Destined Martial God

Chapter 1096: Refuse to accept (three)

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Holy poison teaching!

Facing Hao Ran's shaking his head, Zhong Wenda and others flashed disappointment and unwillingness, but did not persuade too much.

After all, the disciples pay attention to fate, and Yu Haoran didn't pay attention to Heiman, indicating that Heiman's opportunities are not enough to temporarily enter his law.

Excessive persuasion by oneself and others will not only help Heiman, but will cause Hao Ran's unhappiness.

Time passes by every minute!

When the level of the Black Man Shenlong is about to fall to a quasi-respect level, the breath emitted by the Black Man also reaches the peak of the Emperor Wu Jiu Pin.

However, the breakthrough of Wu Sheng's realm, in addition to the breakthrough of Yuanli and soul power, is the key to the breakthrough.

Because Heiman didn't realize the power of the rules in advance, after her cultivation reached the peak of the Emperor Wu Jiupin, the subsequent state of weakness caused the breakthrough of the realm to stop abruptly.

At the same time, the vitality in Heiman Shenlong is finally not lost.

Opening his eyes slowly, watching Heiman Shenlong, whose body reached hundreds of meters in front of him, burst into tears of joy in Heiman's eyes.

"Brother!" Heiman called softly.

"younger sister!"

While Heiman Shenlong responded with excitement, he stroked the huge dragon body directly and lifted Heiman to his own.

Subsequently, one person and one dragon began to complain.

"Zhong Jiaozhu, five elders, now that the trouble of your door has been resolved, then the younger one has left."

Seeing the siblings Heiman and Heiman Shenlong, Yu Haoran, while happy for them, also thought of his sister.

In less than five months, her sister Yu Siqi will return to the southern region, and then participate in the Qianlong battle. At that time, he would be able to see his sister who was two years old.

In order to be able to reassure her sister's cultivation, and also to deter the Frozen Palace, so that they can treat their sister well, this time the battle for the Qianlong list, he must not only perform well, but also show everyone's horror. Strength and potential.

Because only in this way will Bingxue Palace really value her sister, and only in this way can she deter those who want to hurt her sister and forces.

If you want to show the power and potential that horrifies countless forces, you must find a way to awaken Taling ahead of time, and let him continue to guide and teach the means that can enhance the power and potential.

Therefore, at this moment, Yu Haoran wants to return to Shuangniu Mountain as soon as possible, and then break through the realm of the Great Master of the Dao with the help of the Nether Nectar and prepare to refine the elixir that awakens the towering spirit.

Hearing Yu Haoran's resignation, Zhong Wenda and the five elders couldn't help but look shocked.

Originally, they thought that Hao Ran was so diligent in helping the Holy Poisonists that they must have some plans.

Although he didn't know what he really wanted to do, he would never help him for no reason.

But it turned out!

"Master Yu, why would you help us?"

Without understanding the real reason for Yu Haoran's help, the elders and others were afraid that they could not sleep well, so the elder elders spoke directly and interrogated.

"Make it up!"

After Yu Haoran's faint reply, the eyes looked through the faces of the elders and others.

Watching them have the same spirit as the previous life, thinking about the help of Black Man with pure blood, and Black Man with the official opening of the Dragon Blood, the crisis of being destroyed in the previous life may have been lifted, and a spiritual relief made him feel His own state of mind has been vaguely touching Wu Zun's realm.

"make up!"

After hearing Yu Haoran's explanation, the elders and others glanced at each other. No one remembered what Hao Ran owed to the Holy Poison, so he could only ask the question thoroughly.

"Master Yu, the old man doesn't understand what you just said."

"Big elder, you also know that the juniors are proficient in inferential calculations of innate numerology, and by chance, they can be counted into the past and present."

Seeing the elders and other people asking for reasons, Yu Haoran could only push everything to the path.

"In the previous life, the Master and the five elders had a life-saving grace for the younger generation. The help of the younger generation this time can be regarded as a reward for your life-saving gratitude!"

Later, he did not give the elders and other people the opportunity to continue questioning, and when he threw the dragon scales in his hands to the Heiman Shenlong, he directly rose into the sky and planned to leave the Holy Poison Church and return to Shuangniu Mountain.

"Dear strong, please stay away!"

The act of returning the dragon scales completely interrupted the old relationship between Heiman Shenlong and Heiman, and it immediately lifted up the dragon head to save the road.

"Senior Dragon, what else do you have to tell me?" Yu Haoran asked in volley, floating in midair.

"Dear strong man, how dare I call a senior in front of you."

Faced with the respectful title of Hao Ran, Fang Shouman immediately signaled in panic and introduced himself.

"I follow my father's surname, Shouman, to protect my sister."

"If the respected strong person deserves me, please call my real name!"

"If that's the case, then don't take a sip of a respectable strong man, either by calling me by my own name, or by calling them the Master of the Secondary School!

After nodding in agreement with Heiman Shenlong's proposal, Yu Haoran asked directly.

"Fang Shouman, I don't know what else you have?"

"Master Yu, Shouman hopes that you will accept my sister Fangman as an apprentice." Fang Shouman asked respectfully.

Frowning at Fang Shouman with a frown, then he looked down at Fang Man who was still staring at him, Yu Haoran shook his head.

"Fang Shouman, I have no apprenticeship with your sister, so don't mention it."

"Master Yu, I just heard my sister say what happened when you first met, and I can understand why you don't want to accept her as an apprentice."

"But she was totally forced to do so, and it was definitely not her nature!"

Yu Haoran's categorical refusal did not surprise Fang Shouman. After pointing out the real reason why Yu Haoran was unwilling to accept the apprentice, he began to justify and ask for his sister.

"In order to be able to continue my lost vitality, the lord and five elders used nearly 90% of the resources of the entire Holy Poison Church on me, causing everyone in the entire sect to fall into a dilemma of being unable to practice normally."

"Fang Man is because of her own cultivation, she has already reached the realm of breaking through, and has to venture to use this method to harvest enough practice resources for her to break through."

"In fact, her essence is not only not bad at all, but also very kind."

Hearing Fang Shouman's request and excuse for Fang Man, and the renewed expectations in the eyes of the elders, Yu Haoran knew that if this matter was not explained clearly, it would definitely affect the friendship between the two parties in the future.

Moreover, it is also a great harm to Fang Man who also shows his longing for worship in the same eyes.

In desperation, Yu Haoran could only slowly fall in front of Fang Man and said.

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