Destined Martial God

Chapter 1095: Symbiosis of blood (second)

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Holy poison teaching!

"Master Yu, when I accepted Man's apprenticeship, I once tested her roots and blood. I can be absolutely sure that she has just turned 20 this year."

Having said that, the second elder poison soul looked at the completely stagnant Heiman Shenlong and said with certainty.

"And when my Holy Poison Church got the dragon eggs of the Black Man Shenlong, it was 700 years ago, and after the careful incubation of the three generations of priests and elders, they successfully broke the shell 200 years ago."

"It's been hundreds of years since the birth of each other, how could there be a blood relationship between the two!"

The communication between the second elder poison soul and Yu Haoran attracted the attention of the elders and others. They were also puzzled in their hearts, and immediately gathered around the second elder poison soul, and then looked at Yu Haoran.

Looking at the black man who was completely enveloped by the black gas, and the breath was increasing, Yu Haoran closed his eyes and sorted out the relationship between the two, then explained.

"Whether it is a human or a strange beast, there must be blood flowing from both parents in the body. The difference is which one's blood line has the advantage!"

"Whether it's October, we humans conceive, or Shenlong has been pregnant for 100 years. As soon as we give birth, we will be separated from the mother."

Pointing at the breath Heman who has successfully broken through the realm of Wu Huang, Yu Haoran said with pity.

"As a black man born with his elder brother, although her dominant father's bloodline made her a successful birth, the influence of her mother's dragon blood would make her lack of blood and incomplete bones."

"According to some information I once learned, and then combining the blood relationship between Heiman and Heiman Shenlong, I guess that after Heiman was born, it must be sealed by her parents using the Supreme Secret Method, and then with sufficient aura, Combined with the long years of nourishment, she gradually made up for her missing qi and blood, and her incomplete roots and bones. "

After hearing Yu Haoran's explanation, it was accurate to say that after the speculation, the two elders and others looked at each other, and then began to wonder whether his speculation was reasonable.

"Master Yu, if according to your speculation, if Heiman and Heiman Shenlong have a blood relationship between brothers and sisters, then she should be the closest person in the world, so why should she absorb the vitality of her brother?" Zhong Wenda questioned the unreasonable phenomenon in the speculation.

Taking a deep breath, turning his head to look at waking up from the shock, his expression was gradually agitated, and he did not care about the loss of his vitality, and did not care about the black man Shenlong who was falling in grade, Yu Haoran said with tenderness.

"The master of secondary education, the world often says that his daughter is the father's lover of his life, and his father's doting on his daughter is far better than his son."

"According to my inferential numerology, I calculated the relationship between Heiman Shenlong and Heiman, and found that not only there is the closest blood relationship between them, but also a contract of blood symbiosis."

"Presumably this is how father protects his daughter!"

Having said that, Yu Haoran's face showed a lonely look.

Her father's strength was too low to predict what would happen in the future, and she did not have the means to protect her sister in advance. Otherwise, how could her past life have suffered such a miserable fate.

Fortunately, everything can be re-started, and he can really be regarded as really changing the sad fate of her sister.

"It's too bizarre!" After hearing Hao Ran's guess about Heiman's father, Zhong Wenda shook her head incredulously.

"Leader, five elders, the esteemed strong man just guessed right."

When Zhong Wenda and others could not accept Haoran's speculation just now, he reluctantly suppressed the emotional black Heilong, proactively confirmed it for him.

"Because at the moment when my sister appeared, being dragged by each other's blood, a piece of memory sealed in the sea of ​​my knowledge re-emerged, letting me know that I am a brother and sister of a mother and her, and I know why she was until Will appear before me now. "

"At the same time, I know that my father took the initiative to sign a contract for our symbiosis to protect the growth of my sister."

With the confirmation of Heiman Shenlong, Zhong Wenda and others, while believing that Yu Haoran had just guessed, also began to consider how to treat Heiman next.

Although Heiman is a disciple of the Second Elder Poison Soul, because she joined the Holy Poison Church as a casual practitioner halfway through, she did not get the true trust and attention of the sect. So far, she is just an ordinary elite disciple.

Now that she has sibling relationship with the Holy Poison Sect Patriarch, then the identity of the ordinary elite disciple is definitely not appropriate, and the minimum must be the disciple.

However, among the people on the scene, who can truly accept Heiman as a disciple, and who can teach her poisonous pathology based on her special constitution.

What's more, since being enveloped by black gas, Hei Manxiu's speed of improvement has not weakened, and this meeting has broken through the Wuhuang Five-Class Realm.

Moreover, according to the current state of continuous improvement, it is possible to break through the realm of Wu Sheng directly.

If Heiman ’s practice is to break through the martial arts realm, then Xiuwei has been completely equal with several elders, and he is even less qualified to teach Heiman.

After thinking about it, Zhong Wenda and the five elders all turned their attention to Hao Ran.

Because they thought of Yu Haoran, in order to prove his achievements in the poisonous way, once said that he could train a poisonous master in three years, and teach a master of poisonous in ten years.

Then, the black man who successfully inspired the blood of Shenlong and has the second most poisonous in the top 100 poisonous list in the Tianxuan continent will not become a poisonous road in a shorter time if he is cultivated by everyone Grand Master too!

Although Zhong Wenda and the five elders didn't say it explicitly, Yu Haoran was still able to read their meaning from the eyes they longed for.

Successfully inspiring the blood of the ancestor Heiman Shenlong, and possessing the second most poisonous Heiman in the 100 Poison Rankings, both in terms of blood and physique, far exceed his only disciple Yun Xiang, and is more suitable for inheritance The mantle of his past life on the poisonous tract.

However, his own impression of Heiman is not good. He feels that Heiman acts too slyly and is too hypocritical.

I don't want to teach her the holy scriptures because of her excellent poisonous talents, and I don't want to personally guide her spiritual practice.

Moreover, he also worried that he would train a witch who no one can control and who will destroy the countless creatures of the entire Tianxuan continent in the future.

Therefore, in the face of the expectations of Zhong Wenda and the five elders, after careful consideration, he shook his head and rejected the ideas they expected.

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