Destined Martial God

Chapter 1054: I recommend one person (one more)

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Sword domain space!

"Boy, what the **** is going on with you?"

After hiding at the peak of Jianshan for more than half an hour, after finding that he had not been attacked by that breath, Jianqi Shenlong asked carefully.

"Manipulated fate, struggling people!" Yu Haoran reluctantly responded by using the means of divine transmission.

Being able to listen to the helplessness and helplessness revealed in Hao Ran's tone of reply, as well as that unwilling struggle, Jianqi Shenlong immediately thought of his experience of fighting with people, fighting with heaven, and fighting with fate. Sympathy.

"Young people, it's not that the deity is not willing to pass on the mantle to you, but that your potential and physique are indeed not suitable." Returning to the front of Hao Ran, Jian Qi Shenlong said gently.

"Predecessor Haohai, in fact, the junior was just kidding just now. How could I kill the swords, earth swords, and human swords that converge Kendo luck?"

The change of Jianqi Shenlong's attitude made Yu Haoran's heart a joy.

He knows that his plan is almost half completed. As long as he continues to make two steps, he can get the basic sword practice practice of Hao Ran Sword Master.

Therefore, Yu Haoran explained with a smile and gave in.

"Moreover, the junior did not expect to accept the legacy of the predecessors, but just wanted to get the insights of the seniors' basic sword practice."

"Oh! So you can't see the deity's achievements in Kendo practice."

Yu Haoran honestly confessed his thoughts, but caused a little dissatisfaction with Jianqi Shenlong.

"Don't misunderstand Haohai seniors!" Yu Haoran quickly heard the dissatisfaction in Jianqi Shenlong's tone.

"Under the horrible repression of the rules of the heavens, with the breaking of the rules of Kendo to block the rules, and achieve the peerless swordsman state of Wu Zun.

Looking at the sword Qi Shenlong showing a smile of satisfaction, Yu Haoran continued.

"But as the predecessor said just now, younger people have their own way to go, and the way they used to go is not suitable for younger people."

"If it is not suitable, then why are you struggling to get the basic sword practice insights?" Yu Haoran's explanation just now did not completely satisfy the sword Qi Shenlong, he continued to ask.

"That's because the road that the seniors have traveled and the road that the younger people are walking through have crossed places."

Having said that, the natal sword quickly appeared in his hands, and Yu Haoran immediately cast the basic sword skills in split, stab, and draw.

"Mystery, this is the mystery that has been promoted to a higher power level after the artistic conception has reached its peak!" Feeling the special power formed when Yu Haoran just performed the basic sword skills, he is also pursuing the mysterious realm and has touched a furry sword Yu, shouted in horror.

"I understand!"

It is also the use of basic swordsmanship to perceive the artistic conception, and to advance to the mystery, finally condensing into the sword Qi Shenlong of the sword domain, the inner feeling is far more shocking than Jianyu.

At the same time, he also understands that Yu Haoran is asking for his own practice in basic swordsmanship.

"Young man, the deity may give you the insights of basic sword practice, but what good can you give the deity!"

Understanding and understanding, understanding and understanding, but the level of basic sword practice practice can be said to be the most important part of his legacy, he must not give it to Haoran for nothing.

"If I can recommend to my predecessors a disciple who is better at kendo talents than Tianjian, Earth Sword and Renjian!" Yu Haoran said with a smile.

"Young people, the three swords of heaven and earth can be said to bring together nearly 70% of the luck of Kendo. The deity does not believe who else in this world has the talent of Kendo to surpass the three of them."

Yu Haoran's overly confident recommendation made Jianqi Shenlong mistakenly believe that his understanding of the three swords of Tiandiren was not comprehensive enough.

Therefore, Jianqi Shenlong was not angry, but explained it in great detail.

"I know!"

Nodded, Yu Haoran continued his expression calmly.

"In addition, I also know that the three swords of heaven, earth, and human beings that gather Kendo air transport, will continue to improve and enhance their potential with the transformation and support of Kendo air transport."

Turning the topic, looking directly at the dragon eyes of Jianqi Shenlong, Yu Haoran asked with a smile.

"Senior Haohai, how is your potential and kendo talent?"

"Generally!" Jianqi Shenlong closed his eyes and recalled his life's practice experience, and finally replied with some loneliness.

If it wasn't for your own potential and kendo talents that were too ordinary, then how could you defeat the Emperor Wudi's breakthrough by relying on the wicked feelings that can converge the sword domain.

This is also the fundamental reason why he has to disciples of the level of the three swords of heaven and earth to accept the inheritance of the mantle.

Because he didn't want to see his tragic fate repeat in his disciples.

"Predecessor Haohai, so I don't know the final achievements of those kendo geniuses in the same era as you." You can hear the loneliness and unwillingness revealed in Jianqi Shenlong's reply tone, Yu Haoran continued to ask with a smile.

"Young man, I see!"

Yu Haoran reminded that the Jianqi Shenlong suddenly realized that he had fallen into a misunderstanding. After the Emperor Wu's breakthrough in the realm failed, he was too entangled with potential and luck.

In the era when they set foot in their own practice, there were too many geniuses of peerlessness and evil spirit level. They may have the absolute upper hand in the early days of practice because of their excellent potential.

But in the later stages of spiritual practice, potential and talent are important, but perseverance and understanding are more important.

And perseverance and understanding are the foundations that truly support the warrior's ability to climb to a higher level!

Thinking of this, Jianqi Shenlong decided to change the method of testing his disciples. Talent and potential are only part of the test. The key to truly determining whether he can accept the inheritance ultimately depends on perseverance and understanding, as well as his own blood.

Looking at the young man in front of him, a look of regret appeared in the eyes of Jianqi Shenlong.

Whether it is talent and potential, or perseverance and understanding, the young man in front of him not only possesses it, but also his courage and blood, as well as his ability to work, are the best candidates to accept his legacy.

But unfortunately, his luck is mixed with the rules of heaven, and it is no longer suitable to accept his own heritage.

However, the people who can be recognized by him, whether it is talent and potential, or perseverance and understanding, and the style of dealing with others, must be very similar to him.

Therefore, Jianqi Shenlong is looking forward to the candidate recommended by Haoran.

"Predecessor Haoran, this person is called Lu Yuan. He has just turned twenty years old. He is a genius with all his talents and potential, perseverance and understanding reaching the level of evildoers."

"Also, his talent in Kendo is second only to the three swords of heaven and earth."

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