On the 15th day of the seventh lunar month, the new moon comes to the great dynasty.

When the great scholar Shang Hong walked into the Meridian Gate, he found that the expressions of the ministers and officials along the way were slightly solemn.

Shang Hong returned to the capital a few days ago on the Red Thunder Divine Chariot along with Li Xuan.

As the commander-in-chief of the Northern Expedition, Li Xuan needed to report his work to the court. As the deputy military observer, Shang Hong also needed to accept questioning from the cabinet, auxiliary ministers, and the Metropolitan Procuratorate.

This was originally the job of Young Master Yu Jie, the official military envoy, but Yu Jie had to sit on the grassland and temporarily take charge of military and political affairs in Mobei, so Shang Hong could only do it for him.

But at this time, Shang Hong regretted it endlessly.

This is all due to a violent conflict that broke out recently between Fenyang County Prince and the Buddhist clan...

A few days ago, when Prince Fenyang was in Mobei, he went to the Imperial Palace Princess to ask Taizu to inspect the Buddhist temples and temple fields in the world, and at the same time liquidate the Buddhist scum who had colluded with the three anti-kings.

This memorial was originally kept secret and was discussed secretly by several auxiliary ministers.

However, less than two days after Prince Fenyang returned to Beijing, the contents of this memorial were leaked, causing an uproar in the court and arousing public opinion.

Not only were all the officials in an uproar and shocked by this, every teahouse in the capital was also talking about it.

Although Taizu of the Jin Dynasty was born into a monk family, Taizu always hated Buddhism.

Therefore, the Sangha Law formulated by Taizu was extremely strict, which led to the overall decline of Buddhism in the world.

It was not until Yao Guangxiao, the prime minister in black, helped Taizong raise troops to pacify the situation and conquer the world that the monks and dharma in Taizu's era were completely destroyed, or even virtually abolished.

After that, Yao Guangxiao escaped into Buddhism, taking the Buddhist name "Daoyan", and wrote an article "Dao Yu Lu", specifically to defend Buddhism.

It is said that this Master Daoyan has achieved the Arhat Fruition in a foreign land and is about to enter the Bodhisattva Fruition.

Shang Hong didn't know whether the matter was true or false, and he didn't bother to care.

The remnants of Daoyan still had a strong influence during the reigns of Xuanzong and Zhengtong.

However, after the Tumubao Incident, all the military and political officials in the DPRK underwent a complete change, and they were no longer the same as they were during the Renxuan period.

However, there were still many Confucian scholars in the court who were interested in Buddhism and believed that Taizu's monk law was too strict and many provisions were worthy of discussion.

In the past few days, countless Buddhist lobbyists were lobbying in the capital, trying to connect the ministers and refute the Fenyang County King's proposal to exterminate Buddhism.

Even Shang Hong, an embarrassing cabinet bachelor, was not spared. Yesterday, he was blocked at home for half a day by two Buddhist masters who had a close friendship in the past.

This is the source of Shang Hong's regret. If he had known that a storm was about to break out in the court, he would have preferred to come back a few days later than hitch a ride on Li Xuan's car.

Shang Hong had a hunch that today's Shuowang Dynasty would not be too peaceful.

The Fenyang County Prince will definitely not give in, and it is impossible for the Buddhists to just kill someone on the spot.

The time soon came to the fourth quarter of the twelfth lunar month, and all the ministers gathered in the court hall. When Qian Long, the eunuch and eunuch in charge of etiquette, waved his whip to signal the start of the court meeting, the whole court was completely silent. No one spoke or came out.

This is completely different from Shang Hong's imagination, where the ministers rushed to write a letter to criticize the king of Fenyang.

He was slightly startled and turned back to look at the ministers behind him, especially those ministers who had loudly argued in public that it was inappropriate for the Fenyang County Prince to investigate Buddhism.

These people also noticed Shang Hong's gaze, and they all looked innocently back at the same time.

Shang Hong already had a rough guess as soon as he saw their expressions.

This is probably related to another memorial written by Li Xuan, requesting the establishment of four major commanding bureaus in the grassland.

There are still eight million people in the south and north of the desert, and the imperial court is also preparing to move four million Han people to the north. There is still a huge territory that stretches thousands of miles. If the imperial court does not have a bureaucratic team of thousands of people, it will be useless anyway. effectively governed by law.

The key is that before the four major command divisions were transformed into provinces, they were all under the jurisdiction of Li Xuan, the commander-in-chief of the five armies.

In the past, those who criticized the Fenyang County Prince and opposed the Northern Expedition were afraid that they would be transferred to the north.

They are about to be entrusted with important tasks by the King of Fenyang and gain local experience.

But these people are far from being able to fill this hole. There is a shortage of more than 600 officials.

So at this moment in the court, who dares to make any noise?

Who wants to go to the bitter cold land in the north when they can stay comfortably in the capital?

These courtiers who are devoted to Buddhism can verbally wave the flag for Buddhism, but they may not have the courage to actually risk their lives and fortunes for Buddhism.

The key is that the Xiuyi Guards are also watching. If these courtiers are just out of justice and oppose the Fenyang County King's suppression of Buddhism, that's it.

But if they accepted bribes from Buddhism, they would definitely be ruined, or even have their homes and families confiscated.

This is not only beneficial, but also involves huge risks. I'm afraid no one will do it.

Sure enough, the next moment, Shang Hong heard Yu Hongshang, the eldest princess of the prison state, say: "Today, there are two government affairs that need to be reported to the ministers. The first one is that the king of Fenyang County asked to set up a "Ningyuan Capital Commander" ', 'Zhenbei Xingdu Commandery Division', 'Longcheng Dudu Commandery Division', 'Yanran Xingdu Commandery Division', and established households in Monan and Mobei for the people, and divided the prefectures and counties. This palace and The eight auxiliary ministers have all given their approval. The cabinet and the Ministry of Personnel are encouraged to select officials from the court to serve in the grasslands as soon as possible to educate and care for the people of the grasslands."

As a result, the entire court became quieter and more peaceful.

When Shang Hong saw this, he immediately turned a memorial into pieces that he had prepared in his sleeve.

Shang Hong's views on Buddhism were the same as Li Xuan's.

As long as they are true Neo-Confucian scholars and court ministers who care about the common people in the world, they will not veto Li Xuan's proposal to destroy Buddhism.

Shang Hong was originally planning to go out in person today and confront the opponents head-on, but now it seems that this is not necessary.

Next, Princess Yu Hongshang, the eldest princess of the Supervisory State, spoke again: "The second thing is that Prince Fenyang requested to review Taizu Sengfa's proposal, and I and the eight auxiliary ministers have also agreed.

The Contract Supervisory Office of the Ministry of Household Affairs immediately organized capable personnel to inspect all Buddhist temples and temple fields in the world! He also strictly ordered the local government to destroy all Lanruoye temples that had not been approved by the court within a period of one month. All temple land that exceeded Taizu's monk law was confiscated and changed to official land.

The monks' records must be re-examined in the Senglu Temple, and the number of ultimatums must be restored to the period of Taizu. In addition, within one month, all monks who are not registered as monks must return to secular life! Otherwise, he will be punished with the crime of fleeing his country and will be sent to the army in Beihai.

From now on, all monks and temples are not allowed to accept monetary donations from believers, and must hand over all Buddhist scriptures to the court to determine the authenticity. Together with the guards in embroidered clothes and the internal police supervisors, they will pick up and try the cases of collusion between Buddhist temples and the three major rebel kings, and investigate the illegal activities of monks all over the world. We must be strict!

In addition, it has been determined by Chaotian Palace and Qintianjian that the so-called 'Heart Moon Lotus Bodhisattva' worshiped by Buddhism today is actually a type of evil spirit. Buddhist temples all over the world immediately destroyed its statues, and no words related to the Heart Moon Lotus were allowed in any scriptures, otherwise they would be treated as a cult! "

Shang Hong's body trembled slightly. The plan proposed by Yu Hongshang was far more harsh than he imagined.

And the Heart Moon Lotus Bodhisattva, one of the ten great Bodhisattvas in Buddhism, was declared an evil demon in this way?

Shang Hong couldn't help but glance sideways at the auxiliary ministers above.

As far as he knew, the eight sects of Buddhism, in addition to uniting the ministers, the main focus of their efforts in recent days was still a few auxiliary ministers.

They tried to prevent Li Xuan from restoring Taizu's monk law at the highest level of the court.

But judging from the provisions announced by Yu Hongshang, Buddhism still suffered a disastrous defeat.

When Shang Hong glanced over, he saw Chen Xun and He Wenyuan, the Minister of the Ministry of Personnel, smiling bitterly, while Wang Wen, the great scholar of the Tiren Pavilion, Hu Xi, the Minister of the Ministry of Rites, and Quan Dingtian, the Minister of the Ministry of Hubu, had cold expressions.

Wang Wen, Grand Scholar of Tiren Pavilion, responded to Shang Hong's gaze with a calm expression.

It is true that he and Li Xuan have not been getting along well recently, and they have often had disagreements, but they are all for official business and there is no personal grudge between them.

On the issue of banning Buddhism, Wang Wen held the same position as Li Xuan, believing that Buddhism harbored filth and evil and must be strictly rectified.

Suppressing Buddhism was the national policy formulated by Taizu.

After Taizong's calamity, although Yao Guangxiao, the prime minister in black, sat and watched the corruption of monks' law during Taizu's period, he was never deposed by official documents.

Li Xuan's proposal to restore Taizu's monk law is not only justified and righteous, but also of great benefit to the people of the world and the court.

Wang Wen will not object in any case.

Li Xuan, who stood at the head of the group of ministers, had his hands behind his back and a cold smile on his lips.

He dared to recruit Shi Kongxin to the grassland, and he was first polite and then sent troops. Naturally, he was fully confident. UU read www.uukanshu.net

If the Eight Buddhist Sects and Xinyuelian Bodhisattva are willing to give in and follow their wishes, then his proposal to ban the Buddha will be relatively loose.

But since Buddhism meant it, he would rather confront him head-on than give up Luo Yan.

Then he would not hesitate to plunge all eight Buddhist sects into the abyss! Beat Xinyuelian into an evil spirit!

At this time, there was a buzzing sound in the entire Jinluan Hall.

Many courtiers looked hesitant. The vast majority of them were in favor of restoring Taizu's monk law, but they did not agree with such a harsh plan.

This is no longer suppression, but purging and banning it!

At this time, Yu Hongshang raised her eyes and scanned the court with an extremely majestic gaze, intimidating the ministers with an unparalleled momentum.

"When the late emperor was alive, he was often worried about the Buddhist sect colluding with local officials and wantonly occupying people's land. He believed that the Buddhist sect was not involved in production, evaded taxes, did not know filial piety, disobeyed the monarch, and harbored filth and evil. It was of no benefit to the country. He repeatedly tried to Qing Qing, but trapped in the current situation, he can only endure it temporarily.

Now, I have inherited the late emperor's ambition to clear away the dirt on Buddhism and restore the Taizu monk system. I hope that all my ministers and ministers will do their best to help me! "

At this moment, the Jinluan Palace, which had been a little restless, returned to calm.

All the courtiers fell silent again.

Several of them were a little reluctant, but the monks and Dharma during Taizu's time were ancestral systems. At this time, Yu Hongshang dictated Emperor Jingtai's will, which made them lose all reasons for opposition.

Li Xuan was slightly stunned and looked at Yu Hongshang in surprise.

Yu Hongshang had a complicated expression, remembering the incident of seizing the palace, and Luo Yan alone blocking the Zhengtong Emperor's desperate struggle.

She knew that Luo Yan was actually doing it for Li Xuan that night.

But how could she, Yu Hongshang, not repay this kindness?

When Luo Yan was about to be taken over by Xinyuelian, how could she, Yu Hongshang, sit idly by and ignore her?

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