Destined Martial God

Chapter 1053: What if I slaughtered them! (Five more)

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Sword domain space!


Throw the jade Jane with Haohai Sword Master directly to Jianyu, and Yu Haoran turned and continued to climb Jianshan.

When he really stepped into Jianshan, an unimaginable sharp sword energy quickly soared into the sky to form a white dragon.

Shenlong roared loudly and then rushed directly to Yu Haoran standing at the foot of the mountain.

In this regard, Yu Haoran neither attacked nor defended, nor did he dodge, allowing the dragon, which was condensed by sword energy, to charge towards himself.

The sword dragon condensed, suddenly stopped when he rushed to a position only three centimeters away from him, exuding a strong breath of the dragon's beard, which made him feel pain in the cheek.

"Although the talents of martial arts and kendo are excellent, they are not qualified to accept the heritage of the deity."

Looking at the longan with their eyes, they stared at each other for almost a minute, and the Shenlong, who had condensed sword energy, suddenly said.

"Young man, you go!"

"Predecessor Haohai, then I don't know what martial arts and kendo talents can I accept your mantra inheritance?" Facing the evaluation of Jianqi condensing the Shenlong contempt, Yu Haoran asked without hesitation.

"On the whole world, only the sky sword, earth sword and human sword are qualified to accept the inheritance of the deity." The dragon, which was condensed by the sword, said extremely proudly.

"Senior Haohai, if I slaughter the Heavenly Sword, Earth Sword, and Human Sword, and break the mantle he hopes to inherit, I don't know if the senior would not reconsider the candidate for inheritance."

The sword dragon's condensed spirit is just a remnant left by Hao Hai Jian Zun after his failure to break through the realm. The purpose is to select people who can accept the inheritance, to develop his own kendo, and to make him his reputation. Passed down from generation to generation, from generation to generation.

In fact, he is not greedy Hao Hai Jian Zun's inheritance, but because Hao Jian Jian Zun's means of improving artistic conception and mystery are very similar to him, all through the refinement and understanding of basic swordsmanship, to sublimate artistic conception to mystery.

Therefore, he wants to gain Hao Hai Jian Zun's insight into basic sword practice, and can help him to upgrade the level of Xuan'ao, so that he can consolidate the sword domain that can be called magical skill when he impacts Wu Zun's realm in the future.

"It's up to you!"

The sword dragon condensed, looked at Hao Ran with a disdainful look, and then turned his head to return to the top of the sword.

"Predecessors of Haohai, if the sky sword, ground sword and human sword really grow up, relying on their amazing talents in kendo, the younger people are really not sure that they can defeat them."

Looking at the Shenlong turning to the top of the mountain, Yu Haoran said slightly.

"But if they haven't really grown up yet!"

"Or they are just ordinary disciples in the samurai realm!"

"Master Ma, do you know the origin of the sky sword, earth sword and human sword!"

After reading the jade Jane that recorded the experience of Haohai Jianzun, Jianyu knew that the sword area in front of him was not only dangerous, but was a rare opportunity to accept the inheritance, so he immediately rushed to Haoran and just heard one person and one dragon. Conversation.

Tianjian, earth sword and human sword are only the top geniuses for the warriors of Tianxuan Continent, but for Tianjian Sect, they are the hope that they can impact the top sect in the future.

Therefore, Jian Yu, who had not interrupted one person to one dragon conversation, could not help asking.

"I know!" Yu Haoran nodded and admitted.

"Who are they and where are they now?" Jianyu immediately asked excitedly.

The Jianqi Shenlong, who had flew to the middle of the mountain, quickly returned to Yu Haoran, looking at him with a look of expectation in his eyes.

"Senior Jianyu, I'm really sorry, but the younger anger cannot reveal the origin of these three people!" Facing Jianyu's follow-up, Yu Haoran shook his head and refused.

According to the memories of previous lives, the three disciples who participated in the Zongmen trials at the same time as themselves and successfully joined the Tianjian Sect did not show the amazing talents in Kendo at the beginning.

Only when their cultivation broke through the realm of Wuzong and began to condense the spirits did they really begin to explode their talents in Kendo.

This time is also the best time for Lu Yuan to be highly valued by Tian Jianzong and devote a lot of practice resources to his cultivation and rapid improvement of strength.

If you expose the origins of the sky sword, earth sword, and human sword, then the sky sword sect will definitely use all the resources of the entire sect to train those three disciples, as in previous lives, and it will definitely affect Lu Yuan's growth.



Jian Yu and Jian Qi Shenlong asked unwillingly.

"There are many reasons, but none can be said!"

Neither can tell Jianyu that it is for his disciple Lu Yuan's sake, nor can he tell Shenlong that he wants to take the kendo luck of them, so Yu Haoran can only cope with it vaguely.

"Boy, your strength may be very strong in the eyes of outsiders, but in the sword area of ​​my holy sword respect, you have no ability to resist."

Dissatisfied with Hao Ran's attitude of refusing to answer, Jianqi Shenlong threatened fiercely.

"Don't you be afraid that I will trap you in the sword domain forever and ever!"

"Senior Haohai, of course the younger are afraid to be trapped in this deadly sword domain forever, but the younger believes that you will not do this." Facing the threat of Jianqi Shenlong, Yu Haoran replied without fear.

"Why?" Jianqi Shenlong asked.

"Because of the special life style of juniors!"

The cultivation of Fuxi's gossip chart, in addition to allowing him to be successfully promoted to become a sorcerer, but also faintly felt his own luck, even connected with a very special breath.

Combining what happened in the recent period, he suspects that the breath associated with his luck is inseparable from the rules of heaven.

However, that special breath is not close to your own luck, and there is a possibility of breaking off at any time.

This also shows that although the rules of the heavens have been taking care of themselves, they also have certain restrictions, and they cannot make themselves happy.

Moreover, through the practice of Fuxi's gossip chart, he still has a feeling in his heart.

That is his own accomplishment in martial arts. If it is behind the other four reborn reborn guys, the rules of the heavens are likely to completely abandon themselves and cut off the special breath associated with their luck.

However, in connection with this faint breath, Yu Haoran believes that he can definitely scare Haohai Sword Master.

As long as he still wants to find a heir who can inherit his mantle, then he will never dare to hurt himself easily.

"Special life pattern!"

Hearing Yu Haoran mentioned that his own life is very special, Jian Qi Shenlong sneered.

Then, a strong breath coiled around Hao Ran's head, as if checking something.

When he felt the special breath associated with Hao Ran's luck, Jianqi Shenlong, like a frightened rabbit, not only rushed back to the top of the mountain, but also quickly reduced his size.

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