Demoness, Where Are You Fleeing To?

Chapter 620 I will stay with you for the rest of my life

Li Xuan didn't know what Yu Jie and Emperor Jingtai were talking about. After leaving the palace, he came to the execution ground at Caishikou.

Today is the day when the perpetrators of the Xia Guangwei case and the salt fraud case will be interrogated and executed. A total of 1,800 people will be beheaded today.

These people were also unlucky and encountered King Xiang's rebellion.

Originally, their charges could be light or serious. The light was that they engaged in personal fraud and defrauded the salt; the more serious was that the government and businessmen colluded, causing the northern granary to suffer a deficit and leading to the collapse of Tumu Fort.

Originally, the emperor's intention was to kill at most two to three hundred major criminals and their families as a warning to others, while the rest would be sentenced to exile.

But these people got involved with King Xiang. They wanted to get away with it and planned to hide their family wealth.

The emperor was furious because of this, and in the court meeting he was furious at an official of the Three Laws Division who was responsible for hearing the case. .

This cut off the livelihood of many people, and nearly two thousand people were killed on that day.

No one in the court came forward to speak for them. Only some officials from the Ministry of Rites defended the timing of the execution, thinking it was unsuitable for the time, but the intensity was limited to the extent of coping with the matter.

Just because these salt merchants and criminal officials have another fatal crime-Dang Fuxiang King!

Therefore, even from the perspective of Confucian masters such as Hu Hui, Yu Jie, Shang Hong, and Wang Wen, they would not regret their death.

What's more, in the eyes of the emperor, having anything to do with Prince Xiang was something he would never tolerate.

When Li Xuan arrived at the execution ground, it was almost dusk, and the execution at Caishikou was coming to an end.

At this time, there were only a dozen principal criminals who had not yet been executed. They were all kneeling in a pool of blood under the execution platform, their faces pale and dumbfounded.

The execution order set by the Ministry of Punishment this time was brutal. The family members were killed first, and then the mastermind.

These big salt merchants and officials, who used to be domineering and powerful, living in eight seats and ringing bells and pans for food, could only watch their relatives being cut in half and then carried away one by one by the body collectors.

Li Xuan was not interested in these salt merchants who were about to die. He walked directly into a nearby restaurant and found Luo Yan.

She has been staying here today, saying she wants to see the fate of these enemies.

However, when Li Xuan climbed to the fifth floor of the restaurant, he found Luo Yan vomiting by the window railing on one side of the restaurant, his little face turned pale.

When Li Xuan saw this, he couldn't help but chuckle: "Yan'er, how are you? How do you feel?"

He had tried to persuade her not to come over before, but Luo Yan refused to listen.

"What else can I do? Of course I am extremely happy!" Luo Yan immediately raised his neck as graceful as a swan: "I feel that my thoughts are clear and my mind is at ease. The happiest time in my life has never been better than today."

In fact, she had regretted it for a long time. Luo Yan originally thought that she had seen a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood in front of Nankou Pass. The execution of less than 2,000 people was mediocre.

But the beheading was only halfway through, and Luo Yan couldn't bear it anymore.

That's all for the many men, they all deserve to be punished. The problem was that those women and children who were executed for crimes made her feel compassionate.

But this was his choice, and he had to read it while kneeling. Luo Yan would never show weakness in front of Li Xuan.


Luo Yan saw a corpse from the corner of his eye, so he vomited again.

She couldn't actually vomit anything, just retched.

Li Xuan chuckled again, holding a small medicine bottle in front of Luo Yan's nose and shaking it.

Luo Yan smelled a fresh smell, and immediately woke up, and the overwhelming nausea in his chest was relieved.

"What is this?" Luo Yan couldn't help but look at the porcelain bottle in his hand and asked curiously.

She also tried taking drugs to suppress the nausea in her body, but to no avail.

"This is the 'Qian Jin Mint Powder' made by Jiangnan Medical Center." Li Xuan said as he threw the porcelain bottle in his hand to Luo Yan: "This is a miracle medicine invented by Uncle Jiang, specially designed to treat morning sickness.

Isn't my sister-in-law pregnant? It was said that morning sickness was very severe, so I asked Uncle Jiang for advice, and he gave me this thing. I didn't expect it to be useful for you too. "

Unfortunately, this product is expensive and cannot be popularized among the people.

Luo Yanze is thinking about morning sickness? She felt strange, but she still placed the porcelain bottle between her nose with all her heart.

Then she saw that the remaining dozen people were beheaded, and sure enough, none of them vomited again.

However, after the heads of these big salt merchants and criminal officials fell to the ground, Luo Yan's eyes showed a complicated look, and he was stunned for a while.

When Li Xuan saw this, he couldn't help but his expression changed slightly: "Let me guess, you are getting revenge for a big revenge. Do you feel that your life suddenly has no purpose?"

Luo Yan secretly sighed when she heard this. To say that a great revenge was avenged, she had already let go of this hatred as early as the day she killed Monk Wei Zhen and her father was avenged.

For a while, she did feel like the rest of her life suddenly had no meaning. The road ahead was so uncertain that she didn't know what to do.

But that time was very short, less than half a moment.

Just because she found that her heart had long been sustenance and she couldn't give it up——

Luo Yan glanced at Li Xuan deeply, and then sneered insincerely: "Who said I have no goals in life? I used to live for revenge, but now I live for myself. Come to this world and walk for a while. No matter what happens, you should live a happy, free and carefree life."

Li Xuan couldn't help but feel relieved secretly, thinking that this mentality was right, and this is how people should live.

But then he heard Luo Yan speak leisurely: "Actually, I am also hesitating now, should I just hang up and leave? I want to see the Tianshan Snow Lake, I want to see the ends of the world, and I also want to see the North Sea Ice Land. Look at the land to the far east.”

Li Xuan's heart skipped a beat, thinking what would he do if Yan'er left? Who will help him deal with the lot of things in Shenyi Mansion?

When he thought that Luo Yan would leave him, Li Xuan felt as if his heart was cut into four pieces?

Why four pieces? Yu Hongshang had become unfamiliar with him recently and had already stabbed him in the heart.

Li Xuan suddenly realized that this is how the so-called "love heart" in later generations came about.

Fortunately, after this, Luo Yan changed his voice again and said in a leisurely voice: "But I feel that this is quite unkind. Li Xuan, you helped me avenge my great revenge. I should have sacrificed my life to repay you. I'm still a little reluctant, It’s quite interesting to be a captain of the Six Daosi Division——”

Li Xuan immediately grabbed Luo Yan's hand tightly: "Since you can't bear to leave, then don't leave. Whether it's the Tianshan Snow Lake or the ends of the world, I will just go with you from now on."

The corners of Luo Yan's lips raised slightly, but it was extremely hidden. She then looked at Li Xuan with a half-smile but not a smile: "Mr. Xuan, you really don't want me to leave?"

"Of course I don't." Li Xuan took a deep breath and said in a firm voice, "I hope Yan'er will stay by my side for the rest of your life."

"A lifetime? You are quite greedy!" Luo Yan sneered, then picked up the tea cup and drank the tea with a leisurely expression: "This is impossible! But I can stay and take a look."

Li Xuan's mind was slightly tense, and he heard Luo Yan's intention to see Li Xuan's performance.

He couldn't help but think to himself that Luo Yan was good at what he did, and the girls around him were becoming increasingly difficult to deal with.

Even Le Qianqian is now assuming a distant posture, which makes him worried. It won't be good if this goes on -

He was a little distracted as he picked up the tea brought by the waiter and started drinking the tea. Then Luo Yan said quietly: "You didn't succeed with Yu Hongshang today, right?"

Li Xuan immediately spat out all the tea in his mouth with a 'pop' sound.


That night, Li Xuan stayed with Luo Yan for the night. Then he got up early the next morning and went to Yongding Gate in the south of Beijing to wait.

Just when the first ray of sunlight shone down in the sky, a group of iron cavalry galloped towards them amidst the roaring sound in the distance. The leader, Yi Qi, wore a female-style six-layered demon-suppressing armor, which made her figure look extremely enchanting. Unfortunately, she wore an iron mask on her face, which prevented people from seeing her true face.

Li Xuan knew that beneath the mask was a small face with a beauty that could bring disaster to a country.

The reason why she wears a mask is because of her beautiful appearance. She really has the ability to look at a charming city and a charming country, and to enchant all living beings.

"Li Xuan?" Jiang Hanyun was obviously surprised when she saw Li Xuan.

She rode directly over and came to Li Xuan's side. At the same time, she waved back to let many of her subordinates leave first.

Seeing this, the people in Red Thunder City burst into laughter, and some even made fun of them.

"Understand, understand! Let's leave now. We don't dare to disturb the two lieutenants."

"Tsk tsk! Now that you have a lover, you don't need any subordinates."

"If you hozens don't leave quickly, Jiang Zhonglang will think you are in the way."

Jiang Hanyun couldn't help but blush slightly, but the benefits of the mask were revealed at this moment, and you couldn't see me even if I was shy.

In turn, she glared and clenched her fist, causing her mount to tremble as it fell to the ground.

Then those people from Red Thunder City rushed into the city like rabbits and dispersed.

They have experienced the methods of Blood Hand Shura.

When there was no one around, Jiang Hanyun held her hair with her hands and said, "Why do you come here to wait for me again? I told you not to come."

Li Xuan thought to himself that you, a mischievous girl, would tell you your whereabouts with a talisman book every time you returned to the capital. How dare I not come?

Of course, for the sake of your own life, you should never say this——

"I don't miss you anymore. I want to see you sooner." He directly reached out his hand and took off the mask on Jiang Hanyun's face, revealing a face that was both angry and happy, which was pleasing to the eye.

Li Xuan happily admired the book and asked: "I heard that the 'White Bone Locking Hammer' ranked thirty-seven on the black list has been caught by you?"

"Caught it!" Jiang Hanyun raised the corners of his lips slightly, and his eyes showed a sense of contentment: "That guy is really difficult to deal with. He uses bones as a hammer to lock thousands of hearts inside, and the souls of thousands of innocent people are good at... To deceive people's hearts. If it weren't for me, others wouldn't be able to catch him."

Xiao Lei, the six-tailed spirit fox hidden in the collar of her chest, couldn't help but bark out to express his dissatisfaction.

If it hadn't been keeping track of the evil cultivator, Jiang Hanyun would have been able to capture the talent. But all its achievements were wiped out by Jiang Hanyun.

"That's right." Jiang Hanyun remembered something again at this time: "Li Xuan, what do you want to tell me?"

Li Xuan shook his head slightly and took out something from his arms: "It's not urgent. You need to take a look at this thing first. It's the gift I prepared for you."

Jiang Hanyun looked at it carefully, and then surprise appeared in his eyes.


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