Demoness, Where Are You Fleeing To?

Chapter 778 The livestock revolution in the grassland

Although Li Xuan himself did not pay much attention to the "clear water of the Yellow River", he even believed that it was a sign of large-scale drought in the upper reaches of the Yellow River.

However, he still underestimated the impact of this incident on the hearts of the people of Jin Dynasty and the scholars of Jin Dynasty.

As the water of the Yellow River becomes clearer and clearer, the entire north and south of the river are agitated.

By mid-October, this demonic wind had spread to the grasslands.

The so-called "demon wind" was independently identified by Zhang Jiuling, the "former Zuo Qiandu Censor of the Capital Procuratorate" and the current "Ningyuan Right Chief Envoy".

Other civil servants who belonged to the "Ningyuan Capital Command and Envoy Division" with Zhang Jiuling were quite happy and honored after hearing about this.

After all, it is said that when a saint comes out, the Yellow River will be clear.

Naturally, this saint who emerged at the right moment could not be the eldest princess of the Supervisory State, nor could he be the elders assisting the government... He could only be Li Xuan, the prince of Fenyang County who was the guardian of the world's Neo-Confucianism and was actually in charge of the government.

This King of Fenyang was not only a great Confucian scholar with a high reputation in the world, but also a majestic colored glaze. He also wrote such great and practical masterpieces as "Ge Wu" and "Political Commentary".

The key is that his martial arts skills are comparable to those of the Confucian saint "Zhou Gongdan" who supported and protected his young master and enabled Ji Zhou to conquer the world for 2,400 years.

They believed that the omen of "clear water in the Yellow River" was at the right time and was God's recognition of King Fenyang's achievements.

Zhang Jiuling really couldn't stand the compliments of these colleagues about Li Xuan. He ran out of the Yamen early in the morning and braved the wind and snow to walk to the north of Ningyuan City.

The Ningyuan Capital Command Department established by the imperial court not long ago, its jurisdiction is roughly the area under the jurisdiction of the Ningwang Fan in the past, that is, the territory of the Tatar left wing and the three guards of Duoyan.

The capital of the Ningyuan Capital Command and Envoy Department was also located in the former royal capital of Ning Wang Fan, ‘Da Ning City’.

The place Zhang Jiuling was going to was far away, called the 'Ninth Guard of Daning'.

It was a guard station formed by the numerous Tatar tribes that were broken up and reorganized after the Jin Dynasty defeated the Mengwu. There were three thousand-household stations and twenty-four hundred-household stations, which were distributed over an area of ​​300 miles north of Daning. on the grassland.

Before the great victory at Poenei Mountain, King Fenyang once reported to the imperial court, requesting the imperial court to directly establish a government office in Monan and Mobei to establish a province and organize households for the people.

However, this move was opposed by several auxiliary ministers and many Qingliu led by Zhang Jiuling.

Many court officials at that time believed that the only way to imitate the Han and Tang Dynasties in the grassland was to adopt the strategy of restraining silk ribbons. They firmly believe that King Fenyang's policy of setting up exiled officials and reorganizing the people into households is never feasible. They conclude that this will only anger the Mongol people and force them to rebel, and will create endless hidden dangers in the future, causing the court to exhaust national funds in the process of quelling the chaos. .

The Prince of Fenyang had no choice but to take a step back, and instead planned to establish the Four Major Command Departments in Monan and Mobei within the structure of the Five Military Governors' Office to win the support of several auxiliary ministers.

Zhang Jiuling, who was still serving as the censor of Zuoqiandu at that time, was very proud of himself for thwarting the attempt of the Fenyang County Prince. He thought that in this way, if something went wrong in Monan and Mobei, the responsibility would fall on King Fenyang.

The command and envoy departments of the four major capitals were affiliated to the garrison and military system, so it was impossible to get money from the Ministry of Household Affairs and financial support from the court.

What he didn't expect was that a few days later, Li Xuan would win an unprecedented victory at the Po Enemy Mountain, annihilating nearly one million Mongolian troops, and destroying the Mongolian national destiny in one battle. So he returned south with glorious military exploits and convinced the entire court.

Then Zhang Jiuling was entrusted with an important task by Li Xuan and was transferred to the grassland to serve as the "right envoy" of the Ningyuan Capital Command and Envoy Department.

In the Jin Dynasty, there was no official position of chief envoy in the capital's command department.

The Department of Commanding and Envoys, the Department of Chief Envoys, and the Department of Inspecting and Envoys were institutions established by Taizu Taizu of the Jin Dynasty in various provinces. The three departments were parallel to each other and did not have jurisdiction over each other.

However, Li Xuan established four major capitals in Monan and Mobei in order to prepare for the establishment of provinces in the future. Therefore, under these four major capitals, there were additional Chief Envoys and Inspectors, one in charge of administration and the other in charge of punishment.

Zhang Jiuling, the right chief envoy, was the second deputy of Ningyuan Chief Envoy. He was transferred from such an important position as the censor of Zuoqiandu, and he was still the "second deputy".

Zhang Jiuling naturally did not want to come. Even if he was promoted to the third level, he would not come to the bitter cold and wild land of Monan.

But the King of Fenyang spoke righteously and strictly, saying that he was optimistic about his talents and character, and wanted to use his talents and virtues to benefit the people.

Now that Mengwu has surrendered to the Jin Dynasty, he is the people of the Jin Dynasty. Millions of people over there are crying for food, waiting for Zhang Jiuling, a great Confucian scholar, to rescue, nurture and educate them.

Zhang Jiuling had no choice. He knew that as long as he refused, Li Xuan would definitely demote him and remove him from his position, never to be used again.

And the reason is fair and aboveboard, and no civil or military officials in the court will have any objections.

Zhang Jiuling finally chose to endure it. On the day he left Beijing, he wrote the words "Keep the clouds clear to see the moonlight" and gave it to those colleagues who were also "leveled" in Monan and Mobei.

Zhang Jiuling's idea is to let the Fenyang King be proud for a while, and when the emperor comes to take charge in the future, the humiliation Zhang Jiuling endured today will be recovered from the Fenyang King.

At that time, he wanted the world to see through Li Xuan's true face as a rebellious minister and traitor who acted arbitrarily and arbitrarily with authority!

But the premise is that he must survive in the court, and it is best to have the opportunity to contact the emperor someday in the future.

So after Zhang Jiuling arrived in Daning, he still did some practical things.

This 'Da Ning Ninth Guard' is a guard station that he personally organized.

Although Zhang Jiuling sneered at Li Xuan's policy of reorganizing households in the grassland and reorganizing the people, he did a good job with Li Xuan's decrees and did not dare to make any mistakes.

This is because he is worried that Li Xuan will find an excuse to relegate him to more remote places, such as Xi'an and Yunnan where the war is ongoing.

Zhang Jiuling knew that the King of Fenyang had always been thick-faced and evil-hearted, benevolent and moral on the surface, and a gentleman, but secretly he was debauched and evil-hearted.

Would it be very troublesome for King Fenyang to take the life of a civil servant on the battlefield?

Zhang Jiuling rode for more than 200 miles in the heavy snow, and finally arrived at the fort of the Ninth Guards of Daning in the afternoon.

This is a simple stone city. The temporary stone walls are only about two people high and the area is a hundred feet square.

The facilities inside are also very simple, with only some low wooden houses and stone houses.

However, twenty miles outside of Shicheng, there were a large number of Mongol bungs scattered, with more than a thousand tents, and there were a large number of cattle and horses surrounding them.

It is said that the king of Fenyang County intended to use some of the gold and silver seized from the Mongolian nobles to build masonry houses for these herdsmen.

However, it is definitely too late this year. The Mobei area began to freeze as early as mid-August, and the Monan area also began to snow heavily not long ago.

It is impossible to build houses in this kind of weather, so the herdsmen in Mobei have not organized households into all the people. This year, they have to live for water and grass.

After the "Ninth Guards of Daning" settled here, they could only live in Mengwu Bao for the time being, and then built simple wooden sheds for their livestock to keep warm.

Zhang Jiuling was dismissive of this. He thought that these animals had nothing to eat, so what use did the herdsmen have for these brick and stone houses?

If a house made of bricks and stones is kept warm, can it keep those animals from starving to death?

How can these herdsmen live without their cattle and sheep?

Zhang Jiuling secretly expected that King Fenyang took it for granted that the herdsmen of Mobei could be governed like the people of the Central Plains, so just wait for trouble!

If King Fenyang dared to adjust grain from the Central Plains to provide relief to these settled grassland herdsmen, then he would definitely take a copy of King Fenyang.

The taxes and levies of the imperial court are the people's blessings, and they cannot be spent in vain.

But just when Zhang Jiuling was riding a horse and approaching the stone castle, he found a group of people rushing out of the stone castle.

The leader of them, ‘Ning Yuan Zuo’s Chief Envoy’ Xue Bai, was the elder brother of current Master Zhang Shaotian and the legendary uncle of King Fenyang.

This person was originally appointed as the "Ministry of Industry Duge Shizhong". In mid-July, he was promoted to the seventh level and was transferred to Monan to serve as Ningyuan Zuobu Envoy, which is his current chief officer.

After Zhang Jiuling saw Xue Bai, he couldn't help but feel slightly confused. Why did this guy come to the Ninth Guard of Daning?

Xue Bai was slightly surprised when he saw him, and then he nodded slightly with an indifferent expression: "Since we are here, let's go together."

He rode forward and ran towards a herdsman's house in the distance.

At this time, Han Dong, the commander of the Ninth Guards, also rode to keep up with Zhang Jiuling.

He explained to Zhang Jiuling casually: "Master Xue came here this time to inspect the silage management of our ninth guard. After the heavy snow the day before yesterday, there was really no grass nearby, so Master Xue has already We agreed with our Ninth Guards to unblock silage and let the livestock survive the winter.”


Zhang Jiuling immediately perked up: "Then I'm looking forward to it."

He knew that the success or failure of King Fenyang's "regulating households and bringing together the people" in Monan depended on this so-called "silage" policy.

Xue Bai has always been personally responsible for this administration. Except for those close subordinates he trusts, there is no other person at all.

However, Zhang Jiuling has also done some research and knows that the so-called 'silage' is nothing more than harvesting and storing forage in spring and summer, and storing it in the cellar until winter.

But the pasture in spring and summer will either rot or become a pile of withered grass in winter. Can the livestock still eat it? Aren’t you afraid that cattle and sheep will die from stomach diseases after eating bad food?

Zhang Jiuling was almost laughing his head off at that time. The court's pacification of Mengwu was in early July, and the silage method was implemented in Monan around this time.

Therefore, most of the forage they preserve comes from early autumn, only three months apart.

But this won't work. Those cattle and sheep won't eat such stale grass.

After Han Dong heard this, he burst out laughing: "Why are you so prepared? Do you want to see our King Fenyang's jokes? My Highness is wise and wise, and has a lofty goal. I'm afraid you are overthinking."

Han Dong was promoted to 'Guard Commander' from a humble family by virtue of his military exploits after the Guard Corps reorganized the army last year. From then on, he considered himself a lackey of King Fenyang.

However, due to his job, he had more contact with Zhang Jiuling.

Because of King Fenyang, Han Dong initially hated Zhang Jiuling deeply.

However, this guy performed his duties conscientiously in his official duties and took good care of the herdsmen of the Ninth Guard, which made Han Dong change his mind slightly and occasionally he was willing to talk openly to Zhang Jiuling.

"That's right!" Han Dong remembered something again: "I heard that the water in the Yellow River became clear this year? Is it because of King Fenyang?"

Zhang Jiuling's face immediately darkened, and he looked calmly: "It is said that it is a little clearer than in previous years, but so what? It's all nonsense about saints coming out and the Yellow River being clear."

Han Dong sneered disdainfully: "It's nothing. The ancients said that the river is clear and the sea is clear, and the saint governs the world." Doesn't the clear river refer to the Yellow River? The Book of Songs says, "As soon as the river is clear, how long is the life span?" It means that if a person wants to It is almost impossible to see the Yellow River become clear in our lifetime. I have asked scholars for advice, but you can't even think of deceiving me!"

He thought that this guy probably didn't want King Fenyang to be nice, so he stopped talking to Zhang Jiuling.

A group of them soon entered the fence of a herdsman.

Zhang Jiuling keenly noticed that there was a small earthen platform to the north of the tent.

The earthen platform was five feet square and only as high as a person's knees.

What concerned Zhang Jiuling was a small wooden Buddha statue enshrined on the earth platform.

Zhang Jiuling looked at its shape and found that it was the "Namo Zun Sheng Champion Bodhisattva" that has been popular in Monan recently.

The Tatars in Monan somehow identified this Bodhisattva who came from the snowy area as the true deity of King Fenyang.

On the one hand, they were grateful to King Fenyang for giving them tents and pastures for cattle and sheep. On the other hand, they believed that King Fenyang could be invincible and invincible on the battlefield, so he must have great magical powers to kill demons.

Therefore, herdsmen have invited "Namo Sovereign Champion Bodhisattva" into their homes to worship them. On the one hand, they express their gratitude, and on the other hand, they want to use the power of "Namo Sovereign Champion Bodhisattva" to ward off evil spirits.

The imperial court had already found out about this matter, but it was difficult to deal with it.

When officials asked, these herdsmen would say that they worshiped the Champion Bodhisattva and had nothing to do with King Fenyang of the Jin Dynasty.

Zhang Jiuling didn't bother to pay attention and didn't intend to pursue it.

This matter is not a problem for King Fenyang for the time being, but when the emperor comes of age and takes over power in the future, it will be a crime that will make King Fenyang irrecoverable.

And when those livestock starve to death on a large scale, these ignorant Mongol people will only hate King Fenyang deeply.

So Zhang Jiuling quickly shifted his attention to the sheep shed not far away.

At this time, in front of the sheep shed, UU Reading there were several dense bundles of grass balls being untied one by one by the herdsmen.

"Huh? The smell of these pastures is pretty good, with a slight fragrance."

Xue Bai dismounted from the ground dragon and strode to the front of Yang Peng.

He first glanced at the forage with a hint of joy, and then looked at the sheep shed next to him with keen eyes: "Start feeding now and see if these animals like it."

The faces of the herdsmen had already shown a look of expectation.

After they received the order, they forked all the forage one by one to the simple trough in front of the sheep shed without hesitation.

Zhang Jiuling also smelled a hint of sweet fragrance inside the grass ball, and also discovered that the grass inside the grass ball was all green in color.

He looked at Han Dong in disbelief: "Are these grasses really taken out of the cellar?"

How could this be possible, he thought? Shouldn’t all the grass in those cellars be rotten and spoiled?

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