Demoness, Where Are You Fleeing To?

Chapter 753: Revealing the Edict

When Qian Long finished speaking, the entire Wenhua Hall became commotion.

"Is this true? Judging by the time, when this talisman letter was sent, it was less than two hours before they engaged in battle. Is the Poenemy Mountain side victorious?"

"Behead five hundred thousand people? Unbelievable! Unbelievable!"

"Prince Fenyang never disappoints anyone. Since he took charge of the army, he has won every battle and taken every attack!"

Many of the Fenyang King's party in the palace were extremely excited at this time.

"So what? In the previous two battles of the Xuan Mansion, weren't they both defeated at the hands of King Fenyang?"

"With an army of 700,000, they swept across the grassland and flattened the Khan's court. There is no greater military merit than this in ancient times. It is indeed an unparalleled achievement."

"Ha! Who was making fun of you just now? The most arrogant person throughout the ages is none other than Prince Fenyang. From the perspective of you and other frogs in the well, with an army of nearly a million, it is natural that the army is mighty and unmatched. But in the end, In the eyes of the county king, they are all local chickens and dogs."

"Shang Hongshang, the deputy observer of the army, had already written a memorial, saying that Fenyang County King had seven victories, and Wala Yexian had seven defeats. He believed that the time, place and people were favorable and everything was not in Mengwu. Now it is true!"

"Wonderful! Wonderful! Wonderful! King Fenyang's battle will at least bring peace to our Northern Territory of Shanxi for hundreds of years..."

Yu Hongshang found that she could not remain calm at this moment.

She did not wait for Qian Long to hand over the talisman book, but directly reached out and grabbed the talisman book in Qian Long's hand from a distance.

Then she raised the corners of her lips slightly and flicked the talisman book directly into Chen Xun's hand: "This is a letter from the Xiuyi Guards, not a military intelligence report sent back from the camp of General Zhengbei. Chief Assistant, please let me know after reading it." Circulate it to everyone in the palace."

Many ministers present looked slightly relieved.

Precisely because this battle report came from Xiuyiwei, it was more credible and there was no possibility of falsely reporting military information.

Yu Hongshang was so generous and generous, allowing them to circulate the talisman book, which calmed the hearts of all the ministers.

"The King of Fenyang lined up against the mountain and took the initiative to attack. He first broke through the Mengwu's cavalry formation on both wings, then intercepted the Mengwu's central army and defeated it with a hollow square formation."

After the chief assistant Chen Xun read it, he handed the talisman book to others. He smiled bitterly and said: "I can't understand it without a detailed battle report."

He was not completely ignorant of the art of war, but the remarks made by Xiuyiwei were clearly inconsistent with military common sense.

And just as the ministers were circulating the talisman book, another golden light passed through the palace.

This time, it was the official military report of General Zhengbei's camp, and it was also carried by a Fire-Eyed Golden Crow.

Li Xuan led the Northern Expedition under the seal of "General Zhengbei", so in this Northern Expedition, the highest command organization of the Jin army was General Zhengbei.

When Qian Long opened the mailbox, he immediately beamed with joy.

"Our army has beheaded at least 530,000 people. Among the 10,000 heads of Mongol households, more than 60 people are now confirmed to be dead. Such a glorious victory has never been seen since the founding of the country. Moreover, our Northern Expedition army The damage was minimal, and the current count is only a little over 10,000."

The palace was suddenly shaken again.

Many people had expressions of disbelief on their faces, surprised by such minor casualties.

Although the former general Lan Yu beheaded hundreds of thousands of people in the Battle of Yuerhai, the Jin army's casualties exceeded 100,000.

In this battle of breaking enemy mountain, Li Xuan, the king of Fenyang, defeated twice the enemy with 430,000 troops. The casualties were only a little over 10,000, which made them instinctively doubt whether it was true or not.

"The talisman book has the signatures and seals of the young master Yu Jie and the great scholar Shang Hong."

When this talisman came into Wang Wen's hands, the then auxiliary minister's eyes suddenly lit up, showing a dazzling light.

Yu Jie and Shang Hong are the two most powerful Heavenly Confucians in the Confucian sect of the Jin Dynasty today.

Wang Wen thought to himself that with the lofty cultivation of these two people, they would definitely not lie about their military exploits.

Even if Mobei was defeated, the two of them had to cover up their military situation and stabilize people's hearts, but that was not the way to go.

But then a look of confusion appeared in Wang Wen's eyes: "Why is there no seal of King Fenyang? Why is this military report so rough?"

He first read the signature and signature of the talisman book, and then read the content of the talisman book.

When Quan Dingtian heard this, he immediately burst into laughter: "Wang Shangshu can get a glimpse of the whole leopard first. The back of this talisman book says that King Fenyang fought to the death and fought with Ye Xian. Presumably the battle between the two is not over yet, so he cannot sign it. For a more detailed official military report, I’m afraid he and I will have to decide the winner first.”

In addition to being an auxiliary minister, Quan Dingtian is also a member of the cabinet and the Minister of Household Affairs. At this time, Wang Wen's ranking in the court was still above that of Wang Wen. He was the third person after Chen Xun and He Wenyuan, the Minister of Civil Affairs, to read this Fu Shutang newspaper.

Wang Wen had already read this part of the content, and his eyes lit up: "In other words, His Highness King Fenyang is expected to capture and kill this beast?"

His words cheered up the officials in the rear, and they started talking about it again.

In the Battle of Tumubao fifteen years ago, the humiliation brought to the Jin Dynasty by the Great Khan Choros Ye of Wala was still fresh in the memory of all the officials of the Jin Dynasty.

Although in the Battle of Xuanfu in the 14th year of Jingtai, the king of Fenyang County defeated Mengwu and captured Mengwu Khan Tuotuo Buhua, which was regarded as avenging his previous humiliation.

But how can this compare to directly capturing the culprit Choros Yexian, making the people of Jin feel more comfortable and happy?

"The Great Khan of Wala couldn't escape first? This is truly an unparalleled achievement!"

"Please also ask the Princess of the Supervisory State to order the Ministry of Rites and Taichang Temple to prepare a grand ceremony for the sacrifice to the Ancestral Temple! When the late emperor was still alive, he kept thinking of it, which was to conquer the Mongols in the north and avenge the great shame of the Jin Dynasty."

"What's going on with Yu Jie, Shanghong, and Zhu Guoneng? Why do you just sit back and watch His Highness King Fenyang fight alone with Ye Xian?"

"Presumably His Highness King Fenyang insisted on this and wanted to fight Ye Ye first. This was the case in the battle of Xuanfu last year. When King Fenyang and Tuotuo Buhua fought, he did not want others to interfere. King Fenyang's courageous strategy He is extraordinary and has unparalleled intelligence, but this character will cause him to suffer sooner or later in the future."

"I don't think the problem is big. Young Master is here. Young Master knows the seriousness and will definitely not allow him to escape first!"

At this time, Yu Hongshang was staring at Chen Xun: "Sir, Chief Assistant, the victory of breaking the enemy mountain seems to be confirmed beyond doubt. Should the imperial court issue an edict?"

Mengwu Podi Mountain is thirteen thousand miles away from the Forbidden City. It would take five or six days for Yu Xitangqi, the general of Zhengbei, to arrive from there.

Naturally, it is impossible for the court to wait until then, and there is no need.

Therefore, the matter of Lubu Feijie can be handled by the imperial court.

Chen Xun heard the words and glanced at the night sky outside the palace: "Let's wait a little longer. It's late at night now and most of the people have taken a rest. We might as well wait until the official battle report comes tomorrow, and then publish the edict."

He knew that at this time, many Confucian scholars inside and outside the capital were worried about the Northern Expedition.

However, King Fenyang has always been invincible and his achievements are shining.

There have been good news coming back from the north one after another before, so the people in Beizhili are still relatively stable. There is no need to rush this edict.

"What about the reward?"

This is the newly appointed Zuo Shilang of the Ministry of Civil Affairs. He raised his fist towards Yu Hongshang, the governor of the country: "Since King Fenyang has defeated Mengwu, should we discuss the matter of rewards?"

Upon hearing this, many of the auxiliary ministers present could not help but frown slightly and felt extremely headaches.

The rewards for this battle are actually simple. You can just reward them based on your military merits. Whatever the rules are, the court has money now anyway.

The problem is the king of Fenyang County. Last year, Li Xuan defeated Mengwu and swept away the Ningwang and Xiangwang vassals. His military exploits were unparalleled in ancient and modern times.

So far, the imperial court has not given any rewards!

At this time, almost all the ministers had the words 'hard to reward for high merit' or 'unrewardable for reward' in their minds.

Li Xuan was already the king of Fenyang County, the current Taibao, Commander-in-Chief of the Five Armies, and Assistant Minister.

Even Emperor Yu Youyi must respect him as 'Shangfu' in the future.

At this time, what kind of reward should the court give to reward his merits?

Should he be crowned a prince directly? But there has never been such a precedent since the Chinese dynasty, and since the Han and Tang Dynasties, such examples only appeared in the late dynasties.

Everyone couldn't help but secretly complain, thinking that before Emperor Jingtai died, he really raised King Fenyang too high, leaving them with this huge problem.

Yu Hongshang said with an expressionless face at this time: "Are you embarrassed by King Fenyang's reward? This matter is actually simple. King Fenyang once told me before going on this expedition that he would have many heirs in the future. . He doesn’t want to favor one over the other, so if he can win a great victory in the Northern Expedition, he won’t want anything else but a few more hereditary and non-replaceable titles.”

Yu Hongshang's tone was indifferent, but she squeezed her hands tightly.

When she heard Li Xuan's words, she was so angry that she almost kicked Li Xuan out of bed.

Most of these titles were prepared for the children of Luo Yan and Xue Yunrou. He couldn't have said this on his bed.

As soon as Yu Hongshang said this, all the ministers in the palace could not help but heave a sigh of relief.

As long as it's not a direct title of prince, it's easy to say anything.

However, several auxiliary ministers all looked at each other in unison, and then reached a tacit understanding. UU read

They are all thinking about the plan for the country, and no matter what happens, they cannot let Fenyang County Prince lead the army to go to war.

At this time, the Jin Dynasty did not need King Fenyang to personally lead the army. Many internal and external troubles in the fourteen years of Jingtai have been eliminated by this highness.

He Wenyuan, the Minister of the Ministry of Personnel, also let out a sigh of relief: "There is no rush to award the reward. We can wait for the official battle report of the general's expedition to the Peking University to be sent back. It should be done soon, and there is no support from the dragon spirit and military strength. In Fen It won’t last long in King Yang’s hands.”

But they waited until four hours later, until the morning of the next day. Only then did a Fire-Eyed Golden Crow return with a complete military intelligence report.

"Yesterday's battle at Poenei Mountain, a total of 534,257 Mongwu knights were killed! Six Mongwu Taijis, 63 heads of ten thousand households, and three hundred Nayans of thousands households were killed. Twenty-five people”

As Qian Long, the eunuch and eunuch in charge of etiquette, loudly announced the complete battle report on the imperial steps, the fatigue and impatience on the faces of the officials in the palace were immediately wiped away.

And as Yu Hongshang officially ordered and the cabinet released the edict, cheers suddenly broke out throughout the palace and inside.

The news quickly spread outside the Forbidden City. For a time, the entire capital was deserted, and countless firecrackers roared and shook the air.

At the same time, Yu Hongshang was reading the memorial sent along with the military intelligence battle report.

This memorial was originated from Li Xuan, and the general idea was that in the battle to break the enemy mountain, the Mongols no longer had the power to resist the Jin Dynasty, and the time had come to establish a capital commander in Monan and Mobei.

The court needs to make preparations in advance, agree on the division of the capital command department and the prefecture and county guard posts, and select officials from the court to manage.

When Yu Hongshang saw this, she immediately raised her head and glanced at the ministers in the palace with deep eyes.

At this time, some officials headed by Zhang Jiuling felt chills down their spines for some reason.

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