Destined Martial God

Chapter 1094: A mother compatriot (one more)

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Holy poison teaching!

"Senior Dragon, can you take advantage of the breath on your body?" Confirmed by the poisonous soul, Yu Haoran completely grasped the idea that flashed in his mind and immediately demanded Black Man Shenlong.


Nodded, Heiman Shenlong directly peeled off a dragon scale at the tail and sent it to Haoran.

After reaching out to take over the dragon scales, Yu Haoran closed his eyes, pinched the dragon scales in his right hand, and twitched his fingers with his left hand.

"What is Master Yu doing?" Seeing Yu Haoran's strange behavior, the elder asked puzzled.

"Elder Elder, I am afraid that Master Yu is using the technique of innate numerology to calculate the real reason for the loss of the vitality of the dragon." Zhong Wenda, who once heard Yu Haoran introduce himself to mastering the art of repair, explained.

"Zi ...!"

After hearing Zhong Wenda's explanation, the elders and others couldn't help but take a breath.

Under the guarantee of one's own martial arts practice, it is the most common practice method in the Tianxuan continent to build a kind of auxiliary practice.

If you can do both kinds of auxiliary cultivation, and you can achieve extraordinary achievements, you have the talent for peerlessness.

If you can concurrently practice the three auxiliary cultivation methods, you can also achieve extraordinary achievements, and the talent will reach the level of evildoers.

If you can do the four auxiliary cultivation methods and still achieve extraordinary achievements, your talents will surpass the evil spirits and reach the legendary **** level.

And Yu Haoran!

Dan Dao, Zhen Dao, Jian Dao, Poison Dao, and Shu Dao not only have five auxiliary cultivation methods, but they have also achieved amazing achievements.

This shows that his talents have probably reached the legendary **** level, or the top of the **** level.

More importantly, the five types of auxiliary practice taught by Yu Haoran are different from those of other evil geniuses.

Generally, the auxiliary training methods of geniuses and geniuses are kendo, sword and boxing, etc., which can improve their strength. They are auxiliary training methods that do not delay or affect martial arts practice.

And of the five auxiliary cultivation methods Yu Haoran concurrently cultivated, three of them are the top five Dan Taos, formations, and tricks among all the auxiliary cultivation Taos.

Achievements and talents far exceed those of even geniuses who reach God's rank.

Combining the breath on the scales of the Black Man Divine Dragon, and then using the inferential calculation method, the Black Man Divine Dragon in Yu Haoran's eyes gradually became unreal.

With the illusion of the dragon body, a clear lifeline, and a clear line of luck, one end is connected to the Heiman Shenlong, and the other end is extended to a certain mountain of Holy Poison.

When mobilizing the mind to trace the end of the lifeline and the line of luck, Yu Haoran saw a girl with strong disgust in her eyes, but had to endure the entanglement of Li Zhiyuan.


Seeing Heiman Shenlong's huge vitality, He Haoran couldn't help but sigh.

"Dear strong, have you found out the cause of my loss of vitality?"

The display of the inferiority of inferiority has completely changed Yu Haoran in the eyes of Heiman Shenlong, becoming more misty, more mysterious, and more elusive.

This complex change has caused Heman to have a hint of uncontrollable fear in his heart, and has also made his title subconsciously respected.

Nodded his head, Yu Haoran turned his head to greet the elders and others.

"Master Yu, what happened to Heiman Shenlong?" The elder and six others immediately rushed to Yu Haoran and asked nervously.

"The Master of the Middle School, the five elders, and the cause of the loss of vitality of the seniors of the Dragon, I have found out." Yu Haoran said solemnly when he put away the sigh.

"Master Yu, please say it." The subconscious clenched his fists, and the elder's voice trembled slightly.

He looked up at the equally nervous Black Man Shenlong, turned his head to look at the mountain where Black Man was, Yu Haoran took a deep breath, and then slowly said four words.

"Blood symbiosis!"

After hearing Hao Ran's words that the bleeding veins co-exist, the elders and others showed a deep puzzlement, while the Heiman Shenlong was shocked, and the dragon's eyes showed an excited look.

"Dear strong man, are there any loved ones in this world who have blood relationship with me?"


While nodding to confirm, Yu Haoran instructed the second elder.

"Elder Poison, please take Blackman with you."

After hearing Yu Haoran's instructions, the poisonous soul first sought the opinion of the elder.

Because the pure black dragon blood of the Black Man Shenlong is the hope of the future rise of the Holy Poison Church, and no mistakes can be tolerated. In the entire Holy Poison Church, in addition to the leader and five elders, there is only natural closeness to the strange beast The ability of Li Zhiyuan knows.

Heiman, who has been a teacher for less than a year, is simply not qualified to touch the secret of Heiman Shenlong.

"Listen to Grandmaster!" After communicating with Zhong Wenda with his eyes, the elder finally instructed to grit his teeth.


Nodded, the second elder poison soul turned away from the forbidden area, and then went directly to pick up Heiman.

"Senior Dragon, blood symbiosis is an opportunity for you, I am afraid it is also a disaster. I hope you are prepared in advance." After the second elder left, Yu Haoran turned his head to remind Black Dragon Shenlong.

"Respectful strong man, Heiman doesn't understand!"

Shaking his head, Heiman Shenlong signaled that he did not understand the meaning of Yu Haoran's previous paragraph.

"You'll understand right away!" Yu Haoran reminded, feeling the poisonous spirit of the second elder coming quickly.

As soon as the second elder poison soul brought Heiman into the forbidden zone, and when he was speaking in the future, Heiman standing beside him was immediately enveloped by a black gas emerging from his body.

"Elder Poison Soul, hurry away from your disciples. Those black gases are the second most poisonous Heiman on the Poisonous List."

After seeing the black gas emerging from Heiman's body, Yu Haoran immediately reminded the second elder standing beside her.

"Master Yu, what the **** is going on here? How can Heiman have Heiman Poisonous unique to Heiman Shenlong?" The second elder poisonous who appeared in front of Haoran flashed and asked anxiously.


With a long sigh, Yu Haoran dissipated the inferior determinant's calculations. After he got up, he looked at the black man completely covered by black gas, and watched the life force accelerate. The black man Shenlong, whose grade was falling rapidly, explained with sigh.

"Elder Poison Soul, in fact, your disciple, Heiman, is a brother and sister of Heiman Shenlong."

"The only difference is that Heiman inherited his father's bloodline, the bloodline inheritance of the strong man."

"And Heiman Shenlong inherited the blood of his mother Shenlong."


After hearing Yu Haoran's explanation, the second elder poisonous soul immediately shook his head to deny it.

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