Demoness, Where Are You Fleeing To?

Chapter 760: Destroyed by Order

When the court meeting was held in the palace, Shi Kongxin was waiting in an inconspicuous small courtyard in Yongfang, Dashi.

When the resolution of the court meeting was delivered to Shi Kongxin, his eyes suddenly turned black.

He had a premonition that Li Xuan would attack them, but he didn't expect that the Fenyang County Prince would be so ruthless and vicious, leaving no room for mercy.

All the eminent monks present exclaimed in panic.

"This Fenyang County Prince, is he an evil spirit?"

"There is no doubt. This must be the reincarnation of the Demon King of the Sixth Heaven. When this person comes to this world, he is an enemy of our Buddhism and the Dharma."

"This is a Buddha's calamity, a devil's calamity! How could he do this, how dare he do this?"

"What should we do? We actually want to restore the number of monks' certificates from the Taizu period, but at that time, there were less than 12,000 monks' certificates in the world... even ten times the number of monks in the Buddhist temples would not be enough."

"There is also a ban on donations and confiscation of all temple fields. How are we going to feed such a large population in the temple!"

Shi Kongxin's consciousness gradually recovered, and he thought these people simply couldn't grasp the point.

The real viciousness of Li Xuan was to ask them to hand over all Buddhist scriptures and let the court determine the authenticity.

This means that the imperial court has the right to dominate Buddhist teachings from now on.

There is also Heart Moon Lotus Bodhisattva, the Fenyang County King, who clearly wants to dry up the source and attack the root of Heart Moon Lotus.

At this time, everyone looked at Shi Kongxin.

"Master Kong Xin, it seems that this Buddhist calamity is irreversible. I don't know how we should deal with the current situation?"

Zen is the first of the eight sects of Buddhism, and Shaolin is the ancestral home of Zen.

As the leader of the Zen sect, Shi Kongxin is naturally respected by hundreds of thousands of monks from the eight sects of Buddhism.

"For today's plan, we can only use the last resort."

Shi Kongxin's eyes were filled with cold flames: "Order Buddhist temples all over the world to close their doors and ignore worldly affairs from today on!"

"This is a way! Without the suppression and restraint of Buddhism, the world will be full of demons, and I don't know how many demons and monsters will swarm to cause harm to the world."

Among the many monks, an old monk with a scar on his face looked cold and said in a solemn voice: "But I'm afraid it's not enough to just close the door and keep to yourself. In the past, there were three martial arts and one sect, four Buddha kalpas, and my Buddhist sect was also like this. It’s like a piece of meat under a knife, left to be slaughtered. But what’s the result? It took hundreds of years for it to recover.”

The so-called "Three Martial Arts and One Sect" refer to the four emperors Taiwu of the Northern Wei Dynasty, Wu Emperor of the Northern Zhou Dynasty, Wuzong of the Tang Dynasty, and Shizong of the Zhou Dynasty. They all led the extermination of Buddhism and brought disaster to Buddhism.

Shi Kongxin raised his eyebrows, thinking that just ignoring the world would definitely not work.

But there are many people here, so how can he dare to tell his plan?

For example, they encouraged believers to go against the government, such as funding the Pure Land Sect and the White Lotus Sect to disrupt the local area, or releasing the great demons and evildoers suppressed by their Buddhist sect back into the world.

These things are clearly against the law, so they can only do them without leaving any trace, and they can never talk about them.

Even if you look at the many eminent monks and virtuous people here, they all look filled with righteous indignation and the public is furious.

But if things are not harmonious in the future, these people will definitely betray his words today.

"Everyone, the current situation is different from the situation when there were three martial arts and one sect. We need to know that in the past, Emperor Wuzong of the Tang Dynasty swept through all the vassals and towns all over the world, and his cultivation was extremely high. However, less than a year after the 'Huichang Buddha Dilemma', he died suddenly. In the palace.

Zhou Shizong Shenwu Xionglue was the first hero of the Five Dynasties. He also wanted to destroy Buddhas, but he died in his prime, and even the country fell into the hands of the former Zhao Dynasty. "

Shi Kongxin glanced at the many monks here calmly: "For example, Emperor Taiwu of the Northern Wei Dynasty and Emperor Wu of the Northern Zhou Dynasty, none of them lived long. It can be seen that the Buddhist theory of retribution is by no means empty talk. This is true for the three martial arts and one sect, not to mention Li He is a county king? He is a minister, but he dares to instigate Buddha calamity. This is his way to die!"

At this time, all the monks in the courtyard couldn't help but feel refreshed.

Shi Kongxin said in a cold voice: "If you have any ideas, you can do it without asking me. As long as you can overcome this Buddha's tribulation, you will have immeasurable merit and virtue. Heart Moon Lotus Bodhisattva will also be in the Heart Lotus Buddha Kingdom." I will definitely look after you."

He then saluted with namaste: "The imperial court's decision has been issued. It is useless for me to stay here any longer, so I will leave first."

Just as the words fell, Shi Kongxin's figure turned into pieces of apricot blossoms falling to the ground.

After Shi Kongxin left, the monks in the courtyard also dispersed, leaving only a few monks with white beards and kind faces.

One of them sighed: "In the past, Zen Master Baizhang Huaihai formulated the "Baizhang Qing Rules", which said, 'If you don't do anything for a day, you won't eat for a day,' but it has been completely forgotten by today's Zen disciples."

The so-called "a day without doing anything and a day without food" means a day without doing anything and a day without food.

This is a warning to Buddhist disciples not to be industrious and productive.

But most of today's Zen sects are supported by their followers.

At this time, another monk sighed and said: "Three martial arts were born to bring disaster to our sect. When Sakyamuni returned home, the pagodas and temples were empty. It must be that he worshiped the sun in the past and could not keep the true style. In the past, my Buddha Sakyamuni once said, my Buddhist Dharma Only heretics and demons can break it, but monks do not abide by the precepts and corrupt the rules, just like 'a lion is infected by worms and eats its own flesh'.

We fellow believers are obsessed with fame and wealth, and are confused by heretics. I am afraid that not only will we not be able to eliminate the Buddha's calamity, but we will actually make it more serious. "

"It is said that if you do not obey the Lord of the country, it is difficult to establish legal affairs! I, the Caodong Sect, do not agree with such empty words."

The person who spoke was the Caodong Sect Leader. He stood up with a displeased expression: "The method used by the Heart Moon Lotus Bodhisattva to seize the body is not in line with the purpose of our Buddhism and is similar to evil spirits. The Bodhisattva wants to rob Xia Nanyan's body and turn it into a Dharmakaya. This is obviously different." There is a conspiracy, but it should not be the responsibility of my entire Buddhist sect. Everyone, I, the Caodong Sect, will not be involved in this bad thing this time. Farewell!"

Several eminent monks present looked at each other, then they all shook their heads, each used their magical powers, and left the courtyard.


Just one day later, Shanxin Temple in Luoyang, Henan.

The large courtyard here has been surrounded by a large number of embroidered guards and guardsmen.

Yu Chian, from Henan Xiuyi Qianhu, pressed his knife on his waist and looked indifferently at the closed doors and windows of the temple in front of him.

At this time, there was an embroidered guard with a banner, and he looked embarrassed and was blasted out of the door by dozens of water and fire sticks.

When the man returned to Yuchi'an, he responded angrily: "Master Qianhu, these monks are simply lawless. Not only did they refuse to open the temple, they also cut me and my subordinates' swords and forcibly drove us away. This It is clear that he has contempt for the imperial court and the law of the country.”

"I've seen it all."

Qianhu Yuchi'an put his hand on his waist knife with a sinister expression: "Let me ask you, how is the armament inside? What kind of characters are there?"

"There are at least nine third sects. The abbot and the two leaders in the temple are the fourth sect masters. They have been famous for many years and have a far-reaching reputation. The number of monks is about 800. The four walls of the courtyard have been reinforced, like a fortress. . I think there is a barrier prepared inside, which should be able to attract the gods and Buddhas from the upper world to come."

Xiuyiwei Zongqi said this, his momentum dropped slightly: "If we attack by force, I'm afraid there will be a lot of casualties. We'd better ask the capital for reinforcements."

In fact, in his opinion, a strong attack would most likely encounter setbacks and might even be defeated by the monk soldiers.

But you can't say that, they can't lose their momentum.

When Yuchi An heard this, he couldn't help but shook his head slightly.

As far as he knew, today, only the Embroidery Guards, under the orders of Fenyang County Prince, attacked twenty-five famous temples at the same time.

If we ask for help at this time, can they come over?

There are only so many high-ranking people in the imperial court. Even if they have three heads and six arms, they are not enough to occupy so many places.

"How is the situation over there with the Guard Army?"

As Yuchi'an spoke, he looked towards the guardsmen and horses surrounding the temple in the distance.

"The morale of the guardsmen is quite good." The person who answered was an embroidered man from Baihu: "Originally, they heard that the imperial court might attack Shanxin Temple, and they were a little reluctant and very negative. But when they heard that this was Fen Prince Yang’s decree, Shanxin Temple harbors filth and evil, and it is filled with monster monks recognized by Prince Fenyang, so no one dares to disobey orders, and they are very determined to fight.”

At this time, the imperial court's land allocation in North Zhili has begun to bear fruit. Although the weather in various places is different from previous years, the grain output of the North Zhili Guard Army has increased dramatically this year.

The corn and wheat in various places are well cared for, and the ears of millet in the fields are heavy.

At this time, the imperial court was already discussing that by the end of the year, the scope of the "Military Field Permanent Tenancy Law" would be extended to Henan, Shandong and other places.

Therefore, the entire guard army was grateful to Prince Fenyang for his kindness.

This embroidered clothing 100 households are also grateful. Their embroidered clothing guards, despite their majesty, actually belong to the guard system.

The real salary is not much, and it all relies on extra money.

This time the imperial court implemented the "Long-Term Tenancy Law of Military Fields", and they were also able to allocate fields.

He himself is willing to die for Fenyang County Prince, but the problem is that they don't have enough manpower this time.

At least in Henan, all the guardsmen were mobilized due to King Yi's rebellion.

This time, they only mobilized a total of 3,000 troops.

"Don't worry! His Royal Highness King Fenyang has his own arrangements. UU Reading www.uukanshhu.スnet"

As Yuchi'an spoke, he took out a bright yellow talisman from his sleeve.

There was a hint of suspicion and disbelief in his eyes. But next, Yuchi'an still complied with Beizhen Fusi's request, holding the talisman in his hand and reciting spiritual words.

"Xuanhuang Zun, the dragon and the tiger are fighting, the sky is clear, and I clearly asked the Supreme Emperor Miluo to the real Xuanhuang Emperor to lend me the heavenly soldiers and generals."

Yuchi'an initially gave up hope, but then the void behind him suddenly opened up.

Yuchi An was startled, and looked back in surprise, and then he saw a group of figures about two feet tall, all covered with dark gold armor, and with brilliant divine power, walking out of the void.

These burly soldiers all carried shields on their backs and held rune muskets about two feet long with five-foot bayonets embedded in them. Their steps were uniform, as if they were one person.

A full thousand people walked out of the void before it was locked again.

What surprised Yuchi'an was that the spiritual aura of one of the 'divine generals' seemed to be at the heavenly level.

"Please take action as soon as possible!" The god general looked over attentively: "If I stay here for a moment longer, I will consume more of the emperor's power!"

Only then did Yuchi An wake up, and then he ordered without hesitation: "Push up those ten Buddhist cannons to me, and all the tribes will listen! The demon monk of Shanxin Temple colluded with King Xiang and intended to rebel. The evidence of the crime is conclusive!

Today, I was ordered to arrest the treasonous criminals, but everyone at Shanxin Temple despised the court, violently resisted the law, and beat the officials! As the saying goes, 'What is tolerable, what is intolerable?', this kind of evil monk will not be tolerated in the world! When the cannon fires later, it is the time to attack the temple. Anyone in the temple who dares to hold weapons or resist the king's law will be killed without mercy! In addition, King Fenyang has issued an order to kill a demon monk from any place and be rewarded with twenty taels of silver immediately! "

At this moment, the morale of many guardsmen outside the temple was greatly boosted, and their murderous intent was boiling over.

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