Demoness, Where Are You Fleeing To?

Chapter 794: Attracting bees and butterflies, Emperor Li

Three hours later, the war on the sea came to an end. The entire sea was filled with floating debris and battleship wreckage, as well as a large number of corpses dotted among them.

As Li Yan judged, the entire battle process was lackluster.

These twenty-four ironclad ships are invincible. Even if it is just a collision, no ship of the Fuso people can resist it.

What's more, these battleships carry terrifying weapons. Those retractable rifled guns can easily tear those wooden ships into pieces.

They can tear apart at least ten large ships with a single salvo.

Not only was setting fire to the ship meaningless to them, but gang warfare was also out of date. Under the bombardment of grenades, no ship could come within a hundred feet of them.

Next, as Tianjin Deputy Commander-in-Chief Liu Chengli expected, those Fuso gods tried to push their armored ships into the reef area...

But Li Yan's skillful command, as well as the steam turbine and propeller on the ship, defeated the Fuso Gods' attempt.

These armored warships do not rely on wind power at all.

In a very short period of time, they tore apart the Fuso people's navy.

Considering that the next supply route might be harassed by the Fuso people, Li Yan divided his ironclad ships into eight columns and pursued them separately, trying his best to hunt down all the Fuso ships.

Although these fully iron-armored ships are slightly less agile, their speed far exceeds that of sailing battleships and rowing battleships.

They are like fast-moving fortresses, hunting down those little ones and Guanzhou without scruples.

At the same time, under the deep sea, the nearly two million army of the East China Sea Dragon Clan had completely routed Fuso's one million water tribe, and was pursuing them with all their might.

The power of the Fuso Water Tribe is not as good as that of Donghai. Before, it was only under the control of Susano'o, and they tried their best to fight against the dragon army to prevent these Donghai Tribes from affecting the decisive battle between Jin and Fuso.

But when the Fuso ships on the sea completely collapsed, Susano'o gave up control of these water monsters.

But at this moment in the sky, those Fusang Gods of Tianjin and Gods of Guojin dispersed one after another.

There was deep disappointment and a hint of worry in their eyes.

Only Amaterasu stayed. She looked at the seven cloud battleships in the distance, and Li Xuan on the battleship, who had his hands on his back and looked at the battlefield and Namba Kyo.

After contemplating for a moment, Amaterasu condensed sunlight again and appeared in front of Li Xuan.

"King Fenyang of the Jin Dynasty!"

Amaterasu did not want to recognize Li Xuan's title of emperor, and only called Li Xuan his title in the mortal world.

There was a coldness and warning in her eyes that could freeze people's hearts.

"I admit that we underestimated you Jin people. The power of those armored battleships is unexpected. But this war can end here. If you dare to set foot on Fuso's land, then I guarantee that you will regret it. .”

Li Xuan withdrew his distant gaze and looked at the goddess Amaterasu: "Does the goddess want to ask for peace? It is very simple to cease the war. My conditions have been conveyed to your descendants in the world. Go to the emperor's palace and punish them severely. Japanese pirates, all Tianjin Gods and Guojin Gods must surrender to me! In addition to that"

Li Xuan clearly sensed the anger of the goddess across from him, but he didn't care: "As a punishment for resisting our heavenly soldiers, the Fuso Kingdom must cede Nagasaki Port to our dynasty, and transfer the Satsuma Shimazu Domain, the source of Japanese pirates, to our dynasty." The entire clan will be wiped out!"

Before Li Xuan finished speaking, Amaterasu's incarnation ignited golden flames, which was a sign that she was extremely angry.

But at this moment, there was another 'bang' sound.

The incarnation of Goddess Amaterasu and the void where she was were shattered and torn apart.

Li Xuan was stunned for a moment, then turned to look back at Jiang Hanyun helplessly: "What happened this time? Hanyun, you must let me talk to her."

"You can't come to an agreement anyway."

Jiang Hanyun found that not far away, Xue Yunrou and Luo Yan were both giving her thumbs up.

Jiang Hanyun snorted softly, then looked directly at Li Xuan: "Xiao Lei and Luo Yan, they both said that Amaterasu has evil thoughts towards you. It should be related to your current martial arts. She should be attracted to you. ”

Li Xuan couldn't help but say 'huh' and looked back at Luo Yan a little confused.

Luo Yan's secret method of 'mind' can indeed capture some of Amaterasu's thoughts.

Luo Yan tilted her head coldly: "Anyway, I sensed that Amaterasu was angry with you, but she was also in heat at the same time. Don't be complacent, her current mood is exactly the same as when Queen Basake fell in love with you. The situation is similar, even scarier.

She just wants to mate with you and even devour you as a person as the source of her power. You're a person who's always attracted to bees and butterflies. How come you can be attracted to anything? "

Li Xuan was also helpless. He thought this man was handsome, but he couldn't help it.

Ao Shenghai, the Dragon King of the East China Sea, shook his head slightly. He felt that Li Xuan was too indulgent towards the women around him.

His queen and the concubines in the harem did not dare to be so presumptuous towards him.

Ao Shenghai then thought of the background and power of these women, Li Xuan, and felt relieved.

He shook his head and began to change the subject to help his son-in-law get rid of the embarrassment: "I wonder what your Majesty will do next? Although the goddess Amaterasu just now had a rude attitude, her words were not actually arrogant. This Kii Kaidou Although we won a complete victory in the battle, the best strength of the Fusang people is on land."

"So we have to break their strength and backbone bit by bit!"

Li Xuan raised his hand and waved, and a map appeared at his side.

He cut the dragon with a long knife and pointed on the map: "First of all, their army on land, Fuso's shogun, gathered an army of 670,000 from the Sixty-six Kingdoms of Fuso near Kinki.

They should have used the strategy of luring the enemy deep in, but they made the wrong calculation. The nearly 700,000 troops and horses would consume a lot of food every day, so the shogunate would not be able to survive in as little as seven days or as long as half a month. Do not engage in a decisive battle with our army in the plains near Namba Kyo. This war will be a replica of the Mengwu Po Enemy Mountain battle."

Ao Shenghai couldn't help but raise his eyebrows. He heard about the war where Li Xuan defeated Mengwu.

The Mongol people were forced to take the initiative to fight Li Xuan. As a result, their national destiny was ruined in this battle.

Ao Mengsheng, the crown prince of the East China Sea, asked doubtfully: "Their food should not last for seven days."

Li Xuan laughed and did not answer immediately.

The problem is that Fuso Island is also trapped by a cold wave this year, and its food production has been reduced on a large scale.

Gao Tianyuan had accumulated a lot of food, but it was all used to feed the sea beasts under Kunpeng's command.

And the shogun, does he really have the guts to exhaust all the wealth of the shogunate to support his army from the vassal country?


On November 16, in front of the city wall of Namba Kyo, thick smoke filled the air for dozens of miles, blocking out the sky and the sun.

The entire battlefield was littered with corpses. The corpses of more than 300,000 Fuso people fell on the battlefield. Their blood flowed together into a river, dyeing the nearby Yodo River bright red.

More than 200,000 people were captured, and every warrior among them was beheaded by Li Xuan's order.

The rest were peasants and soldiers from all over Fusang, and they were all released by the Jin army.

These people are all cowardly, and keeping it in their hands is a waste of food.

Li Xuan did not bring much food with him on this expedition. It is estimated that including the corpses of the sea beasts and subsequent seizures, it will only be enough for the 170,000 Imperial Guards for one and a half months.

The next batch of grain will not arrive at Fusang until a month later, so it must be used sparingly.

Li Xuan understood the fighting methods of the Fuso people. After their peasants and soldiers fled, they either tried their best to return to their hometown, or they fell into disgrace in various places and became bandits who caused trouble in the local area, or they were re-armed by the Fuso daimyo and organized into an army.

But no matter what the outcome is, Li Xuan is happy to see it.

On this day, Heian Kyo, less than 500 miles away from the battlefield, was filled with silence and solemnity. From the emperor and the shogun down to the Fuso monarchs and ministers, they were all in disbelief, as if they were mourning for their heirs.

In Fuso's Takamagahara, the atmosphere was also calm.

The expressions of the gods, including the 'Three Noble Gods' and 'Izanagi', were as solemn as iron.

This time, Izanagi's sister, the god of the underworld, 'Izanami', also appeared in Takamagahara in the form of a spiritual body.

But all the gods were silent. The war that took place outside Namba shocked their hearts.

Before this battle, they never thought that this battle would be defeated so tragically.

Nearly half of the 670,000-strong army were killed in battle, and the remaining half either fled or surrendered. But the Jin army's casualties were less than a thousand.

In fact, all the gods have heard about the former Meng Yuan who was crushed by the Fenyang King of the Jin Dynasty.

But the problem is that Meng Yuan was just a defeated general under their Fusang people in the past.

How powerful can the Mongol people who have retreated from the grassland be?

"Next is Heian-kyo!" Tsukiyomi thought he had to speak: "Ashikaga Yoshitaka should be able to gather 300,000 troops from around Kinki. But if you want to defend Heian-kyo, this power is not enough."

He frowned as he thought of the muskets and artillery used by the Jin people.

"Then God descends! Heian Jing is not only the capital of mortals, but also the passage to Gao Tianyuan. There is no room for failure."

Susanoo said in a faint voice: "All the gods of Tianjin and Kunjin, as well as the millions of gods under Takamagahara and Huangquan, must be prepared to come directly to Heian Kyo and fight to the death with the Jin people. Gather the power of all the Fuso gods. , we will not lose to their guns again."

Many gods present frowned slightly, obviously resisting Susano'o's words.

But then, the light of the goddess of sunshine covered the entire temple, and her eyes also contained undoubted majesty: "Sugumu-san (Susano'o) is right, after the defeat of Namba Kyo, We have no way out.

We can only fight them in Heian Jing, which is under the divine domain of Takamagahara, where we can maximize our strength. "

At this time, the Fusang gods did not know that on the Yunzhong battleship 'Xuanhuang', Li Xuan was laughing under the gaze of Ao Shenghai and others.

"How is it possible to attack Heianjing now?"

Li Xuan shook his head: "There are so many gods in Fusang, and the army of gods has been accumulated for thousands of years. Even if we have the ability to take them down, we shouldn't attack them now. How many people will we lose?"

He then picked up several models of ironclad ships and placed them one by one on the map ahead: "These places are our next targets,"

Prince Ao Mengsheng of the East China Sea's pupils immediately condensed slightly: "Itsukushima Shrine?"

There is also Miyazaki Shrine, UU Reading Motonosumi Inari Shrine and Udo Shrine are both large shrines famous for Fuso, and they also enshrine some powerful gods.

Ao Mengsheng then looked relieved, knowing that his brother-in-law was pruning the branches and leaves of the Fusang gods.

The very next day, at noon on November 17, a total of six ironclad ships appeared off the coast of Itsukushima.

When they open the cannon doors, they spit out tongues of fire. Hundreds of artillery shells instantly tore apart the defensive barrier of Itsukushima Shrine, followed by the same number of grenades. The scattered shrapnel swept away all living things here, and instantly turned the entire Itsukushima Shrine into a sea of ​​flames!

At the same time, there were some improvised boats carrying as many as three thousand soldiers who landed on Itsukushima.

Their goal is to seize the wealthy Itsukushima Shrine, and at the same time attack many daimyo near Itsukushima.

The instruction given to them by King Fenyang was that not even a single bunch of rice or wheat should be left on all the coastal fields of Fusang!

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