Demoness, Where Are You Fleeing To?

Chapter 752 Immortal Merits

Four hours before Li Xuan killed Ye Xian, drizzle continued in Beijing.

In the Wenhua Hall of the Forbidden City, Yu Hongshang was using an incandescent lamp to stamp the memorials submitted by the cabinet one after another.

On the lower left side of Yu Hongshang, Qian Long, the eunuch and eunuch who was serving on the side, looked at the incandescent lamp next to him in a daze.

Incandescent lamps are something that only appeared recently. According to the patent law passed by the imperial court half a year ago, this patent was registered in the name of Li Xuan, Prince of Fenyang County.

This kind of lamp uses thunder and lightning as its source, and the brightness of the light exceeds that of candlelight ten times.

Therefore, once it was implemented in early June, it became extremely popular in the capital.

Almost every household of the high-ranking officials and wealthy families in the capital is doing this. Just pull a wire and connect dozens of incandescent lamps to brightly illuminate the inside of the mansion.

This allowed the 'hydropower plant' opened by the Fenyang Prince's Mansion outside the city to make a lot of money. It earned 700,000 silver dollars just from the entrance fee for the wires... and then the monthly electricity bill also reached Three hundred thousand yuan a month. The light bulbs sold even more. At the price of fifty taels apiece, fifty-seven thousand bulbs were sold in two months.

Their palace contributed more than 10,000 lamps, and spent a total of nearly one million taels of silver.

This huge profit has made many people jealous.

Qian Long knew that some of these daring people were trying to imitate light bulbs and water conservancy motors regardless of whether they were patented or not.

However, this imitation is not very smooth. The hydraulic motor uses water conservancy and machinery to generate electricity without any help of runes, so the cost is low.

The Artifact Alliance and the Fenyang Prince's Palace maintain very strict confidentiality. So far, no one has imitated the hydraulic motor. So far, many people don't even understand the principle.

As for the light bulbs, they are also very troublesome.

Some people have figured out that the wick inside the light bulb is a tungsten filament, but no one has figured out how to make the transparent glass outside for sealing.

In addition, the service life of this tungsten wire is also very puzzling.

If large-scale production is not required, light bulbs are actually easy to copy. They had nothing to do with the spherical transparent glass, but they could easily find a hollow transparent crystal.

The problem is that with the same tungsten wick, they only last a few days. After a few days, not only will the wick be completely burned out, but the bulb itself will become pitch black.

I wonder what's the mystery inside that light bulb? Not only can it be used for several months, but it can also stay as bright as before.

Speaking of glass, Qian Long thought of the Liulichang under the name of Fenyang Prince's Palace, and of the large pieces of transparent glass that Fenyang Prince's Palace had recently replaced.

Especially those waterside pavilions that have been transformed with floor-to-ceiling glass. They are bright and spacious, with excellent views. Combined with the garden views, they are so elegant that they have attracted the envy of many people.

These glasses haven't appeared on the market yet, but Qian Long had a hunch that this would be another hugely profitable business.

Qian Long is also planning to replace many palaces in the palace with glass. Otherwise there would be no light all day long and it would be dark and gloomy.

However, His Highness King Fenyang seemed to disagree, saying that it did not match the style of the Forbidden City and would ruin the aesthetics.

Before remodeling, it is best to ask an expert to design the overall shape.

However, the reason why Qian Long thought of this at this time was because Prince Fenyang was worried.

According to the report recently sent back by the Xiuyi Guards, at the beginning of noon today, the Fenyang County King led his 430,000 men to Poene Mountain, preparing to start a decisive battle with the 930,000 troops led by the Oara Khan. .

The victory or defeat of this battle is not only related to the future northern frontier defense, but also related to the stability of the current imperial court.

Therefore, Qian Long has been in a state of confusion since receiving this message.

Qian Long's thoughts were scattered and his thoughts were awash. Yu Hongshang had finished processing the last memorial. She stretched lazily and then asked Qian Long: "Is there no news from the north yet?"

After Qian Long woke up after hearing this, he shook his head with a solemn expression: "The latest news was brought back by the Fire-Eyed Golden Crow in the evening, saying that the two sides have begun to engage in battle. According to time, the time when the letter was sent over there should be It’s the end of noon.”

He bowed again and said: "Don't worry, Your Highness, Princess Fenyang is invincible and can conquer every attack. This battle will definitely be won."

"I'm not too worried. Xuanlang had a good plan, and when he was forced into a decisive battle, he actually lost."

While Yu Hongshang laughed dumbly, she looked at the night sky outside the main hall and the front yard brightly lit by incandescent lamps: "Since it is the end of noon, the winner of this battle must have been decided."

Normally, it would be common for a battle involving 1.5 million people to last for a month or two.

If, like the current Xi'an city, the tactics of high fortresses and deep ravines are used, and both sides have sufficient food and grass, then the fight will inevitably last two or three years, and the battle line will stretch for hundreds of miles.

However, Yu Hongshang knew that in today's decisive battle, both sides wanted to fight quickly. Moreover, the terrain in front of the Po Enemy Mountain is flat, a large piece of plain land, enough to accommodate millions of people fighting here.

Li Xuan also wrote to her specifically for this battle and made detailed predictions. He believed that the Jin army would achieve a decisive victory within two hours.

Yu Hongshang had no doubts about Li Xuan and firmly believed in Li Xuan's judgment.

So this afternoon, Yu Hongshang remained calm and composed, and her demeanor was completely different from the restless ministers in the front yard.

At this moment, a female official came in from outside: "Your Highness, several auxiliary ministers want to see you!"

Yu Hongshang nodded slightly when he heard the words: "Password! Let the courtiers waiting outside come in."

She actually saw these people walking this way just now. In addition, there were some high-ranking officials of the fourth rank and above following behind.

At this time, the sky was already approaching Youshi, the time when the Forbidden Palace was locked.

But these officials who entered the palace used various excuses to stay. There are even those who come directly to the Wenhua Palace to kowtow and want to see the Princess of the Prison Kingdom.

This is undoubtedly against the rules. Any king who cares a little will be furious, but Yu Hongshang can understand them.

The outcome of the battle in the north at this time is closely related to countless people both inside and outside the court, and it naturally affects the hearts of countless people.

After Yu Hongshang finished speaking, the female officer's face showed a look that she was hesitant to speak. She seemed intent on admonishing, but she was hesitant.

Yu Hongshang knew what she wanted to say. As a female official, she was worried that those court officials would speak rudely about the Northern Expedition and offend the Holy Power.

After all, in the past two months, the drama of ministers going to the palace to stop people and advise them has been staged more than once.

However, Yu Hongshang shook her head slightly indifferently: "Just let them in, and you don't have to worry about the rest. Also, tell the palace gate so that they don't need to lock it tonight."

Not long after, a group of ministers headed by Chen Xun filed into the palace.

Chen Xun usually looked old and decrepit, but after he came in, he looked at Qian Long with gleaming eyes: "How is the situation? Is there any new news?"

Qian Long immediately shook his head: "Not yet! The latest news is the one in the evening, saying that the two sides have started fighting."

When he said this, he glanced at the ministers with cold eyes: "But according to Xiuyiwei, our Jin Dynasty has a great chance of winning this battle. Several hundred households sent by Xiuyiwei to serve under King Fenyang are all He is a man who knows how to fight.

There is also Shang Hong, the deputy observer of the army. There was also a memorial a few days ago, saying that the king of Fenyang County had seven victories, and Wala also had seven defeats. "

He was also worried that these civil servants would behave inappropriately in front of the palace, so he warned them in advance.

Before Qian Long finished speaking, there was a sneer from the crowd: "In the battle of Muye, King Zhou also believed that he would win without a doubt; in the battle of Julu, Zhang Han and Wang Li were also confident.

The so-called war is fierce and dangerous. If the odds of victory can be estimated, how can the Battle of Chibi come about? Where did the Battle of Feishui come from? "

Qian Long looked sideways and found that it was Zhang Jiuling, the newly appointed censor of Zuo Qiandu of the Metropolitan Procuratorate.

Less than half a year ago, Wei Zhen was appointed as the censor of Zuo Fudu. Then the king of Fenyang County had a fierce battle with the auxiliary ministers in the court for this position.

In the end, several auxiliary ministers allocated 6 million silver dollars as the second shipbuilding fund in exchange for the Fenyang County Prince's concession.

In the past month or so since Prince Fenyang launched his troops on the Northern Expedition, the censor of Zuo Qiandu was the one who danced the most happily.

Zhang Jiuling's words immediately shocked the officials present.

They were shocked by Qian Long's cold gaze and did not dare to make any mistakes. They just whispered among themselves.

Some of the people's voices were heard intentionally or unintentionally, but they happened to be heard all over the hall.

"With 430,000 men fighting against 940,000 men, facing twice as many enemies, we believe that we have the chance of victory. UU Reading www.uukknsntt There is no one who has been more conceited throughout the ages than Prince Fenyang."

"If you dare to fight first, you will naturally win."

"It is true that King Fenyang is invincible in every battle, but he is also a famous general who has been famous for decades, King Khan. I think King Fenyang is really defeated in this battle."

"The key is that he still wants to fight in the wild and rely on those firearms? Hundreds of thousands of troops have gone deep into Mobei. The time, place and people are favorable. How can it be in our Jin Dynasty?"

"What's the point of winning? At first, Taizu Taizong swept across the grassland and beat the Mongols until they had no place to stay. But what about now? King Fenyang was so happy with his achievements that he wasted his country's power in order to achieve his so-called achievements. If he wins, that's all. If we fail, we will be the eternal sinners who pushed our Jin Dynasty into danger."

"Including the army and horses behind to protect the grain road, there are a total of 700,000 elites! If these army and horses are lost in the grassland, it will take decades for the Jin Dynasty to recover."

Yu Hongshang couldn't listen anymore and tapped the table with her fingers.

Qian Long next to him suddenly hummed: "Quiet!"

When the palace became quiet, Yu Hongshang said calmly: "My lords, I know that you and others have their own opinions on the Northern Expedition. But in folk gambling, there is a saying that you buy the deal and leave the hand. Now in Podi Mountain, The battle between our Jin army and the Mengwu has begun, so please be patient and wait for the outcome."

After she said this, the ministers in the palace calmed down.

At this moment, a golden crow with flaming eyes suddenly transformed into golden light and landed in front of the imperial steps.

Qian Long perked up and walked over to untie the letter box from the leg of the Fire-Eyed Golden Crow. He only glanced at the talisman book inside, and couldn't help but feel happy.

"Your Highness, King Fenyang has achieved unparalleled achievements in breaking the enemy mountain! This battle has been won, and he has beheaded at least 500,000 people!"

When he said these words, there was an uproar in the palace.

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