Destined Martial God

Chapter 1110: The Secret Realm of Qin Kingdom Inheritance (Second)

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E Yuan Court!

"The Lu Family!"

After hearing the respect of Jing Fei, Yu Haoran immediately thought of Lu Gan, the Green Dragon Hall master of the Lv family who had been beheaded, and the bald man who was also from the Lv family.

Moreover, through the bald and strong man, she also associates with the queen mother Zixuan who has offended several times.

However, Jing Fei arranged for eight palace ladies to attack herself with the poison of Datura. It was her own idea or was directed by Zi Xuan's behind-the-scenes, and further investigation is needed.

If it was only Jing Fei's own idea, she wanted to revenge for Lu Gan and the bald brave man, then it would not be too much trouble to ask Qin Emperor to abolish her directly or return to the palace of Xianyang City to kill her immediately .

But if the black hand behind the scenes is Zi Xuan, then things are a bit troublesome.

For a while, she was not her opponent for the time being, and Qin Emperor, who was in dilemma, was still in the middle.

"Holy, is there a direct kinship relationship between Jing Fei and the queen queen? Isn't their relationship very close?" Yu Haoran asked, looking directly into Emperor Qin's eyes.

"Horse, there is absolutely nothing to do with the queen mother."

Hearing Yu Haoran questioning the kinship between the queen queen and Jing Fei, Qin Emperor knew that he suspected that the subject had been involved with the queen queen, and immediately excused her.

In this regard, Yu Haoran just sneered and looked at Emperor Qin, watching how he justified the woman.

"Ma Ma, in fact, as early as a month and a half ago, the queen mother has left the palace and went to find that person to return something."

Looking at the sneer on Yu Haoran's face, Qin Di pondered for a while, and finally reluctantly responded.

"And I personally asked her to go."

Brow frowning slightly looked at Emperor Qin, Yu Haoran's eyes showed a dignified color.

At that time, during the **** battle in the clan's mansion, Qin Emperor had a deep hatred for the special relationship between Qin Bojun and Zi Xuan. He had witnessed it.

If it wasn't for Zi Xuan's self-proclaimed harem at the expense of Qin Bojun's life, I'm afraid he didn't need to do it himself at that time, Qin Jun would kill him by himself.

I begged Zi Xuan to come in person to find the Qin Bojun, indicating that the thing taken away by the Qin Bojun was very important. It was so important that the emperor Qin could let down the disgust in his heart, which instantly aroused Yu Haoran's strong interest.

"Holy, what precious treasure did Qin Bojun take away?"

"A secret key that can unlock the inheritance of my Great Qin Empire for thousands of years."

In this regard, Emperor Qin did not hide anything.

Because before the official opening of the mystery, in addition to some elite children who had originally entered the mystery experience, Yu Haoran and Teng Yunjie were also on the invitation list.

This is also the main reason for reminding Yu Haoran to return to Xianyang City before the beginning of the Qianlong competition.

Nodded his head, Yu Haoran understood why Qin Emperor could temporarily let go of his dislike of Qin Bojun. He also believed that Zi Xuan, who had already left Xianyang City, could not be a behind-the-scenes attack.

Then, the whole process of assault and assassination was very simple. The respected concubines from the Lu family, in order to revenge for their loved ones, planned revenge alone.

The only thing that still haunts Yu Haoran is that, even if the last assassination mission succeeds, can Jing Fei escape the **** revenge of Emperor Qin and Ling Fei in the fury!

However, he did not continue to pursue it, nor did he want to because King Fei was involved in more people to avoid affecting Qin Emperor's plan to unify the southern region in a short time.

"Holy, as a Zunzun Dan who can help break through the 50% chance of Wu Zun's realm, it involves a deep understanding of the power of the law."

After suppressing the doubts in the heart, Yu Haoran began to explain the questions that Emperor Qin had not completed.

"So, with my own cultivation and Dan Dao ability, even if I can refine the third-order and first-grade Huazun Dan, the success rate is less than 30%."

At the beginning, the success rate was only 10%, because Xiu was a master who had just broken through Dan Dao, and he did n’t know much about the power of incorporating laws in the process of refining and reviving Dan.

After this period of familiarity and understanding, he has learned how to better integrate the power of the law, and the success rate of alchemy naturally improves.

If you are giving him a period of time, continue to use the Nether Dan Condensation technique to promote the cultivation of Dan Dao, the refining power of Huazun Dan can reach about 50%.

"Yanma, Sancheng's success rate is already very high, far better than those masters of the peak state of Dan Dao." After hearing the dissatisfaction expressed in Yu Haoran's tone, Emperor Qin smiled and persuaded.

"Holy, my Hao Ran is perfect for Dan Dao's pursuit. Either I simply give up Dan Dao practice, or I must achieve a success rate of 10%." Yu Haoran said confidently.

Looking at Yu Haoran exuding a strong self-confidence, he thought about Qin Emperor Qin who had just been deeply impressed with his requirements. He closed his eyes slowly.

After reopening, the anxiety and expectation in the eyes of Emperor Qin was replaced by an extremely firm look.

"驸 马, 朕 I have some things to deal with, so I will return to Xianyang City for the time being!"

"Holy, with your potential and accumulation, 50 to 60% of the air transport in the entire southern region will be enough to help you break through the realm of Wu Zun."

Looking at the Emperor Qin Emperor who was about to leave the body, Yu Haoran quickly got up and left the stone chair, his face reminded solemnly.

"So, whether it is the Gu Liang family and the Ren family in the inheritance family, or the Hengduan Mountain luck that I have intercepted, you are not at all mindful, let alone deliberately gather the luck in these three places."

"I see!"

He nodded to indicate that he was clear. When Qin Emperor planned to divorce away from the body, he suddenly thought of an important thing and quickly reminded him.

"Wu Ma, I have a very special relationship between the Qin Empire and Tianwumen, so I invited Tengyunjie from Tianwumen to be a guest some time ago."

"The main purpose is to hope that Teng Yunjie can participate in the experience of the mystery and further enhance his own strength."

"However, after learning that you have not only successfully broken through the realm of Master Dan Dao, but you can also refine the third-order and first-grade Huazun Dan, Teng Yunjie rushed back to Tianwumen, so I suspect Teng Yunjie is It is possible to know the whereabouts of the nine-tailed dragon sunflower. "

"With the hidden strength of Tianwumen, it is enough to easily kill the Hydra and obtain the main medicine Nine-tailed Dragon Sunflower needed for refining Zundan."

"So, I hope that the horse can prepare in advance for the refining of Zundan for Tianwumen."

"Holy, please wait!"

After reminding him, Emperor Qin closed his eyes and controlled the divine thought to gradually leave the body, but at this moment, Yu Haoran suddenly made a noise to save the road.

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