Destined Martial God

Chapter 1075: Bargaining (two more)

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Mirror Lake Forest, in front of Mirror Lake!

Seeing that Yu Haoran took out the purple stick, a gesture about to fight, the black bear immediately resumed the state he was in, and asked in a low voice.

"Master, which two alien beasts are hidden in the mirror lake?"

"A sea lion in the sacred state and a dragon python in the quasi-respect level!"

After transforming into the body of the ancestor and witch with a height of 1,000 meters, Yu Haoran used a long purple stick to insert into the lake, and stirred the lake vigorously, while replying to the black bear's previous questioning.

The purple sticks vigorously stirred the lake water, causing a huge vortex to gradually appear in the lake. When the force of the vortex pulled out a large number of fishes, shrimps, and mudstones in the lake, it also shocked the two beasts under the lake.

"Woo ...!"


Along with different roars, a facial shortage, lion hair on the corner of the mouth, a sea lion in the clouds of yellow-brown color, and a giant dragon python with a body length of nearly kilometer and blue-black spots on the surface of the lake.

"The strong man, what do you want to do?"

From the deafening roar, you can hear the anger of sea lions and dragon pythons in the clouds as they leave the bottom of the lake.

But after seeing the ancestral body of the ancestor and the horror power contained in the ancestor and the body, the strongest dragon python forcibly suppressed the inner anger and asked with a low voice.

"Two requirements!" Raised hundreds of meters of purple stick and pointed at Long Mang, Yu Haoran said in a loud voice.

"You said!" He extended his python tail and forced the sea lion in the cloud back to the bottom of the lake forcibly. Long Python raised his head and motioned.

"The first request, when I am across Jinghu, you are not allowed to attack!"

Whether it is the sea lion at the peak of the Holy Land Nine Pins, or the dragon python that robbed the quasi-respect, they are all overlords in the water, and can play more than 30% of their strength in the water.

The ancestral witch's body that maintains its large size is not suitable for combat in the water.

In the case of restoring the body, it is not an opponent who has reached a level of quasi-respecting dragon python.

In order to avoid being disadvantaged in the water, either the two strange beasts are resolved in advance, or they are forced to promise not to take a sneak attack.


In fact, even if Yu Haoran did not make this request, Long Mang would never take a sneak attack.

Because of the recent fierce fighting, it not only allowed it to overdraw too much demon power and soul power, but also caused heavy damage to the soul, so that it can now only exert the strength of Wu Sheng Jiu Pin.

The giant in front of him who does not lose in height is even more lethal.

Therefore, when faced with Hao Ran's requirements, it did not need to think at all, and nodded in agreement.

"Second request, I know that there is a special soul stone in the depths of Jinghu Lake, which can help improve the growth of the soul, and now gives me a hundred kilograms."

Naturally aggressive dragon pythons unexpectedly agreed to the request just now so unexpectedly.

However, considering that when he was in the forest of Jinghu just now, after capturing some strong breath remaining in the forest, he could probably guess why the dragon python chose to yield.

Therefore, originally it was only intended to ask for about 10 kilograms of soul stones, and immediately increased the amount by ten times.


Without even thinking about it, Long Mang shook his head and refused, explaining with regret.

"The strong man among the human beings, can only produce about five kilos of soul stones per year at the bottom of Jinghu Lake. This amount of soul stones is not enough for Yuner to use himself. How can he get a hundred kilos of soul stones! "

"Either take out a hundred kilos of soulstone, or die ready!"

The purple stick in his hand suddenly hit the lake.

Along with the waves being sprayed, Yu Haoran threatened aggressively.

"Human, don't force the dragon too much. If you rush my dragon python, it will be a big deal. In the end, let's fight for your life!" Road.

"How many soulstones can you come up with now?"

Seeing that his murderous threat had angered Long Mang completely, Yu Haoran knew that he couldn't take out so many soul stones now.

In addition, from the python's eyes that gradually grew red, he saw that Dragon Python had overdrawn some of its vitality in the dark, and had to choose to temporarily give in.

After all, he still needs to maintain his peak status, go to the inner wall of Jinghu Forest, and look for treasures that contain vitality.

"Up to fifty pounds!"

Listening to Hao Ran's willingness to take a step back, the dragon python quickly waking up from the anger, immediately stopped the overdraft of vitality, and then gave a quantity it could accept.

"One hundred catties, one or two less!" Hao Ran immediately shook his head and refused, and gave his own bottom line.

"Sixty pounds, I can't get one or two more!"

"Ninety pounds, if I lose one or two, I will immediately turn my face!"

"Seventy pounds, one or two more, I would rather destroy all soul stones."

"A compromise, eighty pounds!"

Taking a step forward, Yu Haoran exudes a strong murderous, threatening expression of anger.

"If you dare to bargain, I will kill you immediately."


After bowing his head for a full minute, Long Mang looked up at Hao Ran, and nodded resignedly.

After hearing Long Mang's consent, Yu Haoran was happy and upset.

Fortunately, the 80-pound soul stone, and then ample spirit stones, in a short period of time, is enough to allow him and the second clone to be promoted to the peak of Wu Sheng Jiupin.

Annoyingly, from Long Python's seemingly helpless tone, he was able to hear eighty pounds of soul stones, not the other's true limit.


The huge python tail reached the bottom of the lake, and then threw hundreds of soul stones at Hao Ran.


Yu Haoran couldn't help sneering when Long Mang wanted to use the soul stone thrown to test his true strength.

Opening his mouth wide, sucking at each soul stone containing the power of Wu Sheng Jiu Pin, he quickly swallowed all the hundreds of soul stones into his mouth.

"The strong man, you can now enter the inner wall of the Jinghu Forest through Jinghu!"

Seeing Yu Haoran's horrifying physical power, Long Mang completely broke the thought of wanting to do something, and reminded the other party, Long Manu quickly sank into the bottom of the lake.

Using special methods, the soul stone swallowed inside the body was transferred to the domain tower, Yu Haoran withdrew the ancestral witch body, and then greeted the black bear when he was preparing to leave across the mirror hole. He accidentally saw a blood stain on the lakeside grass. Scales.

Using Yuanli to inhale the scales, and then through the odor remaining on the scales, Yu Haoran knew that the scales were falling off the dragon python.

Looking at the remaining blood on the scales, a thought flashed through his mind.

The left hand was pressed on the blood on the scales, and the inferential reasoning method was used to calculate the next fate of Long Mang.

"Blood is shining, it must be dead!"

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