On November 12, the Eastern Expedition Fleet of the Jin Dynasty finally arrived at the Kii Kaido.

Further ahead is the Seto Inland Sea, from which the fleet can move forward and land near Namba Kyo.

‘Namba-kyo’ was originally the capital of the Fuso people. Hundreds of years ago, the Fuso imperial court moved to the current ‘Heian-kyo’ to avoid military threats.

Li Xuan knew that the famous Ishiyama Honganji Temple would be built in Namba Kyo hundreds of years in the future, becoming the most important military fortress and stronghold of the Jodo Shinshu Honganji sect, and fighting against Oda Nobunaga for several years.

Toyotomi Taiko will also build the majestic Osaka Castle here, making it the second largest economic center of the Fuso people.

Therefore, the terrain there is very suitable for large armies to land, and there are many ready-made port facilities.

The key is that a few hundred miles north from here is the Heianjing of the Fuso people.

But when they arrived at Kii Kaido, a dense Fuso fleet appeared in front of them.

Most of the Fuso people's warships are of less than 1,000 materials, such as the "Kozao" with 500 materials, the "Kanfune" with 1,000 materials, etc., but there are also nearly 120 "Anzhai ships" with more than 5,000 materials. .

Among them are twenty-seven turtle-shell ships with eight thousand materials covered with iron armor. There are also a large number of artillery on both sides of the hull, which makes people look at them...

Li Xuan was very surprised. As far as he knew, the ships of the ancient Fuso people should not be so big.

However, he thought that in this world, many things were magnified several times, and the ships in Jin Dynasty were also very majestic, so he didn't take it seriously.

What is strange are those turtle-shell ships. These are warships developed in Goryeo. They were only introduced to Fusang after the Imjin Japanese Rebellion. Artillery and muskets only began to be used on a large scale hundreds of years later during the Fuso Warring States Period.

Li Xuan didn't know if this was the butterfly effect he had set off, or if this was the history of the world.

He was too lazy to care and directly issued an order: "Order Li Yan to lead the armored ships to break through the enemy. All warships will protect the outer perimeter of the fleet. Be careful to guard against their arson ships. Seven floating warships will press down to a distance of 200 feet from the sea to protect the fleet." .”

The fortune ships he brought this time were not all ships used to transport troops. Twenty of them were gun ships belonging to the Tianjin Navy. They had nearly thirty cannons on board, and the war The strength is not weak either.

However, in this fleet, even the lucky ships used to transport troops have extremely strong combat effectiveness.

The firepower of the thousands of 'rune flintlock arquebuses' on the ship is enough to sink and defeat any ship that tries to get close.

At this time, Li Yan, who was commanding all the armored ships sailing on the sea, was also using a telescope on the watchtower to look at the sea ahead.

"The enemy ship is divided into two parts. This should be intended to attack from both sides. Is that the arson ship they built? There are quite a lot of them. Are they afraid of seven or eight thousand ships?"

He was looking at the boats on both sides of the opponent's formation. They were basically light boats with less than 100 materials, and they were speeding this way with the help of the wind.

"It's a northeasterly wind right now."

This is Li Yan's deputy, Liu Chengli, deputy commander-in-chief of the Tianjin Navy.

This man is about sixty years old and is a calm and wise veteran.

This person is also on the watchtower, but he is looking at the sky: "The northeast wind is normal at this time, but the wind force is a bit excessive. It should be someone with a high position in the sky casting spells at high altitude. I suggest changing to an inclined column, heading towards Interspersed northwest.”

"Formation?" Li Yan felt a little strange: "The wind force should be no problem, right?"

At this time, their fleet was arranged in a long snake formation, which could maximize their firepower.

He knew that the extremely powerful warriors under Li Xuan would never let Fuso God do whatever he wanted.

This sea surface is the proof. Although the wind is strong, the sea surface is calm and calm.

But then Li Yan understood his lieutenant's intention: "Old Liu, are you worried about the rocks over there?"

"Of course!" Liu Chengli nodded: "Their only chance of winning is to change the wind direction and push our ship into those reefs. The iron-clad ship is clumsy and difficult to turn, and our sailors are not familiar with battleships, so they can't Don’t be defensive.”

Liu Chengli came from an ordinary military household, but he was highly appreciated by his boss Li Chengji.

Years ago, when King Fenyang was planning to build an armored fleet in Tianjin, Li Chengji recommended this old subordinate to him as Li Yan's deputy, and Liu Chengli was able to participate in this Eastern Expedition.

Liu Chengli was very grateful to both father and son, so he tried his best to assist Li Yan.

King Fenyang never fights an unprepared battle. Last year, he sent people to collect Fuso charts and hydrological data in every possible way.

Liu Chengli memorized all these complicated charts.

"Then it's up to you!"

Li Yan knew that his deputy's suggestion was right. Most of the ironclad ships he commanded were launched within the past three to five months.

Among them, only the first batch of five ironclads was built a year ago and launched in March this year. The remaining nineteen ships were built after North Korea and China became financially wealthy. Construction will start in February and April this year.

Therefore, most of the sailors on the ship are rushing to get on the shelves, and are very unfamiliar with the operation of these ironclad ships.

What's more, these armored ships weigh more than 55,000 pieces, which means their flexibility is far inferior to those light boats.

"Send the order to the entire army to lower the sails immediately, start all gas engines, and operate at maximum horsepower!"

Just a moment later, roaring sounds were heard from within the hulls of these armored warships, and thick black smoke was spewed out from the tall chimneys. valley

In the past, in order to save coal and match the speed of those lucky ships, these ironclad ships basically relied on sail power to travel. Only two of the eight internal steam turbines were running to provide auxiliary power.

But at this moment, when Li Yan gave the order, these armored battleships were like awakening beasts, making an ear-splitting roar on the sea. Their speed also increased rapidly against the strong northeast wind.

Li Yan felt uninterested for a while when he heard the deafening sound.

These things created by his brother have made water battles easier and no longer fun.

At the same time, above the clouds, Izanagi's face showed a bit of astonishment.

"What a fast speed, at least twenty-five miles in a moment! After lowering the sails, facing the north wind, it can still be so fast? Their ship is still covered with iron armor, right? Why can such a sunken ship still move? Why not sinking?"

Tsukuyomi Ming frowned: "Or what kind of immortal talisman array or what kind of heavenly materials and earthly treasures were used in the hull?"

But when he said it, he felt that it was ridiculous. The power of Daomen's talisman array could indeed provide power for ships, and could even directly make those armored ships fly, just like Jin's seven warships in the clouds.

However, all immortal talisman arrays are very expensive. If they are to be reduced to a hull made of 55,000 materials, the cost of the talisman array itself would be at least three to five million taels of silver. The rest, such as the keel, outer armor, naval guns, etc., also cost huge amounts of money. Such an armored ship would cost at least ten million taels of silver.

How could the Jin Dynasty get this money?

Amaterasu also frowned slightly and said nothing.

However, her magic power was already interfering with the battlefield.

Through changes in the temperature difference between heaven and earth, the wind speed on the battlefield is further intensified.

Next, she will apply power to all the arson ships, causing the temperature of those flames to increase to the extreme, strong enough to burn through the outer layer of armor and ignite the strength of the wood inside the armor.

At this time, the ship formations from both sides quickly approached.

Li Yan, who had returned to the bridge, turned to observe the surrounding sea through the transparent glass in front.

Those densely packed arson ships were attacking from the east and west directions, showing a semi-surrounding situation.

The closest one was less than 150 feet away from their armored ship.

At a glance, Li Yan could see the excited and excited faces of the Fuso sailors on the arson ship.

Li Yan looked indifferent: "Instruct the whole ship to open the gun doors and open fire immediately. First use grenades to blow these arson ships into the bottom of the water."

The next moment, all twenty-four armored ships, with a total of 2,800 gun ports, were opened.

The retractable rifled gun inside shone with a cold luster.

The gunner next to him was loading ammunition with a slightly unfamiliar movement.

However, although their movements were unfamiliar, they were able to maintain their composure, and they all completed loading ammunition as scheduled and started firing.

Before the arson ships in the distance could react, they were covered by grenades that exploded intensively in the air.

Thousands of shrapnel swept across the sea, tearing their people and the ship into pieces in an instant.

There were a total of 2,800 retractable rifled guns, but they only fired two salvos, and there were no more arson ships on the entire sea.

There were only some broken wooden boards left on the sea surface, as well as a large amount of kerosene and corpses dumped into the sea.

At this moment, the entire battlefield fell into deathly silence, and not only the Fuso officers and soldiers on the battleships turned pale.

The many fuso gods high in the sky also changed their colors.

Amaterasu snorted coldly: "Please help me quickly!"

With the help of many gods, she began to forcibly control the fire oil floating on the sea to converge in the direction of the ironclad ships.

But Amaterasu's move encountered strong obstacles.

Amaterasu sensed the powerful Jitian under King Fenyang, UU read www.uukanshu. The net is 'suppressing', 'pacifying', 'sealing', 'burning out', and 'freezing'.

They exhausted all methods to prevent kerosene from approaching those ironclad ships.

However, with the efforts of the gods, the kerosene still came within thirty feet of those ironclad ships.

At this distance, Amaterasu can directly ignite the kerosene.

Her power is enough to boil the entire Seto Inland Sea, and with the help of this fire oil, Amaterasu is confident that she can burn all these armored ships from a distance of thirty feet!

At this moment, huge flames burned on the sea surface.

But just a moment later, Amaterasu was stunned, looking a little strange.

"These warships are all fully armored, and their armor is one foot thick."

At this moment, all the Fuso gods were in disbelief.

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