Destined Martial God

Chapter 1076: Sneak into (three more)

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Mirror Lake Forest, in front of Mirror Lake!

Utilizing the inferential calculation of innate numerology, Yu Haoran couldn't help but have a surprise after learning about the next tragic ending of Long Mang.

As a dividing point across the outer and inner walls of Jinghu Forest, a lot of precious treasures are hidden at the bottom of Jinghu Lake.

Among them, there is no shortage of top-notch treasures with vitality.

The reason why I didn't dare to go deep into the lake just now is because of the presence of dragon pythons and sea lions in the clouds.

If these two strongest beasts in the water are beheaded, are they able to sneak into the bottom of the lake and search for hidden treasures at the bottom of the lake. You can even find the lairs of the dragon python and the sea lion in the cloud by means of the inferred numerology.

Thinking of this, Yu Haoran immediately turned his head and ordered to the black bear.

"Black bear, you go back to the animal pet space for the time being."

"Go back to sleep again!" The black bear, who also recovered to two meters in height, complained reluctantly.

"Up to two hours, I will let you out!" Yu Haoran relieved as he opened the animal pet space.

After the black bear enters the beast pet space, Yu Haoran directly rises into the air, quickly flies over the mirror lake, and enters the inner wall of the mirror lake forest.

However, when he realized that the thought of tracking himself had disappeared, he immediately dived back to the shore of Jinghu Lake, and then quietly caught an ordinary small fish.

Use Qingzhidan to help it open the mind, and after harvesting its goodwill, hide in the domain tower, then let it swallow the domain tower, and slowly stop near the center of the mirror lake.

According to the calculation of a priori numerology, the time when the dragon python encountered the catastrophic disaster was recently, but the most accurate time could not be calculated.

Therefore, in addition to being bored, Yu Haoran motioned to the second avatar to help him stare at the movement outside the tower, but he used the soulstone just obtained to improve his cultivation.

With the help of nine fourth-order seventh-grade spirit stones containing pure liquid aura, and nine soul-rich soul stones, the cultivation is once again in the process of rapid ascension.

Martial arts Sanpin mid!

Wusheng Sanpin High Period!


Time passes by every minute!

It was because Haoran successfully raised Xiu to the peak of Wusheng Sipin with the help of spirit stone and soul stone, and the voice of the second avatar reminded in his mind.

Immediately reduce the absorption of aura and soul power.

Later, while consolidating the repair that just broke through, Yu Haoran looked through the domain tower and focused on the culprit who could bring devastation to Long Mang and the sea lion in the clouds.

"It's them!"

After seeing the old man and young man leaping over the mirror lake, it turned out that Xiu Ruojie and Xiu Qihao, who had conflicted with him at the Guangling City auction, flashed a terrible cold in Yu Haoran's eyes.

At the beginning, if it was not for the two people who possessed the sword sword Jiu Xing soul sword in the state of honor, not only would he directly kill Xiu Ruojie, but Xiu Qihao who would repair it to reach the realm of the second martial arts would not pass.

Now that they have entered the Mirror Lake Forest where they are not fully confident that they can retreat, they must find a way to kill them.

After all, the Xiu family of traditional Ba snake blood should have disappeared in the Tianxuan continent.

As Xiu Qihao was a strong man in the realm of Zunwu Zunwu, fearing that the killing in his heart caused the other's alertness, Yu Haoran quickly took a deep breath and calmed down his inner emotions.


But just when Hao Ran had just calmed down his heart, Xiu Qihao who flew to the center of Jinghu suddenly stopped and said to Xiu Ruojie with a smile on his face.

"Master Eight, your chance is here!"

"Hob, what's the chance?" Xiu Ruojie immediately asked excitedly.

"In the bottom of the lake, there is a dragon python hiding a quasi-respect level." Xiu Qihao said with a smile.

"Haobo, Dragon Python is the offspring of Shenlong and Sea Snake. There is no blood of the ancestor Ba snake in the body. What is it for me?" After hearing Xiu Qihao's answer, Xiu Ruojie said immediately disappointed.

"Master Eight, you are wrong!"

Putting down the smile on his face, Xiu Qihao said sermon seriously.

"From the source, the blood of the ancestor Ba snake actually contained the pure blood of Shenlong from the beginning."

"But the ancestor Ba snake later had its own opportunity. After successfully upgrading to the realm, it completely inspired its own bloodline."

"However, the blood and blood that is integrated into the bone marrow is not so easy to remove, so the ancestors have used their blood to suppress the blood of the dragon, and tried to eliminate the blood of the dragon."

Having said that, Xiu Qihao's eyes turned to the bottom of the lake, and his face said expectantly.

"Master Eight, if you incorporate the dragon blood from the dragon python into your body, and then use the blood of the ancestor Ba snake to suppress it, it will be easier to stimulate the purity of the blood of the ancestors."

"Hobo, you mean that through the suppression of different bloodlines, it will further stimulate the will in the bloodlines of the ancestors, which will not only improve the purity of the bloodlines of the ancestors, but also have a certain chance to obtain the martial arts and secret methods in the bloodline inheritance."

Xiu Qihao's preaching not only allowed Xiu Ruojie to understand the use of the dragon's blood in the dragon python, but also thought of a deeper meaning.

"Master Eight, the old slave has always been unable to understand. Among the nineteen of your brothers and sisters, whether it is Xiuwei or the purity of the ancestor blood, you are not the best, but the patriarch sent you only Participate in the battle for Qianlong. "

Xiu Ruojie's deeper conjecture and reasoning were not considered by Xiu Qihao in advance.

Therefore, in the face of Xiu Ruo's outstanding performance, Xiu Qihao could not help but praise.

"Now the old slave fully understood."

"Moreover, I really admire the vision of the patriarch and the wisdom of Master Eight."


Xiu Qihao just found his inner compliment, which made Xiu Ruojie smile happily.

The corners of his mouth slightly slipped, and Yu Haoran's face showed a disdainful look.

Later, he controlled the small fish to start diving, trying to be able to enter the dragon's lair in advance when the dragon python and the sea lion in the cloud and Xiu Qihao fought.

"Give me out!"

But just before Xiaoyu dived for less than 40 meters, an astonishing sword spirit came straight to the lake.

Qing Zhidan can only open the fish's intellect, but he can't be promoted to the ranks of alien beasts in a short time.

Therefore, in the face of the sword power that has reached the realm of Zunwu Zunzhuang, the small fish is directly twisted into powder.

Fortunately, the mysterious domain tower from the past can ignore the sword gas attack, and use the power of the sword gas attack to accelerate the speed of sinking.

In the end, when Jianqi blasted to the bottom of the lake and shocked the submerged dragon python and the sea lion in the cloud, Yu Haoran controlled the Yuta to the bottom of the lake.

Based on the angry roar of the dragon python and the sea lion in the cloud, Yu Haoran quickly identified the approximate location of their lair.

At this point, whether it was Xiu Qihao, or Long Mang and the Cloudy Sea Lion, their attention was on each other, and they wouldn't notice the stones moving at the bottom of the lake.

Therefore, Yu Haoran controlled the tower and slowly approached the dragon's lair.

The author Yan Yunyu said: Sorry, the unit has a temporary task. This chapter was written with a mobile phone. The remaining two chapters must be postponed to night.

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