Demoness, Where Are You Fleeing To?

Chapter 756 I don’t allow it

Just half a day later, Li Xuan stood on the Heavenly Punishment Platform with a solemn expression. He was holding the Haotian Divine Seal, with twelve purple-gold dragons coiled around him.

In front of him was a huge soul shadow.

This soul shadow is vague and uncertain, and its specific appearance cannot be clearly seen. It can only be vaguely recognized that this person is covered with a layer of battle armor. He seems to be a military commander, and his aura is violent, implying a strong unwillingness and hostility.

However, its unwillingness and hostility were obviously overpowered by Li Xuan's dragon energy.

"The Duke of Qi, Qiu Fu, was originally a guard of Qianhu in the Yanshan Mountains under the command of King Yan. He made many military exploits during the Jingnan Campaign. He was promoted to the rank of Zuo Dudu of the Central Military Governor's Mansion and was granted the title of Duke of Qi. He ranked first among the meritorious officials. Add the prince and grand master.

His nature is simple and honest, and he dares to fight deeply, but no one can match him. However, Qiu Fucheng was because of his bravery, and he lost because of his bravery. In the 21st year of Yongle, Qiu Fu led his army to the Northern Expedition to the Tatars. He led more than a thousand men to advance in advance, underestimating the enemy. Wang Zhong and Huo Zhenjin were all captured and killed, and more than a thousand of his men died in battle...

Today, I am grateful to Qiu Fu for losing his master and humiliating his country, but he still did not lose the dignity of death. Therefore, I have given you a treasure jar and appointed you as the "Pioneer Divine General". I hope you will remember your mistakes during your lifetime and live up to my expectations. "

As the Haotian Divine Seal in Li Xuan's hand emitted countless layers of immortal talisman patterns, they imprinted into the depths of the Yuanling of this huge soul shadow.

This huge soul shrank with a 'boom', and finally condensed into a military commander about three feet tall and with a majestic appearance.

Most of the ferocious aura around him has been washed away, and the whole body is also emitting a golden light.

The man was stunned for a while, until he understood the truth after a moment, and immediately knelt on the ground: "I, Qiu Fu, see Emperor Xuanhuang! I am willing to die for your majesty in order to repay your majesty for being a god."

"The Pioneer God General invites you!"

Li Xuan looked at Qiu Fu, but there was some imperceptible regret in his eyes.

In his heyday, Qiu Fu was the most powerful general in the Taizong period, sweeping the world and invincible.

According to rumors, this person has become a god in martial arts and has awakened to the magic of the heavens.

Qiu Fu and Lan Yu were equally talented in martial arts. However, Lan Yu died in his prime, but Qiu Fu lived to be more than 200 years old, so he made further progress in martial arts.

It's a pity that this person died for too long, as long as two hundred years, and part of his true spirit was lost.

Otherwise, this person's soul is enough to achieve the position of supreme heaven and the dignity of a marshal.

At this time, Qiu Fu could only be awarded the title of first-class divine general.

However, within the Qin Emperor and Yuan Feng, such a great person whose martial arts reached the divine realm was enough to suppress one party.

Even if the heaven is really opened up in the future, Qiu Fu's force will not be left behind.

Then Li Xuan flicked his robe sleeves slightly, releasing countless ghosts from his sleeves.

Some of them came from the Jin soldiers who broke the enemy mountain, and some of them were collected by Li Xuan from ancient battlefields in various parts of Mobei since the Northern Expedition.

Their number is about 7,000, and their levels are mostly between the fourth and sixth floors. They are of extremely high quality. There are about a thousand undead evil spirits among them, and they are all at the seventh to twelfth level.

The Mobei grassland is vast and sparsely populated, and the population is scarce, so there is a lack of sources of karma.

Therefore, it is difficult to preserve ancient battlefields everywhere.

Those who can survive to this day are all powerful war spirits. They either had good martial arts during their lifetime, or their souls are extremely strong in nature.

In addition, there are more than a dozen heavenly souls who died in Mobei. Among them were Jin people and former Mongol generals.

They were all collected one after another by Li Xuan and used to fill the middle-level generals in Heaven.

And these souls can be regarded as another harvest of Li Xuan's Northern Expedition to Mengwu.

This time, Li Xuan didn't need to be canonized separately. He directly drafted an edict and then used the divine seal to suppress it, turning all the seven thousand fighting souls into heavenly soldiers.

At the same time, Li Xuan frowned slightly.

He found that his divine power was almost drained away, and he fell into a state of being unable to make ends meet.

This time he was very ambitious. He canonized more than ten divine generals and up to 7,000 heavenly soldiers at one time, which was actually a bit risky.

However, Li Xuan also has his confidence. Since February this year, immigrants from Liaodong direction have gradually gained a foothold. His current belief in the divine power began to increase day by day.

Almost all of the more than two million immigrants there are under his control. There is no other belief except "The Great Emperor Miluo to the Great Emperor Zhenxuanhuang".

In April of this year, as the first batch of sweet potatoes and the second batch of potatoes were produced, countless people in Zhili, north and south of Shanxi Province, erected longevity tablets for him.

Many people even built private temples and made sacrifices with incense.

Li Xuan will only gather more and more divine power of faith in the future, and a temporary deficit will not be a big deal.

Just when the seven thousand heavenly soldiers were building their divine bodies one after another and worshiping in the direction of the Heavenly Punishment Platform, Li Xuan shouted again: "Wear your armor!"

These heavenly soldiers and generals instantly turned into wisps of spiritual light, which merged into the neatly arranged ‘Ujin Heavenly Armor’ behind them.

These tall battle armors, which were all dark gold in color and about two feet tall, came to life one after another.

They seemed to be filled with flesh and blood, and all the runes on their bodies were activated. The eyes on the visor revealed a cold spiritual light.

At this time, further away, there were more heavenly soldiers and generals covered with 'Wujin Heavenly Armor' arrayed here. The total number was just over 26,000.

Twenty-three thousand of them were under Li Xuan's direct subordinates, while the remaining three thousand were living people, the 'mid-level god-refining army' of the mid-level laymen.

Li Xuan observed carefully and found that these batches of 'Wujin Tianjia' were operating normally and had no malfunctions. He turned around and told Fu Youde: "Be sure to tighten the branding to make them familiar with musket warfare."

Most of these heavenly soldiers transformed from the evil souls of the undead are idiots who don't know how to adapt. They will only act according to their instincts in life, and all the training and training methods of the mortal army are useless.

However, they can imprint all the tactical movements and qualities of musketry directly into the souls of these heavenly soldiers, making it simpler and less troublesome.

"There's nothing wrong with these 'Wujin Tianjia'. It's time for you to pay the balance, right?"

At this time, Leng Yurou stretched out her hand to Li Xuan: "In addition to the two thousand 'Wujin Tianjia' you ordered, Master, I will receive a benefit of 80 million taels. Master, you can use the equivalent value of materials as payment. But it’s up to me to estimate it.”

Li Xuan knew that sooner or later he would have to pay the bill, and his heart didn't hurt as much as he imagined.

However, if Leng Yurou really agreed to let her do the unilateral valuation, Li Xuan was worried that his treasure house would be emptied out.

"There is no rush to pay the bill in advance. We will wait until I return to Beijing to discuss the material valuation. I can only worry about Qianqian. Don't worry! In these two days, I just happened to pay the bill together with those floating battleships. By the way, how is the progress of these battleships?"

"It has been built and the five electromagnetic main guns have been installed. We are preparing to choose a place for testing."

Leng Yurou curled her lips and said with a hint of reluctance: "Then let's make an agreement and pay the bill together in two days, otherwise I won't be able to explain to the people in the alliance, and my villa will soon be in trouble."

Li Xuan thought that I believed you, he had already paid for the materials, and the remaining balance was just for labor.

And those members of the Artifact Alliance wished that Li Xuan was in debt and owed favors.

Furthermore, today's Peacock Villa not only captures the essence of Momen under its banner, but also aggressively recruits craftsmen, poaches the imperial court, and controls several steel plants and smelting plants. Its foundry strength has long dominated half of the Artifact Alliance.

Not only are the recent batch of 'Wujin Tianjia' mostly produced by Peacock Villa, Peacock Villa also undertakes machine casting for many factories, as well as firearms orders from the imperial court.

Once the machine in the villa is turned on, it is worth a thousand taels of gold.

Leng Yurou and Su Zhaojun have made tens of millions of silver dollars in their family business without saying anything.

Li Xuan was too lazy to tell the truth: "I won't miss you. Also, I also need to order three thousand battle armors and two cloud battleships."

Just as he finished talking about the additional order, his expression suddenly changed slightly.

This was because Dugu Biluo, who was helping him with military affairs in the camp, sent a letter telling him that if he was free here, he would return to the camp as soon as possible because there were guests over there.


The ‘guest’ Dugu Biluo refers to is Shi Kongxin, the current abbot of Shaolin Temple.

He was stopped outside the camp gate by the Jin army's prison guard. He waited for two hours before being summoned by Prince Fenyang's personal soldiers.

So when Shi Kongxin stepped into the Jin army camp, he looked worried.

Especially when he saw the drunken and cheerful Jin soldiers in the camp, Shi Kongxin's mood was quite complicated.

From the words of these soldiers, we can hear their admiration and admiration for Prince Fenyang.

Regardless of whether it was the Imperial Army or the Guard Army, their military morale was united and high-spirited.

This can be seen from the blood smoke in the sky above the camp. The blood suddenly turned into a white tiger, soaring straight into the sky and shaking the stars.

Shi Kongxin was worried that Prince Fenyang had evil intentions.

After the palace seizure in the 14th year of Jingtai, the whole world was in upheaval, and the Jin Dynasty was troubled internally and externally.

At that time, the Jin court recruited a large number of Taoist monks to assist the court in quelling the chaos, but it ignored Buddhism and seemed to have forgotten it.

At first, many eminent Buddhist monks were very happy about this, although they also had the obligation to take action for the court.

But when it comes to a dispute between dragons, it's natural to avoid it if you can, and it's better to stay out of it.

Who knows what the final outcome of this fight between dragons will be?

However, as time went by, as Li Xuan became invincible and helped the court to level the world, all branches of Buddhism began to panic.

From the beginning to the end, the Fenyang County Prince and the imperial court never borrowed the power of Buddhism.

Judging from the current situation, this is not a good thing. Without borrowing force, it means there is no cause and effect between each other.

If the Fenyang County Prince harbors ill intentions toward Buddhism, he can attack them without any burden.

Shikong Xin was also worried about this every day. He once spent a lot of money to try to get through the connections of Fenyang County Prince and find out his thoughts.

Until a few days ago, several messengers from Fenyang County King came to Songshan to recruit Shi Kongxin to the grassland.

Shi Kongxin left in a hurry, and as soon as he arrived in Mobei, he heard the news that the Fenyang County King had defeated nearly a million Mengwu troops, killing more than 500,000 people, and killed Ala Zhiyuan first.

This was a great joy for the people of the Central Plains, but Shi Kongxin smelled something bad.

When Shi Kongxin entered Li Xuan's tent under the guidance of the royal soldiers, UU Reading I saw a young man wearing six-layered demon-suppressing armor and royal robes on the inside, sitting at the top with a big horse and a golden sword.

His power seems to be able to swallow up the whole world, with tigers attracting Liuhe, and dragons and phoenixes. He is none other than Li Xuan, the king of Fenyang County.

Shi Kongxin had the honor to meet Li Xuan two years ago, but his popularity at this time was completely different from two years ago.

There is a person sitting next to him, dressed as a lama.

Shi Kongxin glanced at this person and knew that it was Master Aba, the 'former Mongolian Imperial Master'.

Presumably after the Jin Dynasty conquered Mobei, the Mongolian national master had to kneel down and surrender.

Master Aba also glanced over and looked at Shi Kongxin from a distance. Then he looked at his nose and his heart, sitting there silently.

Li Xuan glanced at Shi Kongxin up and down with sharp eyes like a knife. When the latter finished his salute, he went straight to the point: "Monk Kongxin, as far as I know, your Zen sect also worships the 'Heart Moon Lotus Bodhisattva' ?”

"Yes!" Shi Kong's confidence sank, but he did not dare to hide it: "Xinyuelian Bodhisattva is one of the ten most important Dharma protector Bodhisattvas in our Buddhism. He controls the power of the soul and is respected in our Buddhism."

Li Xuan nodded slightly when he heard the words: "Then you must also know that the body of Heart Moon Lotus Bodhisattva will come to the world in the near future?"

Shi Kongxin's mood has already given rise to an infinite chill. He raised his head and looked at Li Xuan for a moment, and then said in a difficult voice: "The poor monk has heard a little bit."

"No one has heard of it, but your Zen sect also helped him!"

Li Xuan sneered, and then the murderous intent in his voice suddenly increased: "I have come to you today to ask you to tell your Heart Moon Lotus Bodhisattva that I have said that within a thousand years, I will not allow her to come to the mortal world. , and she is not allowed to borrow any legal body."

Shi Kongxin was frightened when he heard this. He suddenly raised his head and looked at Li Xuan in surprise.

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