Destined Martial God

Chapter 1134: Yu Haoran, you dare to pit us! (One more)

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Guliang family, in the mansion!

After the disaster, the Hao Ran rushed directly into the house of the Gu Liang family while taking advantage of the attention of the ascendants of the Gu Liang family to release the two blue dragons. A courtyard hidden by the peerless strong.

"Two small reptiles, they also want to destroy my Guliang family."

Looking at the two blue dragons coming quickly, Gu Liangyueqiang sneered in disdain.

"Uncle, I think you are really impatient!"

Along with the scream of ridicule, he took out Gu Liangyueqiang, who was born with the sword, and directly cast a trick of Tianjie Sword to cut to the front dragon.

The other Emperors of Wuliang and Wusheng in the Guliang family joined forces to attack the second blue dragon that fell behind.

The Qinglong family law enforcers, who had been stunned by anger, did not notice the abnormality at all.

Seeing that someone dared to attack himself actively, the blue dragon who rushed to the front opened his huge dragon's mouth directly, and blasted a beam containing huge energy and emitting extremely high temperature salamander towards Gu Liangyueqiang.

At the same time, the swaying dragon tail directly met the sharp sword that was cut.


The swaying dragon tail was the first to break Gu Liangyueqiang's powerful sword qi formed by the heavenly sword.


The dragon's mouth, which contains the ultimate extreme power of the three martial arts Zunwu Zun, directly blasted Gu Liangyueqiang into countless particles.


The second blue dragon, which was attacked by many masters and powerful forces, was also a splash of the dragon's mouth, and then the dragon's tail was swung to resist the attacks of everyone.

Along with the strong roar, the seven Wusheng strongmen and eleven masters of the Emperor Wuhuang who attacked together were also blasted into powder by the sprayed dragon saliva.

"Who, who are the people who dare to kill my Guliang family!"

Just when the two law enforcement members of the Qinglong family easily killed Gu Liangyueqiang and others, a terrifying breath of Changhong came from the depths of the mansion.

Accompanying the horror, a white-haired old man with a dead candle appeared in front of the law enforcement.

"Guliang family, what is the relationship between you and Hao Ran?" The law enforcement officer who quickly recovered the body, immediately took out his natal weapon, a fist-sized stone seal, and then nervously looked at the white-haired old man and asked.

After all, the white-haired old man who suddenly appeared in front of him was a real Wuzun peerless powerhouse.

"You have n’t answered the deity yet, why did you kill my Guliang family members just now!"

Looking at the two blue dragon law enforcement officers who restored the body, the cold-haired voice of the white-haired old man made Gu Liang Mingquan and several elders who came later feel a sense of coldness.

"My name is Xuan Jiu, and his name is Xuan Shi. We are one of the four guardian families, the law enforcement officers of the Qinglong family." Looking at the white-haired old man, there was another peerless power in Wu Zun realm, and he claimed to be Xuanjiu's law enforcement personnel temporarily took away their pride and introduced themselves in detail.

After hearing Xuan Jiu's introduction, whether it was two white-haired elders who had reached Wu Zun's realm, or Gu Liang Mingquan and several elders in Zhun Wu Zun's realm, there was a hint of fear in their eyes.

After all, as the Guliang family that has been passed down for hundreds of thousands of years, they not only know the four guardian families of the Tianxuan Continent, but have also fought alongside them to understand and understand the power and horror of the Qinglong family.

"Old man Gu Liangxun met two respectful law enforcement officers." Cold as frost was replaced by a mild tone, Gu Liangxun Jun respectfully saluted.

Later, Gu Liangxun asked inexplicably.

"Two respectful law enforcers, why would you attack my Guliang family?"

"Yu Haoran violates the rules of the sky, commits great crimes, and takes pride in elder Xuan's orders, and comes to arrest!" Seeing the change of attitudes of everyone, Xuan Jiu reignited his inner pride, and said like a **** of nine heavens.

Then, indifferent eyes looked at the people of the Guliang clan, Xuanjiu asked.

"Say, what is the relationship between you and Yu Haoran?"

"Dear Law Enforcer, you must not misunderstand. Yu Haoran has nothing to do with our Gu Liang family!" Seeing Xuan Jiu misunderstanding the relationship between the Gu Liang family and Yu Haoran, Gu Liang Mingquan, the patriarch, quickly stood up. Explained.

"Then why did you stop us from catching Haoran?" Gu Liang Mingquan's explanation did not eliminate Xuan Jiu's inner doubts, and he still asked with indifference.

"Misunderstanding, absolutely misunderstanding!"

Thinking of Gu Liangyueqiang and others who had just been killed by Xuan Jiu and Xuan Shi, Gu Liang Mingquan could not explain his distress and depression.

"Actually, we have a life-and-death relationship with Yu Haoran."

"Because just nine days ago, Yu Haoran immediately vowed in accordance with the rules of the heavens and concluded an endless vow of blood luck with our Guliang family."

"What did you say!"

Hearing Xuanjiu's face changed suddenly after Gu Liang Mingquan mentioned the vow of qi and blood.

"What blood luck?"

"Dear Law Enforcer, I mean ...!"

Gu Liang Mingquan's further explanation had not been finished, and the sky over the mansion instantly became dark.

With the dark sky, a one-eyed eye without emotion fluctuated slowly in the eyes of everyone.

The original one-eyed eye without emotion fluctuated, after seeing Xuan Jiu and Xuan Shi floating above the mansion, a look of anger appeared in his eyes.

Along with the angry look emerging from the one eye, two thick purple lightning bolts quickly shot at Xuan Jiu and Xuan Shi.

"Old ten, quickly, come back to the family!" Seeing the purple thunderbolt shot by one eye, Xuan Jiu with a sudden change of complexion, immediately turned into a blue dragon, and reminded Xuan Shi his exhaustion.

Looking at Xuan Jiu and Xuan Shi who are turning into blue dragons, and intending to escape, the color of anger in one eye is stronger, and the speed of two purple thunderbolts is faster.

"Yu Haoran, you dare to pit us!"

When the purple thunderbolt quickly shot at Qinglong and began to annihilate his vitality, Xuanjiu's expression of sorrow and angrily raised a roar.


Accompanied by the angry roar and thunder, two blue dragons transformed into a distance of more than one kilometer were instantly transformed into dust under the bombardment of purple thunder and lightning.

Seeing the one-eye that emerged from the void, and the purple **** thunder that had just strangled the law enforcer, Gu Liangxun and Gu Lianglijun in the realm of Wu Zun immediately cast their seals, and quickly reduced their self-cultivation to Wusheng Jiupin. .

Glancing at Gu Liangyijun and Gu Lianglijun coldly, the one-eyed eye that had disappeared gradually disappeared into the void.

But at this time, in the depths of the Guliang family mansion, a sudden terror of the mountain shook.

Feeling the horror momentum coming from the depths of the mansion, Gu Liangxun Jun and Gu Liang Lijun's dark faces with sudden changes in face were not good, and they rushed to the position where the momentum had just erupted.

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