Destined Martial God

Chapter 1132: The change of the Taling (four more)

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Guliang family, in the mansion!

Understand Gu Liangmingquan's painstaking efforts for the development of the family, but the elder is more worried about another sleeping ancestor.

Although the ancestor was nominally an ancestor of their department, the elders were very clear in their hearts, and their blood relationship was more than ten generations apart, far less close than expected.

Moreover, Daocheng's ancestors are the next generation's descendants of Xunjun and Lijun's ancestors, and their feelings far surpass their direct descendants.

Therefore, the elder was worried that after the ancestor Dao Cheng woke up, he would blame Gu Liangmingquan because of the departure of the two elders at the same time.

"Uncle, don't worry, because Daocheng Patriarch will never wake up."

After hearing the elders' concerns, Gu Liang Mingquan said with a slight look.

"Don't say that the ancestors of Cheng were always awake. If the two ancestors of Xun Jun and Li Jun survived the Qianlong competition, then they would also contribute to the real rise of our family of Gu Liang, like Dao Cheng. Show the last strength of their lives. "

"Mingquan, you want to!" Looking at Gu Liangyinquan, who was full of excitement, a crazy thought flashed in the elder's mind.

"Uncle, you are right!"

The elder elder's surprised tone, and a hint of enlightenment flashed on his face, let Gu Liang Mingquan know that the elder had guessed his own thoughts, so he said nothing concealed.

"According to Yushan's calculations using a priori numerology, the moment the five-horse Qianlong list competition ends, the rules of heaven will be completely improved."

"The world environment at that time will gradually be suitable for the birth of the peerless powerhouse in Wuzun realm and the powerful powerhouse in Wudi realm."

With that said, Gu Liang Mingquan's face showed a crazy look.

"The moment the battle for the Five Realms of Qianlong Contest ended, I would start the blood sacrifice Dafa, linking the three ancestors and the millions of souls in the entire Leling City together to resurrect the ancestors of our family.

Taking a deep breath, suppressing the madness inside, Gu Liang Mingquan said excitedly to the elder.

"Uncle, if you have the protection and teaching of the ancestors of the Emperor Wu realm, you and I can not only break through the realm of Wu Zun more easily, but also have great hope to become a powerful Emperor realm."

"After all, the ancestors were almost quasi-gods who could break through the realm of martial arts!"

"Mingquan, do it boldly and reassuringly. Uncle will always support and help you." The elder elder who also showed joy in his heart, excitedly encouraged.


"Yu Haoran, it seems that your guess is correct. The Guliang family is determined to resurrect the ancestors of the Emperor Wuliang who created the Guliang family through blood sacrifice of millions of souls in the entire Leling city.

When instructing the second avatar to arrange the extinction array, Ta Ling also used powerful gods to monitor every move of the mansion, and just heard the dialogue between Gu Liang Mingquan and the elder.

Although I had long guessed Gu Liang's family's evil plan, Ta Ling was unwilling to believe that there would be such a heartbroken person in this world.

Now, hearing the patriarch of the Guliang family confess to himself and refuse to let the two Wuzu ancestors of his family refuse to let go. This makes the tower inspired by anger, and a chill rises in his heart.

Frowning slightly, Yu Haoran pondered for a while and asked puzzledly.

"Ta Ling, as you already existed in ancient times, you must have seen more evil scenes than this."

"Just a blood sacrifice for millions of souls, is it worth your anger!"

After hearing Hao Ran's questioning, Ta Ling froze a little, and a look of confusion appeared in his eyes.

Then he closed his eyes and examined his condition carefully.

After half an hour, he opened his eyes, and turned his head to look at the tower of his own body. A complex look flashed in his eyes.

"Taling, what happened to you?"

The towering spirit watched his own behavior, which made Yu Haoran feel a strange idea in his heart, as if there was a problem between him and his tower of natal domain, he could not help asking.

"Yu Haoran, don't ask, and don't use our previous agreement to force me, okay!" Looking back at Ta Ling, there was a bit of perseverance in his eyes and a request for relief.


I have never seen such a complex look in Ta Ling's eyes. Although he was eager to know what happened, Yu Haoran finally chose to respect Ta Ling's request instead of continuing to ask him why he had changed.

Later, Yu Haoran closed his eyes, while adjusting his state, while pondering his own plan to drive away tigers and wolves, to see if there was a flaw in it.

The towering spirit returned to the tower of the ontology domain, staring blankly at the tower of the domain, wondering what it was thinking.


It was because when Haoran perfected his plan, there was a sudden horror in Guliang Family House below the clouds.

This horrific momentum directly shattered all clouds within tens of thousands of meters above the mansion.

Fortunately, the towering spirit who felt the horror momentum in time immediately used his powerful divine thoughts to help him cover up the fluctuation of the breath and did not let the horror momentum just be found abnormal.

"Ta Ling, this is the momentum of Wu Zun's powerhouse!" Yu Haoran asked with a bit of dread, carefully feeling the destruction power contained in the momentum just now.

"Although it is the momentum of Wu Zun's realm, it is only the practice of entering Wu Zun's realm."

Facing Hao Ran's fear, Ta Ling said disdainfully.

"If you use the technique of possession, you will be able to perform the martial arts with marks of years and flowers ending, and you will have 70% certainty to kill him."

"Moreover, according to the speed of the momentum's rapid decline, the old guy who just woke up may not be able to live for too long."

As the evaluation of Ta Ling's disdain for the awake Wu Zun's peerless power has just ended, from the mansion below the cloud, another momentum that is slightly stronger than just now has arisen.

"Also an old guy who lived not too far away!"

Facing the rise of the second momentum, Taling's evaluation is still very disdainful.

"Two of them are the three-minded Zhun Wuzun's pinnacle practice."

Just when the second momentum of the mansion below the cloud was withdrawn, Ta Ling planned to remind Yu Haoran to leave here and stay in the surveillance formation in the Shuangniu Mountain Yiyuan Pavilion, and suddenly he felt familiar.

After carefully observing the origin of the familiar breath through the surveillance matrix, Ta Ling reminded Yu Haoran.

"Ta Ling, is it the law enforcement of the Qinglong family!" Yu Haoran asked with a hint of excitement.


Nodded, Ta Ling reminded by looking at the direction of Shuangniu Mountain through the space of the sea.

"At the speed of those two law enforcement officers, it will take up to two hours."

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