Demoness, Where Are You Fleeing To?

Chapter 719 Wedding Night Five

Li Xuan in the red tent knew nothing about the arrival of the woman in white.

He was undressing Jiang Hanyun excitedly. Perhaps because he was too excited, his hands and feet were a little clumsy at this time.

But there is an important step next - while consummating the marriage, Li Xuan must first complete the third step of the "Dual Method of God and Heaven" before he can truly enjoy the joy of fish and water.

This is not only important to Li Xuan, but also indispensable to Jiang Hanyun.

Li Xuan's side is just to increase the cultivation level of the two-layered building, and in one fell swoop raises his mighty true energy to the peak of the fourth gate; Jiang Hanyun's side, in addition to improving his cultivation level, can also stabilize the human body and solidify it. And purify her 'Linghu' and 'Baize' bloodlines.

Especially Bai Ze and Jiang Hanyun should be able to gain some precognition ability, which will give her great convenience in battle.

This Bai Ze magical power will also be the opportunity for Jiang Hanyun to step into the 'Heavenly Position'.

At this time, Jiang Hanyun could no longer move. Although his consciousness was still awake, he was drifting and in a trance. Li Xuan could only do everything by himself.

But she couldn't move, which was actually the greatest cooperation.

When the girl was skinned into a lamb, Li Xuan guided the spiritual circulation in Jiang Hanyun's body while performing the courtesy of Zhou Gong.

At this time, Li Xuan felt his heart tremble.

However, Li Xuan cannot enjoy this pleasure for the time being.

He had to continue to guide Jiang Hanyun to complete the last part of "The Divine and Heavenly Dual Elements".

The souls of Li Xuan and Jiang Hanyun were already in perfect harmony with the combination of their bodies.

The two people's souls and true essences also rapidly rose, grew, and strengthened at this moment.

Through the fusion of spiritual thoughts between the two, Li Xuan discovered that some mysterious changes had occurred in his body.

That was a change originating from the deep bloodline. It seemed that the divine beast bloodline in Jiang Hanyun's body also benefited him.

But what pleased Li Xuan the most was the exchange of consciousness between the two, which allowed him to subtly sense part of Jiang Hanyun's martial intent.

He vaguely sensed how Jiang Hanyun controlled electromagnetic force and gravity.

Although this little fox has no knowledge of physics, she naturally knows how to control these powers.

This not only allows him to further perfect the concept of 'fusion nuclear reactor', but also opens the door for Li Xuan to elevate his thunder and martial arts to a higher level. .

Li Xuan found that intercourse between men and women no longer aroused much interest in him. On his wedding night, he actually fell into Jiang Hanyun's palace of knowledge.

At this time, outside the gauze curtain of the wedding bed, the corners of the woman's lips in the white dress slightly raised: "It's interesting, but the fourth door actually gave birth to a complete seven-orificed exquisite heart? This is really a bad fate."

There was a somewhat complicated look in her eyes.

Then the body of the woman in the white dress suddenly fell limp and turned into the original form of the nine-tailed white fox.

Her body was lying on the ground, her eyes closed, but the white fox's spirit had escaped from her body and invaded towards Jiang Hanyun.

The moment when these two people are both spiritual and spiritual, and have no time to look outside, is the best opportunity for her to 'seize the body'.

Seizing a body is not something that can be accomplished overnight, especially when Li Xuan and Jiang Hanyun merge their bodies and spirits.

Although they cannot look outside, they are harmonious and difficult to erode.

However, she would plant the seed of consciousness in Jiang Hanyun's body without her knowing it.

When this 'seed' matures, Jiang Hanyun's consciousness will be wiped out and her body will be taken away.

But just when the spirit of the nine-tailed white fox began to invade Jiang Hanyun's body. Green Qiluo's figure suddenly appeared in the room. With a wave of her hand, the nine-tailed white fox's body disappeared without a trace.

The nine-tailed white fox was suddenly shocked, and his consciousness was shaken.

Li Xuan and Jiang Hanyun were also alarmed, and they instinctively began to turn their Qi, Blood, and Soul to flush out and reject all abnormalities in their bodies.

Li Xuan was attracted by his spiritual thoughts and fully mobilized the power of the 'Dragon Cutting Sword', 'Haotian Divine Seal' and 'Huntian Zhenyuan Cauldron'.

He 'suppressed' and 'castrated' all the foreign objects in Jiang Hanyun's body, and then forcibly refined them with the power of 'divine power'.

This caused the nine-tailed white fox to let out a piercing scream, and felt an intense pain in its soul, and at least one-tenth of its soul disappeared without a trace.

But she couldn't care about it at this time. When the nine-tailed white fox exited Jiang Hanyun's body, she glanced at Lu Qiluo in shock: "It's you?"

Next, she gathered all her spiritual consciousness into a thread without hesitation and fled towards the window.

But as Green Qiluo raised her hand and pointed, the nine-tailed white fox could no longer move.

The "Ji Tian" magic standards that Bai Hu has mastered are "charm", "psychedelic", and "virtual reality".

Especially the 'virtual reality' can even make the vast majority of the 'saints' in the world helpless against her.

But at this time, in front of Green Qiluo, these three extremely powerful methods could not play any role.

Green Qiluo's "Taichu" method of extreme heaven actually illuminates the root of all things, directly distorting and changing the "virtual reality" method of the nine-tailed white fox from the source.

Next, Bai Hu's soul was forcibly restrained in front of the window by Green Qiluo's power.

But Lu Qiluo's magic power only ends here, and she is just a remnant soul after all. The nine-tailed white fox opposite had an almost complete spirit.

She was even at a disadvantage in the confrontation of magic power, and her soul power was rapidly depleted, making Green Qiluo's soul gradually fade.

But then, Lu Qiluo's face showed a bit of strange meaning: "Xuanhuang Zun, dragon and tiger are fighting, the sky is clear, and I can see it clearly - I would like to invite the Supreme Emperor Miluo to the real Xuanhuang Emperor, please I am a divine general."

This set of spells was actually designed by Green Qiluo herself for Li Xuan, but when she recited the spiritual words at this time, she still felt a little strange.

The next moment, a piece of dead gray mist appeared behind her, and several black chains suddenly came through the air, directly penetrating the spirit of the nine-tailed white fox, and forcibly gathered all her spiritual consciousness into A group, dragged towards the dead gray mist.

The nine-tailed white fox was struggling to resist, but Green Qiluo's 'Taichu' method had been interfering and suppressing her 'virtual reality' power, and the nine-tailed white fox could never escape the constraints of the 'Huntian Lock' .

The two sides held a stalemate for about half a moment, and the spirit of the nine-tailed white fox was finally forcibly dragged into the space of the Heavenly Punishment Platform.

When the interior of the wedding room finally calmed down, Xiao Lei, who had been watching the battle, finally relaxed his tense body.

Not only was there a sense of luck in its eyes, but there was also a strong feeling of surprise.

Lu Qiluo looked sideways into the wedding bed tent, then she looked strange and withdrew her gaze unable to look straight. Then the whole person turned into a plume of green smoke and disappeared into the wedding room.

At this time, outside Li Xuan's main courtyard, Jiang Yunqi, who was carrying a pair of painted halberds, as well as Ao Shuying, Dongfang Liang and others, also dispersed one after another.

——The nine-tailed white fox alerted them when their body was taken away and they were stunned by the shock. Everyone was just worried about the couple in the room who were having their wedding, so they didn't go in directly.

Fortunately, the situation behind them stabilized, although they couldn't sense what was going on inside. But the spiritual consciousness and intelligence of Li Xuan and Jiang Hanyun have always been safe and harmonious.

The powerful demon spirit in the wedding room was suppressed by unknown forces, and finally disappeared without a trace.

Jiang Yunqi is still a little worried, but he understands the "Shentian Dual Element Method" that he personally created and developed.

He knew that his daughter was not only fine, but had also taken a solid step on the road to heaven.

——Han Yun She has actually stepped half of her foot across the gate of heaven.

But this situation still made Jiang Yunqi feel depressed. If possible, he would rather not develop the "Shentian Dual Element Method".

The feeling of watching the cabbage that I have raised for nearly 20 years being knocked over by a pig is simply indescribable.


Li Xuan didn't wake up until about three o'clock in the morning the next day, and then he immediately looked inside to observe the changes in his body.

He and Jiang Hanyun completed the practice of the third level of the "Dual Elements of God and Heaven" at the end of yesterday's ugly hour (three o'clock in the morning).

But at that time, how could Li Xuan care about the situation inside his body? Of course, she should seize the time to have sex with Jiang Hanyunhong and enjoy the taste of male and female love.

Jiang Hanyun didn't know if it was because of the spirit fox blood in her body that she was very clumsy and jerky in this regard, but every inadvertent movement she made could scratch the itch in Li Xuan's heart, making his blood boil and his passion surge.

Unfortunately, on the second day of her wedding, Jiang Hanyun had to serve tea to her parents-in-law.

Jiang Hanyun didn't want to continue. She already felt ashamed to see others.

Li Xuan could only restrain his animal desires, stop the fighting in the early morning, and take a rest.

At this time, although his body could fight Jiang Hanyun for dozens more rounds, he was indeed a little tired mentally.

The third step of the "Shentian Dual Element Method" certainly strengthened his soul, but with Li Xuan guiding this process, it was impossible for his soul to be depleted. Not to mention, Li Xuan's mind was tense all day yesterday.

So after the clouds and rain dissipated, Li Xuan fell into a deep sleep. He didn't wake up until close to noon, and finally had time to observe the changes in his body.

Everything was just as Li Xuan expected. His vast spiritual consciousness and true energy had crossed the threshold of the twelfth level of the tower.

The heavenly essence in the body increased by nearly nine times.

Li Xuan was secretly happy, this was not much worse than the normal heavenly position.

The benefits of this "Shentian Dual Element Method" are huge, and he has never been disappointed.

It is a pity that the third step was not completed when he was in the twelfth level of the tower, otherwise Li Xuan could even use this method to directly step into the gate of heaven.

However, Li Xuan can no longer wait until that time. With his current cultivation speed, it will take at least two to three years before he can step into the twelfth floor.

It's better to settle down now and get a strong combat power directly.

Moreover, there is actually no obstacle to Li Xuan in the realm of heaven. As long as he reaches the level of cultivation in the future, it will naturally fall into place.

In addition to the increase in true energy and mana, Li Xuan also discovered that the deep layers of flesh and blood in his body had undergone some abnormal changes.

This allowed him to develop two magical powers of the demon race - one is 'intuition' and the other is 'charm'.

The ‘intuition’ comes from Bai Ze, and the ‘charm’ comes from Linghu.

Intuition can be understood as intuition, which adds some power of prediction, allowing Li Xuan to intuitively judge the opponent's actions in battle.

Charm is easier to understand. Li Xuan realized that he had become more handsome and more attractive to girls.

In addition to charming women, this magical power should also have another function, allowing him to control his subordinates and generals more easily.

Just like those born kings in ancient times, people unconsciously surrendered to his charm.

However, these two magical powers are just the icing on the cake for Li Xuan now. Li Xuan didn't care much after sensing them for a while.

When he opened his eyes, Jiang Hanyun across from him also woke up as if telepathically.

At this time, Jiang Hanyun's eyes were full of surprise: "My soul is at least seven times stronger than yesterday!"

Not only that, she also awakened several very powerful spiritual fox magical powers, and even had a faint touch of the method of 'virtual reality'.

This made her stunned and surprised beyond measure.

Jiang Hanyun has never bothered to study the "virtual and real" method, but now she can use the "virtual and real" martial arts that is close to the divine realm.

Jiang Hanyun then realized that this should be related to yesterday's incident. But at that time, she was confused and drunk. The remaining consciousness was also fully cooperating with Li Xuan, unable to sense the outside world at all, and he had no idea what was happening at that time.

"What happened last night?" Jiang Hanyun asked, while thinking back attentively: "I felt like something invaded my body at that time, and then -"

And then part of it was swallowed by her? And was it refined under the influence of the "Shentian Dual Element Method"?

"It seemed that someone wanted to seize your body at that time." Li Xuan also came back to think carefully, and then said with a serious expression: "There is something wrong with your dowry maid named Linghu Yao, Hanyun, please wait first!"

He had been bewitched by the illusion of the nine-tailed white fox before and didn't notice anything strange at all.

But when the illusion was lifted, he found that there was no such person in his mind.

There was no such maid around Jiang Hanyun at all. UU Reading This Linghu Yao actually appeared in their memories out of thin air.

Li Xuan was secretly shocked, thinking, is this an illusion at the 'Ji Tian' level?

Then he directly waved his hand, causing a black-gray mist to appear in front of him, and then stepped inside: "Hanyun, if you are interested, you can come in and have a look."

Jiang Hanyun discovered that Li Xuan walked into a strange space.

She was curious in her heart, and followed Li Xuan inside without any hesitation.

After the two entered the space of the Heavenly Punishment Platform, Li Xuan's first glance was at the nine-tailed fox tied to the guillotine of the Heavenly Punishment Platform.

There is also the nine-tailed spirit trapped in the sky above by countless chains. The latter was still struggling hard, and did not stop until he noticed Li Xuan's arrival.

Green Qiluo stood on the Heavenly Punishment Platform. She looked at Li Xuan from a distance: "Let's take a look at the nine-tailed demon fox that brought trouble to the world tens of thousands of years ago."

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