Demon’s Diary

Demon's Diary Vol 6 Chapter 1368: Celestial magic fire

Liu Ming's brows are slightly wrinkled. He has also made a lot of progress in these years when he entered the Wan Moe continent. He also touched the edge of some fields, but after all, it is not as deep as the magical demon.

"For the field one, I also hope that the seniors will teach one or two?" He thought about it and asked the magic day.

"Your kid has already touched the threshold of some fields, and it should be understood in general. The so-called field is a space opened by the powerful mana of the monk, and only the field that incorporates the power of the law of heaven and earth is called The upper is the real field. The stronger the mana, the more grand the space is displayed, and the deeper the understanding of the power of the law of heaven and earth, the more natural the field will be.” The magic sky has not concealed, slowly said.

"Is the power of the law the premise of the advanced level?" Liu Ming suddenly thought of something, and asked.

"In fact, Tong Xuanjing is just a touch of the force of the law. If you want to advance to the eternal habitat, you must realize the power of a law to be complete. So, there is no middle and late period in Tong Xuanjing. It is said that there is only a deep understanding of the power of the law." Devil explained.

"That is to say, this golden demon corpse's understanding of the law is almost complete, can not be affected by the power of this magic law?" Liu Ming was shocked.

"This is the case. The creator of the Magic Yuan must be an eternal habitat. The reason why the Magic Yuan can limit the entrant's cultivation is because it contains a perfect law to prevent the two. The invasion of the monks of the tribes of the tribes. For those who are close to eternal life or to reach the eternal life, the effect is very small." After the words of the magic sky, the voice became silent, apparently reluctant to say more.

When the two exchanged, there were some changes in the battle in the distance.


The imperial family of the emperor was so hard to get out of trouble. At this moment, almost every injury was caused, and they immediately provoked the last mana in the body, urging the dawn and wanting to escape.

At this time, the golden demon body did not go to Guan Huangfu family, but the figure appeared in the top of Liu Yuyang's head, suddenly opened, spewing a thick sticky gold light, under a roll, falling In the four red devils in front of Liu Yuyang.

"Yao Xianzu..." Liu Yuyang saw this situation, looked surprised, wanted to say something, but did not dare to say it.

It was covered with golden light, and the face of the four-headed demon had a look of horror. However, the body seemed to be completely imprisoned in the golden light, and it could not be moved.

"砰砰" bursts four times in a row!

The heads of the four demon corpses burst open, and four dark red beads flew out of the skull. The look and the corpse were somewhat similar. Under one vagueness, they flew into the mouth of the golden corpse.

At the same time, the body of the four-headed corpse fell to the ground in a soft, breathless atmosphere.

After the golden devil swallowed four red beads, the gold on his body suddenly brightened, and the originally disorganized breath quickly calmed down.


The golden corpse's eyebrows flashed in a golden light, splitting a gap, revealing a golden vertical eye, emitting a burst of cold golden light.

From the golden devil's body to the devour of the red beads, it is only a gap between two or three breaths, but at this moment the emperor's family is not far away.

Huangfu Kui called seems to have sensed something. He looked at the emperor's jade, and his eyes flashed softly, and then turned into a decisive color.

He stood in the same position as he stopped, and then turned around, and there was a word in his mouth, and the body was ignited with a **** flame.

These blood-colored flames give off a strange smell, as if burning the power of life.

"The celestial magic fire! Kui called the elders, don't!" Huang Yuyu saw the **** flame of the emperor's body, and his face changed.

"Come on! We can't go one more night!" Huang Fukui summoned a loud voice, his body was full of blood and the body screamed, and the body quickly dried up, and the body suddenly turned into a **** light. The golden demon spurt away.

"Hey, I want to go! Late!" The golden corpse sneered, and the eyebrows of the eyebrows spurred a golden beam of light, and then split into several golden lights, and went straight to the emperor and jade.

Huang Fukui was shocked and shocked. The **** flames on his body were turned into a blood cloud, and he wanted to block the golden light.

However, these golden lights do not know what the golden demon corpse is concealed. Under the flash, it seems that the hole penetrates the blood cloud, and the golden light is only slightly dimmed. In the blink of an eye, there are several people in front of the emperor family.

A loud bang of "砰", Jinguang burst open, and turned into a golden fog suddenly shrouded.

A strong erosive scent suddenly spreads out.

Huangfu Yuxi’s face was amazed, and it opened with a spurt of blood. The purple light was released, and the gyro swirled rapidly. The purple light condensed into a light curtain, blocking the golden mist, while her body was lightning-sinking. The spurt goes down.

As soon as the purple light curtain hit the golden mist, it immediately made a "squeaky" sound, which melted quickly and melted. When one breath was not enough, the purple light was eroded and penetrated.

Although the emperor's jade sneaked away, it was still fast, but it was still wrapped around the feet with a golden mist.

The radiance of the body of Huangfu Yuxi could not resist the golden mist, and the flesh and blood on her feet quickly melted away.


In the mouth of Emperor Huang Yu’s mouth, a scream was heard, and a sharp flash of light flashed in his eyes. A wave of jade hand flashed, and a purple light flashed past, and her legs were cut off from the knees.

A large piece of blood swarmed out, Huangfu Yuxi's face was not a trace of blood, but she was still snoring, strong breath, mouthful of words, swarming blood into a **** cloud, wrapped her body.

The blood cloud shrank, and instantly turned into a blood shadow. At a horrible speed, it rushed toward the distance, and the direction was almost the same as the land where Liu Ming was hiding.

Although Huangfu Yuxi did not evade the past, the celestial people of the emperor’s family were obviously unable to respond, and all of them were covered by the golden mist.

Just listen to the screams, then stop at the same time!

The four heavenly elephants had just had time to open their body to shine, and they were surrounded by golden mist. The body of the body was melted by the radiance of the spring and the snow melted. The silk could not resist the erosion of the golden mist.

In a moment, the four heavenly elephants turned into a golden viscous liquid, which was so fallen.

The golden corpse's brow wrinkled, and the gaze looked at the blood shadow of the emperor's jade, which seemed to be somewhat dissatisfied with the failure of the emperor's family.

At this moment, a black light column descended from the sky, just hitting the blood of the emperor's jade.

Not far away, Liu Yuyang is holding a black ancient mirror, the sound of the mouth has just stopped, apparently the attack was just issued by him.

There was a sigh in the blood, and the light flashed again and again, but it quickly ignited from the black light column and disappeared into the surrounding fog.

The golden corpse's face is moving, but there must be some action. The **** cloud group that Huang Yukui called has already appeared before the Liu family and the golden corpse.

In the blood cloud, Huang Fukui summoned a crazy roar, and the **** cloud suddenly swelled, and then burst open.

The body of Emperor Huangkui’s body has disappeared at this moment. The blood cloud has turned into a **** rune of countless fists, condensed into a circle composed of **** runes, and surrounded the Liu family and the golden demon corpse.

The face of the golden corpse was flashing with anger, and a low-pitched sound broke out. The eyebrows burst out again with a glaring golden light, bursting out in all directions.

The golden light bombarded the **** runes and made a loud bang.

The golden blood is intertwined and flickering. These blood-colored runes do not know what kind of supernatural powers Huangpu Kui called, but even a hard hit to block the golden corpse, only a small half of the runes were shaken.

The golden demon wrath, the golden light on his body, condensed into a three-handed six-armed golden method, six golden arms bursting out of a smashing smash, and a large golden fist shadow hit on the **** runes.

A bang sounded, and the **** runes were slammed and dispersed in the air.

Seeing this situation, Liu Yuyang's body was black and light, and he flew to the air in a hurry. He went to the emperor's jade and fled in the direction of the past, but he could see the shadow of Huangfu Yuxi.

His brows wrinkled, and the gods in the inner world could not be separated. This delay could not be traced any more, and he had just attacked the black light column of Huangfu Yuxi. It was not an ordinary attack. In the state of being seriously injured, I am afraid that I was lucky enough to survive, and I decided not to leave the inland.

One thought of this, his heart was a little loose.

At this moment, there was a loud noise of humming on the other side, and a golden light spread out and condensed into a golden circle.

Liu Yuyang turned to look at it. I saw that the five dragons were enveloped in the golden circle. The young woman in the golden robe was suspended in front of a white symbol.

Her mouth was so fast that she had a word, and she spurted a blood on the white symbol.

The white symbol shines and turns into a crystal knife. The volley is a stroke, and the void suddenly splits a gap.

The golden method around the five dragons slid a little, wrapped a few people into a golden light, flew into the cracks in the space, disappeared without a trace.

When the Long family saw the retreat of the emperor's family, he took the initiative and gave up the Mo Yuan Tower in front of him, directly urging a certain secret to break away.

On the other hand, the eyes of the Kong Xiang family saw this scene, but it was a face-to-face confrontation, and their faces showed a look of uneasiness.

The head of Kong Xiangyu changed his face, his mind turned electric, and one hand grabbed it. A group of green light shrouded the people of Kong Xiang's family, and immediately turned into a green shadow, and also rushed away in the distance.

But just as they were moving, the black light flashed in front, and a black crystal light curtain emerged.

The green shadow of Kong Xiang’s family hit the black light curtain, and the sound of “嘭” was shaken off.

The black light on the surface of the crystal light curtain circulated, and the shape of Liu Yuyang emerged slowly.

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