Demoness, Where Are You Fleeing To?

Chapter 751 Breaking the Enemy Mountain Battle Report

Tu Shanjun's attention also shifted to the green 'Yuanchen Divine General' in front of Lu Qiluo.

She said in a solemn voice: "I didn't expect that the Antarctic Immortal Emperor would actually restore the technology of this mechanical god. Do you plan to refine it and use it as your own substitute? I'm afraid it will be difficult. The Antarctic Immortality in its body There is almost no possibility of the emperor’s core divine seal being refined.”

In the past three generations of Heavenly Court, there were Liu Ding Liujia and Twelve Yuan Chen, a total of twenty-four mechanical generals who commanded the ultimate combat power. They were one of the most trusted forces of the Emperor of Heaven, Haotian, and the cornerstone of Heavenly Court's military force. , shocking the world.

But after the three generations of heaven were shattered, most of the twenty-four mechanical generals had been destroyed.

Tu Shanjun saw that the one in front of him was not Liu Ding Liu Jia or any of the Twelve Yuan Chen. It was obviously created after the fall of Haotian.

Green Qiluo sighed slightly: "You are blind and cannot see the root of it."

Tu Shanjun was stunned when he heard this, and looked at it carefully, and then her expression changed: "Is this Taichu Jianqi? Did she use this thing to simulate the bones of Yuan Chen Divine General?"

Green Qiluo ignored her and continued to use the green fire sacrifice to refine the 'Yuanchen Divine General'...

Shortly afterwards, streams of silver-white mist floated out from the body of the 'Yuanchen Divine General' and entered the mechanical incarnation of Green Qiluo.

Tu Shanjun looked at this process, his face turned green and white. There was both envy and fear in her eyes.

Not long after, Li Xuan's voice sounded in her ears: "What is she doing?"

Tu Shanjun looked back and found Li Xuan standing a hundred feet away. He sheathed his sword and looked over.

As for Choros Yesian, he was kneeling on the ground, his body as dry as a skeleton.

However, Li Xuan's arm armor Taotie opened its bloody mouth at this time, swallowing the true spirit of Choros Yesian.

Tu Shanjun thought to himself, Li Xuan not only squeezed him dry, but he also didn't let go of the ghost after death.

"That is Taichu Jianqi, and Suiren Qiluo is refining and absorbing her."

Tu Shanjun explained: "Taichu Jianqi is the Qi of Taichu's origin, the change generated after contacting the spirit of Geng, the shape of the sword, and the meaning of the sword. The Antarctic Emperor Changsheng used this thing to strengthen the body of the mechanical god general, allowing it to reach Achieving the highest level of heaven."

Tu Shanjun's expression moved slightly when he said this, but he still couldn't help saying: "Your Majesty, if Suiren Qiluo can integrate these Taichu sword energy into her body, the power of her mechanical body will be infinitely close to the sky, reaching the level of The ultimate in this world.

Moreover, the 'Taichu Sword Qi' is particularly suitable for her, enough to restore her to less than half of the strength she had in her prime. "

Li Xuan raised his eyebrows: "What do you want to say?"

"She will become the most powerful being in Qin Huang Yuan Feng, and can even break through the sky after leaving Qin Huang Yuan Feng."

Tu Shanjun looked at Li Xuan steadily: "If she wanted to do something at that time, no one could stop her. Your Majesty, if you don't take precautions, you will regret it sooner or later. Suiren Qiluo is the embodiment of disaster. She will bring great disaster to your heaven."

Li Xuan thought to himself that this demon fox was really putting the cart before the horse, and it was not unfair to lose the battle of Makino in the past.

Now, his heaven is still a grass-roots team!

At this time, there was someone whose combat power was infinitely close to that of Ji Tian, ​​which was of great significance to him.

Especially for the disaster he was about to face next, Li Xuan only worried that the power in his hands was not strong enough.

Li Xuan then nodded: "I have taken Tu Shanjun's advice to heart. I will listen to his words and investigate his actions in the future."

While he was talking, he reached out with his hand, and Yaokong took the 'God-killing Order' in his hand.

Li Xuan sensed this object, and there was a hint of surprise in his eyes.

With this thing, and the 'immortal killing order' forged by the Le family, he had the key to unlock the second level of authority of the 'Zhoutian Xingdou Formation'.

For a year and a half, he worked hard and planned everything, and finally got all the chips before this day came.

Tu Shanjun grinded his teeth secretly. She heard that Li Xuan's words were just words of coping and had no sincerity.

However, she decided to fulfill the duties of a subordinate: "Your Majesty, you have to be careful of the Antarctic Immortal Emperor. She has sensed your power just now. She will never sit back and watch the embers of 'Haotian' resurrect in this world and enter The intensity of this world will definitely intensify. And not only him, but also the current four poles, five directions and six emperors will not sit idly by.

There is also Suiren Qiluo. Suiren Qiluo's "Taichu" power is very strong, distorting Da Siming's understanding of her from the source of her soul, and achieving the so-called cognitive impairment. Obtaining Taichu Jianqi will make her Taichu power even more powerful, but it can take as short as five years or as long as seven years before the great commander will react sooner or later. Once this happens, the entire world will be shaken. "

Li Xuan thought that five years was not a short time. At worst, he could wait a few years. Repeat today's operation and continue to seal Da Siming's memory.

At this moment, Li Xuan's arm armor Taotie finally swallowed up all of Ye Xian's true spirit.

After that, he didn't even have time to sense the true spirit of Ye Xian in the Arm Armor Wuqu Pojun, so he flashed his body, changed his position, and came to the side of 'Alazhiyuan' who had been killed in the battle for a long time, and continued to devour Alazhiyuan's body. True spirit.

According to the historical trend of another world, after killing Totuo Buhua and claiming the title of "Da Yuantian Sheng Khan", he had a conflict with his right-hand man Alazhiyuan.

In order to regain power from his tribe, he refused Alazhiyuan's request to be granted the title of "Grand Master" and killed two of Alazhiyuan's sons.

Alazhiyuan was angry and raised troops, and eventually the general also attacked and killed him first.

Whether it was a coincidence or not, the two emperors Ye Xian and Jingtai both died at the hands of their most outstanding generals.

In this world, it would be impossible for this to happen, but from this we can see Alazhiin's talent.

Although Ara Zhiyuan is only half of Ye Xian's age, his true martial arts has entered the late soul realm, and he will catch up with Ye Xian sooner or later.

Therefore, his soul and true spirit are also extremely valuable.

Just when Li Xuan controlled Taotie and swallowed the true spirit of Alazhiyuan with all his strength. Young Master Yu Jie and Shang Hong arrived in the air together.

Yang Zhen, more than a dozen generals led by Zhang Yue all gathered beside Li Xuan.

"Your Highness, all results have been tallied."

Shang Hong held a handful of account books with a slightly strange look in his eyes: "Yesterday's battle at Poenei Mountain, a total of 534,257 Mongwu knights were killed! Killed Mongwu Tai Jiliu There are 63 heads of 10,000 households, 325 nayans of 1,000 households, more than 400 daruhuachi of all levels, and 6,143 people of the remaining 100 households. Capture Mengwutai Auspicious five people, ten thousand households with twelve people"

Li Xuan behind him didn't pay attention, it was just some prisoners and seizures.

But the scimitars and chainmails of the Mongols no longer had much value to the Jin Dynasty.

Only the more than one million dragon-blooded horses and earth dragons, as well as the more than three million cattle and sheep, brought a smile to Li Xuan's face.

Most of these Mongol cavalry were composed of two horses, or even three horses. Naturally, they could not bring all of these horses to the battlefield. Most of them were concentrated by the Mongol people and herded twenty miles behind the battlefield.

After the battle, these riding animals, cattle and sheep were all completely in the hands of the Jin army.

It is worth mentioning that most of these captured riding beasts were pack horses, rather than war horses that could rush on the battlefield, but Li Xuan was still very happy.

Today's battle is the death of the Mongolian cavalry.

But the future cavalry is far from leaving the battlefield.

For example, the 'dragons' that are so popular in the West are mounted infantry, allowing the infantry to gain maneuverability that is not inferior to that of the cavalry with the help of mounts.

And if it is to allow the mounted infantry to maneuver at high speed, a packhorse with better endurance is more suitable than a war horse.

In addition, Li Xuan has long been dissatisfied with the congested transportation and logistics in Dajin.

If he has the money to repair roads in various places in the future, then before the emergence of diesel locomotives, four-wheeled carriages and horse-drawn rail cars will be the best tools to improve transportation in various places, which will require a large number of pack horses.

"In addition, kill the Mengwu general Alazhiyuan, and kill the Great Khan of Wala first!"

When Shang Hong said this, he couldn't help but sigh with emotion: "Since Taizong's death, the Mongols have accumulated their essence for hundreds of years, and they have died in one battle since then."

Li Xuan raised the corners of his lips slightly: "Where is the Mengwu Imperial Master? Where is this person?"

On that day, the Mongolian national division Aba Division was not on the battlefield, so he was dozens of miles away, trying to interfere in the battle situation with Tantric Dharma.

It's a pity that today's battlefield was chosen by Li Xuan.

Heavenly Master Zhang Shenye had set up an altar near Podi Mountain 20 days ago.

Although Abbas, the Mongolian national master, had the help of two holy wolves, he was invincible in a battle with the heavenly master Zhang Shenye from afar.

"Abbas is seventy miles away. He professed his own magic power and drove in dozens of Zhenyuan Nails himself. Zhang Tianshi personally took care of them."

Shang Hong replied truthfully: "This person's lama and temple are in the grassland. He has no choice but to surrender to me, the Jin Dynasty."

Li Xuan nodded slightly. He still valued the leader of the lamas beyond the Great Wall.

"What about the battle report? Has the battle report from Po Enemy Mountain ever been sent to the capital?"

"After the war ended yesterday, we have sent a rough battle report to the capital, and everyone inside and outside the court must be aware of it. As for the details of the battle, it was not written until not long ago, and I am about to ask His Highness to read it and use the seal."

As Shang Hong spoke, he squinted at Ye Xian's corpse in the distance.

He thought that if he didn't die, it wouldn't be easy to write a battle report.

What if the Great Khan of Wala escaped? Isn't it a false report of military exploits?

At this time, the faces of many generals around were all flushed. They could not suppress their excitement, and they all leaned down and said: "We congratulate Your Highness, you have defeated millions of enemies in this battle, and you have to be the first to kill them personally. You have defeated Mengwu. This is sincere." The so-called unparalleled achievements! No one can match the famous generals of ancient times."

Among them, Yang Zhen, the Marquis of Changping, clasped his fists with great admiration and said: "Your Highness's military exploits today are enough to overwhelm Huo Dou! As a final general, Your Highness can erect a stone monument again." , to remember today’s battle to break the enemy’s mountain, and not to let Huo Dou be the best.”

Huo refers to the cavalry general Huo Qubing, and Dou refers to the cavalry general Dou Xian.

The former sealed the wolf's status as Xu, and the latter constricted Shi Yanran. They are the ceiling of the achievements of warriors throughout the ages.

In the view of Changping Marquis Yang Zhen, Li Xuan's military exploits today were superior to the two.

After hearing this, Li Xuan burst into laughter.

Building altars to worship heaven and carving stones to record merit have been done by famous generals throughout the ages, the most recent of whom was Taizong of the Jin Dynasty.

But these altars and stone tablets have long since disappeared. Only the tablet of Dou Xianle and Shi Yanran is relatively small and very hidden, and has been preserved to this day.

Therefore, if they want future generations to remember their martial arts, they still have to divide the south and north of the desert into a province and organize the people into households.

Only by completely transforming this land into the land of the Central Plains can we survive for a long time.

But when Li Xuan then looked around, he saw the corpses scattered all over the mountains and plains on the surrounding battlefield, as well as the many Jin soldiers bathed in the morning light further away. In his chest, pride could not help but grow.

"According to my words, it was all thanks to the bravery and hard work of all the soldiers in the army that the grassland was conquered in one battle. I will definitely ask for credit for all the soldiers who participated in the battle. In addition, all the captured cattle and sheep will be distributed immediately. They can directly receive the cattle and sheep, or they can take these cattle and sheep Exchanged for silver money.

Also, let the Huotou army prepare a feast of meat. There is no limit to drinks and drinks today, and there is no distinction between superior and inferior. I, the king, should also enjoy the feast with all the troops! "

In addition to being the commander-in-chief of the army, he is also the commander-in-chief of the five armies. He can decide what to do with the cattle and sheep captured today.

When those Yu Xitang Riders spread Li Xuan's words far away, many Jin soldiers on the battlefield suddenly burst into cheers, and streams of red blood rushed straight into the sky again.

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