extremely cold.


An hour later, Li Xuan arrived near Qianhu Institute in Chengde and lowered his light on a mountain about twenty-two miles away from Qianhu Institute.

Xue Yunrou stood here, looking into the distance with a frown.

Li Xuan landed next to Xue Yunrou: "Where is the dragon vein you mentioned?"

While he was talking, he opened his ‘Daw-protecting Heavenly Eye’ and looked around.

Li Xuan had never been to the Mountain Resort in his previous life, but had only heard of its name, so he did not know the location of the Chengde Mountain Resort, or where it was located in Chengde.

Moreover, the area of ​​the Great Jin Dynasty was three times that of the world in his previous life, and the topography was also different.

"Over there, the valley on the west bank of the Wulie River." Xue Yunrou pointed to the valley in front of her. Her expression was incredible: "You are really right. There is a hidden dragon vein here. It's very hidden. Hidden, it took me more than three months to find it.”

Before this, she had never imagined that this barren valley in the Yanshan Mountains actually contained an unformed 'dragon vein'.

Xue Yunrou said in a complicated voice: "This should come from the Khitan people. Thousands of years ago, the north and south of Yanshan Mountain were the pastures of the Khitan people. If it can be cultivated and formed, the Khitan people may still have one or two hundred years of good luck. .”

The so-called dragon vein is a term from Feng Shui.

The name dragon is used in Feng Shui to represent the direction, ups and downs, turns and changes of mountains. Because the dragon is good at changing, it can be big or small, it can bend or stretch, it can hide or appear, it can fly or it can dive. The mountains are as changeable as dragons, so they are called dragon veins.

In addition, dragon veins are also a mixture of human thoughts.

Just like the Dragon Vein of Jin Taizu in Fengyang, it gathered the hearts and minds of many suffering people in the north and south of the Huaihe River. In the end, Taizu rose between the Jianghuai River and UU Kanshu to sweep away the heroes.

And now the Dragon Vein of the Jin Dynasty also embodies the will of the people of a country.

Li Xuan shook his head and withdrew his Heavenly Eye to Protect the Dao. This Confucian pupil technique has nothing to do with Feng Shui, so he can't see why.

"I just want to know, what are they trying to do?"

Xue Yunrou flicked her sleeves slightly, manifesting a silver mirror at her side.

The light and shadow in the mirror flashed, and soon a black pill covered with runes was reflected: "This is a magical weapon called 'Close and Zhou Guang Lei'. The power of the explosion can destroy a thousand-foot mountain. They Bury this thing under this dragon vein."

Li Xuan's eyes were still full of doubts: "What are they planning to do? Destroy this dragon vein? What's the use of it?"

"I don't know. I only have a guess right now." Xue Yunrou looked at the north in the distance: "If the dragon vein here breaks out, the hundreds of thousands of armored cavalry in the Liao Taizu Mausoleum may break free and march into Chengde."

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