Demoness, Where Are You Fleeing To?

Chapter 795 Neutron Golden Body

On November 29, the guardian of Owari Kingdom, Shiba Yishun, fled from Qingzhou Castle in extremely embarrassed state.

Behind him were countless defeated warriors, as well as a castle burning with raging fire and thick smoke.

Shiba Yichun was inexplicably frightened and furious.

The Shiba family is the descendant of Emperor Seiwa, a tributary of the Ashikaga family of the shogunate after the Minamoto Yoshie family of 'Hachiman Taro', and one of the three leaders of the Muromachi shogunate today.

They have also been in charge of the two offices of Oshu Tenke and Yushu Tenke for generations, as well as the wealthy sub-countries such as Echizen, Wakasa, Echichu, Yamashiro, Noto, Enji, Shinano, Owari, Kaga, Anbo, and Sado.

In the samurai system, the Shiba family can be said to be inferior to one person and superior to ten thousand people.

As the next generation shogunate leader and the future ruler of Fuso, Yijun Shiba was reduced to the point where he had to flee from his home city in embarrassment.

"These damn Jin people! How dare they?"

Shiba Yichun escaped forty miles and ran to a hill. Then he cursed angrily and looked back at the burning Qingzhou City behind him with awe and fear in his eyes. .

This is a majestic city built by the Shiba family for three generations and spending an unknown amount of money. The city walls are all made of the best stones, and the castle tower is five stories high, making it a solid majestic city.

But such a strong city fell in less than an hour.

What makes Siba Yichun even more distressed is that the wealth accumulated by his Sibo family in Qingzhou City for generations has now fallen into the hands of the Jin people.

"These Jin people, are they all devils?"

"Lord! I heard that King Fenyang of the Jin Dynasty is indeed known as the Demon King of the Sixth Heaven in Buddhism!"

The one who spoke to Shiba Yoshijun was Owari Guardian Dai Oda Nobumo. He was also trembling: "This man is attacking Fuso, and all the Buddhist temples in Fuso are as silent as death. I dare not fight against him."

Since the Shiba family has been in charge of government affairs in Heian-kyo all year round and has no time to care about fiefdom affairs, they appointed acting officials in various places. Owari Guardian Dai Nobutomo is one of them.

At this time, the eyes of the Owari guardian were full of panic: "My lord, the Jin people have sharp guns and are brave and good at fighting. They can defeat ten with one, and our army is absolutely no match for them. The Toki clan of Noubi was very hostile to my family when they seized the information." No and Owari have always harbored resentments and ulterior motives. Therefore, I believe that Your Highness should retreat to Ichijo Valley Castle. The terrain there is steep and we should be able to avoid the Jin troops."

There is a reason why he said this. Previously, Oda Nobuto led 13,000 soldiers of Owari and Shinano to participate in the Battle of Namba Kyo.

Nearly 60% of Owari and Shinano's samurai were killed in this battle, and Oda Nobuto almost died when he escaped.

And not long ago, on December 25th, when 7,000 Jin soldiers and horses landed in Ene Kingdom, Oda Nobuki was ordered to summon 14,000 troops from Shinano, Owari, and Ene Kingdom to go there. However, they were defeated by a partial division of the Jin army with less than 2,000 men.

Afterwards, he planned to hold on to Owari Kuni Shobata Castle, but in less than an hour, the city was destroyed by heavy artillery carried by the Jin army.

In his eyes, the Jin army was indeed invincible, like evil ghosts.

"Retreat to Ichijo Valley? But that side is also very close to the sea."

Sibo Yichun narrowed his eyes: "The terrain of Fuso is long and narrow, and Jin's ships surround the entire Fuso Island. Where can't they land? Where are they not under their attack? Where is the real place of peace?"

Even if there can be peace for a while, the people of Jin are setting fires everywhere and burning down the wheat fields.

Owari State mainly grows rice, but winter wheat is also grown in some places. But now, most of the wheat fields passed by the Jin army have been burned down.

He then changed his voice: "Yikoro, what do you think of the conditions offered by the Jin envoy?"

"Severely punish the pirates? Do you want your Majesty to go to the Emperor?" Nobuhiro Oda thought for a moment, then looked bitter: "The conditions are very excessive, but Jin people have a good reputation. The small country of Fuso should not provoke China. In fact, the imperial court can The people of Jin will talk about it again. The Shimazu clan of Kyushu has continued to plunder the land of Jin. They have benefited, but all of us have suffered from it."

There was also the matter of Gao Tianyuan's aid to Demon Emperor Kunpeng. Of course he did not dare to criticize Gao Tianyuan's gods, but there was no shortage of complaints in his heart.

But Sibo Yichun shook his head: "I am not talking about Sima, the official envoy of the Jin Dynasty, but the private envoy of the Jin Dynasty a few days ago."

Previously, envoys from the Jin Dynasty came to Qingzhou, the city where he lived, to announce to him the wishes of King Fenyang.

As long as the Shiba clan was willing to become independent from the shogunate and the Fuso Kingdom, they would help the Jin army to eradicate all the Tianjin shrines in the fiefdom, and allow the Jin merchants to monopolize trade.

Then the Jin people can ennoble the Shiba clan as the hereditary Duke of the Jin Dynasty. In the future, they will take over Yuzhou and Oshu areas, as well as the 24 sub-states of Tokaido and Hokuriku, and they will be hereditary and independent under the protection of the Jin Dynasty.

At that time, Sibo Yichun expelled the private envoy without hesitation.

But at this time, all the cities where he lived were captured by the Jin people, and Sibo Yichun's thoughts were different from those a few days ago.

Oda Nobutomo replied without hesitation: "My lord, Jin people are so ambitious that they clearly want to mess with my Fusang and dig out my foundation!"

But then he softened his tone and lowered his head: "But I am worried that the Jin people's envoys will not only contact the lord."

Just like the Ashikaga Clan, which has branches such as Hosokawa, Imagawa, and Shiba, the Shiba Clan also has many tributaries, which are arranged in various major branches.

What Nobuhiro Oda did not dare to explain was that an envoy from the Jin Dynasty also visited him a few days ago. As long as he is willing to switch sides, the title of 'Uncle Zhang' will be within his reach.

Now that Nobuto Oda thought about it, he actually felt a little regretful.

The troops of the Jin Dynasty are invincible in the world, and Fusang cannot resist them.

Shiba Yijun nodded slightly: "This is exactly what I am worried about. In fact, I am not worried about my brothers, but the Toki clan and the Yamana clan."

The Toki clan is a direct descendant of the Seiwa Minamoto clan. In its heyday, it occupied the three kingdoms of Mino, Owari and Ise. It owned the most fertile land in Fuso and had nearly 100,000 troops.

However, the former shogun Ashikaga Yoshimitsu forcibly seized the Toki clan's role as guardian of the Three Kingdoms, and then gave the two kingdoms of Mino and Owari to the Shiba clan.

The Toki clan has always harbored resentments, and their local power remains strong.

There is also the Yamana clan. When the Yamana clan was in its heyday, it had eleven branch kingdoms, known as one-sixth hall. However, due to the suppression of the Ashikaga shogunate, it also suffered heavy losses.

When Si Boyi Chun thought about this, he couldn't help but feel worried. He smiled bitterly: "If you go with it, you may not live, and if you go against it, you may die. If we meet in front of Helan Mountain and have a game, why should I be afraid, haha——"

This is what Prince Huairiang replied to the Taizu of the Jin Dynasty, and it was also what Ashikaga Yoshitaka asked the Jin envoy to reply to King Fenyang.

Shiba Yichun was also present that day, and I felt that he was very open-minded.

But today, Shiba Yijun couldn't wait to put these words into Ashikaga Yoshitsune's mouth again.

What Shiba Yichun didn't know at this time was that the same scene was happening throughout the Fuso area.

Jin's armored warships and soldiers were destroying many shrines along the coast, looting daimyo from various places, and burning wheat fields everywhere.

This also made the daimyo and national lords of Fuso's sixty-sixth branch panic.


At the same time, Li Xuan, who was located above Namba Kyo, did not devote much energy to the war.

He only pays attention to the leading candidates of each branch division, making sure to select capable and cautious people, so as to ensure that there are no mistakes.

The Beijing Imperial Guards in Fusang were indeed as powerful as ten, and they were absolutely invincible on the frontal battlefield. The only thing they need to worry about is bad weather changes and terrain, as well as possible ambushes.

Therefore, Li Xuan did not ask the candidates to lead the army to be good at fighting or brave, but only asked them to be cautious, steady and stable.

He didn't care how many people he could kill, as long as he wiped out the shrines everywhere and burned those wheat fields, he could naturally push the Fuso people into a desperate situation.

The second thing Li Xuan cared about was the morale of the army. It would be very damaging to the morale and morale of the army if he led the army on an eastern expedition just before the Spring Festival.

In particular, these soldiers from the Beijing camp accompanied him on expeditions to the grasslands in the summer. They went on two consecutive expeditions in a year, so they were inevitably lazy and exhausted.

If it weren't for Li Xuan's unparalleled reputation in the army, these soldiers might have mutinied.

However, as the Jin Dynasty occupied Namba Capital, where merchants gathered, and robbed the wealth of many local lords, the morale of all the 170,000 imperial guards in the capital camp became increasingly high.

Fuso is rich in gold and silver, which can be found everywhere. The exchange ratio with copper coins is only one to four hundred, or even one to three hundred. On the contrary, the exquisite copper coins made by Jin Dynasty are hard currency here.

Those smugglers can make a lot of money just through the smuggling trade of gold, silver and copper coins between Fusang and Dajin.

Therefore, at this time, the Jin army basically had bulging pockets, each person got a lot of goods, and they had enough food and meat here. So I have no intention of resisting the idea of ​​celebrating the New Year in Fusang.

Even the military spirit is boiling, and they want to capture Ping An Jing and make a fortune in Ping An Jing.

Li Xuan knew that this was by no means a long-term solution to running the army. The 170,000 Beijing camp forbidden troops could no longer be used.

He has made up his mind to disband most of these soldiers and horses after the year, and use some of the essence as the skeleton to replace them with new blood.

However, at present, he can only maintain his military morale with gold, silver and silk. These 170,000 Beijing camp forbidden troops are enough to deal with the Fusang War.

Therefore, Li Xuan had to spend most of his attention on his own practice.

After obtaining the second-level authority of the ‘Zhoutian Xingdou Formation’, Li Xuan also made rapid progress in his practice.

He can use the stars in the sky to aid his visualization, and use the 'Great Sun Star Palace' to refine the impurities in his soul, making his soul and true energy increase in strength day by day.

Now the main focus is on the physical body. Li Xuan needs to polish his golden body to the fifth level of 'indestructible' and to the sixth level of 'immortality'.

This is very difficult. Qiu Qianqiu, who is famous for his hegemonic training, is only at the peak of 'Indestructible King'.

If Li Xuan wants to achieve the level of 'immortality and immortality' in the realm of the Twelfth Floor, it can be said to be as difficult as climbing to the sky.

However, he has recently found a path that is different from his predecessors and has achieved some success in practice.

At this time, he was integrating the power of the 'Great Sun and Star Palace' he had attracted into his seven orifices and exquisite heart, as if he had turned into a blazing sun.

"I always thought it was ridiculous."

Green Qiluo watched Li Xuan practice from the side, with a look of surprise in his eyes: "Is there really something in this world that is ten billion times stronger than steel? Can you really do it like this?"

Li Xuan laughed while manipulating the power of the sun: "Of course! This phenomenon is called a neutron star. As for the results of practice, haven't you seen it? But -"

Li Xuan frowned: "The problem is that this temperature is not enough! There must be a higher temperature to help me practice this method. Now I wonder if Gao Tianyuan can help me achieve what I want?"

Lu Qiluo looked indifferent: "Don't worry, the corpses of the former Emperor Jun, the bones of the nine Golden Crow princes, and even the hibiscus tree are all hidden in the Gaotianyuan. Today, Xihe and Lu Ya are still there, and Duke Dongwang We must never dare to touch their corpses. The most we can do is let the goddess Amaterasu absorb their remaining power."

In Li Xuan’s eyes, UU Reading www.uukanshu. net couldn't help but show a bit of expectation.

And at this moment, the Prison God General Fu Youde flew in from the air.

"Your Majesty!" Fu Youde half-knelt down before the great day of Li Xuan's incarnation: "Just now, the gods of Fuso led millions of divine troops out of Takamagahara and were marching towards Namba Kyo."

Li Xuan's expression perked up, and he immediately flicked his sleeves, ending the power of the Sun Star Palace.

"It seems I can't bear it anymore."

The corners of Li Xuan's lips couldn't help but slightly raised: "Call all the heavenly soldiers to prepare for battle immediately!"

This is the second battle of 'Namba Kyo'. It is a battle between two major divine courts and will also determine the outcome of this battle of Fuso.

If this battle is won, not only will Gao Tianyuan be at his fingertips, most of his soldiers may be able to return to Beijing for the New Year before the year.

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