Demoness, Where Are You Fleeing To?

Chapter 619 Dreaming of the Blessing of All People

Half a moment later, when Li Xuan finally walked out from behind the Hou's mansion, he found that the champion Hou's eye circles were slightly black and there were a few scratches on his face.

Due to the remnants of heaven-level martial intent, Li Xuan was unable to recover for a while.

Yu Jie knew the reason, but could only turn a blind eye. He asked expressionlessly: "Did the Champion just go to see Princess Changle?"

Li Xuan looked embarrassed when he heard this, but then he said calmly: "I went to see the princess, and the two of us discussed national affairs for a while."

Yu Jie couldn't help but sneer in his heart. The way Li Xuan looked just now didn't look like he was discussing government affairs.

If he had been young, he would have definitely impeached Li Xuan and Princess Changle for misbehavior after seeing the scene just now.

But now he is not a royal censor, a ceremonial officer, or a scientific and technical officer, but the most powerful Minister of War since the founding of the Jin Dynasty.

Yu Jie knew that once this bullet was posted, the court would become even more chaotic.

Due to the rebellion of King Xiang, the officials of the Jin Dynasty were no longer interested in government affairs. If there is another scandal like this, the court will not be able to calm down for the next three to five months.

In addition, Yu Jie also had some speculations about the "adultery" between the two people, and knew that it was related to the attack on Yu Hongshang half a year ago.

So for this matter, I can't really blame Li Xuan.

Yu Jie could only advise the person involved in private: "When will the champion marry the princess? Prolonging it like this is not an option."

Li Xuan couldn't help but smile bitterly when he heard this.

He actually didn't do anything today, so he was innocent.

The key is that Yu Hongshang refuses to give in. In the past half month, although Yu Hongshang has given him a good look under Li Xuan's offensive.

But for some reason, Yu Hongshang refused to let Li Xuan touch her body.

So today Li Xuan worked hard to coax Yu Hongshang into confusion. But before he could really do anything, he was disturbed by Yu Jie.

"How should I say this?" Li Xuan scratched his face and said, "I have asked His Majesty, but Your Majesty seems unwilling."

His so-called temptation is actually to have "both husband and wife", which means to have two wives and two wives at the same time.

It is even possible to have three wives, but unfortunately most branches of the Li family have no worries, which makes Li Xuan deeply troubled and thinking about getting to know more distant relatives of the Li family.

Li Xuan was still dreaming about having three wives and four concubines, and the blessings of everyone. He thought about it seriously. It was not impossible for him to be a concubine, but he could not be restricted. .

He owed too many love debts, and he didn't want the girls around him to be fruitless.

However, the result can be imagined. The emperor did not give him a good look, and left with a dark face, and then fined him a month's salary.

"Your Majesty is unwilling?" Yu Jie frowned, with a look of doubt on his face, and then he shook his head slightly: "I will ask the emperor about this matter."

Yu Jie believed that he could not listen to one side of the story. Although the champion was a great scholar of Neo-Confucianism and had great power, he was by no means an honest gentleman in the true sense.

He rarely lies, but he can fool people with his 'truth'.

Next, Yu Jie followed Li Xuan to the camp of Shenji's left and right camp.

To facilitate training, Li Xuan has combined the two camps together. Except for some Zuoying soldiers who need to be stationed in the palace, the rest are trained here.

Yu Jie was still very satisfied after this inspection.

Although this champion spends a lot of time on women's bellies, he has great control over the divine machine's left and right camps.

Except for the eight thousand newly recruited soldiers, the rest of the soldiers have mastered the shooting skills of the 'Rune Flintlock Rifled Gun', reaching the standard set by Li Xuan - firing ten times within a hundred breaths.

And even the right battalion of Shenji, which Li Xuan had mastered for less than a month, seemed to look the same when training 'line shooting' and 'hollow square formation'.

Only the 'bayonet technique' is a bit unfamiliar. The method of using a firearm bayonet is similar to that of a spear, but there are slight differences. It will take some time for these Shenji Youying soldiers to master it skillfully.

The key is that Li Xuan can command all the departments of the Shenji Battalion like an arm, and he has great prestige in the minds of the soldiers.

In fact, it is very simple to lead the troops well. They must have enough food, clothing and pay, and then ensure fairness. If you can do these, the soldiers will be happy to serve.

Li Xuan went a step further on this basis and worked hard on organizational strength.

He knew that the biggest difference between ancient armies and modern armies, apart from weapons, was the difference in 'organizational power'.

After Yu Jie walked around this circle, he had a good idea of ​​the combat effectiveness of Shenji's left and right battalions.

Next, he and Li Xuan jointly asked to see the emperor and summoned him on the platform.

The so-called 'platform' is a small stone platform at the back door of Jianji Hall.

This was the place where Emperor Taizong consulted his ministers on military and political affairs, especially the local feudal officials and summoned military officials.

Yu Jie talked about a huge map: "Since the great victory at the beginning of the 13th year of Jingtai, the offensive and defensive situation between the Jin and the Mongols has returned to what it was before the 39th year of Orthodoxy.

But now the morale and combat effectiveness of our Jin army are far from what they were in the orthodox years when the military system was corrupted. Therefore, I expected that the Mongols would be unable to invade the Xuan Mansion and spy on the capital. Their target is probably to raid Datong, Taiyuan, or Hetao. "

Emperor Jingtai also believed this: "In your opinion, if the Mongol invaders really invade in March, how should the Jin Dynasty respond?"

Yu Jie bowed and said, "I believe that the Jin Dynasty cannot give way in this battle. It is best to plan a war of annihilation within the country and continue to consume the Mongolian national power.

Therefore, I plan to transfer the seven regiment camps of the "Ten Regiment Battalions" and the "Three Thousand Battalions" to Taiyuan in advance. His Majesty will personally hunt Taiyuan and sit here with his ministers. In this way, no matter where the Mongol troops are pointing, our Jin Dynasty can respond in time. "

The seven regiments of the "Ten Regiments" are 100,000 horses; the "Three Thousands" are the elite cavalry in the Beijing camp, and there are also ten regiments, with a total of 30,000 horses.

——This is half of the essence of Beijing Camp.

In fact, Yu Jie didn't want to be so passively defensive. He wanted to take the initiative and invade the grassland.

However, the officials in the imperial court had a deep shadow about going to the grassland because of the battle at Tumubao.

Even if Yu Jie only reveals a little bit of news, it will arouse huge opposition.

"What about the capital?"

Emperor Jingtai continued to ask: "I have already sent people to see the Qianhu Residence in Chengde. Sure enough, a big change is about to happen. Once more than 200,000 corpses and cavalry arrive at the Liao Taizu Mausoleum, it will pose a huge threat to the capital. This place is only a few meters away from the capital. To fifteen hundred miles.”

But Yu Jie was already confident: "To reach the capital from Qianhu in Chengde, you can either go south through Tiemen Pass at Gubeikou, or go through Xifengkou. These two passes can be guarded by Champion Hou and his Shenji left and right battalions. , and with the assistance of the troops from the nearby guard station, we can be sure that nothing will happen."

Li Xuan's lips twitched, knowing that Young Master Yu Jie still didn't believe in the field combat capabilities of the 'Shenji Left and Right Battalion'.

What this person values ​​more is the powerful firepower possessed by the Shenji Left and Right Battalion.

Those 'rune flintlock rifles' used to defend Guancheng do have a huge advantage.

But Li Xuan hoped to lead his army to take the initiative to send troops to Chengde Qianhu Station to defeat the source of chaos in Chengde Qianhu Station in advance.

He has advised the emperor on this matter three times, but he has been rejected by the emperor.

Emperor Jingtai's view of the 'Shenji Left and Right Battalion' was similar to that of Young Master Yujie. He was not very optimistic about the field combat capabilities of this all-firearms unit, especially its combat effectiveness against the cavalry.

So Li Xuan didn't bother to speak anymore. Anyway, these two people wouldn't believe him or agree.

"Yes!" Emperor Jingtai nodded slightly: "I will decree to the cabinet that the champion Hou Lixuan will be temporarily appointed as the 'General Zhenji' to lead the frontline defense from Shanhaiguan to Juyongguan, and all the 'guard stations' in Beizhili will be at his disposal. .

While I was in Taiyuan, Princess Changle was still the supervisor of the country and was in charge of the defense of the capital. She was also assisted by the Marquis of Wuqing Liang Heng, the Marquis of Yuanzhen Cao Yong, and the left minister of the Ministry of War Shang Hong. "

These three people were highly trusted by Emperor Jingtai.

Not to mention Liang Heng, the Marquis of Wuqing, Cao Yong, the Marquis of Yuanzhen, was a general in the north and a rare backbone of the imperial party among the Jingnan nobles.

Thirteen years later, when Emperor Xingtai ascended the throne, he had strong support from this person, so the emperor always relied on him.

This person also serves as the governor of the Jingying camp, and the fifth military camp is led by him.

However, starting from the eighth year of Jingtai, Cao Yong, the Marquis of Yuanzhen, became seriously ill and could not govern.

He is very old, reaching one hundred and thirty-five years old, and he has probably entered the state of "the five declines of heaven and man".

As for Shang Hong, the left minister of the Ministry of War, although he was close to King Yi, Emperor Jingtai believed in his noble character and overall view.

To a certain extent, Shang Hong was more reliable than those generals with unruly temperament.

For this reason, Shang Hong kept a distance from Gao Gu and Xiao Ci's party, and regarded themselves as lonely ministers.

Li Xuan immediately objected: "Your Majesty, Young Master! Don't forget Liaodong. The Mongol people have always coveted the Jurchen tribes and the territory under my jurisdiction in Liaodong.

Liang Heng, the Marquis of Wuqing, was brave and resourceful. It would be too wasteful to stay in the capital. It would be better to send Liang Heng out of Liaodong to prevent unexpected events and threaten the Mongols from the flanks. In addition, Zhu Guoneng, the commander-in-chief of the Xuanfu, was transferred to Beijing to take his place. I heard that six months ago, Commander-in-Chief Zhu also ascended to the throne. "

After the emperor and Yu Jie both left Zhenxuan Mansion, the capital must be empty. How could he leave Liang Heng, Marquis of Wuqing, who was a serious problem in his heart, in the capital at this time?

Emperor Jingtai and Young Master Yu Jie looked at each other with helpless expressions.

Some of them could not understand Li Xuan's hostility and defensiveness towards Liang Heng.

However, after Emperor Jingtai pondered for a moment, he nodded slightly and said, "Just follow the wishes of the champion."

In a few words, a few people had already decided on the general strategy for responding to the enemy at the end of March.

Li Xuan had something to do, so he left the palace in a hurry.

Young Master Yu Jie looked solemn at this time and looked at Emperor Jingtai: "Does your Majesty know about the affair between the champion and the eldest princess of Changle? This is not the way for them. For the sake of the country and the court, your Majesty might as well let them get married as soon as possible. .”

Emperor Jingtai had a serious look on his face and gave a wry smile: "The Champion has tested my opinion on this matter, but I firmly rejected it."

He saw the look of astonishment on Yu Jie's face, so he said softly: "It is for the sake of the country and the court that I cannot let them get married. Young Master, you don't know, now there are several famous doctors including Jiang Yunqi , all concluded that if I don't cultivate myself carefully for a period of time and heal my old wounds, UU Reading www.uukanshhu.n may have a long life in the future.

Therefore, it is expected that within the next ten years, I will be in seclusion from time to time. During this period, I can only let Hongshang supervise the country and handle the government affairs on my behalf. In addition, there is the emperor's grandson Yu Youxuan. My son Jianji is unconscious and has no wife.

However, my queen has been living in seclusion in a different palace due to the deposed crown prince. She spends her days in the company of green lanterns and ancient Buddhas, ignoring worldly affairs. The imperial concubine Hang is ignorant and ignorant, and is easily taken advantage of by others. Therefore, I want to hand over my grandson to Hongshang to raise him. "

Young Master Yu Jie couldn't help but frown and fell into meditation.

Emperor Jingtai looked into the distance with guilt: "But if Hongshang marries Li Xuan, how can the ministers allow her to take charge of the country? How can they allow her to raise the emperor's grandson? How can they allow the champion to take over the military power? ?So until Youxun reaches the age of eighteen, I can only wrong them."

In fact, he had another reason that he didn't say, which was related to Yu Youxun's life experience and biological father, which made him unable to allow this marriage under any circumstances.

Therefore, Emperor Jingtai felt ashamed of his beloved daughter and therefore turned a blind eye to the matter between Yu Hongshang and Li Xuan. If he wants to intervene and restrict even this, wouldn't it be extremely cruel?

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