Destined Martial God

Chapter 1111: Whether it is dead or alive has nothing to do with me.

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E Yuan Court!

After hearing Yu Haoran's retention, Emperor Qin immediately stopped the move of divine mind.

"Holy, when did Brother Yun Jie arrive in Xianyang City?" Yu Haoran asked solemnly.

"Twenty-one days ago!" As the Qin Emperor who had personally met Teng Yunjie, he replied directly without any memories.

The difference from the original sword tower was almost two months away, so for more than a month, Teng Yunjie must have gone to the Death Valley outside Lanling City.

Because in the inner valley of the valley of death, there is exactly a nine-tailed dragon sunflower that reaches the second-order and first-grade quality.

"Holy, through the means you have at your disposal, immediately notify the senior management of Tianwumen so that they must not compete for the Nine-tailed Dragon Sunflower." Thinking of the danger in the valley of Death Valley, Yu Haoran immediately reminded.

"Why?" Qin asked in puzzlement.

"Because the place where the Nine-tailed Dragon Sunflower lived was too dangerous, it was definitely a life of death after entering." Yu Haoran explained with a serious look.

After hearing that Hao Ran was worried that Tianwumen would be in danger of competing for the power of the nine-tailed dragon sunflower, Qin Emperor smiled and relieved.

"You do n’t have to worry about the horse. The depth of the Tianwumen is far beyond your imagination. Not to mention a nine-tailed snake in the realm of three martial arts. Even if it is three five-nine-tailed snakes, the strong one at Tianwumen can easily cut kill."

"Holy, the place where the nine-tailed dragon sunflower is produced is in the valley of Death Valley outside Lanling City."

Originally, he did not want to reveal the true location of the nine-tailed dragon sunflower, so as to avoid causing the greed of the Emperor Qin and destroying his faithfulness.

However, only with vague reminders that he could not arouse his vigilance, Yu Haoran could only risk exposing the existence of the valley of death.

Fortunately, Qin Emperor's eyes did not show a greedy look at all, so he was relieved.

"If it is the valley of death valley, then there is no problem. With the strength of Tianwumen, you can easily kill seven in and seven out."

Shaking his head to signal Hao Ran not to make a fuss, Qin Emperor reminded him in a relaxed tone, and continued to move away from his body.

"Holy, if there is an inner beast in the valley of death that can easily kill Wu Zun's peerless power, and this alien beast has a good relationship with the nine-tailed snake!" Yu Haoran said with a sneer.

The divine thought completely detached from the body, and instantly returned to the body, Qin Emperor asked solemnly.

"My grandfather, are you sure that in the inner valley of the valley of death, there is an alien beast that can easily kill the peerless power in Wuzun realm?"

"I'm pretty sure."

Yu Haoran nodded in a very affirmative tone.

"Because I've seen this strange beast in the inner valley of the valley of death."

"Horse horse, what kind of strange beast is this?" Qin Emperor asked immediately.

"This is a descendant with one of the four ancient primates and the bloodline of the Tongji God Ape. It is not only terrifying in strength, but also irritable and advocating killing." Yu Haoran said without any concealment.

At first, when I saw the gibbons in the inner valley of the valley of death, due to the influence of his own strength and vision, he could not really detect the true strength of the gibbons, but he felt that it was very powerful.

Now, as Xiu Ran breaks through the realm of martial arts and realizes the laws of life and death, he recalls all the actions when the gibbons cut and killed the sacred four-pinion python. Yu Haoran knew the real grade of that gibbons. It is neither the pinnacle of sacred realm, nor is it quasi-respect, it is likely to be a beast of self-sealing strength.

The four great monkeys in ancient times were terrors that could not be suppressed even by the nine gods and beast kings.

Well, as one of the four great monkeys, the descendants of the dromedary ape directly related to blood, presumably the dromedary ape can definitely exert its strength far superior to its own grade.

Therefore, the words just used to warn the Emperor Qin are by no means alarmist.

With a slight frown, the Emperor Qin apparently did not know the origin of the ancient four great monkeys, nor did he know the horror of the gibbons.

Therefore, the original nervous expression gradually relaxed, and a relaxed smile reappeared on his face.

"Holy, Brother Yunjie is a good person, and Tianwumen has a very special relationship with the holy heaven. I don't want to see Tianwumen's power being seriously damaged because of the nine-tailed dragon sunflower competition. Eventually it will fall to the top sect."

Seeing a light smile on Emperor Qin's face, it was obvious that he did not believe his evaluation of the strength of the gibbons, and Yu Haoran could only move Emperor Qin by means of understanding and using reason.

But in the end, he shook his head in disappointment.

"Horse horse, even if the strength of that gibbons is really as scary as you describe, Tianwumen has a way to deal with it, so rest assured!"

In the face of Emperor Qin, who was unaware of the danger at all, Yu Haoran shrugged and did not continue to persuade.

Because he knew very well that even Qin Emperor, who had little to do with himself, did not believe in the horror of the gibbons, let alone holding the Tian Wu Men who broke through the mighty power of the Emperor Jun Wu, and continued to persuade it was a waste .

Shaking his head, Yu Haoran signaled that Emperor Qin could leave with divine thoughts.

After Qin Emperor's divine thoughts left, he waved at his body that used the heaven and earth aura to condense. The body instantly turned into countless heaven and earth aura floating in the wind pavilion.

"Haoran, is the strength of that gibbons really so scary?" Qin Lingfei asked a little worriedly, looking at Yu Haoran sitting beside him.

"After encountering that gibbons, the peerless power in the realm of Wu Zun will surely die, and the powerful power in the realm of Zhunwu Emperor will not be able to retreat."

Although the spiritual fruit placed on the stone table in front of him was very clean and did not contain any poisonous substance, he thought that he had attacked his four palace maids secretly just now, and he still waved his hands in disgust and put away the spiritual fruit. Said.

"Haoran, I not only know where the mountain gate of Tianwumen is, but I also know a few elders and church owners, or should we go to Tianwumen in person!"

Different from Qin Emperor's arrogant self-confidence, he knows Qin Lingfei who is very good at Yu Haoran, and knows that he never lies.

Since he said that the gibbons were very powerful, the gibbons had the means to kill Wu Zun's peerless power and to destroy the quasi-power emperor.

Therefore, Qin Lingfei, who was also worried about Tianwumen, could not help but ask.

"Ling Fei, my obligation has been fulfilled. Tianwumen's strong man is alive or dead, injured or disabled, and has nothing to do with me Yu Haoran." Shaking his head, Yu Haoran flatly refused.

Don't mention that the afternoon is the official time for the black market auction. He needs to bid for the last medicinal material to aid alchemy, so he can't leave Shuangniu Mountain at all.

Even if he is idle now, he will never take his hot face to paste the cold **** of Tianwumen.

Not to mention, everything is just speculation.

In case Teng Yunjie finds that the location of the Nine-tailed Dragon Sunflower is not the one in the valley of Death Valley, should he not ask for trouble himself.

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