Demon’s Diary

Demon's Diary Vol 6 Chapter 1369: Bitter

"Liu... Liu Daoyou."

Kong Xiangyu saw this, the eyes flashed in the eyes, and quickly squeezed a smile, waved a law, and the green light wrapped around them dissipated, revealing three other celestial people with horror.

"Hey, do you want to go here?" Liu Yuyang looked at Kong Xiang’s family with a smile and smiled.

Kong Xiang's look is a glimpse, although Liu Yuyang's face is smiling, but its tone faintly exudes a sense of chill.

"Since Liu Daoyou has already defeated the Emperor's family and the Dragon family, there is no need for me to stay in the Kongxiang family. Although there are many treasures inside the Moyuan Tower, my Kong Xiang family has no chance to accept it, or it is better to leave earlier." The thoughts in my heart turned, and the mouth said quickly.

"Yes? How do I feel that there are a lot of people left in Kong Xiangdao's friends!" Liu Yuyang cracked his mouth and smiled, and there was a strange look in his eyes.

When Kong Xiangying’s face changed and he was doing something, they had a flower behind them, and the figure of the golden corpse emerged as a ghost.

A chilling horror breath emerged from him.

The golden demon corpse appeared on the side of the body, and the big mouth was one, and a golden mist was sprayed out and shrouded.

Kong Xiangyu's face changed greatly, and he was about to open his mouth. A dark red light spurred out from the side, as if it were a deceitful snake. He immediately smashed the body of Kong Xiangyu and the rest of the Tianxiang people before the golden fog.

Liu Yuyang slowly dissipated the red light in his hand, his face showing a sneer look.

Kong Xiang’s face looked stagnate, and the whole body seemed to be fixed at once, and could not move at all.

In the next moment, among the desperate eyes of Kong Xiang’s eyes, the golden mist tumbling, and the group of Kong Xiang’s family was shrouded in it.

The squeaky sound of the squeaky voice was mixed with a few screams, and everything quickly dissipated. Several people in the Kong Xiang family had already turned into a few puss, and even the magic weapon was not left. The fog became a bit brighter, and then the long whales slid into the golden corpse.

The golden light on the golden corpse dissipated, and the vertical eye at the eyebrows quickly closed.

"Thank you for the ancestors of Yao's ancestors, killing these obstacles for my hurricane dynasty!" Liu Yuyang hurriedly flew to the front of the golden corpse and took a ritual.

"You go back and tell the Liu family's contemporary homeowners. This kind of thing is only once this time. It's not like this! The deity is here to practice with the corpse of the inner Yuan and the true devil. Now he has stepped into the eternal life, and now he only has to practice again. For tens of thousands of years, you can advance to the eternal life with the corpse, so during this time, don't bother me!" The golden corpse is cold and open.

Liu Yuyang looked awkward and hurriedly promised to come down. The rest of the people behind him were even more sweaty on their foreheads, and even the atmosphere did not dare to breathe.

Under the faintness of the golden demon corpse, he returned to the position of the previous tombstone, and the golden light flashed, and the huge body sank toward the ground.

"Yao Xianzu, since you have already come out this time, do you not want to go to the Moyuan Tower, as far as the younger generation knows, the celestial mirror in the Moyuan Tower contains the law of eternal life, which is very helpful for breaking through the realm of eternal life. Liu Yuyang saw the golden demon corpse and sneaked into the ground again, hurriedly said.

"Hey Mirror... Hehe... The deity slams the eternal life with the law of his own enlightenment. The kind of things that are on the side are useless to me! If you want this treasure, you can rely on your own skills." The golden corpse smiles lightly. The huge body quickly sank into the ground and disappeared without a trace.

The crack on the ground also slowly closed and disappeared without a trace.

Liu Yuyang’s face showed a regretful look. The strength of the golden demon corpse is so strong. If he can walk together, the dangers encountered in the Moyuan Tower are simply not worth mentioning.

However, the golden corpse has cleared all the obstacles in front of him, so you don't have to worry any more.

"Liu Elder!" Three Liujiatian elephants flew over and landed in front of Liu Yuyang, heading for him.

The three men have just had a big fight, and the strength is basically at the bottom of the bottom. At this moment, it seems that they all have some injuries on their bodies, and they are not very good.

"Liu elders, the enemy has been cleared now. Do we want to enter the Mo Yuan Tower now?" A red-haired celestial person said that he was eager to try.

"The danger in this magic tower is not to be in the cemetery here. Now everyone is injured in the body. We will cultivate here for two days, adjust the state to the best, and then enter the Moyuan Tower. Liu Yuyang sighed and said.

"Yes!" The three heavenly elephants at the moment are naturally admired for Liu Yuyang, and they have no choice but to agree.

In the following time, the four men found an open space at the entrance of the Moyuan Tower. They sat up on the ground and sat down to practice.

After a black-grained giant flower in the distance, Liu Ming, Ouyang Yi, and Zhao Qianying, who did not know when it appeared, were wrapped in blue light and looked at Liu Yuyang and others.

In addition, among the blue light, the 浑天碑 exudes a grayish white light, shrouded in a comatose purple robes, and it is the imperial concubine.

"I can't think of Liu's hidden means so much. Even such a powerful piece has already been buried in the inner court." Liu Ming blinked and said lightly.

Aside from the Ouyang mouth, I sighed a bit, and my heart seemed to be discouraged.

Not to mention the golden demon corpse, that is, Liu Yuyang, he is far from the enemy. Even if he enters the Moyuan Tower, the possibility that he can get the Qiankun Royal Thunder Ring naturally becomes very small, and his heart can't help but be frustrated.

"Liu brother, now that the Liu family has blocked the entrance of the Moyuan Tower, we can not enter it, or look at the injury of the teacher." Zhao Qianying looked at Huangpu Yuxi unconscious, some anxiously said.

"Alright." Liu Ming heard a nod, and communicated with the magic sky.

The black and white ray flashed, and the sacred sky came out. The surface glowed with a grayish white light, enveloping the three people and the emperor's jade, and then the ray of the sky was condensed, and the figure of the four people disappeared at the same time. In situ.

A few people are far away from the Moyuan Tower, and the magical volatility generated by the magic day casts to open the 浑天碑 is extremely slight, and has not attracted the attention of several people in the Liu family.

However, the magic sky did not see, a few hundred feet were suspended with a gray eyeball, the situation of several people, as well as the battle process of the emperor family and the golden demon corpse can be clearly seen.

Seeing that the monument disappeared in the same place, the Liujia people also sat down on the knees. The gray eyes in the air smashed a few eyes, and the surface flashed, slowly hiding in the dark red mist.

Among the space in the sky, Liu Ming and others surrounded the emerald jade.

Liu Ming and Zhao Qianying have already come to the monument, and Ouyang Yi came here for the first time. His eyes looked around and his eyes showed a bit of curiosity.

Huangpu Yuxi is lying on the ground at this moment, his eyes are closed, and the broken legs have already stopped the blood. This trauma has nothing to do with a normal environment. As long as it recovers, it will soon grow.

It’s just that at the moment, I don’t know why, the skin of Huangfu’s body is dark and the face looks rather dry, and it looks very serious.

Liu Ming's gaze flashed slightly. After Huangpu Yuxi was seriously injured and fled to Liu Ming and others, Zhao Qianying did not know how to know the outside situation through Shanhezhu, and he begged Liu Ming to save the emperor.

It turned out that Huangpu Yuxi turned out to be her teaching master.

After considering it for a moment, Liu Ming saved the imperial concubine who was almost unconscious.

After seeing Zhao Qianying, Emperor Huang Yu's face was first happy, but then she did not say anything and fell into a coma. The body became what it is now.

Zhao Qianying's face is full of anxious look. Just outside, in order to be afraid of being noticed by Liu Jiazhi, she did not shoot for Huangpu Yuxi. At this moment, she went to the space of the heavenly monument. She no longer scruples and took out a lot of remedies. , Fu Wei, desperately to the Emperor Huang Yu Yu.

Zhao Qianying is the daughter of the demon emperor. Although she sneaked out, the treatments such as the medicinal herbs and the medicinal materials on her body are naturally superior, but they have been given a lot to the emperor, and they have also posted some treatments. Fu Wei, the wound of Huangpu Yuxi did not improve at all.

"You are useless, you must first find out the cause of the emperor's injury." Liu Ming turned a blind eye and prevented Zhao Qianying from continuing to waste the drug.

"What did Liu Xiu have already seen?" Zhao Qianying was a pretty face, and looked up and said to Liu Ming.

She was not wasting the drug, but after checking the body of Huangfu Yuxi, she could not find her cause, and this was anxious.

Huang Yuyu's skin color is dark in color at the moment, and it seems to be poisonous. However, she checked it several times and did not find out what kind of toxicity, and Zhao Qianying successively gave Huangfu several detoxification drugs. The dark color of his body did not slow down.

Ouyang Yu also looked over at this moment, and saw the situation of Huangpu Yuxi at the moment, frowning for a long time, but also no clue, could not help but also looked at Liu Ming.

Liu Ming’s brows condensed, and there were words in his mouth. Several black lights were shot in the palm of his hand, and the flashing ones disappeared into the body of Huangfu Yu.

After a while, he slowly withdrew his palm.

"The situation of the emperor of the emperor is indeed poisonous, but it is not an ordinary poison, but an ancient bitterness." Liu Ming said faintly.

"Bitter poison?" Ouyang Yan frowned, recalling the classics of various advantages and poisons that I have seen before, I have never heard of this poison.

"This kind of poison I saw relevant records in the royal secrets of the Central Palace. This is the poison of the ancient times. It seems to have something to do with the poison." Zhao Qianying indulged for a moment, and suddenly said.

"Yes, bitterness is actually a kind of poison that is extracted from a bitter cockroach. It is extremely powerful. It is difficult to get rid of Tongxuan’s inadvertent poisoning. Moreover, the elders of Huangpu are seriously injured. Liu Ming nodded and said that his face was a bit harsh.

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