Demoness, Where Are You Fleeing To?

Chapter 757 It’s your honor

"Your Highness!"

Shikong Xin’s brows furrowed, his expression filled with displeasure: “Heart Moon Lotus Bodhisattva seeks supreme Bodhi with wisdom, transforms countless sentient beings with compassion, practices paramitar practices, and possesses the karma of equal enlightenment. The awakened one.

The Bodhisattva masters the secrets of the soul and protects countless Buddhists from falling into demonic karma, so she has a very high status in our Buddhist sect. Your Highness, you may not believe it, but you cannot be so disrespectful. "

He wanted to say impudent, but under the pressure of Li Xuan's momentum, he still did not dare to say the word.

Li Xuan's lips slightly raised: "I know that this is one of the Bodhisattvas in your Buddhist sect who is most likely to become a Buddha after Guanyin, Maitreya, and Ksitigarbha. You Zen sects revere her very much, and almost all temples have hers. Large and small seated statues.”

The so-called "Bodhisattva" in Buddhism is the necessary status for all sentient beings to become Buddhas. Believers can be called Bodhisattva from the initial intention and vow until they become Buddhas. There are fifty-two levels, such as Ten Faith, Ten Abiding, the ten practices, the ten directions, the ten grounds, the Bodhisattva of Equal Enlightenment, the Bodhisattva of Wonderful Enlightenment, etc...

However, the first forty are ordinary Bodhisattvas and virtuous Bodhisattvas, that is, novices, monks, ascetics, Dharma masters, garlands, vajras, arhats, etc., and only those who reach the tenth level are the real bodhisattvas.

The "Bodhisattva of Equal Enlightenment" is the great Bodhisattva who is about to become a Buddha. He is the most accomplished Bodhisattva and has supreme power. The last "Bodhisattva of Wonderful Enlightenment" is the Buddha.

The Mahasthamaprapta, Manjusri, Samantabhadra, etc. that are well known to the world are the great Bodhisattvas of equal enlightenment. Avalokitesvara, Maitreya and Ksitigarbha were once the same, but now they are Miaojue Bodhisattva.

Li Xuan's tone was still cold and cold: "I asked you to convey my king's order to your Heart Moon Lotus Bodhisattva. Is there a problem with this?"

Beads of sweat as big as beans appeared on Shi Kongxin's forehead.

"Your Highness, the arrival of the dharma body of Heart Moon Lotus Bodhisattva is a grand event that countless followers and monks of our Buddhist sect have been looking forward to. Since the pre-Qin Dynasty, the mortal world has been disconnected from the pure lands of the Buddhas. Only great enlightened beings like Heart Moon Lotus Bodhisattva can guide all living beings. , heading to bliss.”

Li Xuan knew the truth. Qin Huang Yuan sealed the mortal world and cut off the connection between the Buddhas and the mortal world, which was the Saha world mentioned by the Buddhas.

In particular, the prosperity of Buddhism began after the Han Dynasty, and it had no foundation in the mortal world.

Therefore, major Buddhist temples have built their own "pure lands" to accommodate the souls of monks and believers from past generations.

But the space in the pure land of Buddhist temples is limited, and there will always be a day when it is overcrowded.

What to do?

The Buddhist method is for Bodhisattvas to come every once in a while to guide monks and believers to break through the "Qin Huang Yuan Seal" and go to the true land of Western bliss to achieve "transcendence".

Li Xuan had a bad impression of Buddhism and believed that Buddhism used the theories of "reincarnation" and "transcendence and rebirth in the pure land" to deceive ordinary people into believing in Buddhism.

I would like to ask how many of the tens of millions of believers are truly capable of reincarnation and transcendence?

Those who are truly qualified to go to the so-called Western Bliss are either monks with higher status in the temple or devout men and women.

But ordinary people are not qualified to be 'pious and trustworthy', only those who can afford money are considered.

Li Xuan was originally disgusted, but he was too lazy to meddle in other people's business.

But if the 'detachment' of these monks and believers comes at the cost of Luo Yan's consciousness being annihilated, Li Xuan will not accept it no matter what.

Li Xuan would never watch his Yan'er become the body of the 'Heart Moon Lotus Bodhisattva'.

Shi Kongxin took a breath of cold air, clenched his fists tightly, and suppressed the anger in his heart.

"Prince Fenyang, it is a matter of immeasurable merit to lead people to believe in detachment. Also, if His Highness speaks such blasphemy and delirium, are you not afraid of the anger of the Buddha?

Li Xuan put his hand on the dragon-cutting knife on his waist, and his eyes flickered: "I have heard that Amitabha Buddha also has an angry aspect, so monk, are you angry? Or are you planning to show your anger to me? "

At this time, even Abbas next to him raised his eyes in surprise and looked at Li Xuan with a little awe.

Shikong Xin felt as if a bucket of ice water had been poured on his head.

At this time, there was only one thought in his mind: I am Dao Zu and I am Yurou.

Shi Kongxin forced himself to calm down: "Your Highness, please listen to me. Luo Yan and my Buddhism have their own cause and effect. This woman travels across the south of the Yangtze River and is invincible. During the coup of seizing the palace, she also used her own power to resist the law of Jitian. This They all borrowed the magical power of Heart Moon Lotus Bodhisattva. This girl is lucky enough to become the magical body of Heart Moon Lotus Bodhisattva, all by her own free will."

Li Xuan thought that indeed, the price Luo Yan paid on the night of seizing the palace was that his consciousness would be invaded by the Heart Moon Lotus one day in the future.

This stupid woman!

Li Xuan's expression was indifferent: "Are you going to argue with me? Isn't the so-called cause and effect between Luo Yan and your Buddhism imposed on her by you? In the past, the whole family of Xia Yushi was wiped out, and Luo Yan acquired the 'Buddhist Thousand Hands of Great Mercy' , Avalokitesvara's Thirty-three Dharmakayas, aren't they all inducements planted by the hands of you and other Buddhists?

Because since he is in your Buddhist sect, why should Luo Yan bear the consequences? Your Zen sect is deeply involved in this, especially the Xia Guangwei family murder case, which was arranged by Wei Zhen at the time. If we want to say that we owe Karma, it should be you Buddhists who owe Luo Yan. not to mention"

Li Xuan leaned forward slightly and said with a stern expression: "Yan'er is my beloved, what's wrong with her borrowing some of your Buddhist power? This should be the honor of your Heart Moon Lotus Bodhisattva."

Shi Kongxin felt as if he was in an ice cave, thinking that this day had finally come.

He had indeed determined a long time ago that this woman was the Dharma body chosen by the Heart Moon Lotus Bodhisattva.

Although Shi Kongxin did not personally participate in it, he has always paid attention to it.

When Shi Kongxin first learned that Luo Yan gave up his identity as Zidie and became Li Xuan's subordinate, he was slightly surprised.

However, Shi Kongxin didn't care very much. Luo Yan's fate was already decided the moment he received the 'Buddhist Thousand Hands of Great Compassion and the Thirty-Three Dharma Bodies of Guanyin'.

Sooner or later, she will borrow the power of the Heart Moon Lotus Bodhisattva and embark on the path of dedicating herself to the Buddha.

As for Li Xuan, the champion at that time was a little powerful. But when the fateful day comes and the 'Heart Moon Lotus Bodhisattva' arrives, what can the mere champion do?

At most, they can make some compensation and appease them afterwards.

Because he didn't care, Shi Kongxin even cooperated with Li Xuan two years ago in order to regain the top position in the Zen sect.

Until Li Xuan was appointed by Emperor Jingtai as an auxiliary minister and the commander-in-chief of the five armies, he miraculously conquered the sea within a year and defeated the Mengwu.

"Your Highness!" Shi Kongxin's voice was difficult: "Your Highness, do you know that your action of obstructing the coming of Heart Moon Lotus Bodhisattva will prevent many believers in our Buddhist sect from transcending? How many evil evils will you create?"

"Okay, there are so many Bodhisattvas in your Buddhist sect, and I don't know how many dharma bodies are hidden in the human world."

Li Xuan flicked his robe sleeves impatiently, and then looked at Shi Kongxin expressionlessly: "But Xinyuelian is the only one who can't do it. I will say one more thing, within a thousand years, I will not allow her to come to the mortal world, nor will I Allow her to borrow any body, do you hear me?

Master Kong Xin, I have always been unwilling to force others to do something difficult. If you feel embarrassed, I can also ask someone else. "

Li Xuan didn't want to force others to do something difficult, but if Shi Kongxin didn't want to, then this person would be useless to him.

Shikong Xin wisely stopped and stopped arguing.

He took a deep breath and once again suppressed the anger of ignorance in his chest: "I understand!"

It is absolutely impossible for the 'Heart Moon Lotus Bodhisattva' to not come within a thousand years.

This is a great disrespect to Bodhisattvas and a great humiliation to Buddhism.

But they now need time to plan countermeasures.

However, Li Xuan did not give up: "There is one more thing. Has Monk Kong Xin ever read my article "Yuan Dao"?"

"The poor monk is honored to read it!"

Shi Kongxin looked directly at Li Xuan: "I'm sorry to be blunt, but this article is biased in many places."

Li Xuan's article "Yuan Dao" is famous among Confucianists. It wiped out thousands of years of Buddhism's efforts to assimilate Confucian teachings and bind Confucianism. How could Shi Kongxin not read it?

This is also the root of today's Buddhism's fear of Fenyang County Prince.

"Those words in the original Tao are like sharp knives stuck in their hearts.

"Whether it is biased or not, the world can decide for itself."

Li Xuan smiled coldly: "I have received a report from the imperial censor today, saying that all the monastic laws established since Taizu have been corrupted. There are also many Buddhist temples colluding with the rebel king. I ask you what the Buddhist sect wants to do?"

Shi Kongxin couldn't help but his face twitched, and veins popped up on his neck and arms.

In the past two years, many local Buddhist temples have indeed done irrational things, not only secretly delivering supplies to Prince Ning, Prince Xiang, and Prince Yi, but even directly providing assistance.

This is all due to the fear of Fenyang County Prince coming to power

Shi Kongxin initially turned a blind eye to this and just didn't know.

But King Ning and King Xiang are both in trouble, and King Yi is also in danger now.

At this time, Li Xuan's voice was like a heavy hammer hitting the depths of his soul: "I feel that the six roots of Buddhism today are impure and harbor dirt and evil. Therefore, I request an order to purge Buddhism and re-implement Taizu's rules. . Your Shaolin Temple is the sect of Zen, and Zen is the leader of the eight major sects of Mahayana Buddhism. You should come up with an attitude and set an example for Buddhists all over the world."

Shi Kongxin couldn't help but look at Li Xuan with a fixed expression, thinking that this Fenyang County King must be the reincarnation of the 'Sixth Heaven Demon King Bo Xun'.

This devil actually wants to cause another catastrophe of 'destroying the Buddha'?


After Shi Kongxin left, Li Xuan looked at the former Mengwu Imperial Preceptor Aba next to him with a bit of a smile.

"Master, I've been waiting for you for a long time." But there was no apology on Li Xuan's face: "I wonder if master has thought it through clearly?"

Master Aba knew in his heart that Li Xuan had just killed the chicken to scare the monkey, Shi Kongxin was the chicken, and he was the monkey.

If he didn't want the Buddhist temple to be destroyed and fall into Avici Hell, there was actually only one way to go.

He sighed secretly, without any expression on his face and said: "The young monk will be responsible for the matters entrusted by the king. Whether it is to help the court appease people's hearts, or to implement your so-called 'silage' method. The young monk will be contracted by the grassland." All living Buddhas on earth will do their best to help."

"Master is indeed a person who understands current affairs."

Li Xuan nodded with satisfaction: "Master, don't worry, I will not let your efforts go in vain. In just five years, the imperial court will truly establish households in the grassland and open up new territories, then I will personally report to the imperial court , canonized several living Buddhas.

By the way, in the past few years, the master and the living Buddhas may wish to recruit more disciples from the Western Regions to teach the superior Dharma. This king may be of great use in the future. "

Aba Shi didn't know what he meant, but he still agreed.

The man then bowed and exited Li Xuan's royal tent, but when Master Aba walked to the tent door, he couldn't help but look back and said: "Prince Fenyang County, in my humble opinion, whether it is the eight sects of Buddhism or the Heart Moon Lotus Bodhisattva, I am afraid that even the Bodhisattva will not be willing to surrender and wait for death."

After Li Xuan heard this, he smiled back: "I know it well, but this has nothing to do with you, master."

Wasn't his planning and planning over the past year and a half just for today?


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