Demoness, Where Are You Fleeing To?

Chapter 750 The Crack in the Heavenly Palace

Just when the battle at Po Enemy Mountain was about to come to an end, Shaosi Mingyuan Taiwei also stepped into his own Shaosi Palace in Jinque Heavenly Palace, which was thousands of miles away.

This place has been sealed by Da Siming, and countless runes have sealed the palace.

However, when Yuan Taiwei arrived, the runes cracked and shattered piece by piece, and countless red-gold beams of light seeped out of them.

These beams of light eventually twisted and bent, and merged into Yuan Taiwei's body like birds flying into the forest.

That originally belonged to 'Shao Siming', the authority that belonged to her, and was the authority given to Yuan Taiwei by the Jinque Tianzhang.

At this time, Yuan Taiwei's whole person seemed to be covered with a layer of holy light.

Yuan Taiwei's magic power spread from this, and the ultimate magic of life and death covered the entire Jinque Tiangong.

The 'immortal killing order' temporarily retrieved from Li Xuan was also suspended in front of her, exuding a cold brilliance...

After about ten breaths, the originally formless and formless Nine Palaces Immortal Formation of the Great Buzhou Pros and Reverses finally took shape.

It can be seen that countless purple-gold fairy symbols appear layer by layer in the void, forming an array.

This is Yuan Taiwei using his own status and power as "Shao Siming" to regain control of this immortal formation and restore them to their original appearance.

At the moment when the Immortal Formation of the Nine Palaces of the Great Buzhou was restored, Yuan Taiwei looked upward again, looking at the Supreme Hall above the Nine Palaces.

This main hall is located above the nine palaces of Erming, Sanyuan and Sixiang, suspended a hundred feet above the Golden Palace.

It is resplendent and magnificent, with a height of several feet, and its length and width are hard to measure. It is completely impossible to measure visually.

On the plaque in front of the hall are the four characters "Lingxiao Palace".

When people look at it with their naked eyes, they will instinctively feel awe and surrender unconsciously.

Yuan Taiwei stepped into the void without hesitation and came to the door of Lingxiao Palace.

When she looked around, she could see countless golden threads crisscrossing the hall.

The hall was empty except for two figures standing under the central throne.

One is the 'Palace Master Tianshi' Guo Jing, and the other is the 'Palace Master Ziwei' who asks right and wrong.

They all looked extremely solemn, dark and livid.

Genta slightly glanced at them and didn't care anymore.

What she was more concerned about at this time was those threads, which were the rejection of her within the palace.

At this time, the entire Jinque Heavenly Palace and the entire 'Nine Palaces Immortal Formation of the Great Buzhou Pros and Cons' were controlled by Shao Siming. Only this 'Lingxiao Palace' was still resisting her power and her authority.

But when Yuan Taiwei stepped in step by step, the golden threads inside all collapsed one by one. It turns into golden dust and is sprinkled in this palace.

Guo Jing and Wen Wen couldn't help but glare at Yuan Taiwei angrily.

But both of them were unable to stop Yuan Taiwei from approaching, so they were outside the Lingxiao Palace at that moment.

Zhu Mingyue, Qiu Qianqiu, a middle-class layman, and the chief minister of Qinglong Palace, Shenhua, all stood in the air, locking the true meaning of their martial arts and even the ultimate method away from them.

Tianshi Palace Master Guo Jing has a sharp sword mark between his eyebrows. Every time he moves, the sword mark will expand a little.

Palace Master Ziwei asked right and wrong while holding a scripture in one hand and a Qianqiu pen in the other.

At the end of the scroll, there was a faint words that read, 'A supreme heaven descended from the outside world to help drive away the rebellious young Siming from the Heavenly Palace.'

But if you look carefully, you will find that the six words "Outside the Land" and "Exorcism" are actually typos, either an extra stroke or a missing stroke.

That is exactly the method of "confusion" used by middle-class lay people, which confuses the will to ask right and wrong.

Naturally, there is no way to bring out the great power of the artifact called ‘Qianqiu Pen’.

At this time, the questioner was sweating profusely, and even the tip of his nose was dripping with sweat, but he could not write a word on the scroll.

Yuan Taiwei's footsteps were slow and firm, irresistible.

She walked into the palace step by step, stepped on the nine steps, and then grabbed the throne with one hand.

In the perception of many people, the Golden Que Tianzhang and Qianqiu Bi are the core of the Jinque Tiangong, and the ‘God-killing Order’ and ‘Xianxian-Zhuan Order’ are symbols of the great and small orders.

But Yuan Taiwei knew that the real core of Jinque Tiangong was actually the throne that once belonged to the third generation of Emperors.

Only by taking the throne of the Heavenly Emperor can one truly master the Heavenly Palace.

Otherwise, her current control over the 'Nine Palaces Immortal Formation of the Nine Palaces of Pros and Reverse' would be like a castle in the air.

When Yuan Taiwei's hand came close to the throne, her body suddenly burned with dark black flames, and at the same time, countless golden sword energy exploded in front of the throne, cutting her hand to pieces until it was covered with bruises, and blue-white thunder shot through the air. Down.

Ke Yuan Taiwei's extremely powerful method also showed great power at this moment.

All these opposing forces are dying, the flames are extinguished, the thunder disappears, and the sword energy is shattered.

Yuan Taiwei's hand firmly grasped the armrest of the throne.

But at this moment, another slender figure with gorgeous clothes and a bronze mask suddenly appeared in the 'Lingxiao Palace'.

That was Da Siming who had traveled thousands of miles from Mengwu Podi Mountain to get here.

When she saw Yuan Taiwei, her expression turned extremely ugly for a moment.

Then this one didn't hesitate and grabbed the other side of the Heavenly Emperor's throne.

At this moment, the entire Jinque Heavenly Palace began to shake violently. Countless cracks appeared in the entire palace suspended in the air, and there was a faint tendency to split into two.

As the strength of the two collided and their authority clashed, the cracks in the Golden Palace were getting bigger and bigger.


Li Xuan didn't know anything about the progress at Jinque Tiangong. He and Choros also fought in the south of Poenemy Mountain for five hours.

Until the early morning of the next day, the two were still fighting fiercely.

Ye Xian's blood and essence were almost burned out. His hair and beard were gray, his flesh and blood were collapsed, his skin was yellow and wrinkled, and his whole person looked like a corpse that had been dead for many years.

But the Great Khan of Wala was still fighting desperately, using up every ounce of his strength to strike at Li Xuan.

There was deep-seated hatred in his eyes, as if he wanted to cut Li Xuan into pieces and cut him into pieces with thousands of knives.

But at this time, Ye Xian's soul was already so weak that it was like a ghost fire that could be extinguished at any moment.

Young Master Yu Jie couldn't stand it anymore and left early.

In Yu Jie's opinion, Li Xuan's behavior was simply immoral.

He seemed to have given Ye Xian a chance to fight fairly and gave him the honor of dying gloriously.

The essence is to use every possible means to hone his martial arts skills and deliberately squeeze out every ounce of potential of Troos Yexian.

The ensuing battle was nothing to watch. After Yu Jie was sure that there was no possibility of awakening the Supreme Heaven's Law, he left decisively.

He needs to deal with the follow-up tasks of this "Battle of Destroy the Enemy Mountain", such as counting military achievements, cleaning up seizures, paying for casualties, etc., and at the same time, he also has to arrange the pursuit.

These should have been the affairs of the coach Li Xuan, but the coach Li Xuan couldn't get away, so he had to do it for him.

This million-person battle came to an end yesterday evening.

The entire battle lasted for about an hour and a half.

And within this hour and a half, the Jin army's all-muscle warfare showed extremely efficient killing capabilities, causing the Mongols to leave more than half a million corpses on the battlefield.

The rest either fled or surrendered.

Probably more than 100,000 people surrendered, and many times that number fled.

What makes the young master Yu Jie slightly worried is that there are about 30,000 Qixue troops and about 40,000 Mongol knights. They are heading west under the leadership of Taiji of the "Bo'er Jijin" family. escape.

During yesterday's battle, the vast majority of the Mongol people who fled were unorganized and in a state of stragglers.

Only these 70,000 people were actually organized into an army during the escape. The descendant of the Golden Family showed strong organizational skills.

Therefore, Yu Jie immediately arranged a pursuit and organized a cavalry army of 100,000 people, led by Zhu Guoneng, the governor of Xuan Mansion, to pursue these Mongolian remnants.

Yu Jie knew where these Mongol remnants wanted to flee. It must be Turpan, which is also the Chagatai Khanate.

In the past, the direct grandson of Emperor Zhaozong of the Yuan Dynasty, 'Bo'er Jijin Benya Shili', fled to the Chagatai Khanate and lived in exile in the Western Regions for several years. Finally, with the combined help of the Chagatai Khanate and the Timur Empire, UU Reading Taking advantage of the Jingnan incident, he commanded the army to invade the grassland and regain the position of the Mongol Khan.

Yu Jie never wanted to see this happen, so he handed over the pursuit to Zhu Guoneng.

The governor of Xuanfu was as cautious as an elk and as brave as a tiger or leopard.

He can see in all directions, pay attention to every abnormality around him, and when he finds his prey, he pounces on it ferociously.

Yu Jie is most reassured that Zhu Guoneng can lead the army in pursuit. In addition, he is also good at commanding cavalry.

And when Yu Jie took care of everything on the battlefield, he discovered that the battle between Li Xuan and Yexian was not over yet.

Yu Jie took advantage of the early morning sunshine to look into the distance, and then became speechless for a while.

There was no trace of essence left in Ye Xian's body, but Li Xuan actually gathered his wits and competed with Ye Xian in swordsmanship like an ordinary person.

The two of them fought like two ordinary second-sect martial arts cultivators, but every sword they struck had the meaning of "skills close to the Tao".

"It seems that he is determined to squeeze out the great Khan of Wala."

Tushanjun, who was near the battlefield, looked at Li Xuan intently and praised loudly: "They say that I, Tushanjun, are cunning and vicious, but in fact, I am not as good as our majesty."

"I will convey this to Li Xuan."

Lu Qiluo didn't care much about the fighting next to him: "Actually, he is helpless. Li Xuan has to go through a life-and-death disaster recently and must continue to make breakthroughs in martial arts. He is now his most suitable opponent."

While she was speaking, her attention was focused on the 'Yuan Chen Divine General' in front of her.

The moment the sun rose again and illuminated this world, Green Qiluo's soul power was restored to its original state.

She immediately ignited a green flame and began to refine the body of the 'Yuanchen Divine General'.

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