Demoness, Where Are You Fleeing To?

Chapter 720 Green Qiluo’s Identity

"Nine-tailed demon fox?"

Li Xuan's eyes were fixed, and he glanced curiously at the body of the white fox lying on the guillotine, and the spirit of the white fox that was tied up: "Is it that Daji? Su Daji?"

There was also a battle to 'confer the gods' in this world, but the details of that battle have been erased.

Historical books only record the characters of Emperor Zhou, Emperor Xin, Daji, Wen Zhong, Bigan and so on at that time.

There are also King Wu's defeat of Zhou, and the Battle of Muye in the Shang Dynasty of the Great Zhou Dynasty, etc.

"How did you know?"

Lu Qiluo glanced at Li Xuan in surprise: "Su Daji, the concubine of King Zhou, is indeed the body of this nine-tailed demon fox. Daji is indeed dead, but it is only Su Daji who died, not It’s the nine-tailed demon fox ‘Tushanjun’.”

Daji, whose surname is Ji and whose courtesy name is Da, comes from the "Yousu" tribe and is a native of the Wen state.

There is the Su tribe, which is one of the tribes that King Zhou and Di Xin seek peace with. .

After the Su family was conquered, they had to sacrifice Daji, the most beautiful woman in the family, to Emperor Xin of Zhou Dynasty in order to protect the entire family and the country.

However, before Daji was presented to Emperor Xin of Zhou Dynasty, she had already been taken away by "Tu Shanjun".

So Su Daji, King Zhou's favorite concubine, is indeed the nine-tailed demon fox Tushanjun.

Lu Qiluo wondered how Li Xuan knew this secret. As far as she knew, there was no such record in any history books or Taoist books in the world.

Before the pre-Qin Dynasty, the sage master of Confucianism even personally destroyed all the texts about that period of history.

The great Shang Dynasty perished because Emperor Zhou, Emperor Xin, was cruel, ignorant, licentious and immoral.

However, Green Qiluo didn't go into details. She knew that the guy she possessed knew many strange things.

And in ancient times, there may not be a few words left about the Battle of the Gods.

The Qin Emperor burned books to enslave Confucians, but haven't most of the Confucian classics been passed down?

Li Xuan might have seen it from somewhere.

She shook her head and continued to explain: "After this demon faked its death and escaped, it was active for a long time in the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period. Until the Ancestral Dragon swept across the six kingdoms and dominated the world, he forcibly captured Lord Tushan and suppressed him at the foot of the Taihang Mountains until today.

This demon fox was originally guarded by Jinque Tiangong, and it was probably Da Siming who released her. I don’t know what benefits that woman promised Tushanjun to make her come against us. "

Li Xuan was thinking that this demon fox was really Su Daji?

He raised his head again and glanced at the spirit of the nine-tailed demon fox above. He thought to himself that this demon fox did not seem to be as harmful to the country and the people as he thought, and it was not as charming as he thought!

But then Li Xuan thought of the illusion that the demon fox had played on everyone yesterday.

The reason why I haven't felt Tushanjun's charm yet is probably because the other person didn't want to alert him and didn't use his charm on me.

"This demon probably wanted to seize Hanyun's body yesterday."

Li Xuan bowed to Lu Qiluo with great gratitude: "Thanks to Senior Lu this time, if you hadn't taken action, the consequences would have been disastrous."

Before this, he didn't notice anything unusual.

Jiang Hanyun also bowed to Li Xuan, and at the same time looked at Lu Qiluo curiously, thinking who is this woman?

Then she thought that when the incident happened yesterday, it was when she and Li Xuan were doing that kind of thing, and her face turned red again.

Jiang Hanyun had already begun to regret following him.

"Thank her? I think you were sold and still have to count the money for her!"

At this time, Tushanjun's soul suddenly let out a chuckle in the air, full of sarcasm: "Although I, Tushanjun, have brought trouble to the world, I have never taken the initiative to hurt anyone in my life. I was forced to do so more than ten thousand years ago.

But the person in front of you not only turned the world upside down several times before the pre-Qin Dynasty, but also caused the Emperor Haotian and several generations of ancient emperors to fall to tragic deaths. "

Li Xuan couldn't help but look moved, and glanced at Lu Qiluo in surprise, his eyes thoughtful.

Lu Qiluo glanced at her expressionlessly, and then said to Li Xuan: "You don't actually need to thank me, I am doing it for myself. And the possibility of this woman taking over is very slim. Jiang Xiaowei is not Su Daji, Li Xuan, you It's not King Zhou either. Your 'Exquisite Seven Apertures Heart' naturally restrains her illusions, so the possibility of her eventually hiding it from you is extremely slim."

Green Qiluo pointed upward again: "Think about how to deal with this Tushanjun first. We can't trap her for too long. You only have two choices now, either kill her directly or surrender her."

She then expressed her opinion: "This woman is of great use, not to mention the extremely powerful methods she possesses. Her Tushan tribe members alone will be of great benefit to you. But If she insists on not surrendering, then kill her directly. Never let such a powerful enemy go."

Li Xuan couldn't help but raise his eyebrows, thinking that he was naturally eager to win over such a powerful person at the heavenly level.

But Li Xuan knew how much he weighed, so he shook his head slightly: "Senior is joking, how can I conquer this Tushanjun?"

He saw that although Fu Youde's 'Huntian Lock' trapped the nine-tailed demon fox, it was actually very difficult.

Green Qiluo has been assisting with her extreme magic, but her soul power is also constantly being depleted, and she is obviously unable to make ends meet.

The reason why Green Qiluo and the others placed the body of the nine-tailed demon fox on the guillotine was not only to threaten them, but also to prepare for any eventuality.

Once the spirit of the nine-tailed demon fox escapes, the demon's physical body will be cut off directly.

"Why not?" Lu Qiluo and Tu Shanjun looked at each other from a distance, with a mocking smile on their lips: "She is also half-disabled now, so she cannot be considered a real Jitian. She can't die either, and she doesn't dare to die. Yes! Otherwise, the Fox clan of Tushan lineage will surely be destroyed.

Since the death of Dayu, they all pointed at her. As long as you give her a little hope of survival, then she can be your bed warmer. "

The Linghu clan originated from Qingqiu, and was later divided into four branches: Chenghuang, Qingqiu, Xinyue and Tushan.

Chenghuang has become extinct in the world, and both Qingqiu and Xinyue have their own backers. Only the Tushan lineage has been helpless since the fall of Dayu.


Tu Shanjun roared angrily, and she struggled again, causing the chains to clank: "Qiluo, Suiren! You bitch, don't let me find a chance, otherwise I will make you doomed!"

Li Xuan's eyes suddenly brightened, thinking about Suiren Qiluo? Could this be Green Qiluo's real name? What is the origin of this green senior?

He expected the nine-tailed demon fox to continue to break the news, but Tushanjun only came and went with a few words.

Li Xuan could only suppress the curiosity in his heart: "But I'm worried that she will bite the Lord."

"The possibility of eating the master is very high."

Lu Qiluo actually nodded: "It depends on how you use it. Tens of thousands of years ago, this woman was ordered to disrupt the national destiny of the Shang Dynasty. But before the death of the Shang Dynasty, this Tushanjun did his best to help the Shang Dynasty. The king saved the situation."

Li Xuan understood immediately and knew that it was a problem between the butt and the head. As long as he tied Tushanjun tightly enough, he would never get off the boat easily.

He pondered for a moment, and then decisively asked the nine-tailed demon fox: "I wonder if Mr. Tushan wants to die or live?"

Tu Shanjun's spirit suddenly rippled, and finally she snorted softly, with a chuckle on her face: "Of course I want to live? If there is a chance to survive, who in this world would want to die? The problem is, you are a little kid What can a young mortal prince do to restrain me?"

But then, she saw Li Xuan reach out and take the 'Haotian Divine Seal' in his hand.

Tu Shanjun's spirit suddenly shrank, and then he suddenly looked at the miniature 'Imperial Palace' to the north of the Heavenly Punishment Platform.

She was stunned, and then laughed: "Interesting! Suiren Qiluo, you actually came up with this idea and planned to build the fourth generation of heaven? I think you are really frustrated and crazy, and you simply overestimate your capabilities. !

Those saints above can crush you to death with just one strike. Do you think I would agree? Do you want me, the Tushan clan, to be destroyed along with you? "

"But what's the difference? You Tushan clan will either die now or later."

Lu Qiluo looked at Tu Shanjun coldly: "In the next year, Li Xuan will build 300 'Tai Shang Miluo to Zhen Xuan Huang Emperor' temples in Liaodong. Zhengyiyi and Quanzhen Taoism have promised to provide 7,000 Taoists serve as the temple blessings and judges of these "Xuanhuang Emperor" temples.

But in addition, every temple needs a spiritual beast to protect the emperor's incense. I think your Tushan lineage is quite suitable. "

After Li Xuan heard this, he couldn't help but feel moved.

I thought it was quite appropriate. The fox clan of Tushan lineage, regardless of the three-tailed and four-tailed ones, all had very powerful magical powers.

And the thing of 'illusion' can be used in a bad place to instigate and stir up troubles. When used in a good place, it can also appease people's hearts.

Tu Shanjun was clearly shaken once again. Her soul was silent for a long time, as if she was weighing the pros and cons.

It wasn't until about a moment later that she suddenly gathered her soul and manifested the image of a woman in a white dress.

She actually smiled with a spring breeze on her face: "Sister Suiren, why didn't you tell me earlier? Although your majesty has a thorny road ahead in heaven, I just thought about it and we can still fight it out.

Please give me a pardon, Your Majesty! But let’s talk about it first. After all, I have a very heavenly position, and you are the founding patriarch of the heaven. My status must not be lowered. Your Majesty, you must give me the position of great emperor. "

Li Xuan was stunned for a while, surprised by Tu Shanjun's arrogant behavior.

But then he shook his head, took out a dragon skin scroll, and quickly wrote on it: "The position of emperor is impossible, my current divine power cannot support this position. UU read books www.uukanshu .net

In the future, if I am lucky enough to find the complete list of gods, I may grant you the position of Marshal or the position of Heavenly King. But now, I can only give you the title of 'Servant of the Law Yuanjun', which is equivalent to a divine general. However, if Tushanjun can make special contributions to the heaven, then it will not be a bad idea to give you an emperor's throne in the future. "

He knew that in Heaven, the emperors including the Three Officials Emperor, the Six Yu Emperors and the Five Directions Emperors were basically in the 'Holy Heavenly Position', or even in the 'Godly Heavenly Position', and were second only to the Heavenly Emperor. .

Tu Shanjun was a little disappointed, but he did not refuse Li Xuan's edict. Let the power of the 'Haotian Divine Seal' penetrate deep into her soul.

Just when Li Xuan's divine power was pouring into Tushan Jun Yuan Shen, Lu Qiluo looked sideways at Li Xuan: "There is also bad news. Yesterday, I used the 'Taichu' divine power, which should alarm those old opponents. ”

Li Xuan didn't feel much. He didn't know Lu Qiluo's true identity, and he didn't know who Lu Qiluo's old opponents were.

But the next moment, Li Xuan heard Lu Qiluo say: "A small number of the emperors in the sky are my lifelong enemies."

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