"This, is this huanghuali wood?"

"That's right, it's Dalbergia fragrans! The scumbag has found a treasure!"

"I'm going! It's the first time I see a live huanghuali, I have to come take a group photo!"

"The market price of huanghuali wood has skyrocketed in recent years. This tree is so thick, is it worth several million?"

"There must be several million. If the texture and appearance are slightly better, I am afraid that I will run for millions."

"The poor play with jade, the rich play with wood! One knife on the roof, one knife in the sky!"

In the live broadcast room, the bigwigs in the Wenwan world and the gambling world were blown up.

Nowadays, huanghuali wood is very popular, and it is the most expensive among the five woods. Any huanghuali wood that is more than 20 years old has been cut down by wood merchants to make furniture or car into beads and sell at high prices.

Even the huanghuali wood that has been in the field for seven or eight years has been reserved and has become an asset investment.

If a huanghuali tree like this one, which is at least a hundred years old, appears in the world, it will surely cause the madness of the literate furniture circle.

In Chu Zihang's eyes, this tree is even more priceless.

Just from the fact that he was reluctant to let the pigs hit it directly, but saw it with a saw himself, it can be seen that he loves it.

The color of huanghuali wood is golden yellow and warm, the color of the heartwood is deep reddish-brown or dark brown, and the lines are delicate and textured, like flowing clouds and flowing water, which is very elegant.

And its wood property is extremely stable, it will not be deformed, cracked, or bent no matter whether it is cold or hot. It has a certain toughness and can make various special-shaped furniture, which is rare.

The most important thing is that huanghuali wood is still very light, even lighter than mahogany!

While taking into account the hardness, it is also light, which is a rare and top-quality material, which just solves the dilemma that he suffers from the lack of good wood to build artifacts.

"Thorn Lala!"

"Thorn Lala!"

Chu Zihang patiently sawed the wood with a hand saw, while Pig was tying cypress trees to transport to the base.

The wood of huanghuali is very dense, and it is very laborious to saw, but in order to be able to make an artifact to be lazy, he can't be lazy without this strength!

By the time the pigs came back, he had already sawed one-half of the depth.

During this period of time, the news of the century-old huanghuali wood spread like wildfire.

The live broadcast room attracted more and more fans from the entertainment industry to watch, and even many bigwigs from the entertainment industry, furniture industry, and woodworking industry came to watch the consecration of this century-old huanghuali.

After all, it's hard to see such high-quality wood.

Among them, Rudy, the son of the master of the carpenter circle, Mr. Lu Zhengyu, is also one of these audiences.

Originally, he was making a set of sandalwood tea cups made by others, but when he heard from a friend that a century-old huanghuali tree was born, he immediately clicked the link in his mobile phone to watch it.

As a result, it was really a century-old huanghuali, which made him excited.

"Come on! The tree is about to fall, you can see the texture!"

Rudy held his breath and widened his eyes.

At this time, Chu Zihang also let the pig start the sprint again. Now that he has a saw, he is not afraid that the pig will break the wood.


With the reckless collision of the wild boar, the century-old huanghuali finally fell, and a cloud of smoke was raised (cfaa)!

And in the smoke and dust, the old connoisseur can see the texture of the wood at a glance——

It's a ghost face pattern!

The best of huanghuali wood, a fighter among fighter jets, this century-old huanghuali tree is afraid to break the high price of 50 million huanghuali wood logs set by Sotheby's auction!

But Chu Zihang doesn't care about textures, as long as they can be used.

He took out his machete and trimmed the twigs, then tied the tree to the back of the boar again with a rope, and let it go to the transporter.

"Hanhan, work hard, this time back, I'll give you a chicken leg at noon!"


As soon as the wild boar king heard that he was eating, he was instantly full of energy, and he was able to walk like a fly while pulling the log, and Chu Zihang couldn't catch up with it.

After returning to the base, Chu Zihang explained the bacon to Lin Xiyue.

Let her grind the spices he found, such as mountain pepper, into powder, mix it with honey to make a sauce, brush the sauce on the meat layer by layer, put the meat on the built barbecue, use a piece of cypress and lemongrass Just smoke it.

The steps inside are not difficult, the main thing is patience and time.

These two points, the tool person Lin Xiyue is not lacking.

And Chu Zihang put all his attention on this huanghuali tree.

In order to create an artifact, Chu Zihang was very cautious this time, and he was completely free from his usual cynicism.

He even found a stone and wrote and drew on the stone ground to deduce and check the next structure to consolidate his memory.

And after writing this, Chu Zihang never looked up again for half an hour.

"What is the scumbag doing? It feels so serious. Are men so handsome when they are serious?"

Zhang Keer murmured in the live broadcast room.

"Wouldn't it be writing a diary? Thank him for writing something on the ground."

Lord Bei was also aroused by curiosity. As an adult in the wilderness, the least needed skill is writing. . .

"The scumbag isn't lazy anymore"

"Really? Why don't I believe it?"

"I don't believe it either. It's useless to call the wolf three times! The scumbag has called it 100 times, and some people think that the scumbag is not lazy!"

"The scumbag must be holding back his big move, and it's not a good fart to hold back! Anyway, I won't be fooled!"

"It's definitely not shit anyway! Although the scumbag has been squatting for so long, he hasn't taken off his pants. You can't be lazy enough to poop without taking off your pants, right?"

"Sit and wait for the scumbag to act, the stinky brothers just wait and see!"

The netizens were discussing it at length, but they were undoubtedly full of curiosity about Chu Zihang's behavior.

At this time, the director did not wait for the password, and couldn't help but curiously adjusted the camera closer.

Everyone immediately stretched their necks and looked forward, as if they could see the content in this way, just like playing a 3D game for the first time, with a strong sense of substitution!

"Oh, what is this?"

"Ghost talisman?"

"What the hell, what the hell is the scumbag painting?"

The audience was completely dumbfounded and couldn't understand what Chu Zihang was painting.

"The tenon-and-mortise style! This little brother is still an expert!"

Rudy was still immersed in the aftertaste of the grimace-patterned huanghuali wood, and suddenly saw the pattern in front of him, his face suddenly startled.

But when he saw the content of the style map clearly, he was even more confused! ! !

"What kind of structure is this style? Why haven't I seen it? And it doesn't matter if I haven't seen it, how could I not understand it!"

Rudy's heart sank suddenly, and he was hit with 10,000 points of damage. Then he opened his mouth and shouted:

"Dad! Dad! Come over here, there is a very awesome structure here, I can't understand it~!!"

Lu Zhengyu was drinking tea, and immediately walked to the workshop after hearing his son's voice.

Originally, I wanted to teach my son to be more mature and stable. After all, he would be the head of the family in the future, but when his eyes touched the screen of the mobile phone, he was immediately attracted like a magnet!

"Come on?"

After Lu Zhengyu thought about it, he murmured a professional ranking.

The so-called walking horse means that it can be moved, moved and disassembled.

The revolving pin is a fixed structure connecting two movable/removable parts. This tenon-and-mortise structure is commonly found in Taishi chairs, Luohan beds and other items.

It is also often used in mechanical objects, such as some magic boxes. The advantage is that it can be disassembled and easy to carry.

But this trick is different. It's so complicated that even he can't understand it.

"Is this a horoscope sale?"

Lu Zhengyu raised his brows suddenly, thinking of something incredible!


The advanced skills in the organ technique, a flexible variant of the advanced revolving structure, is the main structure of many responsible organs.

But over the years, the mechanism has long been lost, and the occasionally handed down mechanism objects have also been damaged, and no one can repair it.

What's even tragic is that if you don't understand its structure, even dismantling is a problem.

Even after half a year of research, he only knew one scale and half a claw, making it completely impossible.

But this young man in front of me——


"It's incredible! It's incredible! Hurry up, make this screen bigger, I want to see every process of it! I'm afraid this little brother is going to go up to the sky and the sun side by side!"

Lu Zhengyu couldn't care about the demeanor of a master at a young age, his eyes were glued to the screen, and he couldn't wait to put it into the screen before he stopped!

He even said a catchphrase from a few years ago.

PS: I didn't move my liver last night, sorry, I will make it up today!

The 3000-word chapter was sent, and I apologized. .

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