Demoness, Where Are You Fleeing To?

Chapter 779 Wen An’s world is determined by Wu

"Can you tell if he came out of the cellar?"

Commander Han Dong looked at Zhang Jiuling with a sneer: "Not to mention the freezing weather, where did they find this green grass?"

The silage of the Ninth Guard was harvested by Han Dong with his own hands, along with a large number of herdsmen and more than 10,000 people from his old team at Datong Guard.

In order to promote silage, the imperial court not only issued many sickles and a large number of simple machines for mowing grass, but also sent over thirty magicians who mastered the "Wind Sword Technique" to cooperate.

Han Dong and his men worked day and night to store fodder weighing 1.2 million stones in the cellar before September.

Theoretically, this is enough to feed the more than 100,000 livestock of the Ninth Guard until the beginning of next spring.

Although Zhang Jiuling did not participate at the time, he witnessed it with his own eyes, so Han Dong was very unhappy.

"I'm sorry, it was my fault."

Zhang Jiuling admitted his mistake frankly. He knew it was inappropriate when he said it before...

The Ninth Guard can fool people with a few balls of fodder, but there are still several months until next spring, and they can't keep fooling them.

At this time, his attention was entirely on those food troughs.

While the two were talking, the sheep in the sheep sheds had all arrived in front of the trough.

They sniffed curiously at first, and then showed hesitation.

Maybe it's because I haven't eaten since the heavy snowfall and I'm starving. The sheep didn't hesitate long and began to eat from the trough.

Zhang Jiuling found that these sheep ate very sweet food and ate very quickly.

"Not bad!" Xue Bai was overjoyed when he saw this: "This year, we can only mix sorghum, soybeans, vegetables and kudzu into the pasture, which is expensive and not cost-effective. When corn and sweet potatoes are added next year, they should be able to eat it." It’s more fragrant and cheaper.”

Xue Bai also paid close attention to the Shennongyuan founded by Li Xuan.

I know the results of research there are that mixing corn and sweet potatoes into pasture is the most economical and longest way to gain weight.

Several herdsmen nearby also watched with great joy.

When they followed the government's orders to settle in the north of Daning City, their biggest worry was that their livestock would have no pasture.

Who likes to trek through the grassland in the middle of winter to find water plants? Isn’t it because of the heavy snow and freezing that the livestock can’t find food?

Even in areas not covered by heavy snow, the grass is dry.

In fact, livestock don't like to eat, so they lose weight every winter, and even die of cold and starvation on a large scale.

Sometimes they had to compete with other tribes for pasture, fighting each other for the withered grass.

"Sir, if the grass in the cellar can be like today, it would be a great kindness to us herdsmen."

One of the Mongolian herdsmen who knew Chinese said almost incoherently: "Thank you Changshengtian! Thank you Fenyang County Prince! Your Highness, he must be sent by Changshengtian and Buddha to save us poor herdsmen. He is us Tengri Khan saves us from the pain of running around and being trapped by hunger and cold."

The so-called "Tenggri Khan" also means "Sky Khan".

Zhang Jiuling heard that this man's gratitude came from the bottom of his heart, and was definitely not flattering. He felt uncomfortable in his heart, and immediately snorted: "Tenggri Khan was the title of the emperor of the Tang Dynasty in the past, so you are here The people who live and work in peace and contentment are also the Jin Dynasty! How dare you give King Fenyang an unreasonable title?"

The herdsman glanced sideways at him, then clasped his hands and said, "Thank you, the Champion Bodhisattva!"

Zhang Jiuling's face twitched slightly, and then he looked at Xue Bai: "The smell of these grasses is different from ordinary grasses. I don't know what will happen to the livestock after eating them."

Xue Bai chuckled when he heard this. He knew that the forage after silage was fermented by something called 'lactic acid bacteria', which can not only kill many germs, but also help livestock digest it.

However, he was too lazy to explain to Zhang Jiuling, and directly turned over to Di Xinglong: "Then keep observing, you can feed them alive. The official will come again tomorrow to check on the condition of these livestock."

He then visited more than two dozen herdsmen in the Ninth Guard, and did not return to the Ninth Guard Stone Castle to stay temporarily until sunset.

Zhang Jiuling was always by his side, and no one in the family was left behind.

He originally came to Ninth Guards to add more household registrations to the more than 100 families of herdsmen who had recently moved here, and to avoid a clean one. But after meeting Xue Bai, he forgot his original purpose.

On the second day, Zhang Jiuling didn't wait for Xue Bai to get up. Before dawn, he went to a familiar herdsman's house to check on the situation.

But what disappointed him was that the animals in the cattle and sheep stables were all in good condition.

"These cattle and sheep eat deliciously, even more than when they eat tender grass in spring! In the past, these animals were listless, but now they are more energetic and have no stomach upset."

The owner of this house is a middle-aged man about thirty years old. He clasped his hands and said, "Nawu Zun wins the Champion Bodhisattva! They are right. King Fenyang is not only an invincible hero, but also a powerful one." The great compassionate Bodhisattva."

In fact, he also had a brother in his family who died in the Battle of Xuanfu last year.

Gu/span\u003e However, the middle-aged strong men took this very lightly. Many of their own Mongol people would die if they fought for their pastures.

Among the men on their grasslands, except for the nobles and the warriors supported by the nobles, few lived past the age of forty.

And that was on the battlefield, fighting and dying openly, there was nothing to complain about.

Now the women and daughters of his brother's family are all in his tent and are being raised by him.

The corners of Zhang Jiuling's lips twitched, and then he went to another restaurant nearby.

But the result is similar. There is only one cow there, something is wrong, but it is probably not because of the pasture. The cow itself has serious stomach problems, so the owner of this family is ready to kill the cow and share it with each family. Meat.

On the third day, Xue Bai left.

At this time, Daning's fourth guard was also activating 'silage', and he had to go over to see the situation.

Zhang Jiuling stayed here for half a month.

But what made him frown gradually was that there was nothing wrong with the grass taken out from the cellar.

Not only do those animals like to eat, but they don't lose any fat on their bodies.

At the beginning of November, businessmen from the south came to order a large amount of wool and animal skins. Witnessed by officials from the local Guards and Envoys Department, they placed a deposit of several silver dollars for each family, which made the herdsmen overjoyed. They are preparing to raise more lambs and calves at the beginning of the year, and the prices of ewes and cows have also begun to skyrocket.

Then that night, the herdsmen of the Ninth Guard prepared a grand ritual ceremony for the 'Sovereign Champion Bodhisattva'. They were also protected by several lamas they invited, and they wanted to jointly spend money to build a small lamasery nearby to support the "Sovereign Champion Bodhisattva".

Zhang Jiuling couldn't sleep that night, and then he wrote furiously in the early morning of the next day, writing a memorial saying "please start the construction of the Ministry of Construction in the south and north of the desert".

He realized that there was no possibility of failure for King Fenyang to organize households and people on the grassland.

The nomadic people who have troubled the Central Plains for thousands of years are about to be completely subdued by King Fenyang.

What's annoying is that he, Zhang Jiuling, was the leader who blocked King Fenyang from establishing a province in Monan and Mobei in the past.

In the future, the silage method will be a great success and the imperial court will expand its territory thousands of miles north. He, the "Ningyuan Right Chief Envoy" who can only handle some chores, may not get any benefits.

The only people who can get meritorious service from this are Ningyuan Du’s commander-in-chief and generals who are actually responsible for this matter, as well as Ningyuan Zuo’s envoy, the prefect of Daning and others.

Zhang Jiuling could never allow this to happen, so he decided to go back on his word.

After the imperial court established a province in the north, it was of great benefit to him.

Not only can you try to intervene in the silage policy, but you don't have to suffer as much as you do now.

At this time, Zhang Jiuling not only had Xue Bai, the chief envoy from the left, but also the commander of the Ningyuan capital, the commander of the capital, the commander of the capital, and several generals and ministers in charge. He is said to be a third-rank right-level political envoy, but in fact he is just a handyman.

Only by truly starting to build a province can Ningyuan's Chief Envoy Department be independent and parallel to Ningyuan's Chief Envoy Department.

Only when writing the memorial, Zhang Jiuling thought of the recent rumor in the Central Plains that "when a saint comes out, the Yellow River becomes clear".

He thought that the king of Fenyang County could subdue Meng Wu. Was he really a saint with destiny?

Zhang Jiuling was not sure, but he knew that once the province of Monan and Mobei was successfully opened and the herdsmen were stabilized, the cultural and martial arts of the Han and Tang Dynasties would be far beyond the Han and Tang Dynasties, and Li Xuan's name as a "sage" would be completely confirmed.

Even Zhou Gongdan in the past did not have such achievements as Li Xuan.

And it was this Duke of Zhou who was highly praised by the most holy master.

Many Confucian political policies, UU read www.uukanshu. Net also takes Zhou Gong as its source.

How can this ‘sage’ recognized by Confucianism be compared with Li Xuan?

Today's Fenyang County Prince can indeed be said to be the leader of Wen'an and Wu's order of heaven and earth!

No, this is impossible. After the pre-Qin period, rituals and music collapsed, how could there be any saints again?

Zhang Jiuling was deeply worried, but he wrote like a god and wrote the memorial in an instant.

Then he asked his servants to rush to the capital overnight and go directly to the General Affairs Department. He was worried that if the memorial was delivered a few days later, it would be too late.

At the same time, the servant also brought several letters that he had sent to his colleagues.

What Zhang Jiuling is most worried about now is that his comrades will go too far in opposing the Mongol household registration and equalize the people, and follow in his own footsteps.

At this time, Zhang Jiuling didn't know that Shang Hong was in a similar mood to him when he followed Li Xuan to conquer the Mengwu in the north.

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