Destined Martial God

Chapter 1131: Gu Liang Mingquan (three more)

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Gu Liang family, in the mansion!

"Yu Shan, anyway, Yu Haoran is also a genius who is rare in Tianxuan mainland for thousands of years. Being able to calculate his specific whereabouts is enough to prove your achievements in spiritual practice.

Seeing the exhausted look of Gu Liang Yushan, the patriarch Gu Liang Yangquan looked gentle and relieved.

"As for how to find out the exact position of Yu Haoran and complete the blood oath of the rules of heaven, leave this to me. You go down and rest!"

"Patriarch, elders, Yutai will retreat first!"

After hearing Gu Liangmingquan's consolation and orders, Gu Liangyushan got up, then pleaded guilty to the crowd, and dragged his tired body out of the courtyard.

Just to be able to calculate Yu Haoran's specific whereabouts, and in order not to appear incompetent in front of the patriarch, Gu Liangyushan secretly overdrawn his vitality for nearly a hundred years.

The vitality of a hundred years is an unbearable loss for Gu Liang Yushan, whose life span is only a thousand years, which is the main reason why he looks so tired.

When Gu Liang Yushan left the courtyard, the smile on Gu Liang Mingquan's face was immediately replaced with a serious one. Looking at the crowd in front of him, he said in a low voice.

"Elders and church owners, Yu Haoran has already entered Leling City. The real danger of our Guliang family has come. What do you say next?"

"Patriarch, wouldn't he want to wake up the ancestor of the Jun King in advance and let his old man use Wu Zun's gods to trace the accurate position?" After hearing Gu Liang Mingquan's interrogation, the seven elders in charge of family information Gu Liang Zhiqun immediately Proposed Road.


As the patriarch Gu Liang Mingquan has not yet expressed his opinions, the three elders in charge of the family punishment Gu Liang Qingru immediately opposed.

"Patriarch, the lord's life has reached its limit."

"If he wakes up the elderly now, it would not be suitable for the environmental restrictions on the birth of Wu Zun's peerless powerhouse, which would directly cost his elderly two-thirds of his life, and only live until the end of the battle for Qianlong in the southern region. . "

"Don't you have the heart to let an ancestor who has survived for ten thousand years using the mystery of returning to life and left in obscurity without actually showing the respect of Wu Zun's peerless power!"

Speaking of this, Gu Liang Qingru glanced at the elder Seven and proposed with a smile.

"The patriarch, Lijun's ancestors not only have stronger strength, but also have a life span of nearly two hundred years than the ancestors of Xunjun."

"According to the opinion of the elder, it is better to wake up Lijun's ancestors and let him use Wu Zun's godly thoughts to track down and kill Yu Haoran hiding in the city."

"Gu Liang Qingrui, what do you mean?" After hearing the insidious suggestions of the three elders, Gu Liang Zhiqun immediately turned to ask.

"Gu Liang Zhiqun, what did you mean by that?" Gu Liang Qingru asked in the face of the seven elders.

The ancestor of Xun Jun is the direct ancestor of the three elders, and the ancestor of Li Jun is the direct ancestor of the seven elders!

Although for the sake of the ancestors ’life, they do n’t want them to wake up before the rules of the heavens are completely perfected. It is reasonable and also shows their filial piety. But in the face of the crisis of extermination, they are still calculating their own gains and losses. The patriarch Gu Liang Mingquan was very disappointed and annoyed.


As the quarrel became more and more motivating, at any time the three elders and seven elders who might be tortured at any time, Gu Liangmingquan screamed angrily.

Later, he looked at the elders and found that there was a bit of vicious color in the elders' eyes, and his thoughts were firmed up immediately.

"The three elders and the seven elders have just said that Yu Haoran is a demon who is rare to see for thousands of years. Not only is he outstanding in martial arts, but he is also proficient in Dan Tao, formation, and art, and he has many hands in his hands. Hole card. "

Sharp eyes glanced at the three elders and the seven elders, Gu Liang Mingquan ordered unquestionably.

"In order to be able to find out and kill Hao Ran smoothly, the patriarch decided to wake up the two ancestors of Xun Jun and Li Jun at the same time."

After hearing Gu Liangmingquan's decision, the elders of the three elders and the seven elders immediately appeared reluctantly.

But after seeing the chill in Gu Liang Mingquan's eyes, when he thought of the ancestor of Dao Cheng, the strongest sleeping force in the family, he nodded unwillingly to agree.

"Since the two elders have no opinions, then take the time to wake up the two ancestors!" Ignoring the unwillingness in the eyes of the three elders and elders, Gu Liang Mingquan immediately ordered.

Looking at the two elders who turned away from the courtyard, Gu Liang Mingquan turned back and looked at the crowd coldly, saying solemnly.

"The two ancestors who have been sleeping for thousands of years are about to reach the end of their lives. In order to make them live longer, and if they can't let them go, try not to alarm them."

Speaking of this, Gu Liang Mingquan's tone turned, and his voice suddenly increased.

"So, immediately, with your henchmen of the Emperor Wu and Wu Sheng, search the whereabouts of Yu Haoran for the whole city."

"Tell your confidants that if they can be released in Haoran's whereabouts, the clan chief will have great rewards."

"If he can kill Yu Haoran, the patriarch will not only reward him, but also let the three ancestors of Wu Zun's realm personally guide him to practice, giving him the hope to impact Wu Zun's realm.


Faced with the promises made by Gu Liang Mingquan, the elders and the host did not show any excitement and excitement, and turned away from the courtyard after a listless utterance.

"Patriarch, you think it over!" The only elder who didn't leave the courtyard walked to Gu Liang Mingquan and asked with hesitation.

"Uncle, I already think about it!"

Nodding heavily, Gu Liang Mingquan said angrily.

"Over the years, the three elders and the first elder and the first elder have relied on two sleeping ancestors, not only occupying more and more resources, but also ambitions."

Pointing at those elders and church owners who were not very interested, Gu Liang Mingquan said with strong murderous eyes.

"Look at these elders and church owners who have been drawn together. They are now only considering their own personal interests, and they will not take their lives for granted."

Taking a deep breath, Gu Liang Mingquan looked at the elder with a look of sneer and continued.

"Yu Haoran's blood oath based on the rules of heaven is a disaster for our Guliang family, but it is an opportunity for the rebirth of the Phoenix Nirvana."

"As long as we wake up the two ancestors of Xun Jun and Li Jun, no matter whether the last two ancestors can't make a shot, they only have a life span of about half a year."

"As long as the two ancestors of Xunjun and Lijun die, I will directly let everyone in the three elders and seven elders and one family disappear, completely removing the hidden dangers for the family."

"Mingquan, if Daocheng's ancestor was awake, how would you explain to him?" The elder asked anxiously.

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